: : Do You Dread New Shoes? It takes a deal of moral courage for some folks to buy new shoes. Stiff soles and unyielding upper leath ers sometimes bring serious foot troubles in their wake. To many new shoes mean torment for a week or more. The Look for the Red Bell on the Box, Southern Girl 2.00 Shoe 2-50 with the sole made flexible, is a positive relief for tired and tortured feet. It is as pliable as an old shoe from the very first. It is as stylish as any shoe you ever saw. The top and vamp are of soft kid but tough as horse ikSe. We've taken out all the stiffness. We've left i all the wear and all the style. See this shoe at the Craddock agency in your town. Made in all styles and patterns slippers pumps lace and button boots. CRADDOCK-TERRY CO., LYNCHBURG, VA. YOUR OWN TOWN Any place is just what the men who live in it make it. . ' x Don't sit around and damn youi town. A town is just as good or just as bad as the people who are damning it. Every community, even if it hasn't more than two hundred in habitants, should have atownroom where the cigars are gODd and where every-one can meet, free from religion or politics, and ab sorb the good qualities of one another: where the spirit of the Golden Rule can be instilled; for no religion and no political party can deny this perfectly scient.fie principle. A town is seldom the result of virgin natural conditions. In any event it was man who saw the natural advantages and frequent ly it was some one individual. For illustration: There is no natural reason why Cleveland should have been the oil center of the world. There are no oil wells in or about the community. So far as oil is concerned, and as a shipp ing point, it is no better than a dozen and one other towns. It was simply John D. Rockefeller. He wanted to live in Cleveland and his individuality, his personal ity, brought th oil to him. artistic and scientific pursuits say in: "If we were only in Chicagj a' pnutd do or eret so and so n Chicago you hear them say: 4 If we were c.ily in New York," When in New York you hear them wishing for something in London or Paris Chicago; New York, London and Paris are all the resu'ts-qf their citizens taking the cond;tions and material at hand and doing the best they could with them just as we can all do Si .9 V 1 4 i 1 1 .1 .Ml mm Rah Were Eating Up te Mules On Shy lock's principle "You take my life wkon you take the means whereby 1 live," rats came very ire a r eating up Mr. J. L. Tomberlin's mules on his farm, rive miles south of town. For some time he had been noticing that his mules were falling off more rapidly than they should have, ever in work time and hot weather. One day last week he discovered the cause. whr;h was nothing less than the rats were eating the corn which he fed the mules, literally robbing them of their meals. By watching he found that the rats, which were of immense size, swarmed out as soon as he had put the corn in the box for the mules and left the stable, and dragged the whole ears away to their hiding place and devoured it. He saw them Home Caimin We would be afraid to attempt to s ;y, but at a -rough guess, the South uiises fruits and veget ables enough to feed the United States for a period of at least four months which these fruits and vegetables largely grow. If the surplus only were canned and properly put upon the mark et, it would yeild a great income for these products of the soil. But as a matter of fact, not enough of these Southern pro ducts are canned to supply the home markets. Vast sums of money are sent out of the diffe rent Southern States annually to buy canned goods which are put up in the North. The right beginning is for each farmer to get a home canning outfit and go to work. After supplying the home and then selling the sur plus, it will he time enough to Seeing Yellow. It isn't a man's mind or heart that makes most of the troubles here below - ' . It's his liver ' Ana thL is not an advertise ment for liver medicine. When a man's liver is inactive he sees yellow, just as a man who drinks sees red but yellow is a greater trouble produder than red. A man with an inactive liver his low blood. - - - - - You Neighbor's Experience. How you may profit by it, Take Foley Kidney Pills. Mrs. E. G. Whiting, Willow St, Akron, 0., says: "For some time I had a very serious case of kidney trouble and I suffered with backaches and diz under the barcp&befe they had devoured it. He lost no time in setting upon the rats and smote them with clubs, dogs and even a shot gun. After the slaughter he found that 129 had been kill ed. Fortunately his crib was rat proof, or he would have had no corn to feed the mules in thefirs1 place. Monroe Journal. Work Will Soon Start after you take Dr. King' Life Piils, and you'll quickly en joy thei- fine result?. Constipat ion and indigestion vanish and tfine appetite returns. They regu late stomach, liv-.r and bowels and impart new strength and energy to the whole system. Try them. Only 25c at Hambrick & Austin. low in his wake. There is no physical reason why Chicago should be the meat packing of the world. It could as j well have been St. Louis. Simply j old Phil Armour wanted to live there. In nearly every town you visit you hear some resident: "Aw, this ain't nothin' but an overgrown country village!" The resident of any town that makes such a statement wears whiskers and boots at heart. Of course, if your town isn't sporty enough for you, why, you can move that ain't the town's fault. If you get too sporty, you'll have to move anyhow. It isn't the sports that make a town it's the jays. The man that gave the light for ihe sports on the Great White Way was a jay Thomas A. Edi son, a jay telegraph operator from Indianapolis, John D. Rockefeller, who, in a What's the use f sending monev1,lunwuy'lbUlc ,uea U1 evtJI to the North to buy goods that isPrt' wasa jay from RicnFrd. New I can be bettered raised and as,' York i ir no, .,.!, , . ,-i well canned at home? The soil ! nuv,c" w"u lu'"'cu and the clhnat both here itl-thefmoneV to the sports for years, South favorable to a splendid I was a 'hp' started bv 'umpin" business of a magiflcent produc-1 coun,ei' in a country store. ft.,. r ,....,.f ,K. a f,.;f, I Some jay from Connecticut went carrying it off, ami he also found jlook up the big canning factory an immense pile of cob hid away : business. They say that in Ca tawba county, omitting what is done in the kitchens, there are fifty home canning outfits which operate each year. The cun se quence is, we are told, that the importation of canned goods has been enormously reduced and the home merchants are now looking to the homemade goods for their supply for. the season. zy headaches. I had specks float There is no reason why Boston ling before my eyes and I felt all should be the shoe market of the tired out and miserable. I saw Fo world. There are no hides there, ley Kidney Pills advertised and Thcv are all shipped from the got a bottle and took them accord West. Simply some man who ing to directions and results shovv- Fwiherc&f of $ec53). ton - s Whea a voraaa SDeaks of her silent secret suffering she iruspfon. Millions have be stowed this ma&c of confi dence on Dr. R. Vi Pierce, cf EuJo, N. Y. Evers. 3 where there erj women who btzr witness to the wonder working, raring-power of Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription which saves the suffering sex fro::: pain, anl successfully gra-ples 71th women's weak nesses cr.d si::bborn j.Vj. ' . by Women ii I. :i25 VT3AK WOJl EN STRONG iT HAKES .SICK WOMEN WELL. Mo wontn's appeal was ever misdirected or her con fidence iispkced when she wrote for advice, to the World's Dispensary Medical Association Dr R. V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y. ' ' Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Induce mild natural bowel movement once a day. urn a, ' ' This is to certify that I height Attei IfirmnA 'of Messrs- Nichols &Co. ore !a Vjrippe (dium sPrsy, and I am v,,l Or any Sickness ; pleased with it, and, take --ure ! 1 n a r s w- v -i rl t-. a 1 1 . vinol Creates Strength Spray, toMhe people. HERE IS PROOF i Your friend " After a long-attack of Grippe, H' 1 R"cl s Mrs. v aught seemed unable to re cover her strength. She was very weak and had no appetite. VI NOL rapidly improved her condi tion and restored her to health. I Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as Administrator m the es tates of Mrs, J F. Wi son and Aiss F:nrky Parker dec' d I herebv notify all rersdnuvviivr sincerely recommend its use during said estates to come forward and niakt inm:e convalescence or anv run down diates ettleraent and all persons holding claims knew how to make shoes on a large scale wanted to live there and his ed almost at once. The pain and dizzy headaches left me, my eye- success encouraged others to fol-1 sight became clear and today I can say I am a well woman, thanks, to Foley Kidney Pills." Morris-Webb Drug Co., Little Economy. condition." Judge C. N. Vaught, Huntsville, Ala. Miss Adelaide Gamm, of Water town, Wis., writes, "After- a severe attack 'of the Grippe, my system was in a very weakened, nervous, run-down condition. I took VI NOL with the best of results, against said estates are notified to present them to the undersigned for payment cn or before the 1st, day of May 191 2, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This May 1st 1911. J. F. WILSON, Admin. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator ..r. the estate of L O. Russell deceased. I hereby and it made me feel better and i notifY a11 persons having claim? against his stronger than I have been for years." We have never sold in our store a more valuable health restorer for weak and run down persons than VINOL, and we ask such people in this vicinity to try VINOL with the understanding that their money will be returned if it does not do all we claim for it HAMBRICK & AUSTIN. There is nothing so small that you cannot saye money on it. Make your pillow cases, for in stance, of tubing. Then when they befrin to get thin in the middle you can rip the closed end and sew them again so that the creas ed edge of the pillow case will be now the middle of the flat side. The worn places are thus brou&ht to the outer edge, where there is practically no wear upon them. Philadelphia North American. Drug In addition to having served in Squadron A. Mr. Stimson, the new Secretary of War saw some service on the staff of Col. Roose velt in the battle of Saratoga last- fall. "G1EB MOTHEI What Gooc Roads Did for Durham. Durham Herald. Druham has never claimed to be much pf a farming county and yet our farming lands aJe worth more than those in oil other coun ties in the State with one excep tion, and good roads has had much to do with it. Charlotte Chronicle HER WEIGHT INCREASED FROM 100 TO 140 POUNDS. Wonderful Praise Accorded Perunathe Household Remedy Mrs. Maria Goertz, Orienta, Okla homa, writes : "My husband, children and myself have nsed your medicines, and we al ways keep them in the house in case of necessity. I was restored to health by this medicine, and Dr. Hartman's in valuable advice and books. People ask about me from different places, and are surprised that I can do all of my house work alone, and that I was cured by the doctor of chronic .catarrh. My husband was cured of asthma, my daughter of earache and catarrh of the stomach, and A Dreadful Wound. from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, fireworks, or of other nature, demands prompt treatment with Bucklen's Arnica Salve to prevent blood poison or gangrene. Its the quickest, surest healer for all such wounds as also for . Burns, Boils Sores, Skin Eruptions, Eczema, Chapped Hands. Corns or Piles, 25c at Hambrick & Austin. Congress Will Not Adjourn Until Early in the Fall. Washington, Congress will not adjourn until close to September. This is the opinion expressed by Vice President Sherman, Repre sentative Underwood, majority leader, and also Speaker Champ Clark. Mr. Underwood said that the housa is determined to put it up to the senate to vote on the farmers' free list bill if congress has to stay in session begins. Vtce President Sherman declar- my son of catarrh i of the throat. When ed that he Sees no prospect of ad- weigh 140. journment before the end ot the V ; l have regained my health again, and summer. j cannot thank you enough for your Speaker Clark took an equally wa vonr work." pessimimstic view, of the situation. ro the World 's Fair at Chicago in 1893. He set up a stand on the Midway and sold wooden nut megs to the sports for souvenirs. Finally he ran out of wooden ones and sold 'em the real thing a twenty-five cents a throw. William Dean flowells, Ameri ca's foremost literary Icharacter, will take more pride in telling you of the davs when he set type as a jay printer on the Sentinel at Ashtabula, Ohio, than his literary ! success of later years the days when they used shoe pegs to space the type, and about a print er getting drunk and using a plug of Star tobacco 'for a cut. Nearly every man in art. science, literature, industry and commerce here in America today either is or was a jay. Cincinnati is the supply center of'the South. Years ago, at the waning of the river traffic, it was about to give place to Louisville and Memphis in the commerce of thai territory. The citizens of Cincinnati got busy and built the Cincinnat1 Southern Railroad. This road was the dream of a j iy. They called him a jay dream er, bu,t his dream saved the town. You' bear 'people of the Far j P.cr. B. C. THbmpson, of Ahoskie, N. C, t,ti:o3: "My uioiiier -was a groat suf i'eixT froizi ;iu ulcerated trouble peculiar to v.'-'i'ieu. y'iO took Mrs. Joe i'ersou's Iie:a cry ami Wash, ami found it invaluable, i; cur-.'d Lor. We heartily recomiiieju! it those suiic-iinj,' from cancerous or iiu-lil-iod affections."' ' r leers and Old Sores are tho reralt cf ' ;.! ilyod, and can never be cured n:ni! blood ij thoroughly, puriued, avd a'" iMjison driven from the system. External applications alone can never do it. Y runst tfet right down to the feat of tho trouble and eradicate the discaso from the blood. For tiiis purpose there is nothing eo good as MRS. M PERSON'S REMEDY. It is the best Tonic, Alterative, Blood Purifier and Nervine ever offered, and we have the signed testimony of hundreds pf 'iviuff witnesses to prove it. These wit nesses testify to the marvelous curative powers of tMs great remedy in cases of Ezcema, Scrofula, Old Sores, and all trou bles resulting from Impure, Impoverished and Poisoned Blood. I Many of these cures eeem almost mlraca lous patients given up by doctors and rel atives brought back to the full bloom of health as if by magic literally snatched from the grave. But these witnesses are so reliable, and speak in words of such convincing truthfulness that none who reads can doubt, vve wiu De giau w wuu this written testimony to all who desire to know what Mrs. Joe -Person's Remedy and Wash have done for others. We want to help our afflicted brothers and sisters who are now hopelessly endur ing the agonizing tortures of Indigestion, Dvspepsia, Stomach Trouble, Nervousness, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Female Troubles and Blood Poison. We don't care of how long standing your trouble Mrs. Joe Per son's Remedy will cure you, because it sends pure, rich blood bounding through your veins, puts solid, healthy flesh on your bones, and gives you strength to drive out disease. Mrs. Joe Person's Kemedy is a strictly vegetable compound, absolutely harmless. It contains no dangerous minerals, and can hp safely given to the smallest miant. Whoever tne trouble Is external, it is Uoro We have secured the services of a first clas& druggist and are now pre pared to fill pre scriptions accurate ly and promptly. Send us your pre scriptions, Full line of Toilet articles, cigars and tobacco. estats, to present them to ms or to ir.v at torney, for settlement on cr before the 15th day of May 1912. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recDvery. Ail persons in debted to the es!ate will please make imme diate settlement, This 15th day of May 191 1 -I. T. RULSELL. Administrator Wm. D. Merritt, Attorney. Executors Notice. Having qualified as Executors on the estate of the late C. R'. .Vernon, deceased, late of Person County, r- orth Darolina, this is to notify all person owing the estate to come forward and make immediate settlement and all persons holding claims against said estate are notified to present them to the under signed for payment on or before the 24th day of April 1912, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Thi 24th day of April 1911. ' Mrs. C, R. VERNON JOHN H VERNON JAS. W. VERNON. Executors. Administrator's Notice. The undersigned having quahfied as the administrator of the estate of Mrs Julia. A Chambers, deceased, late of Person county this is to nolify all persons having claims against the said estate oi said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of April 1912 or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 17th day of April 1911. L. R. CARVER. Aom'r. Sale of Land. licited. By virtue of a deed of trust executed to me by A. J.Strumm, duly recorded in Person County in Book 13, page 363, 1 will on the O.l f T 1A1T , otn aav oi dune, rji . YOUI tr3.(lG IS SO" seI1 at public auction for cash, in front i ihe court house door in Roxboro, that c-.t:.:::i tract of land lying in Allensville town.H , Person County.,' N. C, bounded on the e byJ. L. Gentry, south by W. H. Goir.r . west by Robert Buchanan, aid m.rth ly other lands of A. J. Strumm, containing ; ' acres more or less, being a part of the l. V. Gentry tract. This May 9th, 1911, , T. C. BROCKS, Trustee. Sale of ValuaMe Land. I will offer for sale on Monday June 12th, 1911, at the Court House door in Roxboro. N C, the following tractor parcel of land, bound ed and described as follows: Bounded on the north by the lands of Hen rv Moore, and oartlv bv Joe Burch: on the TtllS rarm IS heavily timbered and east by Joe Burch and on the west by Mrs Roxboro Drug Co. Fine Farm For Sale. I am offerings for sale the Dock Gates farm, containing 400 acres more or less, with good dwelling house, out houses,' barn and to bacco terns, situated about 2 miles East of Bradsher's old store, on the High Rock road, 3 miles above Payne's Old Tavern. rs. Lizzie Timberlake and Cora Timberlake, con taining 73 acres more or less according to re- cent survey n ade by W, S. Morton. A plat be in allrespects a splendid farm. Will sell at reasonable price. Any One desinnp tO lOOk OVer thlS tarm Will 0f said tract bv metes and bounds will please Call On the Undersigned. ' shown on day of sale or can be seen at the Also several lots in Roxboro which office cf L-M-Carlton ay time before da' willbesoldverycheap.Mr.J6eH J0 tte ,ands f Carver Will Show you these lots, j Terms: One third cash, one third in six Will also Sell the iTiill at Hurdle Pnths and balance in twelve months. Pur- Mills. This is a splendid mill roll- ' iSer haviI,g the Ption of Payins a11 cash- e-mill corn mill sawmill dress- ntte reUtoed untilfullpurchase raoney paid' e mill, corn mm, saw mm, urcsb- and the seller reserves the right to reject any me machine, enetne. in Fact a first km. neressnry to use the Wash wltH the Rem-f cass equipment Either Water Or Thisis a splendid farming section, well " For iile bv drusrirfsts. or emmlied direct I steam no wer. This ift a harpain. timbered and plenty of water and is a most oh receipt of price, $1.00 per bottle; 6 bob-' t.,m n XT 'n desirable farm . Title good. ,lps ror jo.oo: l dozen Dy express prepaid, a. laxks, vjaics, ai. kj. This M ay 8th 1911 MB.H 7 ; L.M. Cart.cn, MtyMrS-UUral-JOneS- for J Folev iewof the situation, 'west in mercantile, ; industrial ;f;:A - : ni" : and . urinary u NrgularitlcSi tv and vigor. Refuse subvtitotea ALL.! BY MORi; IS WEBR DRlJG,;CO

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