- rlV iyJ JsAiy illyj o j Noell Bros., Proprietors. Homerstr Ibtoad Next. $1.00 Per Year in Advanc VOL. XXVIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, March 22 1911. 12 CLAIM THEIR DEATH Wire an LOUIS WEST FOUND GUILTY j LADY COOK'S COuRTiNG JLAJl Sen of Sanford Httel ! It Was Mirdcr in tke First Der Keeperlin Raleigh. j Wilson, N. C, March 17.- Kalcigh, March 17. Mrs. j Special, Guilty of murder in Powell, widow of H. H. Powell, ; the first degree as to Louis West the Sanford hotel propriter, who and guilty of murder in the created the panic in the union second degree as to Ed Purcell, .station here last afternoon by was the verdict returned by the wounding Charles H. Smith, jury this afternoon in the trial of firing upon Duncan E. Mclever, the murderers of Deputy Sheriff a prominent lawyer, both of San George Murnford. ford, and then turning his re- There was no demonstration volver upon himself and taking when the verdict was brought his ovn life, arrived here this in as Judge Adams had warned morning :rom Sanford, accom- the packed court room against panied by her son, John Powell,- it. of Southern Pines, and the fun. : The verdict is generally satia te nil and interment in the family factory, although some people plot of the Raleigh cemetery is expected a first degree verdict to take place tomorrow at an against both prisoners. Judge mr that will have to be fixed Adams announced that he would Would Open Churches and Halls to Young Men and Girls For Lot e making. Chicago Record-Herald. Lady Tenessee Clafin Cook has become the champion of Chicago lovers, and would intra- 4 duce a system in the churches In;' 1 whereby young men and women , chian would be enable to abandon the: 11082 t0 tlie eais. ARE YOU DEAF? Catarrah is Trobablj the Cause. Get Rid of the Cause. If you hare catarrah and have constant rinuing noises in your eir.s look into the matter at once. It's a pretty sure .ign that citzrr y spreading and is mak- ay through the Eusta hes that lead from the IK ascertained when ; not sentence the prisoners until H. B. Powell, ir.,! tomorrow. can reach here from his home in! The trial of other members of Johnson City, Tenn. the West gang was then taken street coner as the place of meet ing and courting, out of sight of '-'hen catarrh gets to the ears partial deafness follows. If you day outfit and after it is another son, The sensational tragedy stir red this city deeply, Mr. Powell being well known and prominent ly connected here and Mr. Mclverand Mr. Smith, whosa up. WiU Lane, Will Smith, Dave Young and Matthew Mebane were found guilty of conspiracy and Wade Williams and Tom Smith were found guilty of car- iives he attempted to take, hav- rynS conceled weapons. i , p t -l IVffl.T'U- Vnn n rr of tttVic ing also hosts of friends here Thought He Was I mate. Deputy Sheriff W. I. Newton, of Roxboro, says he was close by and steing the first shot and getting the impression that Powell was insanely starting to fire at random in the station, he drew his own revoWer, hii im- Dulse beiner to snot the man A. down as a protection to the crowd, but before he could get his revolver out, Powell had turn ed his gun of himself and blown his brains out. Natireof Wakt. Powell was a Confederate veteran, 68 years old, a native of Wake county. He farmed in this ' "unty for a number of years, th'-i moved to Aberdeen and iat-T to Stanford, whore hp lias; b"in running Mr five years. He has sisters ;h -'hi!! in Virginia and was on his 'v ay to visit them, although Mary Young, at whoso house the tragedy occurred, was found guilty of conducting a bawdy house. These will be sentenced tomorrow aloag with West and Purcell. He Is Now Styled Judge Baxter Boone. The marry Jriendi of Mr. R. B. Boone, who formerly . practiced law in Durham, will -be deiight to know that fie has been recent ly aprintedVassqeiate Justice of the supreme court of Oklahoma. Mr. Boone left Durham a num ber of years ago for Oklahoma, where he has been practicing his profession since that time. Some of his friends in the city o ' J unsympathetic parents. Se nave ringing noises in your ears would furnish halls andchurchel t0 Hambrick & Austin to-dav where they might carry on their a"d et a HYOME1 lovemaking unmolested, but un ve ouf catarrah. der the supervision of not only. To cure catarrh HYOMEI the church but also of the state, should be breathed through a Lady Cook at heart is a match- Packet inhaler for about three maker, and says she is proud of minutes, four or five time Hav it. She declares the reason for hp Just pour a few drops into the many unhappy marriages is that hard rubber inhaler and breathe it the young men and women hart for a few minutes. no real chance to become well ac l Tt Wis the rmS; soothes the quamted before matrimony. irritation, hpak th inflow. In her apartmentsat Congress s,on, hgwkin spiftin amJ Hotel yesterday, surrounded jnr with flowers, books and candy, TTVrwcT T . , tributes from her Chicago ad. wY0MFI keS the throat free mirar t ,a d rr P.b- fi a from mucus a prevents crts 1 , . vm nose: on lovemaking. , "Yes I am a matchmaker. Why ' ,Th f"""1!'"5 HY0MET outfit not? I am pro.d to be one. There,!?;' ,nc'ud's ,hp ,W,e '""tsfruc i. no better work hat a nerinn ,r"W ,"-d ruhher '"Mfr ' ottl. nan do ahen tn stflrt. the 0 HYOMEI ind timple initruc-l pirl nn the riht r.,t.h ''nn fnr "w cnxt'1 ' 00 Senarate unit m n Mfivici coaiH du cents fit dmpitt everrwhere. or at Hsmhrick h Antfin who sell it on 4 14 V4 . ug people to meet. They couldbe T J I V " tf3ay furnished with innocent amuse- CaU"rh C'uhs' coIdi r mentjB f throat. Free trial bottle by address ,w' , , ., . , . M ling Booth's Hyomei Co., Buffalo, Would it not be better foe y these young men and girls to meet in a holy place and become Time to Buy lew Spring Outfits. ? w marriage. What I would do is to open the churches which lie idle, all week and there allow the you- acquainted than to be forced to From Semora. use the street corner as a meet-j Dear Courier ing place? Boys could come from' May you live long enough to the street and meet girls who contribute many more welcome otherwise would be forced to sta.v ,etters like tne last Sivin a de- received on announcement ser-1 at home while possibly their fath wDti , Id uLeasb.ui;g. raldavsao-o that hp u i100n ' Why didn't Sis give her right uu nio,u iic iiia ueeu er "was er.T.erta.inincr enmo Ana . -i the Sanford Inn I appointed Jassociate justice of i else's daughter. T ' J J , ,e supreme court of the wes-l "Soma people say that to JZTTk Z tern state and has take- up hs sexes should be keDt aimrt. T snv the enrino- inn nf ru,ra de-; residence at Oklahoma city. , that it is natural for bovs and were, I ihink, 75 pupils. The v-:pments indicate that his at-, r;:i K on Mclver and Smith had1 planned., his impression that these men planned to ' - a competing hotel (,le Corn Planters aid Fcr ::iir Distributers at Loin Bradsher & Co girls to grow up together to pure scho1 was wel1 represented by for any body until the fire then the best is none too sood. See Sjuerfield today and get the best, if cost no more. l!TTTl u i m i Durham Sun. ah- v 1 man and womanhood, and that t r -f V V, ' 1 Any old msurance policy, writ-'-. , . . , . auu LUcLU mham, Guilford, Halifax. Pittsyl ten any old way, in any old in. : thlftPlan will aid m doing so. vania, Charlotte and Lunenburg. surance comnanv is pnnh! . At these meetings there A number from Roxboro, am on? , , .. . . should be nresent somp nlrlav them bettie Mason. Bcttie and person he may be a minister or Pattie Webb and Sue Moor- From not who will spervise the whole ar there Bettie Peter Wilkeson . Tr- vviiuie a moS ioveiy and amiable girl, plan. If this idea were followed, Mrs. Foushee, now 2one, M. F. allowing the boy and girls to real and Arabella Rogers, Miss Yellock ily know each other, great good anc hostot others which hold a ! would be accomplised, I am warm place m my heart. sure m I notice no homes are occupied by the families who used them I .when I was there. The Pulliam ! RMnv Fnrk lf.m , place was owned by Dr. Pittard. j Busny Fork Items; ll boarded at Mr. Nick Thompson's Mr. W, H. Oliver had the mis-! I near ms fa rp i 1 y of grand children fortune to cut his foot right bad a! are all dead. I have lone wanted ; tew days since. to go to Leasburg and go all over ! Miss Delia Westbrook spent the P'ace- wsn lne surviving last' week with Mr and Mrc '"scholars would let me hear from David Long. ' them, as I am the only one near i here who was a pupil then. Now I am an old woman but loak back v."ith ?r miifh nlpasnrp and thinlr 1 . i n n UJVia .bong. hi each ox the toliowing ten maga- i Miss Bessie jeers' sch90 :-'ines "The Saturday Evenine- Post. Col- Kr sheleft for ier's, Ladies Home Journal, Woman's 1 "i Childr- miSfn Knmp fAmo-mA-n nlo-f- TTrt,- tV.S!?" Zee .m.rned oni Courier and it is always a welcom JyllllCClLUll . JLlULDt inuiouajr aim lUOK SUpper wife, Designer. Housekeener. OooH ! . ..... t t n . 7 i. . .... it. undiji nave Housekeeping and New idea" between now and June will appear a coupon ad vertising The E-Z seal Fruit Jar and all who cut this coupon and present same c-n get from us a one quart E-Z seal,fle'.? 1 "II L . . ueen in, nur we are glad to state are improving. Mrs. Bettie Brooks is teaching another month at. the Bushy Fork High School, Miss Pearl Long is taking music bssonsfrom Mrs. Flossie Whit- Jar free. Anv one who take an v of tVip ' leader win LnlhiS. w-w . O l T T 11 sva cKo hoc 1 il nrl-iiU U , doove Magazines can well aitord to keep an eye on this and get a jar free. she has 130 which have just come off of the nest. ong, Bradsher & Go. The Jafferson Standard life Insurance Co., strongest in the You may so farfhAr South, issues a Life, Health, and grert deal worse, but vou can nnt,Accidem PoIicy combined with I I i . Vfc e e visitor. I lived half way between Semora and Cuningham, We haye had much sickness and many deaths in this community, 9 deaths have occured during the past two years. My brother H. M. Hemp hill, is an invalid old Veteran now 80 years old. VVish you success, I remain Your friend, Mrs. Sue V. Lockhart, Semora N. C, Mar. 15. 4Dlo it now" j uo oetier tnan to try w J Win stead for fresh groceries. His goods are the best and his prices the lowest. Phone your order. every feature guranteed. at the cost of one It is just what you . ire looking for. i S. P. Satterfield, District Manager. Easter is late this year, still it will soon be nere. inis is one ti IDA whpn srvnncr nmoci Oetore Laster and it is not too early for you to be getting ready for the bright and balmy days that are just ahead. It will make you feel good and look good to get into a new spring outfit. We've made big preparations to furnish these outfits for of the men, women and children of this sec tion as well as the homes. MILLINERY OPENING. The new nattern hats will hp rUsnlpvo next Friday and Saturday. 9Ath and ozi, You are urged to attend. This display will speak for the taste and skill of our milliner Miss Ruby Paul. SILKS. Foulards and Messalines are to the front and have the call in silks this season. What a grand line we have tp show you in the most popular shades at the most popular prices. Trimmings to match. WHITE GOODS. The softest, the sheerest, the J v V WW VkW we ve ever shown, Batiste, Persian lawns, x laAwia, iuviict imuxis, iviarquisetce, uimity with dainty Swiss embroideries and val laces to trim them. 18, 27 and 45 inch Swiss and Batiste Bebe Irish flounces with bands to match, 25 cents to $1.50 a yard. COLORED WASH GOODS. These cant be described here, but we have a lovely line almost anything you can call for Irom a 5 cent lawn to a; 50 cent printed silk. Among the newest labrices of this kind are the corded voiles, printed Wards and silk cordelay, MILL ENDS AND REMNANTS. We bought a big lot of mill ends and remnants which we are selling much below the prices of regular goods. This lot consists of India linons, 40 in. lawns, 40 in, flaxons, rep, dimity, lonq cloth, Lonsdale cambiic. ' nercales and mnnrnmr These goods are all perfect, no seconds, and mean a saving of from 10 to 20 per cent to the purchaser. i LADIES READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS. -I Not many suits but a few of the prettiest for spring that we've seen $12.50 to $20.00. Three beautiful styles of voile ' skirts $5.00, $7,50 and $10. Mixed suiting, panama and serge skirts at popular prices. Silk petticoats $2.75, $3.50 and $5.00. Tailored and lingerie waists $1.00 to $3.50. All kinds muslin underwear. NECK-WEAR. Our line of neckwear has brought us many compliments The collars, jabots and ties at 25 cents are extraordinary values. The best we've had. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Everything necessary to furnish a nice home. All kinds furniture, druggets, matting, rugs, curtain goods, counterpanes sheets, sheeting, table damask, napkins and towels. CLOTHING. If we sold no better clothing than othen there would be no advantage to you in buying here, except the price. But we sell Strouses High Art Clothing which means superior clothing. This season finds us in the advance guard with nobby wearing apparel We want your trade and are after it with three long poles, Style, Quality and Price. V , 9 1 il t v 1 1 K i I r ' ' ; ' ' ' JJ t i - -if- f il f t tut . v 1 L . - 1 i i - vi.V 'i ''.'.,'3..

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