4 1- . 1" - f. "S. 4c - . "--ix '('-v-.r,.' A ' a v.- Noell Bros. , Proprietors. Home Firstt Abroad Next. $1. 00 Per Year in Advanc, OL. XXVIII - 4- V R0XB0R0, NORTH CAROLINA; f Wednesday Evening, June 28 1911. t .' -o N0p6; f III I I'll I i l-rf" 13 i i ' tt" I r I I T tt . rl -.-fill' f-TVw T r i I IX f I lsrl Ji ALr" - r ' - GOT MORE THAN WANTED. Winston-5alem Minister's Union Asks for Closing cf General Delivery Window on Sunday and Gets En tire Postoffice Closed. iiiston-Salera, June 24.- The ofU. jura mount to pic in Winston Salem is tlieorder of the Post 0ro Department closing the postortice f rom midnight Satur day until midnight Sunday, the i;llC being in response to a peti tion gotten up by the ministerial union, but which is not what they had etected, apparently, for tik president and secretary of the minister's union has issued card, saying that the responsi bility for the rigid general order -vsts with the local postoffice au thr.nties. since the most that the closi n.iv of the general delivery 1 1 tnaster Reynolds has issu-i L J :.vir document m reply, m no c-Lills the card of the . ; ! ti union as stated a cow i;e;upt to shift the bur . soonsibility from their .. .: ts to mine, and they have to misrepresentation in ri::s .'nt'i. 'i.;y citizens, who are known as miiir the staunchest church men in the community and who sirred the petition, are saying Ojvniy that the order was a sur prise to them, that they' dic not believe that the petition was in tended to effect such a drastic imposition upon business, for the postmaster, says, it will be impossible to handle the mail on schedule time Monday, with the heavy accumulation of the twenty-four hours preceding. It is not believed that the or der will be effective very long, for it is the general opinion, ap parently, that with the light of understauding upon the matter, the great majority of people will petition for a rescinding of :he order. -. - i All who owe us for fertilizer will please call at once and settle by c.h or note. Will make it to rr,! merest to settle with cash. Garrett & Stanfield. :e of White Mountain Ice Y-jezers. acknowledged to 'sr, at Uoxboro Hardware Co. . ower IS white B jOH6 & E bUilQ, Chief Crusei of Spencer, Bit on Hand By a Woman. Spencer, N. C; June 21. Chief of Police John R. Cruse was bitten on the hand and arm by Mrs. Nannie Cash, whom he arreoted in East Spencer yester day afternoon. He also arrest ed her daughter, Mrs. Janie White, both women being charg ed with trespassing on the pre mises of John M. Freeman. The Cash women met the officer at the door and attacked him when he read the warrant. The young er woman grabbed the warrant and tore it into pieces. The pair were cited to trial before Justice W. L. Ray in Spencer. They retained T. P. Hudson, Esq., as counsel. House Turns Down the Bristow Amend ment, Washington .fnnt 1 Thp i a ... , , house or representatives todav I by a vote of 172 to 112, practical- sly a strict party vote, refused to conn,ir in the Bristow amend ment adopted by the senate to the house resolution providing. for the direct election of senators The Bristow amendement leaves with Congress the power to re gulate the time and manner of holding these elections, while the resolution passed by the house during the early days of the present session would change the constitution so that "the times, places and manner of holding elections for senators shall by the legislature there of. Autoinobile Destoryed by Fire Near King's Monntain. Kings Mountain, June 21. While on the way to this place this morning from Cherryziile. on Oldsmobile five passngers car was totally destroyed by fire. The car wasowned and driven by John P Carpenter of Cherryville and with him was Mr. Rudisill. The fire was first noticed coming uy through the floor 01 tha car and the two gentleman, fearing fearing the explosion of the gas oline tank, vacated at once, leav ing the car to its fate, which was total destruction. We have on hand plenty of Clay and black peas which we are offering at best prices. Call early and get what you want. Garrett & Stanfield. Mountain I jL BRADSlHAi ACTION POSTPONED. Durham Commissioners Hesitate' in Matter of Baiiding New . Court 'on last Sunday evening, the 18th House Until Business of AmericaS: which was frightening "and destruc Tobacco Company Becomes Settled j tiy6 in Scuffle Town. The doors Again. - land.iacing was blown off of Mr. Durham, June 25, The court house question, which has agita ted folks so much, is to be now in shape for postponement a half0 witness another storm like that year or more on account of the disagreement over the site and inability to please a very discrim inating public. The tip is given that, owing to the unsettled condition of the ! American Tobacco Company's business, the county will not rush into a big bonded indebted ness. Every few days there is fresh talk of some of the big men of the company moving away and that suggests the change of cer tain business ends of the com pany. There has been a great deal of this lately, although those in authority deny that it means anything. Very recently changes were announced as likely to take place and it means t!iat Durham gets a manufacturing conceseion for the loss of some exporting, This was done in Oi derto save freight. The last to Durham is nothing. But the co ;t house proposition) may be deferred for that reason Any serious shaking up of the American Tobacco Company would soon result in badly unset tled concitions here. The belief is growing tJiat under these condi- tioas. aidid by general. Mc!df5;9newaS-tleStr0ypb missionep have good excuse for defeiing action and that they will do it. - - - Tmetees In Session, Raleigh N. C. June 27. The trustees of the North Carolina school for the feeble minded who have just selected the Fields place near Kinston as the site for the institution They propose to proceed as speedily as posible with the preparations for the erection of the buildings, the last legislature having provided $65, 000 in bonds for this purpose. For the start they will erect two dormitory buildings of one hun- drcd canacitv each, one for bovs and the other for girls. Also th ire will be a superintendent residence which will also contain for the start the executive offices for the institution. The town of Kinston is to furnish the light and water for the institution for five years under the terms of the proposition that has attracted the scho A to that town. Salisbury Man Knocked Unconscious. Salisbury, June 19. W. H. Masters, bookkeeper for Swift and company, in Salisbury re ceived a severe shockfrom lightn ing d iring a severe electric storm which passed over this section of ti e state last night. He was entering the front gate of his boarding hous.e when he was knocked unconscious to the ground. He was attended by a physician and soon rallied and will recover. The corporation commission has begun the ardnous task of reasses sing the railroad property in North Carolina. This worle wilf 'occiipy several weeks, as;it takes ;-a "great deal of figuring. It is probable that the valuation of the railroads i will be somewhat increased .although no statement to this e ff ec t is made by members of the corpo ration commision. The work of the county tax assessors seems to be getting nearly through in many of the counties. i NEWS FROM ROUTE 5. -r i I will grve a sketch or the Sturm LJ: ;W- Moore's house, and lots of timber was unrooted. Mr John BlalocV said that he hoped never something to look, at. The wind left some building under repair at Mr. G. W. Moore's. The ton of the chimney was torn of Wiiker- son's scHool house. The roof vas ed of off Mr. Walter Allen's food house and all present were very much excited as the gale played havoc. The tempest took with it the top of Mr. Gib Ham lin's chimney which broke through t'vHoYitwas repor;ed that there was not a dry place in the house. The top on one of Mr. N. T. Wil liams tobacco barn was very much twisted out of shape. If you want to keep posted oi farming and how to farm take and read every word of the Progres- sivf Farmer. And if you want the lloqai news of your county and? miich of the stateand nationahiews take and read The Courier which was never than now, and I don't make the statement aloneT So if you want to make afirst class Un ion Farmer subscribe for the Caro lina Union Farmes is up to date. On last Wednesdav M. J. E. Yancey called in his neighbors to assist him in raising a packhouse This building was erected (where In writing the news items of this commanity I can not refrain from saying a few things founded ron the Bible. Some days ago I was impressed by this scripture found in Prov. 11;30. "He that winneth souls is wise," Where one fails another will suc ceed. It took four men to brine one paralylic to Christ. The wise thing to do is to make an honest effort to win some to Christ. If you do notsucceed he will take care of the effort and not pronou nce you unwise and foolish and I belieive you will receive just as great a blessing as the on) who does succeed. To explain this so that I may be understood. Once a farmer go: in to one of his boats purposing to pull it out into the .stream and a floating mass of ice struck it break ing it loose from the bank and carrying it out'into the current. A neighbor seeing the danger mounted a horse and with all the speed possible rod to a village The people of the town gathered all the rope they could find and went out to the bridge and suspended a line of dangling ropes from thei bridge across the stream. The could not tell at just what point the boat with the farmer would Dass under. So they put a rope down every two or three feet a cross. By and by the'farmer was seen, wet and cold, standing in the boat half filled with water drift ing down the rapid current. When he saw the ropes dangling within reach he seized the nearest one and was drawn up and was saved. Now one rope might have an swered the purpose. The pastor hangs the rope of salvation from the pulpit and sinners present do not seem to get near it, bufjf: the business men -and young men, women, mothers sisters and wives will harts: o ut ! ropes- sinners will certainly be savfd.- - y- - ' : " R; H. Jones., 7 1 50,000 ft of dressed and rough lumber, for sale by Watkins & Bullock, Entertainment At Leasburg. i :tjx An entertainment is :to be given Thursday evening at the leasburg Methodist church for the benefit of the building fund. A full program has been ; pre pared and an enjoyable time is expected Quite a number of people from Roxboro intend go ing over and a large audience is assured. Extensive improvemenis are contemplated for the church building and these are under the general direction of Mr. : H . T Connelly, one of the leaders in church work. ,' Perfect Comfort ' Superior Quality. Oar shoes possess four merits which put them in a class by themselves. They are just what every one should have P U We can iit you in pumps jnsfep.ancl positively wpnt slip In velvet pumns we ! mv est and nealesfcut styles on we can give you nice shoes 54.UU. In golden brown velvet bur1 prices range from $3.00 to $3.75. Gun Metal pumps $2 50 to $3 50 Tart russia calf $3.00 to $4.00, ' ' :'"yV These shoes are made by the best and most reliable mfgs. n Cincinnati, Rochester, Boston & etc. And are Guaranteed o Give Satisfaction A Call from you will be Appreciated. R. A. EAST & SON. South Boston, Va. SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. c io Ui,j.?l ',,..,,,,iL:30P 2! WE SELL j Our Store is a Store of Quality as I waII p PmV Dpsilino- nii What shall itr profit a merchant if he sell his entire stock, but fail to retain his custom ers because of unreliable, unguaranteed goods? Mr. Dissatisfied Customer will meet Mr. Prospective Buyer and say : ' 'Pros, old fel low, don't buy anything there ; the stuff they handle is unreliable. Go over to W. E. 1 u) Backitup's ; they handle pnly reliable goods LjJ and guarantee satisiaction, so you are pro tected. ! -We work just as hard to retain your good opinion as we to gainit. We want to get you started to trading with us and are going to d our best to keep you at it. We believe that the best way r to best goods and it any tning is not satisiac tory to make it so. ; ' t'" ; K, . Trade with us, it wiUpayyou.. ' t A v. r;j v KinstottGets School. n Raleigh, Special "The state school for t,h feeble minded was located at.- Kinston tonight by the trustees , of the proposed institution and, the council, the site selected be ing, the Fields place, comprising , 972 acres, with a railroad siding, and free .lights, and water for, : term of five years. -Messrs. Jack Hambfick, N. Lunsford, W. R. Hambrick and Dr. 0 P. Schaub attended the St. John's Celebration in Oxford last Saturday. . ' 3 Correct Style! Faultless Fit o M P S- that fat snuu about the heel and hs! Up and 4own at -the heel or .ivcrv. Iarae stock of jhknwL o fl the market . In tlack VELVET ion $2.00. $2,5 00, 50 C 101 pl THE BEST. do this is t sell you the tit if Hi r r1 r " r-rr? ... it ?: J Jr ''"-'Jt.Jk f K'1 rV,! . S ji. - i . 1- " 3