WOULD REMOVE WILY VK WILhY Pars.n preache5 n His Sbirt Sleeves Norfolk, Va July 10. Rev. G. W. Cox. pastor of Burrjvs Mem orial Baptist Church here, preach ed in his shirt s'eevs last night to a coatlcss conreu-aiion. 1 ne hi. at was i itense with the congregation suffering from its when the oreacher relieved the situation by suggesting that the male members of th? congregation remove their codts while he preached in his shirt sleeves. The men removed their coats whi'e the women all took off their hats. The Bap'ist Minister's Conference today con gratulated Rev. Cox upon his bravery. Work 24 Hours A Day. The busiest little' things ever made are Dr. King's New Life Pills i Fvarv nil i n ;n our rnnfprl ulnhnlp Rusby recognized pharmacognosist ; chafes w,akness , , r? nt r i I 01 IlCal 111. Hull LliauiZLb WLdMltso of Columbia University, New i ork ; . , , c . t into strength, languor into energy for compensation in excess or that . . r , , i , . , . . brain fag into mental power: cur- aiiowea uy uv, nib uauiinj uiai Well Known Food Expert Stands Con demned. Washington, July 13 Dr. Harvey V, Wiley, pure lood ex pert and chief of the Bureau of Chemistry of the Department cf Agriculture one of the most wide ly Known officials in the Govern ment service, has been condemn ed by the Committee on Person nel of the Depanmtnt of Agricul ture with recommendation to Pres ident Taft that he "be permitted to resign." Attorney General Wickersham, in his opinion on the case, sub mitted to the President, recom mends approval of the committees action. It is charged against Dr. Wiley that he permitted arrange ments to be made with Dr. H. H. . ,jt tT'"fri ri wn i niT nifnij i n - - -m the arraingemenJ was to put Rusby on the Department's pay roll at ing Constipation, Headache.Chills Dyspeosia, Malaria. 25c at Ham brick & Austin. 1,600 dollars annually as an em ploye ot the bureau of Chemistry, ' the servient being made a ith Would Have Justice Wright Impeached him th ,r hp honi:1 he railed urnr Washington, July S-Impeach- to perform only such service as ment ot du.stiee Daniel T. i this salary would compensate for, A l'iii-it, ot trie supreme court ot j aga-nst them and thev heard of it at tiic rate uf $2 per day for ! the District of Columbia, ay a iand fled the State going to West laboratory investigations and $50 ; suggested today to the senate Virginia, where they assumed 1 1 dailv for attendance in court. ! "third degree" investigating I fhpr nnmp. nn yV9( unl the I : . Arrested After Six Years. Greensboro, Juiy 1 9. After having escaped identification and arrest for six years by going under the assumed name of Davis in West Virginia, Flisha and David Gunter were recognized and ar rested here this morning on the charge of killing William Frazier in Chatham county in the year of 1905. The two men are about 23 and 25 years of age, and the younger, David has been married for a few months. His wife was with him at the time of the arrest. She was overcome when she learned vthat her husband's real -name was Gunter and that he was charged with capital crime The young men were recognized by people who were living in Chatham county at the time of the crime. The two are in jail here tonight and to morrow a Chatham of Seer will come to carry them to the county in which they were indicted six years ago. Frazier was shot down in his front yard one night and fell atthe feet of his wife, who accussed the two defendants and another brother, still younger, of the crime. A true bill was found 263 Horses Burned to Death in Chi cago. Chicago, July 10. -Fire of un known origin early Sunday de stroyed the stables of the Ar thur W. Dixon transfer com pany, burned two hundred and sixty-three horses to death and caused $500,000 damage. Scores of firemen narrowly es caped death w hen the roof caved in. Fire Sunday afternoon de stroyed the furniture warehouse of the W. C. Reeble &'' Bros., causing 8100,000 damage. Hot weather made the work of the firemen doubly onerous. 'ft- rj ' U 3Ln , .i,J lit Jit Outsids cleanliness xj less than ha! the b&ttle. A man may ssrub himself a dozori times a day, and still be unclean. Good Lealtfc mesas cleaniiasss i.vt only outside, bvii inside. It means a clean stomach, clean L..vels, cleun blood, s clean liver, end new. clean, hSiiltlry tissues. The man who is clean in tM wnv x.m look it and &ct it. lie will work with energy and think clean, clear, healthy thoughts. He will never be troubled with liver, lung, stomach or blood disorders. Dyspepsii and indigestion originate in unclean stom achs. Blood diseases are found where there is unclean blood CousumpLen end bronchitis mean unclean lungs. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery prevents these diseases, li makes a man's insides clean end healthy. It cleans the digestive organs, makes pure, clean blood and clean, healthy flesh. Tt restores tone to the nervous system, and cures nervous exhaustion anJ prostration. It contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs. Constipation is the most unclean uncleanliness. Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Pf ;. lets cure it. They never gripe. Easy to take as candy. in court. Wickersham held that the law .senate third degree mvesti permitted payment of onlv S9 a ' tinr committee by Samuel dav: tins sum later being rncreas-' Oompers. president of the Napoleon's Grit was of the unconquerable, never say die kind. The kind that you need most when you have a bad cold, cough or lung disease. Sup pose troches, cough syrups, cod liver oil or doctor have all failed. Don't lose hope. Take Dr. King's New Discovery. Satisfaction is guaranteed when used for any throat or lung trouble. It has sav ed thousand of hopeless sufferer. It masters stubborn colds, obsti nate coughs, hemorrhages, la grippe, croup, asthma, hay fever and whooping cough and is the most safe and certain remedy for all bronchial affe:tion. i.u'L. oi.uu. liiai funic ntc cji Notice, ed to Si 1. Along v.-iin tin4 sugges tion that Dr. Wiley, because of alleged irregularities in the em ployment or iviisby, be permitted to resign, the Committee on Per- American bVderation of Labor mv. biiiiipi'i's fomDiaint w against Justice v right's course in tiie Bucks Stove A: Kange Coinp;i:":y contempt :ioceedihg Federation officials. youngest of the three died and the f Hamh'-; 6: Austin. second in age had married. The ! p2SS22SSS22 crime was committed near Lum-i nock, on the Cape Fear Yadkin ' Valley Railroad. so'-nel and the Attorney General against the recommend the dismissal ofRtsby and the reduction of Dr. L. F. Work Will Soon Start. Keb.er, chief of the division of after vou take Dr. King's Those Pies Of Boyhood. i How delicious were the pies of; boyhood. No pies now ever taste; so good, what's changed? the Dies? No. Its you. You've lost the strong ; New healthy stomach, the vigorous lu drugs, of the Department of Agri- i Life Pills, and you'll quickly en- er, the active kidneys, the regular; culture. Ihe committee further joy thei" fine results. Constipat- bowels of boyhood, xour diges recommends that Dr. W. D. Big-;,;0n and indigestion vanish and 1 tion is poor and you blame the low, assistant chief of the Bureau fi;ne appetite returns. They regu-! food. What's needed? A complete of Chemistry, also be given an jate stomach, liver and bowels and ! toning up bv Electric Bitters of opportunity to resign. ; to the whole system. Try them. ; all organs cf digestion Stomach, ! Only 25c at Hambrick & Austin, i Kidneys. Bowels Try them, They restore your ooyoooa appeuce and appreciation of food and fairly saturate your body with new I sty L0SE 1 1 "sZf -KOHEY I i mj when vnn nllnw anv of vour H f j j j fcj jT stock or poultry to remain sick U luzianne Coffee Good with "rnimi delici ous with pure sweet I cream. Blendsj)erfect ly with either losing' nojrart of its flavor.: Its guaranteed to please. Trylitf, By virtue uf a mortgage executed ; , by W, A, Gravitt and wife, dulv r- 'C in Person Co. Bk. 6 page 154., " ; v the ; llth, day ol August 1911. sell at public auction for cash in fn.nt ..; iv court house door in Roxboro that : tract of land, lying ia Allensville t,-psh Person County N, C, bounded on the dv add uentry; south hy J. ,E. AVnt;kL;; , east by Abb Gentry; and west t v a. j Strum, containing 64 acres more or less. I For further particulars see mv Ai;..rr.tv , T. C.Brooks. This July i:th, 111 . T. C. Brooks, Atty, S, T, Wrenn. Mortgagee, THE REILY-TAfLOR CO. HIW ORLEANS.US.A. Executor's Notice, Administrator Notice, Having qualified as Administrator on tiv es tates of Ars. J. F. Wison and Miss Franfcy Parker dee'd I hereby notify all persons., w:r.o said estates to come forward and make me diates ettlement and all persons holding chims against said estates are notified to preser.t them to the undersigned for payment ...n cr before the 1st, day of May 1912." or t;:.N j tice will be plead in bar of their rea vrrv, i This May 1st 1911. ' J, F. WILSON, Acnvn, ADMINISTRATORS N01ICh ; : v Ill's Honest Medicines Versus Fakes. President Taft's recent mes- Distant Relative. sage suggestion an amendment to j Johnny's mother bought him a ! health and vigor. 50c at. Ham the Pure Food and Drugs law in hre engine. He wanted to see how j brjck & Austin, its relation to Prepared Mediciues j it worked, and of course in a very j does not refer to such standard ! short time the wheels were off. A Mountain of Lime w Found, medicines as Foley's Honey and I She was naturally very angry with . . . , Tar Compound ana Foley Kidney i him and panished him severely. , An infes,in and ""e in- Pills both of which are true medi-1 When dadd ame hom he fQund dustry for this eecnon ab.m cines carefully compounded of in-1 1 u . . I which little or nothing has been redients whn;p mpdirinal nilJ,i; nis mall son sitting m the nursery i . , . . . t rcuients wnose meaicinat quan-' , said in the newspapers, is that ties are recognized bv the medical I 'itli very red eyes. i ..J..J profession itself as the best known "Why, my poor old man," remedial agents for the diseases ; he inquired, "what is the matter? TmTt0Tu "Nuffing." sniffed the small over three decades Foley s Honey ; , r and Tar Compound has been a toy standard remedy for coughs, colds "But something must be wrong, " ana affections of the throat, chest . persisted daddy. "Do tell me." and lungs for children and for grown persons, and it retains to day its pre-eminence above all other preparations of iis kind. Foley Kidney Pills are equally ef fective and meritorious. McrrisAX'cbb Drug Co. ,vhen you allow any of your k or poultry to remain sick a day. They give you less results in beef, pork, work, or eggs, when they are not in perfect health. Take a little interest in your own pocket book and doctor them up with Black-Draught Stock and Poultry I Having qualified as Administrator The undersigned hr.ving dulv qualified as ; estate of L - Russell deceased, i !, tlto !;vi.;.,r ot the estate ol the late Lizzie notlfV a11 persons having claims against a Kiliiam. ecease.i. :;11 pers ns owing the estata, to present them to ms or to my a vai.l est::v .n re. uested t .;..n:e forward ; tomey, for settlement on or before the 1 5th and settle, hnd all persons having claim da' of aY 1912- or this notice will re r!e:u against the said estate are notified to present , 111 bar of their recover-. Ail persons 1:1 tht s:imp within i.ni wir ur i!iis nxce will ; debted to the estate will please make imme- l e plead in bar of their recovery on same. This June loth 191 1 J. A. PAlNTfcR, Ifxecutor. Carver d; Winstead. Attv's. Administrator's Notice. diate settlement. This 15 th day of May 1911 J. T. RULSELL. Administrate'! Win. D. Merritt, Attorney. Medicine "Oh, well :.f you want to know said the little boy, "I have just been having an 'awM row with your wife. ''1 it-Bits. Taft At Ue.:'Cu L u'd i'CiletU ro conducted near Rockford, ihis county, by the Yadkin Line Com pany. Some time ago what appear ed to be a solid mountain of lime stone was discovered about a mile from Rockford and near the ,, ! railroad. The state geologist in vestigated and expressed the opinion that the deposit did not exist in paying quantity. How ever, the nromoters, Mr. A. F. ! . i Messick of Winston-Salem and a Foley kidney Pills are compos' Mr. Wellington of Boston, plucki-: ed of ingredients specially , ly installed the necessary machin selected for their . corrective ; ery and' their faith seems to be; healing, ionic, and stimulating fully justified. They are taking ! effect upon die kidneys, bladder : out the limestone, which is of fine and urinary passages. They are quality, in paying quantities, and , antiseptic, aniiiithic and a uric acid i from all appearances the moun- soiveiii. ; tain, though a small one, is oi Morris-Webb Drug Co. : solid limestone. These gentlemen I are incorporated under the name Holding Services on Church Lawn. I of the Yadkin Lime Company, violated everv tariff principle of i Tk Greensboro Record says: ; and nave estaWlisnea otnees ana this country as it did every promise "The evening services of the j warehouses for shipping purposes made in the Republicen platform i First Presbyterian church, held along the railroad. The industry upon hich President Taft was ! out of doors on the lawn has been is PaiR2 and is rewarding the elected. He not only criticized the great success. Last Sunday faith of the investors. The- moun President in strong terms during j evening over three hundred j tain is situated close t0 the banks his speech but took a fling at from chairs had beemplaccd but these of tne Yadkin river in rather a er secretary of theinterinr dpnnrr. were soon fillorl nmi q: the r-rmrri ! wild spot. ment. Richard A. Ballinger, ' continued to come one hundred whom, he said, had been aiding and fifty more chairs were the Guggenheim syndicate to ob- , brought out. These were all tain vast interests in Alaska. taken and some of the worshipers . . . 'sat on the grass. Kay Fever And Summer Colds. Must be relieved quickly and ; Kidaey Diseases Are Curable. Foley s Honey and lar impound ;under cerIai conditions. The will do it. h. M. btcwan, 1034 Hoh, mori;.;n ,.t v.. u It will pay you to do this. It has paid thousands of other successful farmers and stock and poultry raisers. This famous remedy is not a food, but a genuine, scientific med icine prepared from medicinal herbs and roots, acting on the liver, kid neys, bowels and digestive organs. Sold by all druggists, price 25 cents, 50 cents and 1. per can. KS Write for valuable book: "Success with. Stock and Poultry. ' ' Sent free for a U postal. Address Biack-uraugit btoclc Medicine Co.- Chattanooga.- Tm Executors Notice. y The undersigned having qual.fied as the ! administrator of the estate of Bell Edwards. ! deceased, late of Person count Having qualified as Executors on the estate this is to notify all persons having claims of tne late c- Vernon, deceased, late of against the said estate oi said deceased to PersDn County, horth Darolina, this is to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before notify al1 person' owing the estate to come the 3rd day of June 1912 or this notice forward and make immediate settlement and will be plead In bar of their recovery. All a11 persons holding claims against said estate persons indebted to said estate will please I are notified to present them, to the under take immediate pavment. i s,gned for Payment on or before the 24th This 3rd day of June 1911. I day of April 1912, or this notice will be J. W. Turuer. Aam'r. j Pead in bar of their recovery. Thi 24th day of April 1911. Mrs. C, R. VERNON JOHN H VERNON JAS. W. VERNON. Executors. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the n powers conierrea in a certain Land Sale Town Lot. N orth Carolina, Person County. Under and by virtue of a deed of trust ex ecuted to me. as trustee, on March 2nd 1908 by Walter Blalock and wife, Sallie Blalock, duly recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Person County, in book 13, at page 450. etc.. default having been made in the payment of the note secured thereby, Washington. LaFolltitte i: a : ciprocity today revie'ved minibtrctiion of President scathing terms arid declared it was a light between the senator re- the ad Taft in that plain and upon request oi me nciaer oi saw voua , mortgage executed by W. H. ' t i ot inn Hayes to Capt. William Bowling ' Monday, July olst lyll, jon the 15th day of October. 1897. at the Court House door in Person County, ; which mortgage is duly recorded iseil to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol-jinthe OfUce of the Reoister 0r lowing Scribed real estate, to-wit; - , Deeds in Book 22, page 260. the : 'That tract of land in said ounty and . , . , .. ' . & , MtP K-ina nnd horn? in the town of Helena. uriUCISIKUeU Will Sdl tor CUSl, Hi : Kamded on the South by the land of W. F. ; the CO'Tt house door at Koxboro. I Timl erlake. on the West by the land of Joe N. C, on j Timberlake, on the North bv Benehan Oara-, , j eron and on the East by E W Reade, con- Monday, 24tll dayof JuK' L .. i i taining one-thirteenth of an acre, more or . J J ! less, on which is located a residence and ; at 12 o'clock m.', the followinr ----- scribed lot of land Lying and being ! other buildings I This June 27th 1911. j W A. BRADSKER. Trustee (. 1 . i people and confederated privilege. He said th" reciprocity agreement Wolfram St., Chicago writes: "I ; fore the disease has pr0RTessed have been greatly troubled during !RoFar Mr Perry A pitman the hot summer months with Hay ! tpv ca,ro. "t , c a Fever and find that by u.ingiP3 lefX' Says: J wasudown m Foley's Honey and Tar Compound j btd ior four months Wllh kldney I get great relief." Many others iand bladder trouble and gall who suffer similarly will be glad ; stones. One bottle of Foley Rem benefit by -Mr. Stewart's experi-jedy cured me well and sound." ence, i Ask far t Morris-Webb Drug, Co. ! t0' 1 ' m orris- w eoD urug,. uo., EALTH ENDURANCE The man who insures his life is wise for his family. The man who insures his health is wise both for his family and himself. You may insure health by guard ing it. It is worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and mani fests itself in innumerable ways TAKE. kv w And cave your Health. W e have secured i the services of a! first class druggist and are now pre pared to fill pre scriptions accurate ly and promptly. Send us your pre scriptions, Full line of Toilet articles, cigars and tobacco. Your trade is 'so li cited. Roxboro Drug. Co. NOTICE!! By virtue of the 'powers vested fa me trustee in a deed of trust Blackwed and wife to J. L. Garrett & Co duly recorded in Person County, in bk. 16 P, 514, I will on jbounty, on tne waters r 'River, and known and desi::; as Follows, viz: Adjoining th- I !of Wm. Bass, Capt. Win. I ' i - .i i i i made bv sam;nuaiiu oiners anu L'ounue 5,1 follows; beginning at a reck the Roxboro road, running there North ft deorpp F5r 7 (Y c;:v Saturday 5th day ol Aug. 1911 ! to a whHe oak; thence hast KM" chains to a rock: thence iwtii : degrees East 10.10 chains 10 . rock; thence North 88 degrees ttt 4 t-r r r i vvesi v.wtt chains to a roc : thence North 3 degrees East chains toa stake; thence 8G de- 1909, being Joe Blackwell's share of the ; grees West 18.84 chains to a l'OCK: sell at public auction for cash, in front of the court house door in Rcxboro those three certain tracts therein described. (a) 1 3-4 acres more or less adjoining Buck Pointe,,Lewis Peace and others, sold and conveyed to Sam Blackwell by T. c. d rooks Trustee, on the 3 8th day of Nov.; Patsy Blackwell land. (b) 15 acres more or less, bounded on N by lot a E by Herbert Rogers, S by A'lvis Oakly and W Carver and Brooks, being the share of Sam in the lands of his father Reu ben Blackwell. (c) 1 1-9 acres more or- less, adjoining Martha Peace, Jno. Blackwell, Lucy Hester .thence South 3 degrees West 7 chains to the Roxboro road: th with said1 road Southeastward ; the begginning, containing 41 acres, more or less. This sale is made by reason the failure of W. H. Haves to p.: . . , i i i.i i r Joe Blackwell ana otners, oeing me snare ui nff.on i j-,LQffto . a nMfk c..r Sam in the Patsy Blackwell lands see plot . u,JU,a' survey and partion proceedings in Person y said mortgage, county clerks office. Done at the instance of This 17th day Of June, 1 01 1 said J. L. Garrett & Co, on the 4th day of . c j -r r n7T n juiv i9ii. E. H. and B. P. BOwLI i.e. brooks, Trustee, I Executors of Capt. Wm. Bo wii for j i Garrett & Co R. P- Reade, Atty. 1 lljkli I-- for backach, rbeumatisrn kidney ladder trouble; (Pi Foley's Kidney Pills puriCy the t lod, rev.; re lost vitality Pi I I FOR SALE. BY MORRIS 'WEBff, DRUG,. GO .

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