' I " ''' ,'-'r:''it'''tiji -i . ' " ' '-'" Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home First: AbioacLNext. 00 Per 'Year in Advanc e VOL. XXVIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, ' Wednesday Evening, Feb. 1 1911. No 5 NEAR BEER LED TO FEARFUL TRAGEDY. Durham, N. C, Jan. 18, A fatal fight between G. H. Dove and Joe Roycroft, near Benehan last night, led to the arrest this morning of Dove and his bind ing to court- without bail this afternoon on charge of murder. Near-beer can claim the credit. In a little shanty eight by ten, the men quarrelled oyer a trivia lity last night and Dove shoved Roycroft to the floor. As he came up both men drew knives, but Dove was too quick. They shook hands and drank to peace, Dove paying for Roycroft's bot tle of beer. As Dove turned to walkout, Roycroft struck him with a beer bottle and severely injured him. Dove called for a doctor and remarked that "feoy croft was walking across the fields, but he was, staggering to his death. The dead man presented a horrible picture of dying des peration. He had seized his sever ed juglar vein and apparently tried to stop the flow f blood. One witness testified that he cried murder and accused Dove. The disappearance of William Lewis today lends to the suspicion that Lewis acually stabbed Roycroft as the wound was on the right side and Lewis is reputed to left handed. The near-beer establishment had been licensed, but one week. It doubtless caused the fight of two long time friends. There is considerable interest in Granville because both were of means Roycroft having a large family besides. THE MID-WINTER MEETING. Church Celebration. Charleston, S. C, Jan. 28. St. Michael's Episcopal church The senior editor and Mrs. Noell spent one day last, week with the (quill drivers in Winston- S Q 1 fk m ntfnvi .4.1 HTi "1 TTT- , oi-ieiiumg me iviia-vv inter meeting of the North Carolina Press Association. The business meetings were of an interesting character and enjoyed by all present The social features were pre pared by the citizens of that hustling twin city, and were all: that any one could wish for. j There was nothing left undone j 'that would add to the pleasure cf the visitors. - j Wednesday evening there was! an enjoyable musical recital ft that celebrated school, the Sjak m Female Academy, and it was a most delightful affair, showing mat this institution was still holding to its well earned .repu tation as a musical school. At night the citizens had pre pared an elaborate banquet for the editers. A delightful light course supper was served 'which was intersporsed with short, witty and interesting spee2hes. Mr. J. L. Ludlow, theHPresiaent of the Board of Trade was toast master, and he was equal to the occasion. To he president of the Board of Trade, to Mr. J. SIKuykendall its secretary, and to Mr. H. B. Gunter, editor of the Journal, I Wait for Us think she is a fine teacher. : A Good Investment v borne of the girls in this I sec-r We: are offering for sale to quick tion say they had rather see the pi rchaser two" houses and one va Courier come in everv Fridavl cam lot in the, town of Rojtboro. than to see their fellow! . One 5 roam house ith. hall. evening than to see their fellow every Sunday. It is certainly a welcome guest iri Dur home. .J"Sister SaHie' Columbia;Record: Senator De pew's swan sodg imhe United States Senate had an unfortunate theme. Opposing the election of senators by direct vote of the peo ple, the retiring Senator gave ex pression to his views at a time when the legislature of his State is deadlocked sver the selection , of his s uccessor-one of the argu ments recently advanced, - 'in concreie reform, for the reform which Mr. Depew opposes. two porches and pantry. One 4 -room house with hall two porches and pantry. - Also one vacant lot, al of these lots are large, 80 feet front and 285 feet deep, and are in a desira ble section, with good well of wat er on one lou The houses are new, and. pain ted. Being, so desirably ..located are always rented to desirable tenants and at price asked pays about ten ner cent on investment. Let us show you. Farmers Loan & Trust Co. ; WANTED -Second hand ba and burlap. Write for prices. Richmond Bag Company, Richmond, Va Wj t EZ3 BA lor FtTi eL t iliO W Mali da W WisLi WcLsL 3 45 i MRS. SCHENK liETS WHIFT OF, Mr. x Arthur Gravett was the i THE AIR OF FREEDOM AGAIN, guest of Miss Emner Walker - v : last Thursday night. Wheeling, W. Va. Jan. 28. j Mrs. John Whitt is on the sick I g Keleased on her own recog- list rhis wpV Kn hp win ennn . ' -s- w k j s my UliW TT 111 UVUU DOWN-GO THE PRICES ON Ready Made Garments for LADIES and GENTS. niza.ncp. Mrs. Tjaura Farnworth ha. wril nr.-,n much is due for the elegant en- 0 , 111, n 1 , !. J J . . , .. . , Schenk left her cell m the tur- Mr and Mrs lohn Perkins SnTecir11 VlfltrS this morninglspent Saturda Wut ! t enjoyed the open air for the j Gentry's. m vy uiv.uiuia!ftrst time November 9. were quatered at the Zinzendorf ! , , arrested on the Hotel and v the were most' de-! . : "i,.. millionaire husband, John O. Schenk. light puliy entertained. Will t ESMERALDA The Last Lyceum Number will be at The Auditorium February 11, 1911. PERSONS IN THE HLAY. ESMERALEA, A timid little ' North Carolina girl. ; LIDDY ANN i 10US. )morrow celebrate the hun dredth and fiftieth anniversary of its opening to divine service the first service having been held on February 1, 1761. Thre? inter Psrino cprvir.ftc will mark the oc- castori. Bishop Guerry and other j OLD MAN ROGDRS, The dear l ll I T I' A I Kinaiy oia iamer. DAVE HARDY, Esmeralda's Sweetheart. THE MARQUIS DE MON- taret for federal gun- LESSEN, A cold-blooded Paris- ners four shells striking the ma- ;n adventure P on. ; ntfrottTC HRFA. a. New York sonry. The eartnquaKe oi iq&o seriously damaged the edifice. But her real enjoyment of out- I doors was cut very short, for just as she was about to step in to the automobile of her lawyer, Joseph O'Brien a process server stepped up to her aud shoved i i l prominent enurenmen iaiung park The mayor and aldermen, will at tend in a body. During the siege of Charleston the tall steeple was ; a favorite speculator. 3 Dnn-cDn into her hand papers summoning iitir in el suiu iui ausuiuic uivuicc in which her husband names as correspondent Dan Philips, the 'young society blood" who, dur ing the trial which just ended,' admitted that he and she were guilty of misconduct on mid night ''joy rides-while the hus j band was away in Europe. The divorce suit will be heard, It is said here, bofore the echoes of the poison trial, in which the jury disagreed, 11 to 1 for ac quittal, have died away, Mrs. Schenk undoubtedly will make a big fight for alimony. i if ! f S. IS A in spent! $ Wre. we can cave you money and can furnish log and Field Fencing, in any height and at right prices Call on us for Steel and Galvanized Roofing. 4" - - . Have just gotten in a CAR and can give you good quality. " took Miss Pauline Neal home 1 Friday from her school. He calls himself auite a finorf drivWi twn , attending her. - - - - " B . w w Roxboro, Route No. 2. The farmers in this sec tion are busy burning their plant land and cutting their wcod. The young people in this section seem to have a jelly time since Christmas. Mr. Henry Whitt was a caller at Miss Inez Woody's last Sunday. Mr. Z. V. Walker, of Clarks ville, Va., has teen in the neigh borhood shaking hinds with his friends. Mr. W. J. Jones, of Semora, Miss Blanch Whitt spent Satur night with Miss Maude Whitt. Mr. Henry Reagan and Mr, Charlie Buchanan were the guests of Misses Hallie and Inez Woody last Saturday night. We ere sorry to see Mr. Ste phen Gentry -leave our neighbor hood. I know he will be missed by all of his friends. Miss Mollic Bet Morris a few days last week with Misses ; ll Jennie, Mary and Thelma Woody. Mr. Sam Dunn is right lonesome ! this week, he hasn't anywhere to go his girl is not at home. j Miss Ethel Woody spent Satur-1 day night with Miss Nin Carver, j Mrs. G, D. Woody spent last1 week with her cousin, Miss Min nie Hall, near Woodsdale. Right now is the best time ol the whole season to get a new Suit, Cloak or Ov ercoat. 0 : Assortments are now good, yoii know what styles are, best, and prices have reached the lowest imit. Don't dlay, cam lit once and net vmir Vk the seasons smartest styles at prices far below ordinary. Come to-day. BE R MAN & LIPSHITZ. Copyright 1910 The House of Kuppenteuaf? Chicago Jones Hotel Building. News From Semora, Route No. 1 . The Christmas holidays passed off quietly in this section and yet the people seem to enjoy them selves fine. . The farmers are very busy getting up plant land. ' The Farmers Union in this neighborhood have twenty-one members, and new ones come in at every meeting Miss Ethel Crowder is teaching our shool this session and all the pupils seem to like her fine. I think she is an excellent young teacher. Mr. S. S. Soloman has been quite sickeyer since7 Christmas? but is improving a little now. Mrs. S. D. Soloman ' is Tery sick but her friends hope to . sec 10L IOC We begin to-day a clearance sale which means money saved by every one who makes a purchase. The goods offered have all been arranged on bargain counters and marked in plain figures. They have been priced at such a low mark that we can't afford to charge them and terms will be - CASH ONLY. The following goods are offered 500 yards assorted woolne dress goods 200 yards regular 10 cents gingham for 200 51 - 10 cent flannelette for 1000 " " 7'cent calico for 1 lot torchon lace worth 5 to 7 cents for Long, Braclslier & Co horses. Miss Jinnie Woody is in tovn this week visiting her sisttr, Mrs. J. W. Brooks. . . ; Mr. and Mrs. S, L. Walker, ile and Mrs. H- T, .Clayton, and Jrtr. Jessie Walker s pent several days in Glarksville last week: v Mr. A. R. "Woody hadhis-cut- f ting last Friday and Mr. Eugene . Q'Briant was so glad to get to .gd he was up about all night getting his axe in shape. . - . , They have just completed a new school house in this section for the colored people. MrvW. G. Rogers was the builder,, ht is quite a good carpenter, and completed this building in ?ix days. ' Miss Ethel and Claudie Gillispje were the guests of Misses Lelia and Hattie Barker on last second Sunday. - Mrs.N HarrisonV has charge of the school in woodsdale No. l ; this year and all of her pupils : Q o o I u embroidery i i u u M M U 8 to lOcenb for 5 cents . . 8 to 10 cents foe 12 1-2 cents for 15 to 20 cents for 6c 7c 5c 3c yd,, ' 5c yd 3c yd 5c yd 8c yd lOcyd 98 c ca $L50 4 $250'' 12 ladies tailored waists $125 for 6 - " ' - $2.50 for 3 " x ; s $3.50 lor .12 regular $1.75 cotton blankets lor - $L25 Barerain lots of shoes for men;r women and children. All ladies suits and cloaks 1-3 on u iirnesejareDiff Darsrams. n! n . ... .. . . vs. -' v:; ? uM : zzioi zzDifolH Iji v'1 ! -'Jr' 13: .11 .A .-: ; j -! . ' : ' "'if i .11 r 4 ' ii .7 St-. 1 ' V 1- I ',1 f w 1