' 1 - ' V... Noell Bros., Proprietors. H(whe First: Abroad Next. $1.00 Per year m -Adyanee;.; X, - - i rt-iMTM tii '-' ' - - ' .- lfcMtwpiWi1 il l HiMI 'i Wiwii4UBiff J fi y MWWW T I I . I I I .'.I I .ill I I. r w i l f i i i i . .'. I ., ' 1 I ...... I'll ! , I w -a-;, I I .v -. .. I -. . I l -: I I .; I .- c ; I ..- I ;r! I l . I i .r jr... . .-t svi-w a 'Jr. , rv. r i -1 .. i : i ii i.iv x 11 r'.'.- i i t i i '-i i. till- i "x- l i :.. i i . ", .i t i ft vi i ' i i . y 1 1 i :- iv. i .f fcir.-n.--..i.,.,w..5!! w-rf v" ; ' . . - . . ; - VOL. XXVIII R0XB0R0, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, May: 3 1911. N0M8 ' TEIt MILLION DOLLAR YARN MILL MERGER. - Commission For State Building. Raleigb. April 18. Governor Kitchin makes public his appoint Meeting Held Here To-day in Interest ments for the state building com of Proposed Merger of Southern, missi0n to have in hand the erec- Mills Over 400,000 Spitdles Said to Have Agreed to Enter the surpose of promoting O.00O.00O yarn mill merger a .tiu'-r of interested parties V;W held 'in this city today. ' h Tins meeting was held behind ,.L,d doors, and little positive ;n 'Urination could be had rela jiVti to the proceedings thereof, lis known that this is the sec ond meeting of this nature, the first being held in Washington city some time ago, at which t-iiio The News carried a report tion of the quarter of a million dollar fireproof state adminis tration building that the recent legislature provided bonds for The commissioners are Ashley Home. Clayton: Gen. J. S. Carr, Durham: J. A. Long, Roxboro; J Elwood Cox, High Point: A. S. Roso, Windsor; W. L, Parson, Rockingham, and William Sprin ger, Wilmington. The commis sion is to have entire control of the location and erection of the the building along with the se lection of the plans. The seens ntthp pons ature seemed to De of the plans in vievy li piumuic - -o-- The Dailv. Trade Record, one UUUUU1" auuuiu Wl of 1 he most reliable dailies ot N.'v York, contained a story in j nu-ent issue relative to the : ,.: ;vr. According to its infor :, iiioii Mr. Underwood, of New ; !,-. is one of the promoters, pi-; sported that already 400, :i 1 spindles have agreed to join :'.. consolidation, and it is said equaUy that amount stands :'.-;i'.iy to '..ome m, i? is known that New York .owl other parties interested canvassed the southern recently, and from what -an bo obtained they are well oiiM'd with the prospects of a u- Msful merging of a long r-h-mgof southern yarn mills. Numerous North Carolina spin in is are said to be interested in tl.' project underway, and at :h- meeting today at the Selwyn .vnil mills were represented. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN COST OF LIVING. v In view of the time, 'thought and space in magazines and newspapers, that has been given in recent years to what is generally, called the "Higher Cost of Living", but what Mr. J: J. Hill has more truly designat ed, The Cost, of Higher Living, it seems to me that a report by the British Board of : Trade on The Cost of Living in Ameri can Towns", including compari- .,1 ,t j. : son witn tne same cost iu England and Wales, has ap- peared very opportunely. . In this article it is impossible to go into the details of the report, and all that can be done will be the briefest summary, that will ,1 i . n i , itself be a summary of an ed- the southwest corner of capitol, ' square. The corner lot there is . . .. : , , . , t 4-V -v a Journal of Commerce as. or Apn! owned by the state, and the ad-i 4.x. wr v. v, 29th 1911. jacent property the Woman s , club building and another resi-j The object is an exceedingly dencelot adjoining the .Rainey , hard one to get at, and the re library will have to be purchased j Port cannot be taken as absolute to make the necessary room forlkv reliable in all the details? F9r countries, thus putting the I Streets, Baltimore, Maryland, Es- American workman far above his brother in any part of the world J. A. LONG, Jr. tablished in. 1868. Capital over $2,000,000. Flantcontain 1 0 acres floor space. the bulding. ! t' i l '1(1 Bankrupt Mill Property At Haw River So d To-Day Haw River May 17. The pro perty of the Trollingwood man ui';ie:uring Comyany bankrupt, consisting of 140 looms, three thousand spindles, the mill build inirfiftv acres of land, sixteen dwdling houses, a store house and other properties were sold at a action by order of the court un the property of the bankrupt .-. many here to day. The pur chaser was Capt. J. W. Fry, of Greensboro, and the purchase prices as $28,000. Contract For Bidlical Recorder Build ing Let. Raleigh, April 28. The contract for the Biblical Recorder build ing that is to be headuarters for all the officers and department of the North Carolina Baptist State convention as well as for the denominational organ by which it is being erected, was a warded Thursday, the building tQbe leady for occupancy with in four months. It will be three stories with pressed brick front. It will have 24 offices besides the quarters ot the re corder printery. Also there will be an immense fire proof vault for historic and current papers and documents that have for many years been exposed to danger of fire or other destruction. instance the data for the United States were taken in 1909 while for England and Wales this data were collected during 1905. Also the data for the United- States were taken from 28 towns east of the Mississippi, which were apparently selected for their prominences as centers of popu-tion. Another thing that makes com Cunnihgahm and Woodburn Notes. Youv correspondent has just re turned from a visit to the good old Cou.ity of Caswell. He visitecT while ui there such progressive farmers asLe'is Griffin, Walter Jeffreys and S. Mv Jones. Esq., and enioyed his stay with these nice people very much. Before he returned the entertainment at the Semora High School took place. We were present and witnessed the careful training of the boys and girls under the careful guar dianship ot Misses Alexander, Principal and Petty. Assistant. They all acquited themselves hand somely, acting their parts without a hitch, and the best feature of it was the solendid music for the oc casion by Miss Nannie Lansdell. which was greatly enjoyed by all. The only trouble was, a house! Lrge enough for the recital could not be obtained,- and nearly half of the audience had to stand during j the entire preformance. j Miss Alexander is verv popular with the scholars, as I heard sev; eral speak of her in the highest terms, and the school has been full and prosperous this year. I think Misses Alexander and Petty will be retained another year. Revv Mr. Hughes filled his last appointment at Cunningham on This is to-certify that I have us ed and seem Radium Spray used for cleaning purposes ets. and fin,d it to be as represented. E. P. Dunlap. Roxboro N. C. i vs. t-ni ii Messrs. Nickols & Co. ' City. Dear Sirs: ' 1 - : This is to say that we" have pur- .' pKqcpH fne of vour Radium. Soray rMif Rto onri ve vprv much Dleased r mh WpIiavp used it1 to ?OOlishf our furniture and sfes andhave".Y'4.; found it to oe very satisiacioy. Yours very truly, ; , i J -S. Bradsher Cashier, Id V D u Nice line ot lawn mowers at the Roxboro Hardware Co." This is to certify that we "have purchased of Mess. Nichols & Co. distributors for Person County, one 01 tneir Kaaium oyiayin Outfit, and find that it is most useful. In cleaning windows, car pets, etc, it if without an equal as far as we have ever seen. Roxboro N. C. April 14- 1911 Your truly, Noell Bros. parison defective is the restrict- 'he 2nd Sabba.h. preachmg a fine, ed trades or occupations select- discourse, some saying u was the . ed for data regarding income- they had ever heard from and living expenses. These, so far as the means of comparison go, are the building trades, en- fgineering trades, and printers The subjects covered in the de tails of comparison are wages, hours of work, housing and rents, food prices and family ex penditure. The general result deduced by averaging is that wages in these trades in the United States com pared with England and Wales stand as 230 to 100, or 130 per cent higher. The hours of work are somewhat shorter in the building trades and printing as 89 td 100 in the former and 96 to Too in fhp latter, while in the 1 v V V -w 7 engineering trade they are a little longer, as 106 to 100. Coming now to the items of cost of living, the conclusion reached is that, "the American workman pays on the whole a little more than twice Jas much as the English workman for the same house accomodation, the ratio being 207 to 100. "The re tail prices of food are said to show a ratio of 138 to 100, of 38 Have a MAGNIFICENT STOCK direct from, best factories, including all the new, desirable styles, in novelty and staple -r-,-rT a rvTTin o J O i 1 Tlian rm A .nn m rvo . n f . &A (III I It , . , , -i . t e a 4- A mtTDCl? UI VELVET PUiVlPS, blacii ana tan, irom .ju w xxxiv- w BUTTON PAT VAMP, black and tan. vLiVUT luruxioras at $2.50 to $3.50. GUN METAL, brown and tan kid, Russia calf tan, and patent, one and two strap pumps, . Ox fords, etc., all short Vamp. v NEW KNOB toe, and stylish heel, from $2.00 to $3.50. FOR YOUNG MEN all the swell styles, OXFORDS and SHOES, ' on NEW RAISED TOE, and high heel, Dependable, Comfort able, and JUST RIGHT m -every way. : We stocked Well on Shoesand Oxfords for BOYS, GIRLS, and for FATHERS and MOTHERS whether Medium Quali ty or Finest Quality is desired, yoirwili get the- best obtain able, at the price v . Don't forget, our Superb Line of Hosiery Hnsiprv. guaranteed for six months, and SPk Hosiery, for men and women, at 25 cents and 50 cents. . Large Line Trunks and Bags, WITH his. He is deservedly popular with us all. Mr. Wilkins our new merchant at Cunningham is doing well and seems to he gaining the good will and confidence of the community. Mr. J. M. Brav at his stand just1 above is steadilv moving forward a?d has a good trade and is pros pering, Messrs. Geo. Cunningham and Jim FrankHn went up to Semora Saturday evening to see a ball game. I dont think our Legislature bettered the law any by taking a wav two "assessor and leaving on ly one to assess the land In this township. Two men of good busi ness qualities are certainly more competent than one, andt the offic ers are increased, and as a natural consequence the expenses greatly increased. As under the old me thod it cost only $?5. nowat three dollars a, day for sixty days it will cost one hundred and eighty dol lars and that more tax on the people to be met, I think they had better let well enough alone as I am satisfied it has not been better- Wat less than thef can 'be h ought, in North Carolina atid I 11 Viro-inia. It will please us to show you, and you to SEE our Spring Stock, AND WE WANT-YOUR BUSINESS Onr can inr R. A East has had eierht year s expenncein. Shoes, and GUARANTEES satisfaction and Lowest . prices. yj R: A. EAST HE SON Main Street, Opposite Farmers Warehouse , SOUTH BOSTON, VA. t tnr " m I Spring is Tapping on the m Dl"l 0 D O O R 1 D o .0 ed in any pantcgiar. liut it is rasn q.o rrhiorown hnwovarb.sa!ionablehow for every legislature IV VV1U avj.w Destributers, White. Frost Re frigerators, Buek Eye Rid ing wide range, showing only a slight difference for meat and a large UUtJ iur puwitucs auu uicau. Gole Corn Planters and Fertilizer irrS 16 one for sugar' It is finally concluded 1 in this report that an Ameridan work man receives 130 per cent, more wages for slightly shorter, fiours and spends 52 per cent, more l for rent and food. It goes to prove that American workmen in the same occupations earn much higher wages than those of Great Britain, and that their necessary cost of living rs higher . i ? n ! J "U 4-"U r 4i4 4- n r ' in a much less proportion, mak- uon t oe saxisneu wiwi u jusu ao ing tliem far better 0f ihQ to make somenew changes or de- rterture, I do not know how all the people like all the these changes but I am speaking out in the meet ing for myself. The general health of our people is excellent at thisiime. Frank. Cultivators and Deenn MACHINERY imJ hrA Vm-vpo11 nn US. We Can IUrn- average W lyi U "Tr Will ' As compared: ,o Germany isn any oi tne auove anu jryu wm Scu satisfaction Up-fo-Date-UetcxSi On The Ftra. The farmer is no longer depriv ed of the benefits of city lift? He has his telephone, his rural free delivery of mail and one, of the things is to have goods that he needs the most delivered right to his door by a reliable traveling salesman. This Company is rjioneer in mis unc. wiwi uyci 2000 salesman on the road taking WrflncA or BelffinmV it has ore- care of over 2.000,000 Fatmers. viously been shown by these ' Right now we need acdye en- cfvla in Pkon SIS to We have every thing Vxm tap" in fashionably correct dress, from heel up and head down, from skin out and top coat; in. "HIGH ART" , Clothes " strike twelve " on Fash ion's dial They come in SHEAVES of WEAVES that twinkle , with new ness: arid crackle with smartness. Soft tans, honnie bliies arid; winsome grays in lots of styles. .:and with a Vl Jv . ,T-r T- .T .. , for Ait The best to be had m cheaper maKes.$o.uu iXriom r , -k? :UiJ:M vxwy. , ,i 'tinnnint'l? nori hnt anv man fixcent tne nLLULEiOo or HEADLESS. Straw hats that will shade HALT UULLAK Scans WiUl a uutiLimv iuuiv. OuiSis : IPUBUC 5 SERVICE stbre.'; We ;dont runit to suit ourselves i)ut to; suit you. c. I 1- . i il Til T-4 lira nAari an afiivr II II - . t ' t ' . J I dllU fatJIVlc. "; same reDOrts that waees are ereetic young . If mmb a '.'jPvvMle L w 7 S , , ; - ' a n 'higher, hours shorter, and cost County to handle this important M5St,& & . S?. o n & B r a d she r & Oo. England j J k. If ! 41. 1 " V ... V . v i 7 'it. i f, 7c ri .1 V ,'1 Fiv" '.is He I

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