Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home First: Abroad Next. $1.00 Per Year in Advanc VOL. XXVIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, March 15 1911. i li C0P0RATI0N TAX UPHELD. justice Day Delivers Opinhn in the Corporation Tax Cake Swtepiaj Decision, Every Objection Beiig Overruled by a Unanimus Court. Washington-, March 13 The United States supreme court to day held that the corporation tax is constitutional. The opinion was delivered by Associate Jus tice Day. The decision establishing the' constitutionality of the corpora- tion tax measures will add Sn.OOO.OOO annually to the re- venues of the United btates, The corporation tax has - been in force ever since it :as enacted as an adjunct of the Payne Aldrich tariff law and the Unit ed States treasury department has been allowed to retain its collections made under the mea sure subject to the decision of the supreme court on the bill's validity. Today's decision is the first handed down since the recor oanization of the supreme court which resulted from the death of several members and caused a re-hearing of this case, as well as those brought against the Standard Oil and Tobacco trusts. The decision was unanimous. The decision was sweeping in detail, every objection being overruled. Justice Day's opinion held that the corpooation tax is not a direct tax on peisonal or real property of corporations, but that it. is purely an excise tax, levied by authority of congress on the cor porations for the right of doing business, the same as a revenue tax is levied on liquor dealers. The tax, declared Justice Day, is not an income tax, but an ex cise tax, and the opinion stated , falls clearly within the province and authority of congress. The opinion stated that the tax is not a direct tax on shareholders. It was declared by Justice Day, as regards corporations doing an interstate business, that thejDuring the session 2,195 bills United States has a right to levy j were introdaced in the house the one percent tax on these, as: and 1?qq5 in tne senate, 1460 of Avoll as on interstate corpora-1 these being ratified. Durham tions, and can tax all business jinl gun March 13. a state excepting internal func-! lions of a state government it-: SOlf. Give it to us, for this spring we are in a nosition to srive our customers a good value with every purchase. We Handle The Deering Binder and Mower, Tongueless Harrows and the Buek Eye Riding Cultivator. These lines are known and-speak for themselves We have got the goods call on us for Farm Machinery and HARDWARE. Long, B r a A e r p& G o . "Red Bck" Bryai Here Mr. H. E. C. Bryan otherwise known as "Red Buck," the pop ular and versatile newspaper cor respondent and writer spent yes terday in Durham with his bro ther Mr. Victor S. Bryan. Red Buck har been editing a paper in Missoula Montana, for several years. The paper went to the wall for financial reasons and he f has returned to North Carolina to take up his work with the Charlotte Observer as Washing ton correspondent. "I am certainly glad to get back' Red Buck said this morn ing. "I just went west to see the country. I saw it and I was glad to get away from out there. " IS mnrninrr -frr ; . . k , . ., . , Hambrick & Austin sells it for mgton to be ready for the special ; 50 cents a box. they dees ,nore: session of congress. j(hey guarantees it to reljev2 The many readers of .he Ob-1 stomach distress, 'in Ave minutes: server in all parts of the state ,hey goes even further and saysr will be delighed to know that if MI.0-NA doesn't cure indiges Red Buck is again to be a con- i acme or chronic of any tributor to its columns. He is byldiseases caused fey stomach djs. far the most popular writer in!(Urbaneei they wiu give vou your the state at the present time and mQney acki wi,h-ou: any haggling numbers his friends by the hun-' H f. dreds, Durham Sun. Wreck of Main to be Lifted in Six Weeks. Havana March 13, Work on the cofferdams by which the Un ited States government will raise the battleship Maine in this har bor, has progresses so favorably that the engineers now say that the hull of the ship will be expos ed to view in five or six weeks. It is expected that it then will be comparatively easy- to ascer tain the teal cause of the explo sion which precipitated the war with Spain, Clerks Finish Their Work' Principal Clerk W. Otis Self of the senate and Principal Clerk T. G. Cobb ot the house, have completed their work of the re cent legislature and left today for their homes, the former go ing to Webster, Jackson county, and the latter to Morganton. The and Bring your printing to Courier office best work 1 right prices. 9 A HAN'S STOMACH It Just at Good, or Bad as Ke Makes It. If you are blessed with a good stomach be thankful and make up your mind to keep it good. If you have a bad stomach; one that makes you feel miserable after eating; one that turns your food sour and causes gas to belch up in the mouth, then you want to get busy at once and turn your bad stomach into a good one. How can this be done? you ask. Simply by using daily the best prescription for stomach ailments ever written. What is the name of this pres cript n? Wherever civilization exists it is known as MI 0-NAt And this guarantee means that MI-O-N A stomach tablets, as most people call them will cure bilious ness, nausea, nervousness, heart burn foul breath, nightmare, and sleepleness. It means thai such a 9 wonderfully good remedy that i quickly turns a bad stomach into a good one, that will stay pood strong and vigorous, just as long" as it is treated right. Try MI-O-NA ye men of weak stomachs, 'you take no risk. Lt is guaranteed by Hambrick & Austin and druggists everywhere. Dr. Len G. B rough ton former ly of Reidsville preached his 13th anniversary sermon at the Bap tist Tabenacle in Atlanta Sunday He referred to Edgar Stripling, ex-chief of police of Danville, as follows: I believe our whole State should rise up in masse, besiege our Gov. by letter, peti- tion teiepnone ana teiegrapn 10 ; ef forts to minimize the import pardon this man for his crime, ! npp ftf thp wirs lent, a. r.nri ! He has atoned for that long ago. ! The purpose and intent of the i law is to correct a lawbreaker. land not merely to punish himelude interviewers slipped out ; and this man has proved during j of one of the rear windows j 14 years of life in a Virginia cityjof the President among as good people as tiie sun ! eve shone on for I know them 1 that he is not a menace to society ! but an asset and has long since i by sear of conscience and fear i atoned for his crime and I say he ought to be pardoned without further delay and say to him to go back to your wife and children and to the city of your adoption and live on as a good citizen. 'J Review. n Thousands Are Facing Famine. El Paso, Tex., March 13. Twenty five thousand inhabitants in the beleagured city of Chihua hua Mexico facing famine accord ing to a courier who reached here today. Hundreds of women, driven from the city by fears of starvation have taken their child ren iWith them and they are roaming the county,' Chihuahua is bottled up by insurrectos. Bryan in Washington. Washington, March 13. -William Jennings Bryan arrive here today to consult with leading de mocrats as to the party's pro gram during the next session. He will remain heref several days. Bring us 'your JOB WORK.' Tweaty Thousand Soldier Near the Mexican Border. Washington March 7. The most extensive movement of: troops and war vessels ever exe- j cuted in this country in time of ; peace is now under way by ord- ui isje jrresiaent as comman- to'iru hief r?f the army and navy the objective the country north 0f the Mexican boundary and the writers of the two oceans at eith er end of it. Twenty thousand, more than one-fourth of the army of the United States of all arms of the is Services, are moved toward the Mexican border; four armored pruisers, comprising the fifth division of the Atlantic fleet, have been oed from northen wat ers to the naval station at Guan tanamo, Cuba and most of the Pacific fleet is or shortly will be on iis way to assemble at San Diego Cal.,and 2,000 marines are preparing to make the Guantah anarao station their headquart ers. It was officially announced at the White House and War and Navy department today that the purpose of this great mobiliza tion unprecedented save in war time is the training of officers and men under service condition and practice in co-operation be tween the land and naal forces. nusual pains were taken by all officially concerned in the mat ters to give this color to the sud den activities but these state tnents were accepted with incre. lasing reserve. There have been important joint maneuvers during the last few years but they have been planned far in advance and car ried out without a ripple of ex citement 01 even of evidence of interest at the White House. To day the executive officers were steeped with mystery the entire morning was given over to con- f erences with officers of the war department. This thick atms- lhere of mystery and the zealous ous significance to the fact that General Leonord Wood chief of staff of the armv in an effort to t office and beat a masterly j retreat through the White House j grounds to a rear entrance to . v,p War Dpnartmpnt The real significance of these j activities which have been confi. , , nQrW,v fift fhfi i,ctwlV eight hours or less is though to relate very directly to the grow ing belief that the situation there is by no means so satisfactory j as the Mexican government would have it believe .to be. There are persistent reports that the physical condition of Presi dent Diaz has lately become such as to alarm his adherents and that momentous developments are to be prepared for. N. G. Vestal who is now carry ing the mail between Yadkinville and Rockford, has been in the employ of Uncle Sam for 35 years and during that time has traveled 214,880 miles and which mean? that he traveled far enough to go around the world a little more than eight times. During this time he has received from Uncle Sam's treasury $10,744. He has missed 22 days on account of sickness, and has missed two j days in the past, six years, and (has arisen at 4 o'clock 1 every morning during the 35 j ears. DEATH OF MRS. GENTRY. , Mrs. W. H, Gentry was born March 27, 1 886 and died February 27 iqji She died in the very noon tide of Hfe and womannood $ne was the dur of Mr. and Mrs. Jonn M Slauifhter and was ,mar ried to Mr. W. H. Gentry on Oct. the 27th 1907.. The illness of Mrs." Gentry was short and dreadfully stubborn in its nature. Medical skill and train ed attention could not stem the tide that carried her away. She bore her sickness with the forti tude and bravery of a true chris tian. Besides husband and one child she leaves mother, two brothers and three sisters. She was a faithful friend, true wife and loving mother. 1 The funeral was conducted at! Any one who should"read, Mill Creek Baptist Church of mark learnand inwardly digest' which she was a member, by Re, all good thing in the March issue C. P. Ryland of Roxboro and the of The Youth's Companion would interment made in the Church be at no loss for topics of inter cemetery, esting conversation for a long "Dearest sister, thou hast left us, stretch of years. Just Prom the Northern Markets where I purchased a select and up-to-date stock of Merchandise. Everything new and up-to-date, in any goods, ladies suits, skirts and waists, men's, boys' and youths' cloth ing, a snappy line of men's, ladies and misses Oxford ties. In fact every thing kept at a first class place. Plant bed cloth from 2 c a yard up. A call will be very much appreciated. V' New Store in Jones' Hotel Building. Opposite New lOL verything E AND- Furnish The Home. In a few days more will be complete. Already the greater parti of our purchases have arrived and are ready for your inspection. You are cordially in vited and urged to come and let us show you our offerings which we are sure consists of the most desirable merchandise to be bad and is most reasonably priced. We can dress any member of your family, man, woman pr child, fromJieadte foot in the most approved style or furnish a well appointed home with all necessary furniture and furnishings. We are al ways pleased to serve you M: 1( toczSK oi )lc ; rorzz: llolI5jf .'-,. - - -i - . ' V"..-!--'- i ;;;. ':'-' . We our loss do deeply feel But 'tis God that 'rath -bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal." R. To Drive Missionaries Oa. London, March 13. A biU to drive Mormon missionaries out of England is being prepared by the government and will be pas sed without any opposition. In vestigation by Home Secretary Winston Churchill has shown that 500 young girls have recent ly left England for the Mormon colony in Utah without the con sent of their parents. If the short stories in the March numbers ' of The Youth's Com panion are not ' 'corking, " they are something else which means j the same thine-. turned Warehouse. . 10Z 3 To Wear A the new spring stock Mr ' 4 ; -v t-t 1. f f