$1. 00 Pet Year in Advanc Home Jpu": ADroaQ . i A 1 J "VT J. -J VOL. XXVIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA; Wedneia?6' March 29 1911 Noell Bros., Proprietors. OUR UNIYERSITT LETTER, l)r. Henry Yin Dyke at the University, j Special Correspondent to The Ctarierr- The McNair lecturers were de- i livercd by Dr. Henry Van Dyke, preacher, scholar, author and professor in Princeton Universi ty, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, evening of last week. The subjects of his lectures were: "TJie Poetry of Nature," "The Poetry of Patriotism and Hu manity," "The Poetry of the One Hundred and fifty Girls Perish. New York, March 27. One hundred and fifty souls nine tenths of them girls from the East Side mere crushed to death on the pavements, smoth ered by smoke, or shriveled crisp , Saturday afternoon in the worst , ire New York has ktttrvn siri.ee the steamship General Slocum was burned to the water's edge off North Brothers Island in 1904. " " -"T'Tivi- - . ' - TE UTE s. B. WIKSTEAD. A SWt Sketch f nil Li&Wrfttea by faster. were necessary to equipp and prepare his children for the Ramiil R Winst3 " w'flfi hnrn i dtitiea and responsibilities or in the town cf Horbcro Aa,life' llr , , . . , Asa christian, his life was" 2H si -2uu I-.', .: d ci..j -.arch! , . '. , , . -.-jj truly r shining light that Will 4th lyil. On Jeceuibar I gr0w b; Ighter and brighter unta iv, ub-a iuiu tu.tL . P t d He Drofessed 4 IT dwell. Brother Winstead p&fd : KoibefB Mie68 Maikfcfc Clttti Mi? "fffiftpw-'-. ' no pains and no sacrifices that j It , &fe -J"'' Trade it was decided id elbst (86 j sd ei4 MorrisAVebb market m KoxWO on the 18t of iSr1" ric Mnndavand- uruguo. aaiuruay, - ; ' nr Miss Ida E. SaUerlield this union ther children two of wL:.u ;nd to religion and joined the Methodist e rcere born eight cnmX fia aff0t. ar. ec.a Nearly all. if not all. of the . t ITT IT 1 ? X-v TT , " ' ' Unseen worm. ur. van Dyke victims were employed by the made a profound impression on Triangle Waist company on the the large crowd that heard these eighth, ninth and 10th floors of a lectures. ten-story loft building at 23 Dr. Van Dyke poached the Washington Place, on the wes- University sermon on Sunday at tern fringe of the downtown 11 o'clock a. m., from the 14th wholsala p.w.hinrr fn,o iiu . . wvwiv uiuuuiu, J-u i ujiiv.t limn; i. , , verse of the 12th chapter of St. nery district. The partners of , 01 "le 'anaraarKS 18 gmu" their father to l.ie spirit world. In the-death of brother Win tead our community has lost its best and most honored citi zens. Born heie ha grev up with the tavni and became iden tified with its best interests and in his passing, we may truly say May,- It will be Wt far the farmers who have tobacco on hand to re member this date and bring it all ifi before that date, for ybu want to fif the 3d vantage of selling on this tfv&rket. Bring it in. I Seats on sale Drug Tuesday hefnre fhe entenan j e The prices; Reserved seats general admission 40c, school children 15c. T 1 T t o i 1 , LuKe. it was one or tne great-; the firm, Isaac Harris and Max est sermons that have been heard . Blanck, escaped uascached from on the Hill in many a day, j the office on the tenth floor, car- These lectures were delivered r vino- with thom nvar on Ainn. last year by President David Starr Jordan, of Leland Stanford Jr. University. Prof. Horace Williams has been on the sick list for the last few days. This is the first time Prof. Williams has been unable for more than a day to meet his classes since he took up his im portant position here about twenty years ago. Carolina defeated Datidson College ;n (harlotte: Suturday by the score of 2 to 1; The game was not characterizeh by any very spectacular playing on eith er side, .z :: .V; : : " . " -: ing roof Blank's two young daughters and a governess. There was not an outside fire escape on the building. $20,000 Of Goods in a Single Bay. riae and lived a faithful member of U:;s church to death, His life abounded in good works. A great many of his alms and good deeds, according to the bible in junction, were done in i&u'eti Many are those who sire and say Sam Winstead was a friend to me in time of need. His kindly , words of encouragement and cheer were never wanting in times of sorrow and trial. He had to his credit, unknown to opment of the community and the public, many of those chi is resperftedbyalWho knew him tian deeds that go to make God's as one whose morality and integ- true noblemen. We will miss rity could noi be questioned. He and we may trul say that the did not form his conclusions has-lWorld is better because Sam tily bui , when once he had decid- j Winstead lived. He has left to ed a thing was right, he was not bis children a rich heritage, the easily swerved from his convic-; heritacrp. nf fln nricrM nrirfctmn Coming fdf h$lu Tittfe. Fresh Garden Seeds. Begin making preparations for your garden, and you will begin right if you buy your garden in Mmer and Coio Tom Bookereed & 4ustin' with their Famous Oaartette of Frosh supply jnst received. Old Virginia Npothas ThfRf Two Old HonFttderaffts whn hnv rfpJ The Courier Contest will clcse lighted thousands and thousands next Saturday night, As a citizen, he stood for all those things that made for the progress and the highest devel - H' " M . .. nmiilwii M (7?1 . R. A. EAST & SON Twenty thousand dollars fpr a j uon' single day's work is a record set! iNatu rally reserved in ctisposi by a Lynchburg salesman, accord- tion' brothe1' Winstead did not ing to reports at the home office Push mself forward or seek urfk public recognition and yet his Our Forty-foqrtli Year! We start this business in a small way in 1868. We have grown en ormously because we have alwayts treated the" public and our sales men fairly, giving them more and better goods than they could buy elsewhere. Now wjj have over two million farmer customers, suppli ed by over two thousand traveling salesmen earning on an average of This pace was set in Atlanta for Lynchbuijg-manufacturer goods the other day by George Haugh, a re presentstiye of theCraddock-Terry Gprnijany5; . - ; v WteflAicetoday abouf ihig r e cord day's wbrkC. Cra,ddock, the sales manager of the company, confirmed the statement and added that he thought was due to the extensive advertising campaign in the Southern territory. "Our pat rons are increasing their business in this same city," said Mr. C.rad dock, "for I find that some of our largest customers have thia year fellow citizens twice honored bim with the county treasurer's of fice and he was an honored and useful member of the school fom the fcraie of its orgamzatioixH his death In every trust com mitted to him he wss fathful and true. In his business career, brother Winstead was remarkably suc cessful. By diligence and wise management he had gained quite a competency and at the time of his death was recognized as one of the wealthy men of the county. He was always fair and square in double their last year's order -and i llis dealings vith his fellow men, it is in my opinion, due to bigger over $100 per month for them selves. We need a brigh energetic; advertising." young man riht now to travel in Person County. Address The J. . Polk Miller For the Last Time R. Watkins Company, 1 13 South .lJner111st0' . enn j n c. du; Mo,ih said: Polk Miller r vray oi.t, 0-.I....UIC, -u. a2ain!Hemav come of.en hstablished 1868. Capital over $2- lhen not wear nut his come 000.000. Plan contains 10 acres : General Fitzhugh Lt- fiuor space. j "Polk Miller has had n cessor, has no contcmpoiar D . n , , . , . will have no successo' ni.y snnn v nr n hint hed c o.h ,. w i, t . rr-j r)iK Miner is none me in;. can bet teil of the Old S holding ihe balances of justice with an even and s:eady (No one will say thtt Sam lite. Well may thej rise up. and call him blessed. "Servant of God. well done! Thy glorious warfare's past; The battle's fought, the race it won, And thou art crowned at last." May God in his infinite Tfisdoin aadiuercy comfort and strength-it en the bereaved wile, , and chil dren. E. M. SNIPES. Where is Mr. Henry A. Gordon. Chappel Hill, N. C, March 15, 1911. Editor, Roxboro Courier, Roxboro, N. C. My dear Sir- The University of North Caro lina, at the coming Commence ment, will confer the degree of A. B. as of their class upon all stu- dents of the University who, dur- $61 to U enter military or Have a MAGNIFICENT STOCK direct from best factories, including all the new, desirable styles, in noyelty and staple w goods. FOR LADIES Suede, Sailor Ties, and pumps at $3.00. VELVET PUMPS, black and tan, fi;om $2.50 to $4. THREE- BUTTON PAT VAMP, black and tan. yELVET TOP Oxfords at $2.50 to $3.50. GUN METAL, brown and tan kid, Russia calf tan, .and patent, one and two strap pumps, Ox fords, etc., all short Vamp. ' NEW KNOB toe, .and stylish heel, from $2.00 to $3.50. FOR YOUNG MEN all the swell, styles, ..y, . ... hand inn fliia rtprinrl -frrvm 1 QR I f A 1 OA s pan t; ink an nnra.iv a n vantacrp. ! h ' I a i t u u o- .withdrew to As an pyainn p or ni wisp hnsi- ' , , , n. . , , t naval , service in the civil war. mow pnmA nocc Qhi irp no nun mcr. nnmn PT pnrl Aiu 4-1 I IIIOIIK II1C SIUUCMS WHO W1U1UICW UIIU JN o oi e can beat us on prices us a call Give have passed away'' C Garrett & Stanfield. hcar hin;for the ,ast tiil fc ed, a year before his death, the cpfct.lpmpnt, oP nnp nf tho lorrrpf. .rl1e' I estates of the county an estate and' worth over one hundred thous hen and dollars, and he did this in the a' ho : most highly satis iactry manner and car of Indian Rock Lime. Can furnish Windows, Doors, Blinds in any size. Ball on us for BUILDING MATERIAL to all concerned As a friend Sam Winstead was true and faithful. No confidence was ever misplaced in him. He possessed those characteristics, gentleness and sincerety, that ! bound men to him. There was no pretense, no sham in his make up. He was cast in too large a world for anything little or mean, There was that about him that made those in the humble walks of life feel that in him they had a friend and a well wisher. He was a kind and thoughtful neigh bor. No hand of want was stretched out to him in vain no cry of need was turned away unheard. One of the best sides of brother Winstead 's nature was seen in his home and home life. He loved his home and was a good provid er. It was a home where love ruled. Those who have partaken of the hospitalities of that chris tian home have carried away at this time wes Henry A. Gordon of Person County. Letters sent to him there have been returned, i and we are unable to communi cate wilh him. It occurred to me ! that the request through the press for information in regard to him, might lead to a discovery of his whereabouts. May I ask that you will make this request. v. : Thanking you for your cour tesy, I am. Yours very truly, J. G. D. Roulhac Hamilton. and Builders Hardware. We can also save you money on poultry netting, Field Fences and Barb wire. Call on us for your Hardware requirements. We1!!!?!!!! have the goods and we want YOU for our customer. Long , Brad s h e r - & Co. that home without being impress ed with that gentleness and ten derness and forbearance that made brother Winstead the com panion of wife and children rath er than the master. It was truly The following is the honor roll for the Rushy For High School for month ending March 10, 1911. Primary room, Lewis Oliver, Annie Wilkerson, Julius Smita and Annie Whitfield. Intermediate room, Mollie Wil kerson, Sam Long and Jamie Broach. Principals room. Departnent Lamerth Ashley, Addie, Cora and Joey Broach, -Theo. Clayton, Eva Hester, Annie Lee, Olge anb Sep hia Long, Albert O'Briant, Bertha and Rosa Olive, Gcrtudc Wilker son. Recitation. Addie and Joey Broach, Theo Clayton and Olga Long. H. W, Winecoff, Principal. OXFORDS and SHOES, on NiBW pAISBR TOE, and high heel, DepridableTComfort Me, and JUT$$ in everiy way. We stocked WeUWSfaoes and Oxfords for BOYS, GIRLS, and fcrFASH&ffldM Quali tytor Finest Quality i desired, you will get the best obtain able, at the prj.ee. ... . . Don't forget, pur Superb Line of Hosiery including Hole Proof Hosiery, guaranteed for six months, and Silk Hosiery, for men and women, at 25 cents and 50 cents. Large Line Trunks and Bags, at less than they can be bought, in North Carolina and Virginia. It will please us to showyou, and you to SEE our Spring Stock, AND WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. Our senior, R. A. East has had eight year's experinee in Shoes, and GUARANTEES satisfaction dnd Lowest prices. R. A. E AST and SON Main Street, Opposite Farmers Warehouse SOUTH BOSTON, VA. ZD ( fOEZD Your a home where God delighted to Stanfield. Seed Potatoes. You will find a fine lot of seed Irish potatoes. Early Rose, Irish Cobler, Woods Early and Red Bliss, oesi prices ai uaiieu w mi -K -r T-i i m "I i me JNew master or spring nat is now one of the foremost thoughts of every lady in the land. Of course, you want yours to be stylish and becoming. You also want to buy it at the most reasonable price to be had. In order to be absolutely sure of this come to our millinery department where you will find a grand showing of patterns to select from. If it should happen that you don't find just exactly what you wish ready for you to wear, then make your wishes known, leave your ordr with Miss Ruby Paul and give her a reasonable length of time 10 fill it and we will guarantee that she will make vou a hat that will please you in every way, tasty, becoming with an originality of styles that win give youincuviauanty ana at a price that you will consider very reasonable. ! ijfczzjoi )i TL. zzzW V