' . ;- '." v . . t ,,- , - 7 .. . : . .. . . : r ? 1 : . s '' -' - : ,. . "-' 1 .'i.. . . 1 " T ''S i--t'?" si; Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home First;-Abroad Next. $1 . 00 Per Year in- Advai.c : ? VOL. XXVIII R0XB0R0, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening,, April 26 1911. Nom7 -V v. i Hi 4YC0CK MAY RUN. His Announcement is Predicted VVitl in Three Weeks. iM-ial to Greensboro News. u:l4ili April 17. When Sena Simmons was in Raleigh .:t unlay he did not call at Gov , ;:),!! Kitchen's office. This how may not be a significant !;:! other than another indication that the lines are already drawn . the senatorial fight, Senator Summons however did - have a .(mi'erence with ex-Governor Av-ojk Saturday so the latter Emitted in reply to a, question i Voiii the Daily News repersenta tion this morning. GoVernor Ay- TRUE, EVERY WORD. 0 ! Mr. Garlton Calls Attention to Some Things Which Should be Remdie J? A X li r- ri t- i il-r- a I will thank you for small space to discuss the sanitary hcondition of our town a ques- tion as important to my mind as that of good streets and side walks and schools, yet a question that has been and is now being almost entirely ignored. Pubiic health means, as muck to the happiness and welfare of the people as does schools and good streets. : " There is no reason why Rox boro should not be able to boast of being clean and sanitary in mu nut na ve a-uvuiim to say pverv resnect, hnt unfortunate v- C- J publication. jit is not, and measured and ; om an advised source, how is no system ,pf cleaning and screening out-houses where flies tireed ami feed and later Spread typhoid and perhaps otherdread fui diseases. Filthy hog pens have been permitted that filled the air with foul stenches during the summer and fall. Even our water supply in the opinjon. of marly is in danger of poifntion. So far its anallysis has been good, yet the fact remains that open sewers, dry closets, stables hog pens etc. are on the water shed and the rains carrj,r the filth do"vn the shed into a small ravine within a few feet of the wells that furnish us the water. The water may never! become infected, but why shoulcf an in telligent citizenship take .such chances? PARTY AT LOCH LILY. I rf. . it is learned that Governor .ickis very seriously consid- tlu- strong demand that t abominably nhhy. tMi made upon him to enter judged by modern laws and rules j There are m&ny other matters of sanitation, which experience ; that miSht be discussed," ought has taught are reasonable, it is ' to be discussed and I trust will be until we remedy the condi tions. Life and health are too The Question now is not so much as to who is to blame for -i-, naiorial race. It would ai.c create .an inteiestingfl rr . . " ... Summer is approaching with alii' H aniinh Thp ,vt.v npnt Many Durham People Enjoy an Out ing at this Popular Resort. Quite a party of Durham peo- , .. ... i pie came over on the morning train last JSatuday, the 22nd inst,7 for. a day at Loch Lily Lodge. The psfrty included Mr. and Mrs; 6. N. Duke and their guests, Mrj; and Mrs. B.,fi. Saw yer of New 'York, Mrs. T. M Gorman, Mrs. E. L. Bryant': Mrs. T. D. Wright, Mrs. S. S.' Sasser,"Mrs. Annie L. Long, Mrs. Mollie Stokes, Mrs. WM H. Branson and Mr. W. C. Brad: sher. These were joined at tfye train by Mr. and Mrs, J. A.LorigJj Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Teague, Mess. J. A. Jr. and M. R. .Long. From thence the" party weref driven to the Lodge in automo--biles and cairiages. Upon ar rival Aunt Betty served a, break fast of fish, squab and eggs, and followed this with a dinner, afr. four o'clock of turkey and fish MessrsVNickoIs & Co.? City. V A? Dear Sirs: - ; v This is to say. that we have pur chased one pf;yourRadium Spray outfits arid are very fiuch pleased with it. We have use4.it to polish our, furniture and safes and . have found it to be very satisfactoy: " Yours very truly, " ;, . ' J S. Bradsher Cashier, - v On Tuesday during Court - wqek ' I put in ihe Pioneer varhouse, .at ' ' he door going west on south side f the house, 5 sacks of . Baughs; FO-4 guano.-Since then I went fpr it and there were only 2 sacks-Any one having gotten this through mistake will pleaded; notify me. 1 Daniel, LoNfc, : Hurdle MillsN.' C o 1 ,. b - .,-, ,v...r v.:" ' . . R. A. EAST & SON i Simmons, Kitchen and i.i the field and all be done to remedy it, and how the dancers attending unsaiii- glily desire a primary one whose name ! 1(1 L . 1 u iss- ie presented to the legis- i idea that is puzzling stud .;' tiie political situation js :iy the opposition to Sena- nmon would want to run v.-rnor Aycock for, if Sim- hiis been wrong on party or public questions then : . must also be wrong be- ' i:nmon's and Aycock have -.rether on most things and ;i; -enerally speaking, has -hated to approve of Si'm- :nday nihfc for the pur naming a Mayor and 5 n. Evcrv citizen is incited i tnis me soon. Certainly the unbiased observ- ierwill be readv to admit that there has been a failure on the delightful day motoring, motor boating, riding and driving, and enjoying in many ways the de lights that tjhis attractive place has to offer. Returning to Rox-" boro, the party divided, and luncheons were served by Mis. J. A. Long and Mrs. R. J. Teague ; at their respective homes, after which the party " returned to Durham. 0 Have a MAGNIFICENT STOCK direct from' best factories, including 'all the new desirable styles, in noyelty and staple goons. ' . . . FOK LAiJiES Nuede. Sailor 'lies, and DumDS at VELVET PUMPS, blacl and tan, from .$2.50 to $4. THRfiE- BUTTON PAT VAMP, black and tan. VELVET TOP Oxford yn -, of C9 r,C fr. eq KO nTTM 'M W.T AT . V rrvnr onJ Ian IriA Piiooo n calf tan, and patent, one and two strap pumps, Ox,-j iords, etc.t all short Vamp. - 5 JMEVV-KNUB toe, and stylish Heel, from $lUO to 5a.5U. PPR TOUNG MEN ali the swelbstyles, rOKFQHDS and SHOES, V its will be large. T TV U. J.J vl. Carltq t UPSET STOMACH Graded School Ccmmencement. The Commencement exercises of the- Roxooro Graded School will beheld on May 5, beginning in the morning at 10:30 and again injhe evening at 8- o'clock. The morning exercises will consist of songs, the prayer, awarding of prizes and' diplomas, and' the literary address by Dr. Edward Kidder Graham of the Univer- j sity of North Carolina. Dr. Gra- j ham is a highly cultured andj a tary conditions.. , We are justly proud of our commercial progress and devel opment, splendid schools, water works, electric lights and soon part of the authorities to make tcfhave good streetg w ee the proper effort to keep the that we -get clean and gtay dean town clean, and on the other ; and guard the public health hand a failure on the part of the j the most imp-ortant of all Fail. individual citizen, in many m- ure to do s0 am0Unts to negli stances, to do his part. Co oper- gence 0;f the WQrst kn ation between the two will be ef- n io c.f vf tective. tsut 11 tne lndiviauai citizen yill not co-operate, then the- :diy of the. authorities is plain ENFORCE THE LAW. It costs us a great deal to equip and run our schools of which we.Mi-o-na Stomach Tablets Drive Away ! are-proud, also our streets audi atomacn uisiress m.rive Minute?. j sidewalks which we are soon to j Belching of gas: heaviness sjur re will be a meeting of fhe 'have, but we endorse these and taste in mouth, dizziness, -bilious- town cf Roxboro UinirwrU- nmlw fho cnfviiir-P. On ness and npnsea oceni s simnlv he- 111 U L J 1 t 1 l. . . 5 V - - 1- A. . V i 1-V v. ' - - -m ' rvw the other hand it costs practically cau e the stomach is not 'properly nothing (as compared with ; digesting the food. . ... 1 1 1 1 1 A. . A AT f NT A 4- m r -!. 1 . 1 1 ! ! 1 I 1 I , I , ,N1-T.-T-itl T L'..lTAl 111 I.I I- I V M llllllfl il I VI I 1 I -1 I IJ I r r I v i will i "tLiuuin uilka o l j. v. c-i vk, 1". j - - - - - ; tit 1 -i ,.,:n v-c-' .urr neiie. 'vimi,- clean anci neannv sne-is anu uiMdui ichci iv uyaci aiumcus, . c cal -.:. to ordT a? Si j;reiI1isesT yet apparently no at- but they do more:, they put iN- 'Lnis;Tn'!' .tention is given to this important; strength into 'the stomach and lliase OL OUr CIVIC lilt!. : i uij ou uiai 11 van cajiij Amonir other things, I ' think : di2est a hearty meal. - r- to my friends these facts cannot be disputed. DO books, ana on RAISED TOE, and high heel, Dependable, Comfort able, dnd JUST RIGHT in every way, !! -We Stocked Well on Shoe sand Oxfords for BOYS, GIRLS, and fo; FATHERS and MOTHERS whether Medium Quali fy .or Finest Quality is desired,, you will get the best obtain able, at the price. v Don t forget,, our ' " ; 1 Supefb .Line of Hosiery . including Hole Proof Hosiery, guaranteed for six mopths, and SPk Hosiery, for men and women, at 25 cents and 0UJ cents. . Large Line Trunks and Bags, at less than they can! be bought, in North Carolina and Virginia. ' - It will please us to show you, and you to SEE our Spring Stock, AND WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. Our.senior, R. A.' East has had eight year's experince in Shoes, and GUARANTEES satisfaction and Lowest prices. R. A. EAST SON Main Street, Opposite Farmers Warehouse SOUTH BOSTON, VA. vi. loaned tiling like Friends have forgotten to re- ;The trash and filth on our Main Sick headache, nervousness, i sleeplessness and bad dreams are C -Ml ). . ni j an wueu uv jci lueinaiiuu ui iuuu t'irm Trx Pnnhl me to -AC- otreij aim siuw Miee a-uu m - ;;:,cl,e other f-iends will you ' the back of the business section Stop .he fermentauon: renovate indlv return these books, of the town is disgusting and Mumduiduu.uciiucdii aim AUvmincr to the oerson who sweet and nalt tne llls ot tne irtrti,c nn fhinirc Thp.rP ! human family would promptly ok over your books and see if ive any belonnine to to think about and enjoy. We ,n hope the patrons and friend of the school will turn out en masse, at all the exercises. A small charge will 1 be made" for the play at night to defray the expense of commencement. "The Scientific Country School", a very funny fplay consisting of 33 characters wilhbe given at the evening exercises. Also the ; . .-ra in t r to ; ji nil n '. nn j i D d oo ,k ' 1 disaoDear. p i you have stomach trouble of Music Department under the any kind don't overlook the fact : direction of Miss Pearl Lewis that MI-O-NA is a doctor's pres- ; cription, and that it s as good a w ITH Gole Corn Planters and Fertilizer Destributers, White Frost Re frigerators, Buek Eye Rid ing FAR M Cultivators and Deering ' MACHINERY prescription as any doctor will write for years to- come. ambrick & Austin sells MI O NA stomach tablets and so- do leading druggists every-where. They are rigidly - guaranteed to cure any case of stomach disease, or money back. A large box of : MI-O-NA siomach tablets costs '' but 50 cents. They act, so ; quick! that after dinner distress, heaviness, and belching disappear v- in! five minutes. Give MI-O-JSA a trial on money back plan. Free trial treat ment of MI-O-INA will be' sent to any reader of the Courier on re quest. Address Booth's Mi-6-na Buffalo, N.Y. ' will give their exercises in the evening. R. H. Burns, Supt. . x If you are searching for ease feet freedom, a shoe with power Don't ho 'satisfied with the just -as good kind kt call on us, we can fin ISMSSg3? ish any of the above, and you will get satisfaction and service. ' - . PerspnJDry jGobds Gpf Jar?i$Says Craig Will be GcTcrnor. Kaleigh, April 19. Former Governor Thomas J. Jarvis bfj Greenvilley who was at the Yar borbugh house last night in dis cussing politics in this statement that he believes that Locke Craig of Aseville, would undoubtedly be the next governor of North Carolina. - ' "I find very little opposition to MrV Craig," tie said, "and I be lieve that .he will be nominated almost unanimously. The east seems strongly for Mr. Craig' As the race stands to date it is safe to say that Craig will win in a walk. There is only one an nouhced candidate so far in op position to Mr, Craig, that being LdeutenanthGovernor Newland. The progressive element of the Wt ' I 2 ... . J n.n 4. 4- Ka Hmnlt lfo' flMini we now nave ine laresr stocjc j w uc uwugiu! of Building Materal, we have ever inar on the senatorial pbs naa. rrices are low,, see us sibilities rather than on thegov- Watkins & Bullock. "Insects are - companion's of Death ' bet your screen from, r erriorship. Fresh vegetables every morning , v . i wariuns k cuuock, ,ai sergeant :uiayion -. 111 111 ziorZ jjii iirrH We have every thing "on tap" in fashionably correct dress, from heel up and head - down, from skin out and top-coat in. v "HIGH ART" , s ClotKes "strike twelve" on Fash ion's dial . They come in SHEAVES of WEAVES; that twinkle with new ness - and .crackle with smartness Soft taiis, bonnie blues andiwinsome grays in - Iocs of styles and with a lot of-stvle in each$15 to $22.50;? ' The best to be had in cheaper makes $5.00 -We hat any maii except th HEADLESS or HEADLESS. ." Straw fiats tfiat wm , snage yoiiiike'a sycamore tree. - V-.; ' . HALF DOLLAR scarfs with a. DOLLAR look; Ours is a PUBLIC .'SERVICE 'store. We . don't ran it to uit ourselves, but to suit your v .. i"M - . 4 ' ' if-- ' ' It '"Ll 1 v 1 1 Si S. 1 "A V,

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