Girl Sleeps Seven We4:s. Vatidnlia, III, - Af lerseven week! of slumber, from which physicians have ben unable to arouse her, Miss HazelSchmidt, has ju?t awak CARRIE HATION DEAD Famous Salmon Snasaer Had a Won derful Career. Leavenworth, Kas., June 9. ende t. vice, each time for about an Carrie Nation, the world wide hour, asked ror something to ear, and then asain dropped -off to sleep Her case has puzzied scientists asking about her condition. At the beginning of her sleep, Miss Schmidt told her mother she was going into a trance. Work Will Soon Start. after you take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and you'll quickly en joy their fine results. Constipat ion and indigestion vanish and Mine appetite returns. They regu late stomach, liver and bowels and impart new strength and energy to the whole system. Try them. Only 25c at Hambrick & Austin. Legislator Makes Farm Pay. State Senator W. S. Cobb of Hoke county, says farming condi tions this season in his section are proving vay satisfactory, He is marketing r 000 barrels of Irish potatoes this ser.son at $5 a barrel known saloon Fighter, died here to-day. Paresis was the cause of death. For several months Mrs. N ition had suffered of nervous disorder and on January 22 she entered the Sanitarium in which i she died. The physician at the Sanitarium in formed Ms. Nation several days ago that the end was near She said nothing bu- smiled. She became unconscious at noon toaay ana did not revive. Relatives had been telegraphed for, but only the doc tor and the m rse were at her bed side when sfr died, N&'orry over laws suits, which she brought against a lecture bu reau for failure to piy for services is said to have caused her break down, The last five months of Mrs. Nation's life was in 'marked con trast to her former activity. Once she saw a physician at hz Sanita rium smoking a ciearettc She maae no remonsirance, mciciy The ruling price last season was S2.50 a bai rel. Senator Cobb was ; sa in th,t she nad done what she tne omv legislator wno nac an au- dQM tQ -eradicata lhe evili totabile here For use during the The body will be sent to Kan- t ni i . p . i- - 1 i session onn general abbcm-isasCil where a nephew ives. bly. Funeral services will be held there You Neighbor's Experience. I probably on Sunday. How you may profit by it, Take ! Carrie Moore was born in Ken Foley Kidney Pills. Mrs. E. G. tuckyin 1846. In early life she Whiting, Willow St, Akron. O.J married a man addicted to intox- says: "For some time I had a very icants. This creaied in her an in-; : , r i. .J.,,.. 4. ui - ' tancD avprelnn fn clnnnc: WllPfi ; serious case oi Kiuncy irouuie auu : i-" 'therein I suffered with backaches and diz ; he died she determined to aeyote ill 111 1 n linn i i t r f Ku 1'iinnrai'CiAn r P HOT. v -"U.. i iu.u Vwc.-b njdi ft i mass or sand inm which if one ing before my eyes and I feit all room?. Later, she removed to Kan : ,rdin be laken lhe entlre hcap bc. tired ou ;ird mrabie. I sa, Fo- .sas and married David Nation. comes disiurbed and confused in ley Kttiey Pills advertised and who sympathized with her temper- Qf hd arran8emen, OUR MISSION IN THE WORLD, It is evident from the beginning that mankind is prone to drift with the current into immoral practice. and sometimes weare want to think that the tendency is greater in that direction among the present generation than eyer before in the history of the revolution of man. But we would not be pessimists ! and view life from the dark and more gloomy side, but rather look at life from a more pleasant poin of view. OAU will admits that all things were seated, set in tneir proper places, and given a definite work to preform, by an all wise creator. Every intelligent can and does see and realize the truthfulness of this statement, as being manifested day by day, and hence ,-t needs no further discussion. Even in the beautiful flower, the songs of the birds, the putting forth of the green foliage of the forest, and yet the many small seeds and plants when mingled with "Old Mother Earth", from whence I our sutemance comes, must sure ly give evidence of the harmony of nature, with the divine plan of an omnipotent hand. Then we have said thatall thing were for a purpose, and that pur pose is to do the best possible that which is assigned us. It is our mission, as it is that of the bloom ing 'rose, the mimical bird etc, to make life brighter and happier as we travel through it, thus making tne word better by us having lived Some one has likened humanity to a great pyramidal from the tenant sections of our-1 cities, bB even our rural districts j command a stirkingrepresentation We all dream and hope for trreater and better fluture days) and well it is that we should; but in order that uor hopes maylnot be blighted we must plan nicely. Who is so foolish as to loll on his back in the shade all summer, and then expect at the closing harvest of the year, to reap a rich and abun dant reward? Or who would ex pect spicely flavored apples by the propagation of a thorn or a thisUe. Then let us be careful to sow good seed, as if it was in good ground, tiiat they may spring ud and bring forth an abundance of good fruit, "for whatsoever we sow", that in like manner, "that we reap. We need to place a premium on che practical every ! dry problems of life, and should instill them in the life of the youg. Especially in young manhood and womanhood of our rural dis trict deserve more thorough prepar ation for the work which lies before them. They need better training in both mind and character, in order mere the successfully fight the to battles of life which they must inevitably meet. Would you expect a band of soldiers untrained and undisciplined in the arts and the practices of warfare to make a successful charge against the ranks of a more powerful advanc ing army, however brave ana Afraid of Ghosts Many people are afraid cf ghosts, rcw pecpb are afraid of germs. Yet ; the ghost is a fancy and the germ is a fact. If the germ could be magnified to a size equal ta its terrors it would appear more terrible 5 than cny fire-breathing dragon. Germ3 can't be avoided. They ere ia the airwc breathe, the water we drhik. The germ can only prosper when the condition, of' the system gives it free scope to establish it self and develop. When there is a deficiency of vital force, languor, restlessness, a sallow cheek, a hollow eye, when the appetite is poor and the sleep is broken, it is time to guard against the germ. You can fortify the body against all germs by the uce cf Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery. It increases the vital power, cleanses the system of clogging impurities, enriches the blood, puts the stom ach and organs of digestion and nutrition in working condition, so that the germ finds no weak or tainted spct ia which to breed. "Golden Medical Discovery" corA&ins no alcohol, whisky or habit-forming drugs. Ail its ingredients printed oa its outside wrapper. It is not a secret nostrum but a medicine of known composition and with a record cf 40 yeri cf cures. Accept no substitute there is nothing "just cs ood." Ac'; your neighbors. WJ e I Roxboro Drug Company. 111515 iu cci my mat l gu jof Messrs. Nichols & Co. o e u uiuiu oui&y, auu i am h.iy pleased with it, and take pleasure in recommending the I.acium Spray, io the people. Your friend. H. J. Rogers. claims resent o:i or got a out tie ana took them r. ing to directions and results ed almost at once. The pain show- e principles. After considerable peaceful labor to $rop drinking of; and alcoholic beverages, she decided dizzy headaches left me, my eye- to become militant. Mrs. Nation's sight became clear and today I car. : firist saloon smashing was done in say I am a well woman, thanks to ! a barroom of this city. Foley Kidney Pills' She remained in jail several Morris-W'ebb Drug Co., ! days as a result. On January 21, ; 1901, armed with her favorite Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., says i w.ppon, a hatchet, Mrs. Nation kI had a serere attack of a co 1 J mano another attack in Wichita, 'hich settled in my back and kid-; This time she smashed two sa- sleep and thrbw off the mantle of ignorance, to the end that we may neys and I was in gret pain from loons. my trouble. A friend recommend-; Durin2 the rext three months ed Foley kidney Pills and I used j M rs Nation surprised liquor sell two bottles of them and thev have ; ers in various Kansas towns, ap- done me a world of good." Morris-Webb, Drug Co It Lingered. pearing unheralded and leaving a trail of ruined barroom fiixtures wherever she went. Few saloori ists used violence in resisting Mrs It took that racins automobile Xali aUhoughshe was assault twenty mi to pass this hou "Impossible." " Fact, l could hear it ten min ; u:es before it got here and I could ; smell it ten minutes alter it pass ed." ed and hurt while wrecking a sa loon at Enterprise Kansas. Aroused by the acts of the dauntless woman, the people of kansas began to demand that all saloons be closed. Smashing par- . ties were organized all over the Fo.ey Kidney Pills contain just Stae As a result of agitation bills the ingredients necessary to re.QU- Th; were passed by the legislature strengthening the prohibitory law. Mrs. Nation after her activities in Kansas became a lecturer and the editor of a paper called the Smash er's ATail. She Hid little smahina now fireman was telling . L, wu:i uuisiu ;i ian:vd:. winic leciiuiiig late and strenthen the action of the kidneys and bladder. Try them yourself. Morris Webb Dru2 Co., What Was She Wearing? Thus when one person has passed , out from among us the world has ; ; recieved a loss, and the remain- j ling ones must adjust themselves j j to fill the vacancy it matters not how humble or Insignificant hisj lot might have been, ! It is the duty of man to contibute the most posseibl to the world in trying to make it better, andere by he will have done a great bless ing his fellow man, not only his own day and generation, but even to all succeding generations. Upon the present generation, the hope of the future entirely depends. Then let us plan to have the youngsof our land brought up un der the best and most wholesome surroundings and influences, so that when showned the evil and more sordid things of life they wi 1 be the more able differentiate the one from the other choosing the better rather than the worse. Crime has ever been a severe drain on humanity. The breeding! Foley's Kidney Remedy of immorality from bad an impure lis particularly recommended for influences hasynot only filled the j chronic cases of kidney and blad pc,nitentiares, workhouses and der trouble. It tends to regulate jails of our land, but it has cost us 'and control the kidney and b!ad untold millions in the maintanance j der action and is healing, strenthen of the many great and small trib ing and bracing, unals of justice, who sit in judge- Morris-Webb Drug, C o., nrint all over our land to punish . the guilty, many of whom have Exposition to be Held in New York We have secured the services of a first class druggist and are now pre pared to fill pre scriptions accurate ly and promptly, Send us your pre- dannj,' thev might be?. Now this j SCm'hionS life is one continuous battle and; Yi v ' t m i the wnge is already on. Will we! Full line OI lOllet train and prepare our yonajj i pi cars and people for the battle or shall ; a.1 Utieb. Clgctlb ctilU we stand idly by. :is cowards, and ; Q QciCCO see them routed and overcome, as ' " 1 captives a driven to the slaughter?; lOUF trade 13 SO Assuredly we will not. -,. .. I -4 y The time is fast approaching, and vps it is ar hand when aenprfll intelligence must be more widely RoXbOTO Dl'tlg CO. i nithised amnna the i'hn p npnn p. O i uc and especially among the more Notice to Farmers. remote and backward parts of our a mocjern invention. You rural districts. Let us emerge from worm as much tobacco for 50c as Wm- D- iVierritt Attorney. me uarKiiess oi our long winters you can for $0.00 tne old way. it Fi T.c gets all the worms in one night, .luutc, Not a spray. Does not injure the Having qualified as Executors on the estate of the late C. R'. Vernon, deceased. late of be better able to eliminate their fl a nncfol ur;, Person County orth Darolina, this is to - . , 1 rarmerS. A POStai OUngb YOU nnHfv all nprenn mvino- tha pcfato in -nma free information. Address BOX forward and make immediate settlement and 32 1 Reidsville N. C. a persons holding claims against said estate are notified to present them to the under ' signed for payment gn or before the 24th T onfJ Solo! i day of APril l912 or this notice wil1 be juuiiu uuiu Administrators Notice,. The undersigned having qual.fied as the administrator of the estate of Bell Edward's deceased, late of Person county this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate oi said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of June 1912 or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 3rd day of June 1911. J. W. Turuer. Aom'r. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as Administrator nn the es tates of Mrs. J F. Wi son ,and Miss Fr;inky Parker dee'd 1 hereby notify all persons owing said estates to come forward and mnke imme- diates ettlement and all persons holding against said estates are notified to j them to the undersigned for payment before the 1st. day of Aay 1Q12. or ti tice will be plead in bar of their re: . This May 1st 1911. J, F. WiLSON. A ' ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator j estate of L O. Russell deceased. 1 j notify all persons having claims taa; j estata, to present them to ms or l r i torney". for settlement on cr before t ! day of May 1912. or this notice will 1 bar or their recovery. Ail pers debted to the es'ate will please make diate settlement. I This 15th day of, Aay 1911 ' ' J-' T. RULSELL, Can Administrator tr.e ebv 4 1 lead IIS p vain and fleeting things of and to grasp those thing that count for most: so that when our career shall have been ended, and our course finished, we may be pre pared to look back upon our his tory with pleasure and delight, and that we may have the con ciousness of knowing that we have served humanity well, having left behind a spotless record to succeeding generations as foot prints marked upon the shore of time. J. A. FogleMan. plead in bar of their recovery. By virtue of a deed of trust executed to Thi 24th day of April 1911. me by Haywood and Chestina Long, record- Mrs c R VERNON ed In Person rv. in bk 13 p S68, the condi- , lOHM H vfrnon VV, VEKINUIV tions not being complied with, I will, on the : 13th day oi July 1911. f jas: Executors. Land Sale ! sell at public auction for cash, in front of the Court house door in Roxboro. that certain tract of land, lvin? in Woodsdale township. Person Co. N. C, bounden on the N by the ! By virtue of several deeds of trust exe heirs of Mrs. Sue T. Satterfield: E. by J A. cuted to me oy L, P. Frederick and wife, all Long; W. Long and Winstead; and S. bv of record in the office of the Register -f Johnson Williams, containing 36 acres more . Oeeds for Person County, the terms of v!ii:h or less, known as the Jordan Martin tract- , have not been complied with, I will on ti.e -lso 1 dark bay horse named George. This June Uth 1911. 1st Monday in July 1911. T. C. BROJ.CS, Trustee his wife about the fire "It broke out at midnight in he Von Binders' house on the avenue," he said, "and just as we got there Miss Von Biffer came stumbling out of the flames and smoke earring her little niece all wrapped up in her arms, It was the bravest act J ever Saw. "What was she wearing?" in quired the fireman's wife. CHICAGO MERCHANT MAKES STATEMENT. After Spending Thousands of Dollars and Consulting the Most Eminent Physicians, He "Was Desperate. CHICAGO, ILLS Mr. J. G. Becker, of 134 Van Buren St., a well-known wholesale dry goods dealer, states as follows: "I have had catarrh for more than thirty years. Have tried everything on earth and spent thousands of dollars for other medicines and with physicians, without getting any lasting re lief, and can say to you that I have found Peruna the only rem edy that has cured me per manently. "Peruna has also cured my wife of catarrh. She always keeps it in the house, for an attack of cold, which it invariably cures in a very short time." V in New York City she created ex citement by appearing at a horse show in Madison Square Garden and demanding that the occupants of the Vanderbilt box contribute money for a home for drunkard's wives, founded by her in Ransas City, Kansas. Mrs, Nation made herself con- spicuous in. many cities by entering saloons and resorts and delivering taks on the evils of drinking. A Leading California Druggist Pasadena, Cal., March 9,1911. Foley and jo., Gentleman: We have sold and reccommended Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound for years. We belieye it to be one of the most efficient expectorants on the market. Containing no op iates or narcotics, it can be given freely to children. Enough of the remedy can be taken to relieve a cold, as it has no nauseting results, and does not interfere with diges tion. Yours very truly, C. H. Ward Drug Co., C. L. Parsons, Sec'y and Treas." Ge. the origin al Foley's Honey and Compound in the yellow package. LAND SALE, NO.TH CAROLINA: PERSON COUNTY: Under anu by virtue of an order of Superior Court of Person County sell at public auction for cash, in fi- ii' court house door in Roxboro, the tr. land as described in" said deeds f ; bounded on .the north by S' J Dickri: the east by G R James; on the s Jasper Harris; and on the west : v Foushee, containing 12? asres mmv . tie ' See deeds in Books c C page 501. d i. -1 -1 " r - -t i i" J r . t , - to me y? Pse ana 1U? P;lise 1 ' ' been bred among curupting inrlue nces: and thev too are not wholly What To Do FOR Sickly Children Letters from Mothers "I wish I could induce every mother, who has a delicate, sickly child,to try your delicious Cod Liver and Iron Tonic -VINOL. It re stored our little daughter to health and strength after everything else had failed." Mrs. C. W. Stump Canton, Ohio. Mrs. F. P. Skonnard, of Minne apolis, Minn., writes, "I want to recommend VINQL to every moth er who has a weak or sickly child. My little boy was sickly, pale, and had no appetite for two years. I tried different medicines and doc tors without benefit," but thanks to VINOL, he is a well and healthy boy to-day." C. Allen, of New Bedford, Mass., writes,"Mytwo punychildrengained rapidly in flesh and strength in a very short time after taking VINOL." , We positively know VINOL wiil build up little ones and make them healthy, strong and robust. Trv uiic uytu auu u you are not satis- Washington. In accordance with their policy of attracting the attention of the outside world to the manifold advantages of the Southern railway and allied lines have arranged to make a compre hensive exhibit at the American Land and Irrigation Exposition to be held in Madison Square Garden New York city, November 3 to 12. Invitation is extended to farm ers throughout the South to make individual exhibits and compete for iheattractive prizes to be offer edi which includ a $1,000 cup for the best short staple cotton, $500 !n gold for the best 25 boxes of apples, $1,000 pup for the best 30 ears cf corn, and $1,000 prizes for afalfa, -potatoes, wheat and oats. directed in the special proceedings entitled' ; i By request. S. A. R. Morton, Miiiinistntor of Mrs. j Marv 1. Gray against L. E Gray and ; others", et al, I wilt, as Commissioner This .Aay 30th 1" '1. C. BROOK 1 M ont I Under and by virtue ot a decree i Superior Court of Person Countv. i' 1 certa n Special Proceeding therein i entitled "J'.'S, Bradslier,-Administrate others, EXPAkTE 1 as Commit i:u: ier day, July lOih. 1911. at 12 Sale of Valuable Land. o clock M. at the Court House door, in Roxboro, ex pose to sale to the highest tydder, at publi; auction, the- following tract or parcel of land, ""'c,f' .Vr ' " ., ' ' . ' thereto appoimted, will on Lying and beinin Flat River township, MondaV 3rd (JsV of July, 1911. Pei son County, beginning at the intersc- J , , 3 tion of the High rock road (leading from at 12 o'clock, nuuii, at the Court House J-r Paynes Tavern to Bushy - Fork) with De- in Roxboro, N. C. sell at public au:t: n tu vereux Davis line, thence with his line S the highest cash bidder, a certain ht r pnr- 74deg. SO' E. 135 ft. to marked Sour- eel of land situated near the corporate I m ts wood tree, Devereux Davis corner, thence of the f own of Roxboro, in Person J. r.ntv. N, l7 deg, 35' E, 850 ft. to a marked N. C, on the north- side of the Rnxiu- Black gum on the side of the .High rock Roseville public road, bounded as follows: road thence with said road ?ts various Beginning at J W Brandon's corner in the courses, N, 83 deg, 5' W. 395 ft., N 85 center erf said road, thence with BranJ-n's deg. 10' W. l4S5lt., S 66 deg. 35' .W. -line Nosth 4 degrees East 202 feet tu a 265 ft., S 36 deg. W 50'Ott. to the be- stump on a ditch bank, thence North t.l ginning containing 17.4 acres as by survey grees West 462 feet to a rock, thence South of W. S Morton, Civil Engineer, June 6th. 7 degrees East 506 feet to center of sa:J 1911. , road, thence dnwn said road to the ben"; Terms of sale-one-half cash, balance in Containing 2. lucres. Being the excess ot six month, Deferred payments to be -Secured thai lot formerly owned by Frank Thoinrn by note bearing six per tent interest. Pur- deceased, after allotting his widow's J'r. chaser has the option of paying all cash. This land faving been formerly ln ej title retained until full purchase money is 0ut at S591 75,and an increase bid ! ij paid. , per cent, having been offered, the sale This June 7th. 1911. begin at 650 92, L. M. cARLTON, Comniissioner This May 30th 1911 1 F. O. CARVER, Commissioner v.- for backache, rheumatism. kvm&y Foley'3 Kidney Pills puniythc blry . J. and unnkry NcgulariticS. i vitaiKY ana -.vigor. kubcuum in the house, for an attack ot in tne yellow paCKage. fied we will return your moiiev " ' MWjr y y r tlyC , Morris-Webb "Drug Co.,, HAMBRICK & AUSTIN? j' ' , iii 1 t iff

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