NoellBros., Proprietors. ' Home First: Abroad Next. $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XXVIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, Jan. 11 1911. No 2 : I : , ' THE RESE ARCH CLUB ENTERTAINS The Research Club, the young est of the women's clubs of the town, gave a reception on last Friday evening to the husbands of the members, and a few invit ed guests at the home of Mrs. J. A. Long. The entertainment consisted of music, reading and recitations, and it would be unjust to each were we to try to tell of the mar velous manner in which each one acquitted themselves, for as one followed the other we thought the last was the best. But we will say that really and truly each did themselves proud. The President, Mrs E. C. Dunlap, welcomed the visitors in a short well chosen address of welcome, which was followed by music, and readings and recita tions, closing by, what we believe we will be pardoned for saying was the best of all, an original poem by Mrs. J. A. Long. It seemed that; the muse was espec ially kind to her in preparing this poem for in beautifully sweet sentiment, though with an inkling of sarcasm occasionally, she told of the charms, of "our husbands'' and then paying her respects to the lawyers, the bankers, yes, and The Courier, she ended amidst the outburst of applause coining from every one present. After the intellectual man had been treated to such a feast as we rarely enjoy we were asked into the dining room and filled the inner man with dainties no less refreshing. Note you, that this was indeed and in truth an entertainment by the ladies for the benefit of the men, and no man had a word to say during the entire program save what he said on the side. The encores were many, though there was no response . In fact one of the husbands was mean enough to say that we must give each and every one a round ing sounding encore, for he had had his instructions before leav ing home. But of course, we know he was simply trying to even up because he had not had a chance to get off his little toast which he had prepared. The eyenin was thoroughly enjoyed by the husbands and at an informal meeting held by said husbands they decided to return ! long, fatter We Are mm And you will start the lew fear " and see if they could, in a measure repav tnem tor the pleasure of such an evening. Yes, just as soon as the men organize a club and build that club house on that beautiful site on the corner of Main and Depot Streets, they are going to entertain the Research Club. Davis Elkins Senator. Washington, D. C., Jan. 9.- TV T7IH .uttvis jejuna was sworn in to day as a Senator from the State of West Virgina. When he took his seat he was the third genera tion of his family to represent his State in the upper branch of Congress, being the eldest son of the late Senator Stephen B. Elkins. and the grandson on his mother's side of former Senator Henry G Davis. Incidentally he is the aby" of the Senate, being just 35 years old, men younger being ineligible to as sume the Senatorial togs. Neither Reached the Pole. Toledo, O., Jan. 9Royal Station, of New York, a student in the Western Theological Semi nary of Hudson, near here, has received a letter from the Article Circle written by "Mene" the Eskimo, who was with Peary on two dashes to the North Pole, declaring neither Peary nor Cook reached the pole, but that Cook went as far as anybody. He declares Cook is loved by all and Peary hated for his cruelty. A Sad Death. The members of the General Assembly and the community were shocked qr Sunday to learn of thedeajh vof Representative Stuart, of Montgomery county. He became ill on Saturday and was carried to Rex Hospital on Saturday afternoon for treat ment, His condition was more ciitical than was supposed. Mr. Stuart was a brave Con federate soldier, having lost a leg in the servicof his country. He Iwas a patriotic and useful citizen, faithful to every trust, true in every relation of life, and greatly beloved by all those who knew him, News and Observer. Wanted. Eight or ten farms of from 50 to 75 acres, partly improved. If vmi havp siinh for sale, see Roxboro Real Estate Sf Trust Co. m kind to "our wives Rea To You. For & Com FROM ROUTE 5. Prof. E. R. Noell and wife,, cf Helena, attended service at Anti och on last Sunday, and Mr. Noell led the singing which war well done and the Antioch Sinking Glas is proud of Mr. Noell as a fine inger. mr. j. w. unamDen, nas re turned to his old Route,VNo & We had no objection to Mr. S. H. Jones, who is a good man anct mail carrier, but it teems very natural to see Mr. Chambers bacfc on his route again. 1 The Cameron Farmer Union meets now at Helena instead of the Grove nchool house. The Un ion was in session on last Saturday and Bro. T. A. Noell, our very ef ficient .President initiated several new members and more will come in soon. Mr. EddiaMooney of Oklahoma and Miss Eva James, daughter of Mr. John James were united in marriage on last Wednesday night the 4th. They will reside in Okla homa. I. will give your readers my ser mon outline drawn from the fol lowing Text which we would all do well to live by. "Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting' Daniel 5; 27. I. God weighs us in His balance. 1. Of affliction. 2. Of trouble and sorrow. 3. By the loss of all things. 4. By His law book the Bible. II. The weighing time. 1. In life. 2. At death. 3. At the judgement III. Pride was ruinous" to Belshaz- zer, and it is nc friend to God's cause. 1 . Pride resists the Gospel. 2. Pride makes classes in society, 3. Pride causes bitterness. 4. Pride will blaspheme. 5. Pride would dethrone God. IV. Jesus in weighing men find some to be wanting. 1. In humility. 2. In obedience. 3. In charity. 4. In faith. 5. In courage. 6. In self respect. 7. In respect for others. 8. In appreciation. 9. In fear of God. - It was indeed sad news io is all to hear of the death of little Miss Nannie Lunsford daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lunsford which occurred on Jast Thursday night, which was the result of an awful bum. Nannie and her little brother Thomas were in the house,' while the other members of the family were out in the stripping room and her clothes ignited by aome cause, and before they could get to her rescue and extinguish the blaze har clothes had all burned off ex cept what was around her should ers. Nannie was about five years old and was a sprightly little girl. She was buried at her grandfather Lunsford's near Surl-on last Sat urday. Rev. E. Y. Usry filled his regu lar appointment at Antioch on last Saturday and Sunday and preached two good aermons. R. H. JONES. Thanks. I wish to thank all for the pat ronage given mt, and hopt they have been pleased with their deal ings, and I especially want to thank those who I have furnished rations , for coming in and pay ing upr Please call and settle at once, as I need the rooney in my business. : UnIess you doj this I will have to placo the accounts in the hands of an attorney, , - $J I Yours jruly, ' f " " Wf jfWINSTEAD. Store in Spring Hope Djnami ted. Naslitille. Jan. 9. Some un - known person or pernons placed dynamite under the brick store Of N. B. Finch, at Spring Hope early Sunday morning. . The ex plosion aroused most of the people of the town. The rear wall oil the atore was blown up and Windows in the building of W. W. Richardson & Go., near by. Were shaken out. A cat in . the Mneh stor was ldlle4 Nothing yas taken from thesHSore. I There is no clue txAheldentity pi the criminals, and no motive has- been assigned other ,than that some on wished to do Mr. finch damage. The crime has ben discussed fretly in the countytoday. Big Compromise Money. Washington, Jan 7. Collector Loeb, of New York, it is said, is holding four hundred thousaud dollars offered to the Government by New York im porters for compromises of civil liabilities in the so-called "Undervaluations Case." Seceta ry McVeagh and the Depart ment Justice have not decided whether the money will be ac cepted. To Save Each State. Washington, Jan. 6. The Con gresssional re-apportionment, under the new census figures, of increasing the membership of the House to 433 was the plan tentatively favored by the House Census Committee today. This figure wuld protect each State rom diminished numerical rep resentation. "Yellow Fever" Volunteer Gets Rich Reward. Washington, Jan. 6. 'John R. Kissinger, the Indiana volunteer soldier who allowed himself to be bitten by yellow fever mos quitoes during the first Ameri can occupation of Cuba, to de monstrate the theory of mos quito infection, was granted an annuity of $72 a month today by the House of Representatives. Starvation Threatens Three Tionsand Babies. Chicago, Jan. 6. Five thous and "strike babies" are threaten ed with starvation. The milk fund for supplying nourishment to babies of the striking garment workers will be exhausted tompr row and means must be had im mediately to continue the sup ply. Newspapers Now To Go By Airship Rote. Los Angeles, Jan. 7. Delivery of newspapers by areoplane is scheduled for tomorrow when Didier Masson will fiy from this city to San Bernadino, sixty miles, carrying an editon of a local paper. f W. E. ASHLEY l have bought out the grocery business of Mr. H. J, Rogers and will conduct a grocery busi ness in the ame stand, and will be gM my friends gpve me, a portion of their business 1 sMat all times carry a foil line of fresh groceries, and with right prices andgoodgoods' lione to merit a portion of your trade, I Raleigh News and Observer; ! You cannot lose the circuit rider If ne hasn't the money to buy a : horse, he walks. If he ccmes to a river that has no bidge he swims. Nothing stops him. In Georgia, so tne uonsurttion says, a cir cuit ridir' goes to his appoint ments and to see his members in, an automobile. The next thing you hear there will be a:. circuit rider with a flying machine car rying hii converts straight tb heaven before they fall from grace. For Rent. . - A tract of land containing !8 acres, adjoining Weldon Clayton and others, for rent to the highest bidder on 1st Monday in Febru ary, 19il. D. W. Bradsher, Receiver. Just Received: One car of ceiling. One car of flooring, One car of shingles. Watkins & Bullock. DOWN GO THE PRICES ON Copyrijlit 1910 The House of KuppenteimF? Chicago ot the seasons smartest styles at prices iar below ordinary. Come to-day. . BERMAN & LIPSHITZ. Jones Hotel Building. 30E f o Youif You Owe Is It s Time to Pay Up-High Time; Our books are a mute evidence to us that many of you haven't done this and that you have begun the New Year in debt. Every account made in 1910 was due on or before Jan. 1st unless you ) had an explicit understanding that it was to stand longer. Now may we urge each of you to settle at once. Your account with us may be small, but if you will consider that a great number of small sums taken together make a large one you .will understand why we urge you to pay a small account just as ; much as a large onb If you received a statement irom us tms weeK it means mat you owe us the amount indicated thereon and that we want you to pay it. They are hot . sent as an insult nor intended inahyvilo wound your feelings, but as a imtterof ibusiiess whi&f can't 'beerlo'okedJ We hdpe? to have an early response from every one of you; A Good Investment. We are offering for sale to quick purchaser two houses1 and one va cant lot in the town of Roxboro. One 5 room house ith hall. two porches and pantry. One 4 room house with hall, two porches and pantry. Also one vacant lot, all of these lots are large, 80 feet front and 285 feet deep, and are in & desira ble section, with good-well of wat er on one-lot. The houses are new and painted. 1 Being so desirably located - arc always rented ta desirable tenants and at price asked pays about 'ten per cent on investment. - Let us show you. - ' Farmers Loan & Trust Co. Notice to Stockholder. There will be a meeting of the siockholders of the Peoples r Bank held in the office of the BankJ on Jan.. 16, 1911. at 12 Vclock. J. S. Bradsher, Cashier. WANTED Second hand bags and burlap. Write for prices, i Richmond Bag Company, Richmond, Va . Ready Made Garments for LADIES and GENTS. Right now is the best time oi the whok reason to get a new Suit, Cloak or Ov ercoat. Assortments are now good, you know what 1 styles are, best, and prices have reached the lowest limit. Don't delay, come at once and get vour Dick n 30E r VJ Vr-.. ,.j w, i '.V jot IOC .p.

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