use Live E This same shoe In our "Autograph" brand, 52.50 and $3.00, is Goodyear well sewed; in our College Woman's Walk' ing Shoe, $3.00. 53.50. 5i00. if equals the best custom make. is a revelation to every woman who tries it for the first time. In style it is the equal of shoes that cost double the money. It makes the foot feel perfectly at home. It wears better than anvshoevou ever bought for$2.00 because weuse live leather aqualitysole, insole, counter, heel, linings. How can we afford it? Go to the Craddock dealer in your town; he knows he will tell you. Look for the Red Bell on the Box. CRADDOCK-TERRY CO., Lynciibupg, Va. A Romance of War Times. Cincinnati linquirier. Sik'iinum Heights, the most fa mous colonial mansion in GL-oi'ia which was saved by Gen. AY. T. Sherman when he was marching through Georgia, been use lie lov ed its mistress when ho was a cadet, burned the other day. Mrs. William Shellman mis tress of the mansion, was Miss Cecilia Stovall before marnage, and as a girl spent her summers at West Point. She was real beautiful, and W. T. Sherman and J. W. Hooker, who were ca dets at the time, fell in love with her aud tried to marry her, but she rejected them for a South ern man. During the war General Sher man and General Hooker led their troops through this section of Georgia. Upon approaching Shellman Heights the soldiers of General Sherman started to ran sack the mansion, whereupon a negro servant asked: "Oh, Lord! What's Miss Cecilia gwine ter do now?" General Sherman tioked the- le gro for the rest of the name of his mistress, and he replied: 'Miss Ce::ilia Stovall Shellman." Why, she's my o'd sweet- ju't!" exclaimed the General, j d he ordered thesekliers to re- ! an phtco what they had taken, aiid i placed a guard about tht home. Genera! Hooke Kissed bite; , aud upon ascertain!' who the j . i i mistress was issuer si in i in r or ders. After the war Mrs. Shellman received lmin.y letters from Sher man and Hooker. Do You Have the Right Kind Of Help? I Foley Kidnty Pills furnish von the right kind of help to neu'ralize and remove the poisons that cause backache, headache, nervousness, and other kidney and b'adder ailments." Bond? Are Sold Raleigh, May 25. C. C, McDo nald thr- well known stock man of Raleigh and the banking house Of A. B. Leach and company, of ; New York today jointly purchas- i ed the issue of $250,000 state 4 Warning To Railroad Men. per cent. 40-years adminstration g. S. rt.icun, 1 1 Bast bt Bath, building bonds and $60,000 bonds sc oui ?his warning to for construction of the .school rulrodas "A conductor . on the for feebleminded. The price paid .-ailroad, mv vork caused a chron was$S10,124 for the $310,60, jc inflammation -f the kidneys, which is $100 04 er $100 in and I was miser ihle and all play bonds. There were bids for $397- eti oul a friend advised Foley 100, many of the bids 'being for Kidnev Piii jnd from the Ja I par. There were several people commenced t .kini; tnem, I Oean who wished to bid for some of ,() r.gajn my s,r n. ,i, d jnfiam. the bonds in $100 denomina- maiiofi cl - 1 a ui 1 a n ir betier tions. 1 OASTO The Ku' ! Hv HMysbougi.. Learner ca Some shoe dealers will tell you they can't give you a good, durable shoe for $2.00 or $2.50. They are right, they can't. The $2.00 shoe they sell is made to fill' a demand at this price not to wear. It is made of seconds from sole to rueel. The Southern Girl $2.00 Shoe $2.50 HEN STORY AS SEEN IN WILSON, j ! She Just "Incites" Her Stock In ; Trade Instead of f ayit z fes Wilson, May 17. A few days a20 a special went out from New Brn and was printed in the News and Observer to the affect thnt an old noro ;n mmy saw an old favorite dominicker hen of hers "drop from her craw" a live chick. Soon the news spread around New Bern of this singu lar and u natural occurrence and the "non-setter" was placed un der X-rays when six eggs were located in different part of her jbody. Those who read the ac count took it in with a big grain of salt pronouncing it fishy of the fishiest kind. The story is anything but a fake, being verified by vr. Paul Branch, a Wilson gentleman of undoubteJ veracicy who travels from town to town in the inter est of the Show King Baking Powder Company, Mr Branch says; "I was in New Bern a few days ago. nd calling to mind the ar ticle in the News and Observer, decided to see for myself this wonderfu1 lien and accordingly wnnt ro tho vmnber given me lr Oneen street, where heroin or, (.. J. v1om4v (colored) has ir n exhibition An admission price of ten ccn! i -elm rtrod for seeing he wonder fo and the id man :s -:Uo bis job. fer Ihe i ii. .... las Dad ' nr!.; o! ' M)1"' enir post "i i d of hi m"- if a rd t r dimes from ( his son i'"t. are coi i tnr a lly fiindiiisr t b i r way to his canac- to poCKeis. 'he old man has ef-'s-e ei.e hundred mi ten dol lars ior the in on in bating fowl saying she worth her weight old " Vir Branch sh.vs t iat just un der her craw another chick may be seen alive and kicking and that another one seems to be for ming on her win that Ithe apperture where the live chicks has 4 pipped" resembles a heal ing sore He says hundreds of people nave viewed the phenom enon, amonjj the lot about forty physicians who look wise and say nothing than I h iv The er v years izz pe i are mgtily re a thiny oi th: i- i cotnmend p.ney K'duev Puis THE KIDNEYS AND THEIR BOSS. Dr. N. J. Harty Secretary Indiana State Board of Health. Onetime two kidneys which had been working like dray horses for years suddenly slowly ud. Kidney No 1 said: "I just can't absorb these enor mous quantities of salt and salt peter the blood is loaded with now I aday; and I notice you too are j i growing weak." "Yes,"said No 2, "themanwe are working for is a regular glut ton on ham and bacon and since Dr. Wiley forbade borax as a meat preservative the salt and salt peter have been increased and that's A'hat maden us so tired. Yesterday the saltpeter was so strong it tore one of my h'bules, l and it bled horribly. The boss was p 11 t - t awfully scared ana went to see a doctor. The doctor never said a word about letting up on the ham with its embalming chemicals but gave a prescription which I heard j the old man say cost 35cents. It I was acetate of potash and an infu ision of digitalis and when it stuck j me I trembled like a leaf." i I, too, felt the blow of that in ! fernal stuff as it came along, " said ! No. I. "I already had a good jag of salt and saltpeter and was try ! ine My best to pass them on when the acetate and digitalis hit me. I grew dizzie and just to let a little light into the boss's mind I sent a pain impulse to his brain". "So did I," said No. 2. "Didn't help much though because he sent j down a dose of Morphine to queit thd pain. When the blood brought ; the cussed stuff I could see the corpuscles were staggering and were very weak like. One of them said. 'I feel like I had been hi with a club. I couldn' whip a sick typhoid germ if it were to come along, and if it were hus ky one good-by me." 'Good-by for the boss too. "said kidney No. 1. The two poor overworked kid neys again conscientiously took up Jheir functions but it was no use; they just could not catch up. The blood now began to kick. "I have this load of salt and saltpeter around the course three times now and a new let came into the stom ach about ten minutes ago and al so a lot of catsup with vinegar and spices. If you don't take this old charge from me as is your duty, I can't relieve the stomach." ,,Let the stomach go hang,"said the kidneys. "If !t hasn't sense enough to Duke the infernal stuff out let it suffer." "Whatiuio ?" said the blood, The creosote which got into the ! ham when it was smoked has par- aWzed the poor thing." So the the kidneys said- "Well 1 ! 1 vj f send a joint wire up to head quarters and see if the old boss won't then let up a bit with his sormandizin?." So they sent the wire and threw a fit. The boss sick as a dog had to go to bed and again sent for the doctor. I 1 I have an awful pain in mv kidneys," said the boss, "My kidney pills will cure it," said the doctor; arid he adminis tered the pills. When they dropped into the stomach the old tired thing said: "Heavens and earth! what's this" Neverless it bent te the job and when the hard sugar coating was dissolved and the buchu juniper oil and more saltpeter droped out it called down the tube to the kid neys what was coming. The poor things grooned and said, "How long O Lord, how long?" Before ihe stuff in the first dose of , pills reached the kidneys another dose dropped into the stomach. "Here comes some more!" yelled the stomach down the tube and the dizzv staggering kidneys agreed they had reached the end of their string and Bright's disease was in evitable. Theo just couldn't help it and the trouble began. Gradully the boss wasted away in &rea pain and died. He ne?er did kno v why his kidneys gaveout and whv he had .Rripht's disease. spices; eat embalmed meat: eat inorinately of salt: -eat, eat, eat for plesure: but don't be cranky and eat to live in strength ana happiness. Morris-Webb Drug, Co., Foley's Kidney Remeky Acted Quickly M, N. George, Irondale, Ala., was bothered with kidney trouble for many years ''I was persuaded to try Foley Kidney. Remedy, and before taking it three days I could feel its beneficial effects. The pain left my back, my kidney action cleared up, and I am so much better. I do not hesitate to recom mend Foley Kidney Remedy. Morris-Webb, Drug Co. HiGhly Bleached Flour is Siezed. Raleigh May 25. A shipment of flour has just been seized in the store of H. J, Olive in Aheville by inspectors for the pure food divis ion of the state department of agri culture because it is highly bleach ed. The bleaching is chargeable to me Cumberland Mills of Nashville Tenn. by whom it was shipped in to the state to Mr. Olive. The de partment has not yet decided whether there shall be prosecution in this case or not. There . have been no prosecutions for sometime! past and the present seizure was clue to excessive bleaching. How ever the department has decided to resume seizure?, for all bleach-! ing as the government authorities! are finally convinced that every! I slight bleaching of flour is delaier-! 10 us. Saved Child From Death 'Afterour child had suffered from severe bronchial trouble for a year." wrote G. T. 'Richardson's Mills, Ala., "we feared it had con- sumption. It had a bad cough all the time. We tried many reme dies without aail, and doctors remedies without avail, and doc tor's medicine seemed as useless. Finally we tried Dr. Kings's New Discovery, and are pleased to say that one bottle effected a complete cure, and our child is again strong hoarsness. lagrippe, asthma, croup and sore lungs, its : the "nfalliDk reircuy inai ! indue. riiLC DV Cents and $l,0s. Trial bottle free. r j l u u i o a (juarantted by Hambnck& Austin No Pardon For Rich Bankers. Wahington, May 25. President Taft denied the applications for the pardon of Charles W. Morse, of New York and John R. Walsh of Chicago, the two most imo- minent bankers ever conyimed and sent to federal penitentiaries under the national banking laws, Xot only did the president refuse j to pardoneither Morse or Walsh hut he also declined at this time to exercises any other sort of executive clemency in t'esecases or to shorten the sentences im posed ud on the two men by tne courts in which they were co i victed. Do Ghosts Haunt Swamps ? No, Never. Its foolish to fear a fancied evil wnen there e rea and deadly perils to guird against in swamps and marshes,, bayous and lowlands. These are the ma laria germs that cause ague, chills and fever, weakness, aches in the bones and muscles and maymdi'ce deadly typhoid. But Electiric Bit ters destorys and casts out these vicious germs from the blood. Three bottles drove all the ma- laria from mv system," wrote Wm Fretwell of Lucama, N. C, 'and1 I've had fine health ever since." Use this safe sure remedy only. 50c at Hmbrick'& Austin. fiticlden's Arnica Salve The Best Salve In The WorlcL MM W f of backache, rheumatism f S Fdloy's Kidney Pills purity tnt. ' u "vK FOR No Man is Than His Stomach A strong man is strong all over. No man can be strong who. is suffering from weak stomach with its consequent indigestion, or from some other disease of the stomach and its associated organs, which im pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach is weak or diseased there i3 a loss of the nutrition contained in food, which ia the source of all physical strength. When a man "doesn't feel just right," when he doesn't sleep well, has an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach after catb, is languid, nervous, irritable and despond, cnt, he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength. Such a man should uso Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, It cmr&s disease -f the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It enriches the blood, invigorates the liver, strengthens the kidney.?, nourishes the nerves, and so GIVES HERLTH 21XD STZNGTH TO THE WHOLE BODY. You can't afford to accept a sicvei nostrum as a substitute for this non alcoholic medicine of known composition, not even though the urgent Jeaier may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. After Grippe or any Sickness Vinol Creates Strength HERE IS PROOF " After a long attack of Grippe, Mrs. Vaught seemed unable to re cover her strength. She was very weak and had no appetite. VI NOL rapidly improved her condi tion and restored her to health. sincerely recommend its use during convalescence or any run down condition." Judge C. N. Vaught, Huntsville, Ala. Miss Adelaide Garam, of Water town, Wis., writes, "After a severe attack of the Grippe, my system was in a very weakened, nervous, run-down condition. I took VI NOL with the best of results, and it made me feel better and stronger than I have been for years.' We have never sold in our store a more valuable health restorer for weak and run down persons than VINOL, and we ask such people in this vicinity to try VINOL with the understanding that their money will be returned if it does not do all we claim for it " HAMBRICK & AUSTIN. Ivoxboro Company. We have secured i tne services or. a ! ftf. ClaSS drUggist jallQ aiG HOW Die- 1 i fMl , "ngjQQ till X)YQ i x scriptions accurate ly and promptly. jSend us your pre scriptions, Full line of Toilet j artideS, CigHTS allCl ; i i j LUi JciLLU. i ! Yo UP 3 X 1 licited. Roxbou D Finr Fans. F 1 am offerii ror c Gates f .: .. , c t i more or e s. u i house, n- i usr bacco h? .v m r a! East of Brad n , e the Hi h R -c Pavne's O d i rr a- ;t: ;. c CI 't s elling' to i a t 1 mu ()n l .S (iTOVP This farm IS eavl v -i c ... red una in all respect 1 d i'rni Wilt ,e1, atreaso ahi- nrio e aeil ai redS anio pne . desirinp fO look oVtr -'m Will please Call On the U"d r ZHi. A1SO Several Iok u k-. X . , hich nMiiiu,cnU.,rts, M !..,.! will UV, C V Wll .. v 11 Carver will sho v. Will also sell he ' M . IS. i'l Hu-dlr - . Mills. This i a soiei'0'-. e mill, corn mill, s i mill ) rs ing macnine, ertgint, i " c ; Mr- -class enoinmrnt. Ri r w: t ( - i r - h steam power. Thi i;. a ai ' James T. Gates, Otew N N. Lunsford 4-25, 6ms v.ialitv Drug SALB BY MOR IS V Eb An St S r 1 V ,. : 5 'jcm. , This is to certify that I bought of Messrs. Nichols & Co. o:;l- Ra idium Sprsy, and I am binly (Pleased with, it, and take pleuro in recommending the Raoiuni Spray, to the people. Your friend. H. J. Rou-s. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as Administrator on the es tates of Mrs. J F. Wi son and Miss FrnnLv I 1 Parker dee'd 1 hereby notify all persons owiiv said estates to come forward and make imme diates ettlement and all persons holding claims against said estates are notified to preset them to the undersigned for payment on cr before the 1st, day of May 1912, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This May 1st 191,1. J, F. WILSON, Admin. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator on the estate of L O. Russell deceased, I hereby notify all persons having claims against his estats, to present them to ms or to :r,y at torney, for settlement on or before the I5tii day of May 1912. or this notice will he ple-ij in bar of their recovery. Ail persons in debted to the es'ate will please make imme diate settlement, This 15th day of May 1911 J. T. RULSELL. Administrate 2 Win. D. Merritt, Attorney. Executors Notice, Having qualified as Executors on ihe estate of the late C. R'. Vernon, deceased, late of PersDn County, horth Darolina, this is to notify all person - owing the estate to :ome forward and make immediate settlement and all persons holding claims against said estate are notified to present them to the under signed for payment on or before the 24th day of April 1912, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Thi 24th day of April 1911. Mrs. C, R. VERNON JOHN H VFRNON JAS. W. VERNON. Executors. Administrator's Notice. The undersigned having quahfied as the administrator of the estate of Mrs Julia. A Chambers, deceased, late of Person county twsisto nohfy an persons having claims flcrmn;t rhf said estate oi said deceased to against the said estate oi said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the Iftth day of April 1912 or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All person indebted to said estate will please rr-.akc iininedicUe payment. This 17th day o April 1911. L. R. CARVER. Aom'r Sale ol Laiul. bv vinue of a deed of trust executed to me bv A. J.Strui' in. iU ly reordel in P-'Si u County in Hook 13, pao .i. I will . tl'e Slh Hay ol June. 19! L sell t piii lie -iiktinn f..r cash, in fn n: t lii.1 court h(:;se uo'T in lnw. 1 1 i.'t ' :i tra.-' t I n i !ing i.' A I U nsx ilte t.i'.v Persoo U'Hv, . u ikied "l"! o !-r 1 v J 1.- Cum : . St ' , H ( .'1'trv. wet ! v .. I ert hi ' i. . u pt y ' ! s i t . i r : r:i . i r?:. ' : ;:. it; o.i ie . r Itr-s. ! O' . ;i vv : r ' 'f tiv i I Geo y 'ract ' : is : 'Jill, 1 U1. 1 T. c. Bh'O KS, Trus wiil i fier for sale .. V'l mT.iv Jun 12h. 191!, at the ouit Hiuse dior in Koxt oro N the f. Iluwii'g trac. or parce of land, f ound ed a-nd oescn' ed as follows: Hounded on the north l v the lands of Hen ry Moore, and partly ry Joe Burch; on the east by Je ur:h and on the west by Mrs Lizzie Ttmberla e and Cora Timberlake, con- taining 73:cres more or less according to re- cem survey a'e by W. . Morton. A lat ,f said tract fcy metes and bounds will be shown on day of sale or can be seen at the f. L. M. Carlton any time before day of sale This tract is pari of the lands of J O.Vanhook Terms: One third cash, one third in six ir .s and t ahnce in twelve months. Pur ser having the option of paying all cash. . itle ret -ined until fult purchase money paid, and :he seller reserves the right to reject any bid "his is a splendid farming section, well tirn1: ered and plenty of water and is a most desirable farm Title good. This May 8th 1911 Mrs. 'aura L. Jones. I . AL Carlton, Atty. i, and urinary i. cgularitie. And vigor. Refuse sobtitatea mew Bean the Signature of Mor is V ert'Ti uj Co . Moral: Eat constipating irritant - f of? w w w m

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