Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home First: Abroad Next. . $1.00 Per Year in Advance ; -,'f .:: it. 44 VOL. XXVIII ROXBORO, NQRTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, May 10 1911. No;. 19 E LIST BILL PASSES HOUSE. a:?s. otc Almost Strictly Along Party The Measure Now Has to Gauntlet of the Senate and thsn ly l!:s Present. .Min-r)ii. May 8. - The .rs 'vo list bill passed the ,,r i-i'Dresentatives' shortly THE GRADED SCHOOL tf)SES: NEW ROAD FOR GREENSBORO. On last Friday the Boxboro The Proposed Line Goes by Barlingtop, Graded Sch.ool closed with ap- , Roxb'oro and Oxford, Connecting pi-opriate exercises. The grad-j With Seaboard at Hendersoa. ' uating class was composed othe following Misses May Ethel Will- Special-Greensboro, son, Lizzie n-steiie Burton, Mar- Johnson, Edna Greensboro, N. 0., May 8.' through garet Frances -k tonight by avoteJEarl Bdsher,. Mildred Davis . With the exeeotion Satterfield, Minerva Jane New- ,!OI v oi insurgent., who pnrty fence, the vote - alon?? party lines, r- committee on rules , ):!!. M'il a favorable report i, Hiirdwiok resolution in;vides for an investiga :'.ie American Sugar Re- KiXy and other refin to be in a trust. nluti'va was amended by ..initios to include all cor- ton, Sue Satterfield Merritt, Sadie Col. J. W. Pry, chairman' 6f the committee of transportation of the chamber of commerce is try ing hard and earnestly to build a new railroad, a charter for which Trovelyn Wilkeison and Rosa j was obtained at the last session Effie Brooks. j of the general assembly. ' The TaeR. E. Long scholarship j route projected, is from Greens medal was won by Miss Mildred! boro to Burlington to Roxboroto Davis Satterfield and the prize ( 0x ford to Henderson, connecting given by Prof. Burns was won by Miss Edna Earl Bradsher. The literal y address was de livered by Dr. Edward Kidder REBELS FIRE THE TOWN JUAREZ. Washington and Lee with MorW on the mound who Jias the" won. Orders Issued to Capture Gecera! Navaro Alive. Heaviest Fighting Yet Had rn Mexico, derful record of having pitched 30 College games and' having; won. The result was that Moran ; lis enuaed in making iK ;i vote of 0(5 to 5 the senate ; to make the resolution for the direct election .,;.,rs unfinished business this afternoon. Vlns th resolution will be ; i in mediately this after ; S nui or Borah, the father ,! ', resolution, is confident ii-tt ii" lias enough votes to pass ' .;!! at chis session, but the :"!.;- ,r.- will be prolonged. S ma tor Martin, the minority ' :'v. interrogated the Republi late this afternoon as to vli vi they would have the reap !)(,' -rioninent measure and the cp --naign publicity bill, both of v; :;'!: ;ire now in the hands of '::ittees, ready. Senator La i' - 'i te said the reapportionment ii, - iro would soon be ready :::' Senator Dillingham said the ;; '!: -'.ty bill would be ready for ;!'--"ntation to the senate by !! of the week, The senate ' Mtjourned until to-morrow. : ' Republican senators in - this afternoon " unani :'.iy elected Senator Galling- Now Hampehire, president : -'-:u of the senate. He soc- Senator Frye, of Maine, resigned the position because ! health, with the .Norfolk & Western at Roxborp- and the Seaboard Air Line at Henderson. This road will shorten the dis- uraham and was pronounced by itancefrom Greensboro to Nor mally as the finest address ever f0lk;twenty-six miles and besides delivered in the Audi tor. 11 fa. j relieving Greensboro from a mo Prof. Burns announced that j nopoly of transportation by"-the Mr J. A. Long Jr , had presented! Southern railway, will traverse a to the school an endowment to new country in Guilford and Per- estabiisn tne K. Hi. Liong ocnoi arship Medal in honor of his brother. This medal to be given annually to the scholar who made the best grade, lor the entire course ol four years. There are few youiKj men who take more interest in public affairs than Mr. Long and this gift is highly son, Granville, Durham and Vance and Alamance, full of tim ber, tobacco and other farm .pro ducts, at present remote from railroad facilities, or subject to monopoly charges for freight and transportation. A liberal subscription of stock rhas been made by Greensboro) appreciated bythose interested and Roxboro citizens, more than enough to pay for all preliminary expenses of survey, etc. Citizens all along the line are aroused to the importance of the new .road and pressure will now be brought on all to begin doing something in a business way to" make the idea an eventuality, The route has already been surveyed, and it has beea found that the cost of the road will not in educational affairs. In the evening Miss Lewis and her music class gave a musicale, which was greatly enjoyed. The exercises closing with a comedy, "The Scientific Country School" which w7as composed of 33 of thft school children. And thus goes into history another most successful year for this instituiton wmich is the pride of all Roxboro. The one j amount to' as much as was first sad feature was that it was the j thrmp-ht bv reason of the fact r-t j closing of the work of Prof. R. H. Burns who has so , faithfully and successfully managed the affairs for the past three years. Hotel Destroyed. Hendersonville. A $20,000 fire Sunday-morning destroy C. E. Ropers summer hotel at Flat Rock two mile's From here. The building is situated on a high hill near the Flat Rock depot: was less than a sell the Empire corn plan- J vear old and the spectacular blaze r, which -s one of the best on the attracted hundreds of 'spectators. ;et, also Warner fertilizer dis- Building 2nd contents were insur ed for $11,000. The Origin of the tire is unknown. :rmuror - there are none better Roxboro Hardware Co that the line will follow a ridge nearly the whole way, thereby greatly lessening the expenses of grading. It is now planned for ten or fifteen automobiles, under the direction of Col. Pry, of the chamber of commerce, to leave Greensboro on the morning of May 17, carrying forty business men and newsnaper men, and traverse the route, going through I Burlington, Roxboro, Oxford and on to Henderson, spreading ratlroad enthusiasm as they go. All Sizes and Any Price. White Frost Refrigerators White Mountain. Ice Cream Freezers. Triple- Motion. Lawn Mowers and in the aiitmng HARDWARE LINE In fact we are better prepar ed to serve you than ever. Come to see us. We are here. .: ' X', Long, BiHp 0 News from Pick High School. Messrs Editors; All of the farmers around are about throdgh planting corn and getting ready to plant their tobac co. We were glad to sea the beau tiful rain falling Monday, morn ing for the young men who were out late Sunday night got to sleep late Monday morning. Miss Lynden Clayton is spend ing a week with her grand father Mr. W. E. Mponey, of, Timber lake No.l. If they enjoy her company-as well as we do they will want her! to stay a monlW i K Mess. W. A. James and Garland shley; Wer4 visiws at Ms lie Garrett Sunday.. ; 4 ,-, ? . ; Mr. C. H. Garrett,. one of our j best farnters has tfie finest crop 01 wneai we nave seen inis year Mr. Henfry Moore,.pf Roseville had. better get busy or he will get left on the wheat crop. Misses Lauralirigen1 and Olga Dixon and Mr Will Thomas en joyed a nice dinner at Mr. D. R. f Claytons last Sunday. Every one who visits this, hospitable home leaves happy. ; ' Mr. Jonah Garrett has: return ed t Raleigh where he ; will fin- , ish his course in bookkeeping. . We have a bad f ox in'ouf lieigh ? borhood he catches, - the large 1 chickens in the yard where ;he El Paso Tex May 6. What was perhaps the fiercest battle' of the Mexican revolution was fought at Juarez across the Rio Grande today but without result. Both sides are resting on their a&ms tonight. x - . At least five persons have been killed .on the American side of the line since the skirmishing be gan yesterday and about fifteen have been wounded while the loss on the battlefield is variously estimated at from thirty to sixty dead on both, sides and about seventy five to one hundred wounded. El Paso, Texas, May 9. In surrecto leaders think: they know where General Navarro is, and are making every effort to take him Orders have been given not to shoot him. but to capture him alive, if possible. , The fire, it is believed, fanned by the win may wipe out one-q section of Juarez. There are many Federals at the barrack, which is to be the next objective point of the rebels. El Paso. May 9. At 4:40 p, m. Col. Steever gave the order per mittinghome Americans to cross the bridge and bring back the wounded. Dozens of ambulances and scores of physicians have arrived since the news spread that the wounded could be assist ed, Theilames are spreading rapid ly and can be seen for miles l round. The rebels musketry has not ceased. The entire north west section of Juarez is threat ened. El Paso Texas May 9. The Insur rectos have set fire to the post office in Juarez and the blaze has spread to the drug store and stationery store near by, The" postffice is only few feet from the church where the Federals are gathered. El Paso May 9. At the same time that"the fire broke out the- rebels had completed their sor tie and were firing at the church from their trenches. The rebels believe if they can capture the church they will be in complete possession of the town. Commencement At University. s The Commencement exercises will begin on Saturday May 27th and end on Tuesday May 30th. Sunday May 28th .11:00 Baccal- auieate Sermon 'by the Right Rev. Collins Denny Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Tuesday May 30th Com mencement Address by Wood- row Wilson Gov. of New Jersey. This Com mencement will be no-14 table for 'the presence and ad dress of Governor Wilson who so politically prominent 5 thatr m any North Carolinians- from aft over tte State are expected to attend for the prime . pur pose of forming first-hand 'Im pressions of their Isandiclate for President of the. United rState fpf next yearAspecial (sefce dule is being aranged by ther Un iversity Rahroadto accommodate the large number of .visitors. TeiUl&aJBaiyo terestineyentst ;totiake:,:vplse which IT haven't space ; to 1 mei tioni '-: v fk: Cainas basebalii schedule was brought to a close Saturda jM The "most tBterestmg gameibl the easonon tne nome oRcwim was pulled of itWday when Car- lost his 31st game to the tune of nine to one. .- Well Sweep a Fatal Lightning Rod. grjJHhfieid Herald. Mr. Arhandc Bass, wife of Mr. John bass was killed by lightning while drwfng water at hsrhome in Bentonivilie township Sunday afternoon. It occurred' about 5 1 o'clock. - While a thunderstorm well sweep, the pole in this .in stance being a chain The bolt oi -electricity struck a tree , near the well and is supposed to have jump ed from this to the well chain run ning down the chain to Mrs. Bass Thelightning tore one of her shoes off.; Death was instantaneous. For Rent. A good 7. room house, good garden, already planted,, vegeta bles up. Will "rent cheat). " Apply to JOE H. CARVER, Sherwin & Williams pain f known the w:. rid .over. When you was in pror ess. Mrs. -Bass went j "?dy to paint think - about wi(ni 11 niuaiio ai.'u uuj i- out to the vell to draw soms water usi;;" the old fashioned po'ie andi Sherwin & Williams. Roxboro Hardware Co. Have a MAGNIFICENT STOCK direct from best factories, including all the new, desirable.styles, in noyelty and staple goods. FOR LADIES Suede. Sailor Ties, and pumps at $3.00. VELVET PUMPS, black and tan, from $2.50 to $4. THREE- U BUTTON PAT VAMP, black and tan. VELVET TOP Oxfords at $2.50 to $3.50.. GUN METAL, brown and tan kid, Russia calf tan, and patent, one and two strap pumps, Ox fords, etc., all short V&m p. , ' NEW KNOB toe, and stylish heel, from $2.00 to $3.50. FOR YOUNG MEN all the swell styles, OXFORDS and SHOES, on NEW RAISED TOE, and high heel, Dependable, Comfprt- able, and JUST RIGHT in every. way. We stocked Well on Shoes and Dxfords for BOYS, GIRL3', and ior FATHERS and MOTHERS whether Medium Quali ty or Finest Quality is desired, you will get the best obtain able, at the. r . Don't forget, our . . Superb Line of Hosiery including Hole Proof Hosiery, guaranteed for six months, and Silk Hosiery, for men and women, at 25 cents and 50 cents. . Large Line Trunks and, Bags, at less than they can be bought, in North Carolina and Virginia. '. - ' x It wip please us to show you, and you to SEE our Spring Stock, AND WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. Our senior, R. A. East has had eight year's experince in Shoes, and GUARANTEES satisfaction and Lowest prices. H. A. EAST sss SON Main Street, Opposite Farmers Warehouse SOUTH BOSTON, VA. ' - , " ; , ., . T ' - p1l K ioc -ol Jd . SPEIIS TRABlit Isi?IowiiiFuU.Swmg W- ' - 's lilt orders 2 ; k and we have the goods to fill your -i i . 1 "i - i . j. -.1.1. . : t -i. tne ngnt gooas at ngni prices, jjasu wee& we bought a big. line of sample hats and trimmings, a grand assortment ;.bf , these goods, tne very - newest things out. This will'certainly enable us to save , you money on youwmery- time give you the latest siyle; - . We hve so justgottendn a fine of colors ful and ' we are selling them at 25 a SeMbieces of new. black goods at, 50 cents to $1.50 a yard, the; nicest things M !vnad tor smrts or dresses. : , , . Remember that : we selLOnyx hosiery and Mthatwe are always pleased to serve you; v. :: ...V Sell the .best ' and 'safer you; 'money. J v.. 1 k 1 - -1 f.:i ... v ' y " S'i .c - I X t yi- -t )-. n ' goes. r ruAT WOODS. olina with Lee in the. box ' facing JOT. m 301 -1 ,1 1 7 v i. 71- 6 t V '1 r 5 ii -. -. j 7 - ,':' K t V 4 " X " ' V V it,.