1 a 7 r A .'1 Wf'. Jll' 1B A As Easy as a Moccasin Foot muscles that rebel at being bound ud in stiff shoe leather should never be forced. Feet that fret make work, fun, or even rest, impossible. If your feet are sensitive, go to orur dealer in your town and ask to be shown . The SOUTHERN 2.00 HOE made flexible made with all the stiffness taken out. It has solved the shoe problem for thousands of women to whom new shoes are simon-pure torture. The sole is solid and tough, but it bends like a moc casin. The vamp is of kid, soft but tough as a board. You'll vote this shoe the most comfortable you ever slipped on. Style all you care for. Wear it's a Southern Girl and the Southern Girl shoe has a reputation in that line. ( Tiade in all styles slippers pumps lace and button boots. CRADDOCK-TERRY CO., LYNCHBURG, VA. Busy Fork News. Thero is not but fruit in this section. very little t " t i one half of the corn . cro tiits neon worked out m t'sis sivtion. I ucs tho people haw boon looking 'or the Uushv Fork news but 1 iuivt th.it I did not been so busy have time to write. Tir: Tanners ww behind in plain h" their toh;u-co in ' this section. Tne vd;-at in the cjvirsv around here. i'he storm here as it w east. will hav to bo (lit week not as bad south- 'ur'hei A good many of the people are watering and planting their to bacco. Mr. and Mrs. A. O'Briant have been right sick for the past few days. Miss Lee Snipes has got her a real nice Piano. W. Work Will Soon Start. after you take Dr. KingY. New Life Pills, and you'll quickly en joy ther fine results. Constipat-ionand- indigestion vanish and fiine appetite returns. They regu late stomach, liver and bowels and impart new strength and energy to the whole system. Try them. Only 25c at Hambrick & Austin. To Setth Bonded Indebtedness. The commissioners appointed Attorney Percy Reade to confer with, a representative from Wake county in regard to the1; 'settlement of the amount of bond ed indeptednes that Durham county is to assume on account ot the annexation of Carr township to Durham county. It is thought that the amount of this indebtedness will be something like $1,000. --Durham Sun. CATadb..'TOA1 '-j- - SS FAMOUS DOCTOR'S Jjjfc? PRESCRIPTION.' til -y Look for the Red Bell o the box. GIRL $2.50 r J THE MERCHANT'S DREAM. Last evening I was talking With a merchant aged and gray, When he told me of adreamhehad, j I think 'twas Christmas Day. While snoozing in his office This vision came to view. For he saw an angel enter, Dressed in garments white and new. Said the angel. kTm from heaven: The Lord just sent me down i Tj bring vou up to glory . ,, And plu on your golden crown. . You've been a friend 10 every one ; And worked hard, nisht and day : You ve supportea-manytriousanclsia Ul mcsl" luc cu- nri Frnm rprPiH vnnrnav ! So we want vou up in idory. For you have labored hard, And the gocd Lord is preparing Your eternal, just reward. Then the angel and the merchant Started up towards glory's gate, But when passing close to hades The angel murmured "Wait I've a place I wish to show you; It's the hottest place in Hell, Where, the ones who never paid you In torment forevor dwell.'' And behold the merchant saw there His, old patrons by the score, And grabbing up a chir and fan, He wished for nothing more. He desired to sit and watch them As they'd sizzle, singe and burn And his eyes would rest on debtor Whichever way they'd turn. Said the angel, "Come on mer chant There are pearly gates to see." But the merchant only muttured, This is Heaven enough for me." A Dreadful Wound. from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, fireworks, or of other nature, demands prompt treatment with Bucklen's Arnica Salve to prevent blood poison or gangrene. Its the quickest, surest healer for. all such wounds as also for Burns, Boils Sores, Skin Eruptions, Eczema, Chapped Hands. Corns or Piles, 25c at Hambrick & Austin. Spencer Firemen Relieved Over Re sult. Spencer. The great anxiety which has rirevailed in Spencer for the past two weeks, on ac count of the' controversy be- 1 tween the Southern railway fire men and the officials of the road relative to an increa.se in wages, was considerably relieved when reports came from Washington that a v settlement ,had been reached. For the ' past week - a strike seemed unavoidable1 and employees of the Southern in all lines are - that ft pow -.r..: Wiy'Z r BOYS CORN CONTEST. At ;the December meeting of thev Board of Agriculture there was appropriated $500 for prizes to the boys of the State who made the most corn on an acre of ground. Rules and regulations governing the contest were sent to all applicants. Since then there has been subscribed by manufac turers of fertilizers about $500 j morel making about $ 1 ,000' to be ! given to the boys who excell in growing corn. In many counties the number of boys entering the contest has been disappointing. In view of this I am going to hold my books open through the month of June, and will "enroll any boy of the right age who sends in his application. "There is yet a fine opportunity for some boy who has not entered to do so and win a prize. There will be about $100 worth of prizes to each Bovs Corn Club district. Only 165 boys have sent in their applications from the Fifth District, as follows: Person 1, Orange 3, t Caswell 5. So far Wilkes is the banner Corn Club county in the State. The County Superintendent of that county, Mr. C, C. Wright, has sent in 132 applications. IF every county in the State would 'do as well as Wilkes we would have more than 10,000 boys in the con test studying corn growing and 1 . ..: r u . . 11U uic luuiiuaiiun IUI UCUtT and more profitable farming !aa,,I5lulc ua wncn m snuM . i-U J ...1 .1 L 11 become men and undertake the re- sponsibilities they will then assume What a state, agriculturally, North Carolina might become. in a few years if we had 10,000 of her best beys now studying how to grow more corn and incidentally karn- , p , p ..... n mo- np rnnnn:?nnn rnr ne rer arm- ing along all lines! Enough county , pride should possess every pro-; gressive person in the district to . encourage him to give the move-: nient the btne.u of h,s or bor luence Let the fathers and moth-; courage tnem o enter tne contest and see how much corn they can grow on an acre. The experience will be worth a great deal, even though they should not win a prize. Besides, e hope to con tinue this work, and if a boy fails to get a prize this year he stands a better chance of getting one next year tf he en'ers the contest now than if he waits until 1912 to enter. 1 shall be pleased to send blanks to any bov who wishes to enter the contest. Do not write to me to enter your name, but ask for a blank to fill ot, as only those who have signed applications in my office will be considered members ef ihe corn club. I will send with the aDDlication blank and one or our Boys Corn Club buttons. . T. B. PARKER, Director Boys Corn Clubs. You Neighbor's Experience. How you may profit by it. Take Foley Kidney Pills. Mrs. E. G. Whiting, Willow St, Akron, O., says: 4,For some time I had a very serious case o( kidney trouble and I suffered with backaches and diz zy headaches. I had specks float ing before my eyes and I felt all tired out and miserable. I saw Fo ley Kidney Pills advertised and got a bottle and took them accord ing to directions and results show ed almost at once. The pain and (Jizzy headaches left me, my eye sight became clear and today I car- say I am a well woman, thanks to Foley Kidney Pills." Morris-Webb Drug Co., Monument to J. M. Julian is Un veiled. Salisbury. Hickory ' camrj, No. 49, Woodmen of the World, unveiled the John M. Julian monument Sunday at Chestnut Hill cemetery. The speakers of the occasion were 'General . B. S. Royster, of Oxford,and Sena tor Overman. ' " -- Bring your hams, chickens : arid eprgs to us.We will ,pay .ypu Uhe highest markefprices for, sameA v-O aney ,.S vu; , ; -: ;- y. - tM ::'ii'$ JAAtx r-FOP SALE; YMORRIS'WEBB DRUGi CO A; v,X:f-, y- , New York's 'Up-to-Date Library, k On the top-floor of this f ou r storied library is the main read-; ing- room, extending almost the length of . two city blocks, and furnished with the latest devices; in elevators, pneumatic tubes, and telephones, for instant com munication, with the stacks and with rooms containing special I collections. Thev mam book shelves are immediately beneath ihio cnmnhinns rnnm seven levels, allowing of sixty-three miles of book space. Adjoining this reading room is the catalo gue section, with its six thou sand card drawers. This is the heart of the library as far as re ference work is concerned; for not only will the reader be able to place his hand upon any book the library contains, but, by! means of the "union" feature, he will be able to locate volumes in other libraries, which are not contained in this. Through spacious halls, rich in tone and almost severe in lines, one is carried to the speci al departments technical arii j ai us we, aiuii uui nuurs uiuiias-i jj tic in depth to reading rooms ana are now pre set aside for newspapers anu,iT)are(l tO fill Dre periodicals, and into galleries j j for pictures and prints. In the scrmtions accurate- basement; on "the same floor nro- jy J1(J DrOHiptly vision has been made for a train- n i chool, and for a printing 1 11 ST S plant for Ubrary as a business necessitatis advertising in or- der to reach the varied interests of a democratic reading public. i not..-) 1U1 Ll Ul.lll i j iiu n are complied, and by-these sug gestive means, the library is able to indicate it full resour ces. Prom "The Xew York Public Librarv." bv Montrose J. " - Moes'. in tbe American Review Keviews for Jne' ci,. va ", d-h ' . holey Kidney Pills contain just (he ingrediems necessary , regu. i:,le an j stremhen the action o th8 kidneys an(J bladder T (hem yourseif Morris Webb Drug Co., First Newspaper in The World. It has been often said tfrat China is the land where the his tory of newspapers began, but the credit really belongs to the Romans. As early as the year 59 B. C Julius Ceasar founded the first newspaper in the world. This paper was called Actor Populi Romania Riurna, which would be translated Daily Records Of the Roman People. In 1615 the first newspaper was published in Eu rope. The Boston News Letter was the first paper published on the North American continent. The first edition of this paper was got out on April 24, 1704. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., says UI had a serere attack of a cold hich settled in my back anil kid neys and I was in great pain from my trouble. A friend recommend ed Foley kidney Pills and I used two bottles of them and thev have done me ? world of good." Morris-Webb, Drug Co. He Had Done Enough. Mayor Longstreet, of Mer chantvillc, N. J., recently ran for the office of mayor in the little Jersey village, and one night be fore the election he made a speech in the town hall. "Fellow-ciMzens," said the carp didate, I have fought against the Indians; I have often had no bed but the battlefield and no canopy but the sky. I have walked over the frozen ground until every step was marked with blood." His story was going fine until a little dried-up looking voter rose from his seat in the rear of the hall and called out: "Well. I'll Krv AnA it T,nrt'ff in uC uaiucu, xi juu navcu uj done enough for your country. You go home and rest. Til vote, for, the other fellow." Phil adel - fjhiaTimes. ) ' . for;, backache, rhedm3-; 0 Foley's Kidney Pills pu , m i i,,, w ' ' '" ' " 1 -, ' -w 1 i . . ....h... . vulvas vi. 'Biucaaca, liver or lunps tv.ArA .v jyeaklminx Vmot Iech mavsnat 8cy time. Oftea this soca' H r TtT'I " t .Z.' .i " v wocsuii oi weakness or disease - --)- . a - . nrMirn0Cca rif thin efrtrrinV, nnA n v. r-vu , uiiicu vryuM.are curea Dy the use of Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. When .the weaker cured, diseases of oter organs which have their origin in a diseased condition Otber crgans . of digsstion and nxrition, ari ' cured also. The strong mzn bzs a strong stomach. Take the above recommended "Discov cry" and y on may have a strong stain ach and a strong bodye Given Away. Dr. Pigrce's fonjmon Sense Medical Adviser, new revised Edition, is sent free 6a receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing ofly. Send 21 one-cent stamps for .the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound vol ume. Address Dr. E. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. v Rexboro Drug Company. We have secured fhp PrVl PP OT Q! v a v r .a. flISt ClciSS (lrili.St uQlMl US yOUr pie SCT'l'D'tlOnS ,. i? m 1 j '. F UlJ 11116 01 lOllet Qvfiplpa (1Qrir PlllH tobacco. Your trade is' so licited. - Roxboro Drug Co. Tho Nearest Fixed Star. If all the factories in Lancashire ghould work day and night, producing 55,000,000- miles of thread prery twelve, hours (the usual output of one , ,, . , .. OAri x day), it would take them 200 years to spiu a thread long enough to reach from the earth to the nearest of the fixed sjtars. Dvnamite. Dynamite becomes more dangerous to handle, in -old weather because i nitroglycerin content freezes at from 42 to 46 degrees F. Th Title of Doctor. The term "doctor" was invented in the twelfth century, about the time ol the first establishment of universities. The first person upon whom this title was conferred was Irnerius, a profes sor of law at Bologna university. Halifax Harbor. The harbor of Halifax. Nova Scotia, covers ten square mile. Lofty Tibet. Tibet lies between the latitude oi , . . ...... . that it is nearly all one series of lofty tablelands, its climate is purely arctic. There is hardly any rain, and biting, dry winds send dust or dry snow storms forever raging across its inhos pitable uplands. Halibut. In thfe beginning of the last century halibut emigrated to peeper and deep er water until they are now caught in depths of 150 to S50 fathoms In deep sea valleys. Shakespeare Improved. A theater company which is touring In. TJalmatia, fearing that the title "Hamlet" ,would not attract a large nndience, altered it to "How the Step father Was Paid Out." Finest Engraved Gem. gem now in existence is a UaaA n-f UedU Oi Nero carved on a first water diamond by the brothers Castanzl in the year 1790. ' Cane Chair Seats. To cleau and tighten cane chalreats turn the chair upside down and witlr hot water sponge the cane work till it . J ui - i a i 4.u - u is thoroughly- soaked. If the. cue be dirty use a little soap. Let dry In the air or lwf ore a fire, and if the cane b . T'-'Or.,. n merely srreicneu. nor wocu. ii wiu ben be ai good as new. - " -w, ; J, , J Cr; ? - i j tm'f-Y-'jfF -S V.V. . ii er j trouble; "re lost vitality Each of the chief &ns of the body ls a i;?.k in & Chain of Lite. A chain h -, wronger than weakest link, the bod- Hunger man in -'b"j,-'s,l , tiitj uuinuon. Lii 11!J l . . remote from the stomach but whiVK of the stomach and inis is to certny mat 1 bought !of Messrs Nichols & Co. one Ra dium bprsy, and 1 am highly pleased with it, and take pleasure in recommending the Radium Spray, to the pcopfe. Your friend. H. J. Rogers. Administratos Notice. The undersigned having qualified as the arlminictrntnr nf tha aetata r( ull tr.-i j deceased, late of Person county TrilC 1C Tf ; mis is to nomy an persons having claims against the said estate oi said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day, of June 1912 or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 3rd day of June 1911-. J. W. Turner. Aam'r. , A Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as Administrator on the es tates of Mrs. J F. Wison and Miss Franky Parker dee'd 1 hereby notify all persons owing said estates to come forward'and make im me diates ettlement and all persons holding claims against said estates are notified to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 1st, day of May 1912, or this nL tice will be plead in bar of their recuverv. This May 1st 1911. , J, F. WILSON, Admin. ADMINISTRATORS N01ICL Having qualified as Administrator or. the estate of L O. Russell deceased, 1 hereby notify all persons having claims against his estate, to present them to ms or to my at torney, for settlement on or before the 15th 5 day of May 1912. or this notice will be plead n bar or their recavery. Ail persons in debted to the es'ate will please make imnie- i diate settlement. This 15 th day of May 191 1 ' . J. T. RULSELL i Administrator Wra.-D Merritt, Attorney. Executors Notice. ... Having qualified as Executors on the estate Qf the la?e4c. ri Vernon, deceased, late of person County, orth Darolina, this is to notify all person owing the estate to ;ome i forward and make immediate settlement and all persons holding claims against said estate are notified to present them to ' the under- ' signed for payment on or ?f APril 12.. or this before the 24th notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Thjc 24th day of April 1911. Mrs. C, R. VERNON JOHN H VFRNON JAS. W. VERNON. Executors. I Land Sale! By virtue of several deeds of trust exe cuted to me oy L. P, Frederick and wife, all of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Person County, the terms of which have not been complied with, 1 will on the 1st Monday in July 1911, I sell at public auction for cash, ir i front oi 'the court house door in Roxboro. the tract uf land as described in said deeds of trusts. ; bounded on tne portn 5v s j Dickens Oil tiie east by G R James; on the south by Jasper Harris; and on the west by H ') Foushee, containing 122 asres more cr kjss. See deeds in Books C C pge 501, G G pa.e 429, 9, page 395 and 10, page 497, By request. This-.Aay 30th 1911 ' T. C. BROOKS, Trustee. Sale 6f Valuable Land. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Person Countv, in that certa n Special Proceeding therein pending entitled "J S, Bradsher, Administrator, and others, EXPAkTE", I, as Commissioner thereto appoimted, will on Monday, 3rd day of July, 1911. at 12 o'clopK, nuuii, at the Court House door in Roxboro. N. C. sell at public auction to the highest cash bidder, a -certain lot or par- eel of landsituated near the corporate limits y UIC 1UW1I UI lUAUOrUr 111 rfXSUll uui'ii , I ,, .. 1. . , , ii. r,..u i. .v., on rne Jonn siae oi uie iuauuio- Roseville public road, bounded as follows: Beginning at J W Brandon's corner in the center of said road, thence with Brandon's line Nosth 4 degrees East 202 feet to a stump -on :a ditch bank, thence North 61 de- &ees West 462 feet to a rock, thence South 7 degrees East 506 feet to center of said ?hdncer sai rodto f benf t-6ptaining 2.1Q acres. Being the excess ot lot f(frmerly owned by Flnk Thompson deceased, a'fter allotting his widow's dower, ; j i.. i 1 nis ianu ravu,S wen loriueuy - 0lit at S591 75, and an increase- bid ol lo 'er cent, having been offered, the sale will begin at 650 92, , ThirMay 30th 1911 v r F. 6 CARVER, Commissioner , , and urinary ; i cgulantle8t and viebr.' Refuse substitutea seases and ' " ' ' m