r- 1 1 1 - , V 1 sf f t '4-- Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home Fitst: -Abroad .Next. 1 ' tmt hnfr):;ttioS'.lf?t moil '"'v r? vltR?!vo7-' voffnnT ..- -T VOL. XXVIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROtlAv Wjs&mym 18. 19U. - : r?l ft i-T.A ?, ji lor i3'?ooq riUfn ierii . - M -in. f ,.j).f v . ?V j , ' " rsrtB m--z$. fc&y ANNUAL MEETING OF BAKK. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Peoples Bnk held their 20th ; aaxrbal meeting last Saturday, and ;tos, .called vto order by the President, Mr. Ji A. Long. - , . ; . The report of the Cashier j. Mn J. S. Bradser, was .read; y :tHe President. This report howed a net earning for the.pusi. yet of a little over 18 per cent. The report of the Examining Committee was tiiL'read to the stockholders by the: secretary, This committee gtated that hid made a very1 iihrougli'eir' animation of .the bank,, and ;in their opinion found the affairs of, the institution in a good ondf-H The stockholders voted to in crease the Board of Directors from nine to thirteen, ten of whom were elected, and the rem aining three vacancies' FelngUft to the new ' board '-of rdireetors" to elect. The following. rcojistitutQ the new board a& elected' by tli stockholders; J. A. Long, A. J. Hester.. A R. Foushee,; fBa Brooks, C. G. Read, Jno, A. Noell, W. H. Harris,' T;C. Hum phries, J. A. Long, Jr., W.. E. Webb. The President called a meet ing of the Directors beheld! S atu r day Jan. 21st, for the pur pose of electing theofficers of the bank for the ensuing .ai and to declare the annual dividend. - This is one the eldest business institutions in town, and has had a remarkably successful career from its organization, which is very flaettering to thef officers, Young Wanted 4 Nearly every business matiiii Rich Square and; irt most every other town hassfboen watchmg the boys and y ouhg m en 5pfJ t&ir acquaintance for" several months with aview to employing one or more at -: good fftgesf.jfor 1 ft-! f" if " year. The young men bad company, mpke cigarettes and get drunk-: are sliunned tiOt wanted to serve' in responslbie1 places. We happen to know that several good business men lhave puzzled about whom to " employ. They want steady young- ? ment and these are in dcrniand. fch Square Times..; f fj k 1 1 !; ; H- I 1 -Z-H f'9 ; . - I : .; Hi' ?Or AflTTf VJCuJ. ' . .. .:' in ' 1 '? ' : ' t 4 4 o3pi . II r II if 'JI 11 J : I increase Should be Given. The bill calling for an crease of salary for-e"-OTeWor of North -Carolina- should passr - It cannot be charged as a partfzae measure, because an .advance in salary could not applr to the pre sent incumbent. It - could became effective with" the next gpvernor,, .and whether that Chief executive would' ty- a1 De mocrat br Republican would be J or the people to say, and they would say, too, before the "in crease has placed in ef fepThe p3resenfsalaryot$4lQ00tper an nttmiis too small for Itfiejgreat State of Torth CaroRna" tdiive its governor rBoth. par tiesishould want to' raise the'pay.'VWilming ton Dispakih. 11 . Sibley And Masters, In Tbe Toils ; Japkson, - Miss. . Jan. l4.?ln default of bail in tbe-r7rsuir of $5,000 each, I. C. Sibley' arid' H. J. Mastf xsl who were '"airfested here orinBharges of Xising the I mails .with 4ntenfc, ta defraud in uuuucowuU'-wiiH iiit; pruujutiuu of a .concern known as the Al- belnarlfejBevelopment Company, were remanded to jail here to day to await orders of ' Federal Judge Niles for transfer of the cases to the jurisdiction of .the United States court for the western district of North Caro lina. ; i - '- i Charleston News and Courier: The Ohio. Democracy appears to have done a creditable piece of wori: iiisending .Lieutenant Governor Atlee Pomererie to the United. States to succeed Mr, Dick. The choice of Mr. Pomer nej ifflaid to metwith Qfifft tior Sir m on?s iieai feMlappfptal and sp5far aswebayiaj iipiedj;op inion appears to bunanimous thathe Sepatqfeeject is in all iiesct&admitahtf qualified for tbi ogitioii!: I f t Col. W. J. Hicks Dead. n one 0IU , : - 7 w r,chief of poUce;..pf 4ayetevUle,, K,fwfm :Kaleigh,;4aii; inCol 4 teiing of a married; man (whose who5 Tk6efc Hicks for many s.:sUrrm- n .fth- tendant of the Masonic orphan age aOxfordi butiately;? .resign ed, died suddenly this morning at his home in that place. Wanted; i I Hi 1 1; -;V j Eight or ten farms of from 50 to 75 ;-acreSj r -"partly improved. I F s vou hav,such Jor .salejsee J ;r RMfe S&l 'WstfQf u f f - .--f ' " ? t : T ? Jr. L. "i 7 V -V.'.-:-.. e .D'fl fiPfijijJflSOIA-Ya. H YV tlX-- - 1 i 11 U. . - ' -" V. i "- ''-'..-x 1.-T ! , Il Tf ArinnTTim nTT-Q tevflPUJYsialso .feaceci , i M M M ' U tMund mealsaiattoi! ) M FI I KH P ! rv f lished if wantedPleniMf unadul itb' lKfi&ii? 'M l- -a AeraydNhiarrmfiran' with "A1 " ' : : ii i. mt s -. '-. '-.4 , " The1 big' trusts are. .''tioytjim their &ood behavior; fThjtSup-. reme Court iiow has.rbfdreit t h e Stan d aid Oil?'aTd VL'-i-vi . .ft To b a e co -' TnrstBiiWs, Sincethose caesbegM "Uie lower courts1 oothu ir&ts:oHaW lower courts - both- tottsts-havej beh'-to their;'g66d rbe ON THEIR GOOD 'BEHAVIOR; ' They fear tfteupreme-UourtattdaifehsanaeasitmemoTiefi fnf Washington -siL&d 3 sioni In his1 argument feeforetiie Supreme CourtHn 1heX)il fftuii case?, 4 Mr - Kellogg: .' speaking' against the trus declared ; 'ar of thbjSf seCuldnWthe only1 ! tMng'thSt makes the Standard11 Oil f!cotti- nai;on approxrmaxeiy conser vative. Take away the fear-of ifer law, and every ' rival concern in this-country YfilLfescKMec; five years. Apprehensionj r&loge has kept, :the . Standard . HitjZfc bonds. Remove , the .,-jdreadvpf prosecution, i wfa jtfee -; Stan6r . I will expand it courser piuuirf ait; practices x and persecnti,on ff removal of its- power fp.r;,evH is4 the. only . . safeguard-, v ,tor s , p he j future J? ' ifii .:: c: Exactly so.- The tobacco trust, has been paying more for tobac co this year's than last year. Why Becau se of the case :, in , . . ;th Supreme Court anJ. for Jear. "at the ; North, Crolpa - Jjegislaturfl Tjp.fc thfi iSunreme Court .fail. to dissnlvA thft trust and ,the jLel?reunf mm?" " lure.iau.w) pass ,an efpcejcpiy, 'iT S 1 c - - withprovisions;brerci and the predirCUon of ; Mr, . Hex- Iogg will coine true not;pny;to the tobacco and qii trusts .ut to all like combinations. Sfews ;and Observer. r.t -i Wife Deserter. .r Wilson, Jan. 16. Saturday night last,; ? o ser; ,(ipng5distance 'phone, . .. Wjlson, polka, head quarters was. called,: up. tyrnth3. name the Wilson . . .officers ... could -r1- . i i 'i -l i mi 1 not catch; who.naa eii nis r wue in a Fayetteville hotel, and, elpp-J ed witii a.ypung,, lady. r On rJthe arrival of the. midnight -train,. UT; vv::::Hl: r the runaways, but the,y failed to show up, .rThey i.ther left .the tra;n before, rechingr,Wion ana Tynt ' . in, . another , , Mr.ectlpT qr,T aoubled. on their route i fc- . j E$ Found Guilty. 'i i caSl. A'fte'r six" Eours'.'of "Actual ..... j C.rv.-rr .-3 -ff ! V; f i it: ; 2-' ' ' ' J work, elghTmTnufes" of. '." deKber; ation.aiid'a yerdet pf piltx M th'miur dating Miss"&ttie' Sah: ders, o(L!&steiDDeceinher 19, Nathnontaguewas; sentenceil i tb; death m-ejectricenchairf b,rury ifbjy Judge rKjWv fNard thiS;aifcernopnr;;g K .-mm FprSale. rlrhayfti fojilsale-rl fatifat 3wn? plrjns 4O0:?1fT5ls,pf cifnftQ) nnun as, ot . nav... , naiea . . or, . loose. shuliicti IHifirhiihWMecdedf reasonable, J. A. LONG. P "iefiavifiustftfiefieffliiarWd Wiorkers abaui ths best JoLof nbr- - - " - f, - of 2?td. size and fare fgooa workers. If m need come in and take a looLat our stock ' . Clayton & Stewart. Prices CuriiDgliam &n(TWdbilbunit : : Tbe.holidaysKhavftr .com,. and gobringinicjoyr: and i countless gift to- oorpoblend f many: fam-" ily.ou'nions have-'taken? enlace f brining'iogetheridte loved1 ones. scaiteredhrdad1' overujuriano' tor thedeafri oid 'sneinbaUowed raiso-- HnviBUb&'sopcf iloo16cff fforaooxf Iviibbnght saftidpationiclbnman morejsuchr njoy om i jgatheringsl nn tbe future:' our ke'cttori noihfyffb'ffifcJ 6r Ki--fudie sacred joys7 ofiUc festive occasion , no disorder ly corn dnct "hb brawls dr'drunkefi 1car6tlsals; r but rpeateon ! earfli -3antl good ' wiif to xiic i-uiiuays wcic vciy uuict ill nfen,rVas universaffn' but !com4 munity - we saw bnfy" one maiir arair under 'iWe influence f Strong dfmk.' i " Your'CorfesDorident" sbentv the greater pornon oi . a mas in as well CCvnty ynth. relatives ano J MiT nJiw cab J';t'c I The young peorle up there had several partresantT" sociables and enjoyed themklves-hugely. ' -Wehad jhe pleasure of Col. Guningham?scompanykst Sabbath and nlshr arM; Wportibri;6f next day, he was in ! good r; spirits "ana very cheermlpheis; bis Hew3 hbmeln1 We!st-:Durhanj,: speaksn highly : of Ms -neighbors ; lWel tetl'kfiow; ar tfhcle ; with nnfirrihnia htf KM'Tlra." aadBria He is WowCry p'M rhn !.iatiotit :7 year's; old, jaritl SMobcfede s6Mery-''iiSSLhim 'Mon doy.! HB hs IwffenWBfli cnuuren. -L I J , ... Miss John Bass returned last Sabbath to her school at Alliance Hall;! Miss :r aricls has fceercifigfit rhuch indisposed .hefdreandr diirJ -Mr r Topi Iran Jias Ibeea confined to her room and;ihed'ior seyeralo-weeks.-.we heps, r. ,sh.e.,.will .; -ii f I XK.i ii'., "v1y':'-!..;i'v;'- soon rcoyen aer- usual . nctn. n A 1 ,WaregrimJearJikn,Mr1;. bert -iWarreV . ; Qut-r popular , friend.' and mercnantwi iciose.nis.Dusmess at Cuningham ontlie 1st or marcn and move to his place hear Chub iLaeoBntiiJcnlfrminW all! mretutQ to himo$r5mor i .ffife merain(blisilr ib!Mnmdeluninrr Mt1 Another Br6p(rf4Mdo?ff hop. edpurirese;fiM fegittReMwIl f;ehat:ini)trSisniaw 'hlhiskume: Mith 4th m'fitn sMd hOif iaiPu far?mcrs-ome Mededrreljeii from its tenibie:He3tacttftns;o oi Dsifiroi Wishing you Messrs v;gdiwa,f a prosperous: miiiizim-m suDstantiai grQWn,,an peopcku llamas ey-r. P6 jv;C? vRi)f S New. Bern' -Sun: One ot .TTit "Most foolish things a person can g eat njanvr .. hstances LV tob eavin 'anything Trpm1 spur it'frWnSrftaiik. omer equaiiy uiisaie HlaYg it may be stolen Qr Duxnea: akSnisr j-tojy i5ig reaucnon m oven - 1 nrddub nrrf t4f hp RivClA - Ffflr Sfle SCor or Wood g . n ' .. 1A. S - mm HAJ iW'4"i mP A Mvlm if injur- ;.W. -Satterficia.;E aeaa.an.aatnira negroes are said to have been I oeTfcHSSo a 4fiek1rifepifeAlvi'ti.aSA 'these i .jt f i r.i n . i it . i i Democratic caucus here' tonight William F. enan was nomt- nated for to sMed4SliiiMlewm The final vote resulted as fol- , FarmejiaijpaaiE; MusiaEoi lows: Sheehan 62: '.70000 . Hernck. 7. SheeEan recewed, ,?D-?cnd hand ba lour more than, neccessary fertr" 1TJ. .. majority. . isssssss iMjiygf . ill i- y i'vjfa'nie to-day. r " vy -a i - ' v v tTITn jones notei 5uilding. 30E Not after the; -(jilt, 8tTiiaW t 1 1 f( m'iLji ir i tit i " mxiwku uj tfl HLltt 111 1 WWTi 1 - II if Ml 111 U Mm; JMII II - I rV. ill if ff Ub-fm 111 G J a rrf n-Ji" I !. ' .' .i i- W v.' ? n",,""l"iri'1''"-- iignt uuw wiHioueeaanemr we 9S J9ru Jot4oaonahle mer- iiuii U1NH 1 H1KU 40 Ladies Cloaks regulaafpricesdM ltojl6.50 35 Ladies Suits if II (II " v- Hear-Em Sing 'fO - V - E - R - CO - A - T - it whistlethixrtMI as tli wfng1 Oiftneir I I r qc f ho hToo'7a cIqttic thbiyRhTm si looa nt teiotziaM l 1 :--16iaftSliife0dK!XTSr as it gets ready to .'freeze inthe pipej?; faQS JI 30E o u: i two porcnes anafianityj "iwt tuwu wvu ur -vran" ni . ,e.!"e3mM(8! aiways rcnxca-io-ucsrraoieTeTfan ten mWs mW9&iPM PimnnH ya SOBWBf 1 AJDS.! 1 t . 4 M a 1 if 5' t now is IimJ tim? of the whole season i S K 5 III flPF O nour ifcorOv- V 1 fl z WW lift; TOTC t I - 1 rt W Co? ruin-it' - x-utiercoaiH' u UJ- X I - JttlyffiOQaf Aril rmmmbmammi .r:v r'rv. rrAtv rAr! r r . y -4Vi iH' i1 raVM 'h'artit.b .u'g43 "'T' '...! I... . lLl.li unjumj . i r raa 30E . jm wrr . ii - J . Ji 10Y1S r - B ft. ' S. Jul? ''"ssn season -lssbibtffcl I ON " " ; yinUL fiTSl 10l fiOfllO 212 1 01 ROKES S ;? mm ningeno w .v 4 f 3 OFF , , r 1 7 d i 9 1 yb M ni BV1 yi ;