; ... - . i Professional (Jaras N. LUNSFORD, Attorney at Law, " Over Garrett,f Hester & Stanfield Store. PoXBORO, N. L. M. C RLTON, Mtonw and Councilor at Law. ROXBORO, N. C. Practice wherever services requir ed. Phon 10. WM. D. MKRRITT, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Peoples Bank Building. yoz.ROPLo, r. c. Republicans ForLora Dismayed at the reverses sus tained in the last election, dis courage.! over the outlook for the future, and realizing that they can take no stand against the progressive Democratic leg islation that will be backed up by popular sentiment the repub lican minority in the HoUse ol Representatives presents a sorry spectale. Minority Leader Mann seems CASTOR I for Infants and. Children, . n The Kind You Hive Alleys Bought F. O. Carvrr. S. G. W instead; CARVKR WINSTRAD. Attorneys and Counsellors at law. Ofri;e over Bank of Roxboro. Phone 59. Roxboro. N. C. MARCUS C. WTNSTEADJ Attoiney-at-Law. Practice in Person an.i Caswell Counties, and wherever services required. Offi:eerg?a& Cy. DR- R-'R- LONG. Dentist. Office over Long, Brad slierhf Go's Hardware store. DR. O P SCHAUS Offers his professional services in the practice ir.ejic.ine in all its tranches to the teopleif 'ox!.''.ro and surrounding country Office over Bank of Roxboro. to be following no set policy, ex cept one of general obstruction to any thing the Democrats may suggest. Differing radically on the is sues the Republican are not even harmonious on Air. Mann's pol icy of obs truiiop. Progressive Republicans like William Kent of California declare they were not elected to waste time in blocking legislature or in badgering any other pai-ty. He was elejte to serve the public interest and he intends to do this. Several other progressives hold the same view, -which make Mr. Mann's position fill the more tr ino- The majority of the Repulicans however do nothing bur grumble and oppose-apparently incapable of understanding that the public cannot be deceivedn by unintelli gent partisan action which has n higher purpose than tint of public deception in the interest of apolitical orgonizationalready' in public disfavor. -Ex- Bears the Signature of We have a nice lor of screen windows and doors Cheap. Watkins & Bullock. b, Inconsistent-Aclion Most (ft the 1 -v.unudi lurm- Signs Of The Times A Temarkable vote for the United Stats senate was record ed when the resolution to bring about the direct election of sen ators was made the unfinished business and there by given prec edence over all other measures. Sixty-f.ve senators voted on the side of the general proposition to five against Every Democrat and every progressive . republican present voted in the affirmitive. This does not mean that the fight over direct elections has been won outright: But it it does mean that the great majority of the tory senators have learned that they cannot persistently re sist public sentiment and hope fo retain their seats. No one be lieves that the great majority of tory senators who voted with the progressives want to vote as they did, They were prompt ed solely by a realization that the public demands a change in flin iv, . 8 I i " iu uuc ui-oneu oi electing sena tors and that further defiance of thapulic would but hasten of- recti ve. public resentment. -Ex. In The Wake of the Massies. The little son of Mrs. 0. B: Palmer. Little Rock, Ark,, "had the measles. The result was a severe cough which jirew ' worse and (je could not sleep. She; says; "One bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Lompound completely cured him and he has never been bother ed since." Croup, 'whooping cough, measles cough all yield to Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound. The genuine is in the yel low package always. Refuse sub stitutes. Morris-WebbDrugCo., Senator Tillman's emotion tear ducts will be subjected to a serious strain if the new Lo ri mer debate- is .long drawn out. Warning To Railroad Men. E: S. Bacon, 1 1 Bast St., Bath, Me., sends out this warning to railroaas- "A conductor on the railroad, my work caused a chron ic inflammation of the kidneys, and I was miserable and all play ed out. A friend advised Foley Kidney Pills, and from the day I commenced taking them, I began to regain my strength. Tha-inflam-mation cleared and I am far better than I have been for twenty years The weakness and dizzy spell are a thing of the past and highly re commend Foley Kidney Pills." Morris-Webb Drug Co., Do Ghosts Haunt Swamps We might arrange a great in ter.national race of insurrectiona iace of 'insurrections between the Mexican and the Chinese of the Houso of Jiepivsen-! No, Neverits foolish to fear a ! i,n'isin' to See wliili would uunes woo vot against rec-h,. tancied evil wnen th A Good Example V "I, am a good 'example' writes Mrs. R. L Bell of McAlester, Okla., "of what Cardui will do for suffering -women. . ; "1 suffered with my head and back, for over six years and although I tried everything, I never could get any.! thin to do me any good, until I began to take Cardui. Cardui has surely helped me jmd built me up and I am so thankfuMhat I have found something that will do me good. I feel so much stronger and better than I have in a long time." It Is well to make up your mind before you are sick what medicine you will take, when you are sick. Take 7 47 The Woman's Tonic You will be glad to take it when you are tired, mis erable .and when life seems a weary grind. It' will put new thoughts into your head, fresh courage into your mind If not sick now, at least burn Cardui on to the pages of your memory, so that when you are sick you will ask for it without thinking. If sick or weak, get a bottle today. At all druggists. Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept. Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattannooga, Tenn., for Special Instructions, and 64-page book, "fyme Treatment for Women," sent free. rocity soagat to d re arc rv i get somewhere first. eu lid their ; md deadly perils to gu u-d against Take Care of Your Roses. Have you any roses that you would like to have prured, some cuttings made from them that-you can have more of you choice flowers and better flowers I will also have some cuttings made from some of the best rose bushes in town, vifl be ready to plant by the last of April, well rooted and in good condition. Let rre do your floriculture work. Drop me a card when you want work done. M. E. BURTON, Roxboro, N. C. Or leave notice at Ab. Barnett's store. If You Care For-Style I votes by d.vlarm .r the ineasu n. ' in swamps and marches, bayous lAVllS a-;5ins;f- th,'k !w, ... . ! 1 1.il. T:. . . i l u, .,CM; ujirests oi j'li' luwianuv i uese are tne m- 1 W1 L 1,1 tU :.nwCLl jtll0 f;lrm;i,s a;i. SunJnv Nose ani Throat diseases and "fitting, glasses DR. ft. J. TEAOUE Morris-, 'jn.y's tore every Saturday ana I ihat as thev I lana sfirms that caus aa-:ip rh-AW 1-1 , ' I o I ' - ;--:u auention given Eve, bar 1 . .l'x ias,-lvfs "po:i beni -a tever, weakness, aches in the ofiinendsot the fanmer at everv AFTI VI n L. V. A tadshe-, M. D. Practicing Physician., U.fcrs his services to the people o! Roxboro and surrounding community. hones and muscles and rnaviruinrv 4-.,..'J1 l ft J . uiinm nie mui they eoaid u,i j deadly typhoid. But tilectlrie Bit-.jbrin--themselves to vote, for the i ters destorys and casts out thes- ; reciprocity bill. j Then the farmers free list bill ; which untaxed affricultur.il in. f ' pigments and nearly everything ! Fret well of Lucama, N. C "and uic idimer uses. Here was H j I've had fine health ever since." golden opportunity for the friend I Use this safe sure remerlv nnh, vicious germs from the .blood, "Three bottle drove all the ma- aria from mv system. " wrote Wm 8 E LOVE, M. D., Practicing Physician Offers his services to the people of Roxboro and surrounding com munity. Office in Pass Carver Building. P 4-1, e Lut lLrmers: But lo aud behold when it came time to vote 109 Republi cans who had been so loud in proclaiming their affection for the farmers, voted against the farmers free list bill, -Charlotte News. 50c at Hambrick & Austin. Dr. C. G. Nichols. Dr. A. F Nichols. Nichols & Nichols O.fers their professional service to 'he people of Roxboro and sur rounding country. DR. E. J. TUCKER, Dentist. Ofiie 'JVwJo7t(iS Hotel Over Roxboro Di-ud Co, DR. G. C. VICKERS, Dentist. Office at Jones Hotel, Roxboro, N. C. Saved Child From Death "After our child had suffered from severe bronchial trouble for a year, wrote G. T. Richardson's Mills, Ala, "we feared it had con sumption, It had a bad couh all the time. We tried many "reme dies without aail, and doctors remedies without avail, and doc tor's medicine seemed as useless mally we tried Dr. Kings's Ne David Graham Philips on D;ist. "Obviously, the only sane vvav to live is to live so that one keens himself in good health. The day has almost arrived when the medical profession will cease to occupy itself almost exclusively with -the business of curing disease, and will devote itself in the main to educating itself and then the public in the science of nealth. When that day comes, when medicine has ceased to be the science of disease and has be come the .science of health, it will be more useful, if less well paid. Let us cite one instance of t ie Discovery, and are pleased to sav jpathy to Dut it milHIv-nf rh ii . . - mat one bottle effected a complete medical profession in the matter Mrg. Mcry ArraaJa of Luniborton, C., .'rt; -b'fy I was .'i St-- rt si-ui-roi- from - i dy-u-- '("jght a T:y ;;ai;e ii:uL'v:..U5oa. ' It ;u-o .V'Uist on ca,ts nl.ni L-.r.-.inci,. v.-J;i li de- il'ta'l'd Il!0 !! ! lu..; (. ... :),'.-! IklW O? .. ' 'i'r'.v.tly im;K;i;!, rrd I v ;Ui(j Vui'.s. a;:.- I lull i . f ( ; !. :;c'i'U that I uy j, .;. vvcl --- ,- )'iO'Jy 1 UH so, ::: a t.u. tc v iii-.sc : ::"!'.,.:). a ii: this rorhl.'' r'0!'. regard vinvwh troul;les ; V!:,r ',;uI,,aa Nctvoi:: ::cs.?, eU-.) a:j of '''"i cot . errenco i, ':;;:" veil 7 eta,Ts Sever, wa a a jn.re serious Tnuotako- made! . aon th? aop''to is rjlc crvc.s -.haitprea, the te:r.-er nihu d, the ' hc.iv ?maeiated, spasms pair; frequent, sound :vop impossible, ref repair iv t unknown, ti:oy wike up to the fa'-t that. st".mi-h trouble . Is a serious tna'ter. V.'b-r- this "'T is reached, the o::!y tliii:.; in the wuim iuui WiU cure you is Southern Railwav Direct Line .to all Points North, South, East, West. Very Low;: Round -Trip Rates to all Principal Resorls. IBS, M PEWS REMEDY W. MORTON, SURVEYOR Land and Drainage Surveys. Office over Peoples Bank. ROXBORO, N. C. WIK WESTERN. OCT. 2 1910, Daily Daily Ex Sun Daily Daily Ex Sun P- m- a- m- a. m. p. in. 5 30 7 00 Lv Durham Ar 11 15 9 15 7 13 8 15 Lv Roxboro Ar 9 32 7 54 7 55 8 45 Lv Denniston Ar 8 45 7 19 1 25 9 08 Lv So. Boston Ar 8 12 6 56 40 9 21 Lv Houston Ar 7 48 6 43 H 35 11 55 Ar Lynchburg Lv 5 15 4 15 Connection at Lynchburg with trains east westbound. if you are thinking oPtaking a trip YOU ant quotations, cheapest fares, reliable and correct inforraati as to routes, chalules, the most comfortable and 1. est way. Write and the information is your ; far asking, with one of our complete p olders. W4fte.tor rate, maps, time tables. -. , F BRAGG, ,T. p A.V ' ' cure, and our child is again strong ananealthy." For couehs. colds. hoarsness. lagrippe, asthma, croun and sore lungs, its the infallible remedy -that's made. Price 50 cents and $1.0s. Trial bottle free. Guarantted by Hambrick & Austin Talk Your Town. Did you ever stop to think that towns are competitors just as merchants are? So strong has competition between towns be- come that it is necessary for the towns which expect to grow, to advertise and "blow their wares" just as merchants and other business men do. The citizens of a town can advertise the town by "talking it up."" Don't knock your town any more than ypu 'would knock your store if you were a merchant, After all, the town is only a large corpomion and the citizens are the stockholders. Do ycu want a good dividend? If you do, talk you town. Stanly En terprise ' We are selling lots .of'jfuriittlre these days, von want Vcmt- o odd piece or anything in the furni- im.w u.ic wc nave me goods that ME pruwMuLjr. so yean experience. Send S-cent stamp for NEW BOO iuu ut wuuil iniormanon. 11 win aa fortune TRADE-MARKS and eonrrlglits obtained or no fee. - Send model, sketches or photos and brief descriptioa, for FREE SEARCH and report on KLET. ipyouto , READ PAGES Hand IS before applying forapBteninwritetovday. D.SOTT&CO, PATENT LAWYERS. 303 Seventh St, Washington, D. C. of health. Today in every Jartre city, and in most of the s.n ill ciiies the chief source of tha disease is the dust -jermlaler, dust, the ruuies ihe membrances of the ey.s, ears, nose, throat, digestive tracts grows with appalling rapidi ty. Any one whv has a mo mentary knowledge, of the sciences that group around or ganic chemisiry knows what dust is doing to human health through out civilization. Yet what do we hear from jhe fashionable doctors on this subject? In every county doctors are oianizei Every where they wield a vast power over the minds of the people in matters of health and disease. But they do not appear to be able to abate or to end the frightful Dlaeue or oust, in New York city, in the ! past 10 years, the sales of reme-r dies for diseases directly traceable And get it in frPafpH to the increased dnct iuu a m treateQ V . wui IIIC i street have more than quadn nl- It rpstoro: pneriry to irnicrl rtirtivo or S'i.;:.uhlos a lic::l'hy Vow- of pastric '..o, arid liruifrs ever? m(irTif)n of the tcinacii Jiack to uonnal hc-iiiiii. It is a r.AicUy Tosetal.le coRinonn.?, rncl coptains r bartnfu jLincrnl ir!:;-!icr.ts whatever As a Tonie. Altera five," Klood Purifier and rsorvine it Las no eoval. Don't permit any disease cf the stomach to eo nntreitd. As s-r,n as von feei the slightest effpts of indi-estion or any of the otlier ailments dircrtlv attributable to n der:in:rerrer)t of the d!"o;tire orean he rrm at onre Hie tise of Mrs. Joe Person's Kmeny ov.d a comnete enre vrill be an easy matter. 7f vnnr trTTKi ia i -tandmf, this Remedv -will still enre von Dntjt will, of conrse, talce loiter. " . Vf want to v"riff for tetimoTi- inis rrom pponie wlo ore suffered the tor nes of Indigestion. Dvspepsia and other -maeh ailments, bnt who are now sonnd and well, and eat wbat they want without a rjn of distress. Ti enspa of external trouble, Jitflamma 't. nleeration or itehip humor, our Wnoh should be used with the Remedv. For sale bv dnitrgists. or supplied direct -n tPeein of price. $1.00 per bottle; 6 bot- i;aB.trS00: 1 dozPn by express prepaid i r 510 00, bv m PERSONS REMEDY CO., Kittrtll, H. Q, Through Pullm.in m Adnm l:n'e in Mtei-ii 1 -r-i- A.rc r ' -ot 7-eJieiuu leaves jxaicign :uo r. iVL, Ar- nyes Atlanta o:Zo A. M., making close cennetion for and' arnvinr Monigonrery following day after leaving Raleigh, 11:00 A. M, Mobile 4:12 P. M., New Orleans 8:30 P. M., Birmingham 12:15 Moon, Memphis 8:05 P. M., Kansas City M. 20 A. M. second day; and connecting for all other points. This car also makes close connection at Salisbury for St Louis and other Western Points. If you care for style, and nisi of peoule do, itcdn behad finy vehicle on our1 floors. c are prepared for the early spring trade. Our stock is at its best. c are showing a remark.le assortment of, vehicles, inck.cirig surreys, buggies and carri;;-'-s. Our Hames Departmer,! is a regular savings bank tor those who have no nreji"':;ce against buying suchi things n this serson of the year. Our MOGUL Waaom Don't forget that we- are sdiin one of the best wagons ever rut on sale in Roxboro. Gome in and examine The Mogul when you come to town. We want to show it to you whether are ready to buy or not for if vou . see one of these vagons you wil Know where fo go when you are ready to buy. V ROXBORO" VEHICLE AND . CASK . Spring Bedding Plants Through -Pullman to Washing ton leaves Raleigh 6:50 P. M, ar rives Washington 8:53 . M., Baltimore 10:02 A. Mw Philadel- phis 12:23 Noon. New York -2:31 ! tsePr for Abpntifymg the yard burg, Chicago, and all other! AlSO Decorative points North and West, and at! Plants fnv f ha Greensboro for through Tourist! ridiltb lor tne SleeDer for California nninrs. anH I nouse. for all Florida Points. Your Land Rieh? Use Blackstone bone Tankage Fertilizers, Through Rarlor Car for Ashe ville leaves Goidsboro at 6:45 A M., Raleigh 8:35 A. M., arrives Asheville 7:40 P. M., majcing close connection ,, with thp Carolina Special , and arriving mcinnatti 10:00 A. M. fo owino- aay after leaving Ka eih. with close connection for all points North and North-West, a.. -jfThe Late Graham Philins in The Saturday Evening Post Jetrsit discover e d taV it lofe the basebaiu; champidnship; fi&t, year by losing a fev ganici and .bags. ThisMnct Goodacnts sell itajt your station,' Ifnot;. come to see.or Vrh:e'r t? HflCKSTONE -GUMO. COHP'INY; , Pullman, for Winston-Salem ieayes Raleigh 2.;30 A.M., arrives Greensboro 6:30 A.M., making close connection at Greensboro for all Points Norm South Fsfsf and West. This car is haridled on train No, 111 leaving Golsboroat 10:45 P, M. k , ir you aesire.anv. lhFormatinn a rtlPjaf writ rr -oll iVff X 1 I to furnisfr information as well as to sell tickets. : :F'- c' - H. F. CARY, v General Passenger Agent, Washingt6n, D. C J.O.JONES, t.p. a: " Raleigh, N. C. ' v Choice Cut Flow rs. for wedding and all so cial' events. Floral off erings arranged in the best artistic style at short notice. Mail, telephone and telegraph orders promptly executed by, J. L O'QUINN & CO. .Raleigh, N. C. Phone 14y. mm? Succeed when evetythiog else foils. In netvoua prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY-LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE Via the best medicine ever sold over a c uggist's counter. T. 0. ; WRITE TO . SHARP MARBLE 4 GRAN- II t COMPANY T T - For Their Sew Catalogue Just Issued. f Tj' "11 1 A ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

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