(: v ' - : -. ; ti" -., . . ' - - 7 , v , 1 : . ffli? il"iltf1? Itftftil " (Qjfn111TTPff:P " Noell Bros. , Proprietors. Home First: Abroad Next. $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XXVIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, Feb. 15 toll. I t NaT I. - - - -I MURDERER WEST IN THE TOILS Fayettevitle, N. C, Feb. 11. Lewis West, the murderer want ed in Wilson, wls captured at Maxton last night. He admitted ; he was the man wanted and was carried to Raleigh, via Hamlet, this morning. Sheriff Sharpe, of Wilson, and Sheriff Mc Ceaony, of Cumberland, went to Maxton this morning, witH several officers, and identified him Last, night the negro enter-1 List of Nominees I o-Day. Great Interest Manifested in The Cour- ier's Great Prize and Popularity Contest. Mrite 0 WiA a Subsection. A Good Beginning i lomises a jooq Ljnamg. Degin Lariy and Win Une ol The Magnificent Prizes Oifered. The Contest Manager will be Found in The Courifr olfice, Tuesday' and Saturday Evening from 1 p. m. to 8 p, m. Come in and get Acquainted. 10,000 BONUS VOTES was recognized by the owner, who stepped out the back door and notified the police, who covered him with guns and pis tols, as he emerged from the front door. With his supper in his hand, ho made no resistance. When searched there was found on j Each candidate turning in a subscription new or old, for one him nine pistols and eight rounds i year or more, betweemiow and February 21st, at 8 p. m., will be of cartridges. He said the negroe awarded a Ten Thousand Extra Vote Ballot in addition to the reg now in the penitentiary were the ular schedule. No more than one will be awarded to each candi- u- 4.u aace. ei ousy ana secure wiese extra votes. Olios Willi iuuj w ue ii Liie iiiuiuei was committed. He left them at Sehna. He confessed entering a store at Dunn but not at Fay etteville Safe in the Penitentiary Raleigh, N, C, Feb. 11 The nearo West was landed in the p.-iitentiary at Raleigh afternoon j AVOmerL received by The Roxboro He v -as caught near Maxton last Courier in response to the pub- 1 . 1 L t i. T !-'.... ! 1 1 o kI IILILV LllVCil H iuiiiuuui,tun.uu Owing to the unexpectedly large number of nominations made many new ones arriving in today's mail, it has been found impossi ble to publish today the entire list of nominees. The full list how ever, appear in subsequent issues of THE COURIER, Four gue. Hundred Deaths Daily From Pla- .hv. Manchuria Feb, 11 A; The number of nominations" Of I be on in earnest, and interest well known and popular young .will increase each day. This will be the only election held this year, or next where you can "stuff the ballot box" that the five successful ones in and vote early and often" the voting contest are to be The Contest Manager will call given handsome free prizes, is on the contestants as soon as an indication of the intense in- j possible, but with such a larebfe?h you with all the aid and in to roc t tl-mt hns bppTi amused spot equalling Fudzmdian t M territory hjs b,ca discovered m Assikho, , b Roxboro.s represen- Lliin:;. forty miles eastof here. Qnr, ;a n,H. I cal evidence that the pleasure I giving value of the intended ; prizes is appreciated by those 1 who have sent in their names. There is an average of four hund red deaths there daily. The pla- also appeared at the of Blagovioshtchensk. .skm regiments are patroling ;e Russo-Chinese frontier. 1 0:is .bv.rbs list of popular ones, it will take some time to see them. If pos sible, call at the office and get one of the subscription books, also valuable information as to the bsst way to secure votes. Relief Vcom IviH d'cc Jneys and bladder, and ." savsMrs. Cora Ihorp, Kidney Trouble lished today. Look qver the list an acme attack of '-(1 Pick out a favonte' or ter ase with inflammation . clip out the nomination oauot, till it in, and enter the race. The Mich. "A bottle of Foley'. P"8S are worul , -vPa k and vicinity think well ot -their neighbors at any rate their's no dearth of favorites, and the "one best bet" would-be difficult to select. From now on the Contest will Remedy over-come attack, reduced the inflammation, toeh away the pain and (made the bladder action normal. 1 wish every one could know of this wonderful remedy." Morris-Webb Drug, Co. imm yfywwg it we can cave you money and can furnish 1 FT .1 1 IP-- m ana neia irencins, in any height and at right prices. Call on us for Steel and Galvanized Roofing. v J Have just gotten in a CAR and can give you good quality. Long, Bfadsher & Co. IS YOUR NAME IN THE LIST. Many names have been enter- The first list of nominees in ed in the Contest, Some have Great Popularity Contest is pub- been entered by themselves while others have been nominat ed by their friends, Ali have the same opportunity to win one of the valuable prizes. The winners will be the ones who hustle the hardest and do not overlook a chance to..secure a subscription. Be a hustler: it costs you noth ing but a little effort. EARLY NOMINATIONS BEST. Now is the time to make nominations, at the very begin ning of the Contest. The candidates who enter promptly hare a great advantage over those who enter late in the Contest. Those who make no de lay in asking their friends for subscriptions will already have the promise or the?possession of many votes. Pledgefyour friends to work for you before sonre one else sees them and secures their aid. START EARLY While nominations will becom ing in for a monthlyet you had better get in at the start. Join this live bunch of hustlers and have the time of your life. There will be lots of fun con nected with the Contest and you don't want to miss any of it. If you enter the Contest with the determination to win and we assume that you do you should not waste much time with the Free Coupons. It's the subscrip tions you want to hustle for.That is what gets you the most votes and in this case it is votes v. that youVant Start out by asking for long timelsubsoriptious one two three or even five years but take the small ones also, Don't let any get away from you; Honestly now would you like a piano, genuine diamond or gold watch. If so enter your name and see how readily yeur friends will rally to your -support. No mattes what your con dition in life alfwill have an equal cHance for the public decides as well as yourself by cutting votes from the paper. No one will be allowed to buy votes neither can, one Iriy papers in large numbers This gives every lady an equal chaDce and the contest will be conducted on the highest plane 0- fairness and honor. No person connected in any way with the Courier can enter and immediately after the con test the last night the entire set of books will be thrown open for public inspection. DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER The names of many candidates are entered upon our list. Why let others get ahead of you? It will be to you advautage to have something to show for yourself on the published list. The mere nomination gives you 1000 votes and the more you can add to t lis the bettsr appearance you will make on the day of second public announcement of candi di dates, Remember, that every year's subscription paid which you secure is worth 1,875 votes. LET US HEAR FROM YOU. Let us see or hear from you at once, and we will take plea sure j in entering your name upon our list, and also in sending a rep resentative to see you and fur- Honor Roll for Cnningham No. 4. The' folio wing is the honor roll for the public school in Cuningham No.4. taught by Miss Allie Hicks: Frist Grade Eila May Pleasant Herbert Day, Early Pleasant, Earnest Moore and Lloyd Denny. Fifth G 'ide Addie Pleasant and Jack Dixon. Sixth Grade Evie Pleasant. Better get in menace NOW, Notice. Jake Brooks, colored, having hired to me for the year 191 1 and left me without a cause, I forbid any one from hiring 'or harboring said Brooks. Any one doing so vill be dealt with to the fullest ex tent of the lay. t. G. Stephens, fan. 23rd. 1911, 4 ts. Everything for vour roof. Watkins & Bullock. formation (possible. HOW TO ENTER. To enter the race clip the j nomination blank Free. Coupon! that appears to-day, ' fill, in the j name and address, bring- it or mail it to The Courier office, whore, it will be entered with other candidates. Votes may be secured from any place either in the territory of the Contest or outside for any i candidate. This mornig's mail brought in scores of inquires, and many calling in person. The people of this vicinity seem to realize the value of an early start, and the generous offer of one thousand votes which goes with every nomination. Come in and get a book at once secure and early start, get your friends pledged to your support and see how really easy it is to make your score grow daily. Save eyery coupon appearing in each issue, you will need them for yourself or friend. FOOD FOR THOUGHT. To ent er this Great Contest you need not be a subscriber to The Courier. You are not confined to your own district in securing sub scriptions. Subscriptions mean votes, votes mean prizes. The time is short the reward is great, get busy and keep busy from now until the close. ALL CANDIDATES TREATED ALIKE The contest will be conducted in a strictly fair and impartial manner, and the fullest investi gation is courted at all times, assuring every one that every thing is fair (and impartial. No employe or member of his family will be allowed to compete, nor will any favorsi)e shown to one that is not shown to all other candidates. The eontest manager will assist all candidates in any way consistent with the rules of the contest. DOWN GO THE PRICES ON , Rady Mad Garments for ill DIES and j ."V 1 -r r Right now is the best time ol the whole season to get a new Suit, Cloak or Overcoat. Assortments are now good, you know what styles are, best, and prices I have reached the lowest I limit. Don't delay, com at once and qet vour pick Jf the seasons smartest styles at prices far below ordinary. Come to-day. V BERMAN & LIPSHITZ. Jone- '-?otel Building l vsHS&l ' Copyright 1910 Tte House of KuppenKsimf? Chicago 30E 1 I W or ne Are you you in.the race for one of our handsome prices? frTl o Allovers, edges, inserti ns, headings, flouncings and matched sets in cambric, nainso k and swiss. Some of the neatest designs you ever saw for 'children. The best and biggest values t be found in 5 and 10 cent cambrics as well as the higher grades. NEW LACES. A big assortment of all linen torchon lace many pieces of which would look cheap if we asked 10 cents for them, but they are only half that price 5 cents. A nice lot of Point de Paris edge and inserting to match, the most popular trimming for fine under wear at popular prices. A number e sets of round mesh val extra good and pret at Ronly 5 cents. New Pereals and Ginghams. Many pieces of these popular goods in the newest and prettiest designs all at the old prices, no advance. NEW DRAPERIES. A full stock of plain scrim in different grades, white, cream and ecru ready to be stencilled. Several beautiful designs in stencilled Ml art smm readv to hem and haner 12 1-2 to lJ , . .. w A III 20 cents. JN eat and tasty patterns ot ngur- f ed Swisses 10 to 20 cents a ard. All the above goods have recently come in and are worthy of your consideration. ! ome m and let jis show them to you. if. .. 2) J i 1 1 V