NOAH WEBSTER AS A PIONEER I Don't w aste your time reading pv Fran:es W dev.) i lere are some "Don't" for the jjtte 2irl. Hy little girls I. mean o-irls Ol 16 aild under. I know r-vv is no ag-e which feel quite How the First Maker of American D'c ilrashapd Plllin yur little head tionaris Traveled About Pmuad- 1 W'th ideaS f imPssib,e romance, ing Printers to Adopt His ideas i V"' hen your 10mance comes 'ou of Orthography ' ! Wiil realize ,hal your 'avorite her' Many nerson. nr.KoKi. ; Oine's re made was as nothing to nn-j'T FOR GIRLS UMDER vv SIXTEEN. c . , onimon ! ff01.kl ;iS : 16: but nevertheless, mat the first maker of American ! F,!.v'. H, AnJ T rJ aiciionaries. Noah Webster ' and ! i 7 - 7 7 ,7 Daniel Webster were of kh, Thev ! f !r Ku'hs and coids wore no, of kin. however u2 euherMchlWren or rown Per" th 7. ' unleSsions. No opiates, no harmful . v..,lv,,,ouip waj very remote Unf llttlrk nrliOc oPr-! rl '0'J lui iiiu giiio aiici tui, for which fact you should be de-v-uiily thankful. Remember that you will be grown up for a long time, but you are a little girl for such a fleeting space. So, first of y; don't try to get away from vour fiirl hood and act like a wo rn .in until you have to. D.m'tbe in too great a hurry voir' to put your hair up and le vsthen skirts. Do i'i buy two yards of hair r;-7,n and wear it ur til it looks as 7ju.;h you used it for dust rag. Don't maKe eyes at stange men; Noah VVebstr h a,To 6 rpT- ye"0W Dears and Daniel Webster had not Noah Webster was a descendan on the maternal side of thesecond governor of of Plymouth Colony, Governor Bradford. Noah Webster's home was at New Haven, Ponn., for many years, and one of the traditions as sociated with his career is that he wrote "Webster's Spelling Book" while living in a little frame house i i i ! C .-. 1 . 1 i , na tnov speaK to you, ;U1 oiomai architecture near New !:ly yourself to thank ; Haven oreen. That classic how :. lever, was written a full fifteen silly love leiters to ! ears before We.bster removed to hv you will wish you New Haven and while he was a 7 so foolish. : school ter.cher in New York state. Jitnoiun it was published at Hart ford, Conn. A few vejr Refuse substitutes. Morris-Webb Drug, Co., st Class !i, - V II la in mm You jave Labor, Time and Money when you buy Imple ments that wear well &nd work veil. The kind that we sell. r motner wear her for you and sew :7 h -s clone that o the 51' : V7. Du.k wh VI ill I.',.'.' vor, c:iize: i ell Ve issue one of the best an i j r:05t complete of Farm Imple- j m?-nt Catalogs. It gives prices, dosctiptions and much intercc-t- j irormation. Mailed free upon ; rer;uest. V T7e nre headquarters for V, Critrp and other Roofing, Viro i rcricinj', Barb Vire, Poultry i NettiiiS;, etc. ' i o for Descriptive Catalo;? 1 (-H aav supplies or Farm iMr. Tobacco Grower: our crop ot the smokershweed is in good condition for this season and you should be able tb make at least the average yield, or possibly 500 pounds to the acre. 0 7 If you get last year's price and you may get a better one your Crop will make for you at least $50 to the acre. You are perhaps 35 years young, but growing older every day, and you are, of course, thinking of a provision for your old age and for your family after all work has stopped forever. You beleive in LIFE INSURANCE. That goes without the saying. A policy in the UNION MUTUAL, one of the most con serative and substantial companies in th'e entire country, will cost you, for One Thousand Dollars, the very small sum of Twenty seven dollars and sixty-two cents, or a little more than half of the sum you will raise from one acre of tobacco. This policy is on the Ordinary Life plan. If you v4mt another and perhaps a better form, or Twenty Pay Life, wherein all payments stop in twenty years, the premium each year will cost you no more than Thirty seven Dollars and thirty-five cents, or about three-quarters of the money you will make from the one acre. - E;icli one of those policies is on the ANNUAL DIVIDEND 3Aa, v, 'iioroby. you" premiums are reduced each year or you can ' ' A W .M-h ,..,IU. 1. o . .. 1 ji . v,,-i.vrj wuii ,uui piuuLs, tuauc 101 3011 oy rne 75 or unini Hi An Ei?. L!V it 1 ana ooys f -an: 1 : 'a "H - ii. ii A or Dicifliess, coi'.ipue or pay no at:eniion s will respect you 1 1 ana tn it ,- t - - ti, 1 f vou allow ihem l 1 j a . ; u l i r- ' . i:t ; . '; 1'it n because we were ail taught spell ing from Webster's speiier and there were fold wonderful stories ', battle There are upwards of ono mil lion oeail.s ; eaeh year in the Lhiiu'd States. In ty ! of eases the people who die are. Ie.-s than ! 7xty-iive yeav.s old. Tlie evils that are ' (iia1 to disease ran he escaped just in pro- J pcrtiuii u t!i conditions and imbits tlu:t j 'a'aik- e:i tiis-eue become more "vid7v ' k that I have Riven ! afoul tho wa' tha: b 00i iU ,at many "dont's" but:111 the years when your is forming. the time to make up your be fine women, fit to be the 77 :ves of good men and mothers of good children. r' activate yourselves, both men iaiiy and physically. Get all the fresh air you can; rosy cheeks and bright eyes are great beautifiers. Keepvour mindsand hearts clean aid pure. Modesty is the best of all quali ties in a girl, and the one that men most reverence. Pin these "don'ts over your look ing erlass and try to obey them. Greenboro Telegram. x it- n ie.: a c! ironic Ci?oa?e winch rr.av 2 skill of the general practitioner neiy et L -er;uan,ntly cured by tl.e riiysi-.-.:;'!i v.h.:) has inn do ono line of dis eu e a ? ."'7-;' '.y. IL v.'oul.l ! e iest. as nbnrd for tlie Pro- i I have always ilCard that iNOan :or 111 a m.-uie;-l e-niege presuming to i ,Yr , , . , . . j lecture on all Mibjeet-. rs for Tlio ono liiy- euster was a Strt Or SUbsenpPOn ! sician to presume to understand tho nat q0ppt fnv hiQ mvn cnilr Pnnn I uro and cufii of every disease, jdgeiit 101 HIS Own speller soon Tlmt is v,liy Dr. ii. V. Pierce established i.-i-Pl-rt.i '. Tit . c 1-. . . 1 . 1 .' U -I TT , . , f.liA T wh i ii (' I !i it.fil m ,rl Siiiro-irQ 1 1 net it n t unci 11 w ui yuuiiiacu. Wcia uc- v" 1 . " ; f; r vi i many years ao with a full stafl: of Phy sicians and Surgeons who though edu- At in 1 Farmers' Institute. Farmers' Institute will be held it ioxboro Tuesday, Auguest 1st, 1911. bepinninp nt 10!0. o'clock. same place and date will held an Institute for " by Mrs. C. R. Hudson 7 7h-3rs. The object of these 7 hunon are to bring together ; men horn the farm homes, ': e: tijcy may become better ac : and talk over amons ves subjects tending to the . 0' 7 o condifons in rural "'-es, such as better and more '7'ornical foods and better me tnees of preparing them, home nation, home fruit and vege tie, gardening, farm dairying, pouitry-raising, the beautifying of bie nome and surroundings, etc. het the wives and daughters come out to these meetings in targe numbers. A premium of $1 will be given for the best loaf bread baked and exhibited by a girl or women llving on the farm. A premium of $1 will be given tor the best five ears of pure bred corn. Arjreium of $1 will be given ior the best pure- bred pig between h and 12 weeks old exhibted by a man or boy living on the the farm. This Institute will will be con ducted by Mr. Franklin Sherman, juh competent assistants who will discuss agricultural topics of inter est to ihe farmers. . A question box will be opened ln the afternoon, and a full discus bln of the subject presented will b? given. Morning session will open at lu o clock and afternoon session at 1 o'clock. Bring a book and Pcil to take notes. ineboys are specially invited 10 attend the Institute. ,; W. A.iGrafiani, g t d Cnr of Agriculture, LB. Parker, Director of Farmer's Institutes customed to travel about the coun try stopping, whenever conveni ent, at towns where there was a printing office, He woud enter the printing office and pass a few pleasant words with the proprie tor, or the general printer, or even the printer's devil; he was a fami liar figure in the printing offices of New Haven, and Hartford 1 hen having by his kindly ways ingratiated himself into the other good favor, Mr. Webster would say: "My friend, observe that you are accustomed to spell the word "honor" with a uu", and the it is also vour habit to spell the word labor with a V Now, I wamufcav J"" 't!'" WM tO VOU that in m Opinion, is 1 old adage that, "Experience makes per- : young men and young women wnh twenty- ; . ,7 feet," and the skilled specialists in this one years of successful history behind it. ' j not the American way tO Sped j field of practice cure thousands of cases n high grade college, whose graduates are ! these words. Th?,t is the Englisr. : Cr, a5 11JLlUtlul admitted withont exammation to tne gnuu- "j catod to practice in all departments of. medicine are here assigned to a special department only to which each special ist devotes his entire time, study and attention. The sick who have been treated at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., have much to say in regard to this won derfully equipped Sanitarium, where all electrical apparatus, as well as electric water baths, Turkish baths, static elec tric machines, high-frequency current, and other most modern and up-to-date apparatus are used for the cure of chronic diseases. The treatment of chronic dis eases that are peculiar to women have for many years been a factor in the cures affected at the Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute. The physicians and surgeons employed are among the most experienced and skill ful in the country, men who have made these diseases their life study, and whose highest ambition is to excel in their treatment. How well they have succeeded may be judged from the fact that their practice -i- , V iiere:) v. vou ouy more 177 company. Then, to, earth policy has uaranteeu LOAN AND CASH M. IUI K. )l:Ai TALUES, on which you can borrow money with Wisi-tii to i;;;y your premiums if noed he- or for some other 0U777' and v7 cr-vyy ihe policy itself. io-x. o.7 tnese luoLs uno ..:;. res rmd then let us .et together so ih.U- I c;m sho-v y.m how liriie ttvi-noy it roaliy costs to carry absolute protcrlh'hi for yourh-it7m(i rneii.y in one of the very best ami fosi IXS UicAXCE COAlPAXiES represented in . this soft ion. Jnst till on: tl'io blnn.k form rinted bo low ana seat it to this ofh'ce. It h not'jing more than an invitation to call at your heme and have a talk with you on a question of viail importance to yourself, and when you send itm a special representative of the tJNIOX MUTUAL will drive out to see you- and you'll be glad to nave rum come. ere J.W.Noeil, Roxboro, N. C. Dear Sir; Please bave your INSURANCE EXPERT call at my house as soon as possible and tell me about THE UNION MUTUAL and its POLICIES. Il is understood that this call in no way binds me to take a policy. Yours truly, 11 J i i Invitation! P.O. ELONCOLLE E (Co-educational.) , Delightfully situated in the hill country, j Unsurpassed in healthfuieess. Modern in j embraces cases from every btate and ier-! Fn.iinmpnt steam Heat. Electric lights. ritory of the Union as well as from foreign j Bath Sewerage. With all the advantages , lands. Many thousands are annually , nona . hZ Aut nf Htv lifp An ideal institution for the educrtion ct i general prdcuuuiieib. fo or,nrtmPnfc nf tv,P p-rpt Universities. way. The 'V is not needed." . One t he mt j-oertu e ectnea also, MuSiC, Art; Expression, So Noah Webster . WOUld ;0 tute which may be used both in the treat- ummerciai, ana nt;paiaui from town to town, visiting me by Jovner. Departments ;rees. nosis of many obscure conditions. Vv 'ith ' Special normal courses for teachers, 3p- i Affinoc, rc.o.-le tb.- i "3 aia tlie interior 01 tne numan ooay is pruVed and endorsed by State Superintend-' piniiiu wmwo, w v.w n0 iono;er the sealed book it nas been nere- x ses- printers of that time to adopt ids lAl . Tenj-s moderate-sm to sis: r, form Orspel ing. Ana 1 nave Some . kidneys, are shown plainly by wnat are U1 l" . t ,. , IUI , P ' ... . . known as X-ray photographs. Internal- For catalogue or other information, ad- times thought he did more DV tOlS tumors, and the enlargement of the deep- dress, mentioning this paper) .uA cr ooMivn oonlnnr-p nf 1 seated organs, are also discovered by this , TTAnnnn -r method so secure acceptance or : means an in the diagnosis of tuberculosis W. A. HARPER, Pres., Elon College, X. C. UM.i iihiiih Mill. vv i if ii i, 1 in irrii till niiii in ji i his spelling book." Noah Webster must, then have been the first American advocate' of the now so-called modified form of spelling. It used to be said by some of his descendants in New Haven that in all auout fifty mil lion copies of his spelling book were sold, and it is a well-known fact that, although the royalty which he receiyed upon each copy was a little less than one cent, nevertheless this income was suf ficient to support him and his family during the twenty years when he was engaged in the com pi ing of his great dictionary, Foley Kidney Pills contain just he ingredients necessary to regu late and strenthen the action of he kidneys and bladder. Try them yourself. Morris Webb Drug Co., mm IHMHSTTI i2 Is SS f Ii W S II r7 A A the less fatal chronic ailments of germ origin it has proven very effective as a curative agent. Another interesting proceeding is the violet-ray treatment produced by concen trating the violet or chemical rays from an arc light with a specially prepared zarbon upon any portion of the body that may be the seat of pain. Sufferers from neuralgia, sciatica, rheumatism, strains, sprains, also from those obscure exhaust ing nains (the origin of which cannot at times be accurately determined) frequent- THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the state for the Women oi North Carolina. Five ly find immediate relief from a single j f Ipjjdinn tn nV- treatment and usually with a little per- regular LOUrseS leading 10 (16 sistence in the use of this aid, comfortable health or perfect recovery is obtained. The incandescent light bath, consisting of a cabinet in which the patient is bathed in the combined rays of many electric light globes, has produced really wonderful results in diabetes, sciatica, rheumatism, obesity, anaemia, and some forms of kidney and heart trouble. DrrXor 1Q 1Q11 Vin.s si.lsn nroven valuable in chronic bron- i IcmDcl A.O 1711. chitis, bronchial asthma and various skin diseases. As a general hygienic measure its efficiency can scarcely be over-esti- ! mated. TTTTJTTST F0UST Pres Hundreds are brought to this Institu- d UIilUOl. 1 UUOl, liCO, tion from far distant states and they go 3 Never Leak Never Need Repairs Fireproof Storm proof Handsome Inexpensive Suitable for all kinds of buildings. For further detailed information apply to LONG, BRADSHER & CO. qrees. Special Courses ior teach ers, Free tuilion to those wlio aqree to become teachers in the ! State. Fall Session begins Sep- For catalogue and other information address (life) Com- We havV "our (Tobacco f I Flues sWed in4he ;Pioneeri Call on us1( vou wont have to wait & Long, Braasncr o. home in a few weeks well and strong Quite as marvelous are the- thousands of cures annually accomplished through cor espondencer while the patient remains quietly at home. Others consult in per son, and after being examined are pro vided with especially prepared medicines and return home to carry out the treat ment. 7 Everyone who consults the specialists, whether by letter or in person receives the most careful and considerate? attention. Great care is exercised not to over en courage those who consult .the specialists of this institution that no false hopes 4 Consultation by letter orln person Is I ateorntely Jree-noaiwliateverS(Ji tbil thtf public wfaeri afflicted lire Invited i i 1 tawriteDri Pierce att th Invalids' BoteK and Surgical InstitutftBuffalo, N. Y. 77 Greensboro, N. G. fee. 8mdmodeUtketche or photo b4 W tiJZJtn h search and report oa Send -cent gtamp forNEW BOOKLET. fREAD PAGES nndl before Applyter forftMtont write KHuy. 1 mm acfl &u patent tAvmrwa, IS33 8tYt!i Ct. Wtttea, D. I e. Pays for an unlimited scholarshiD. in either the mercial or Shorthand Department. This is our low Summer rate, and win posi tively close in a short time. Buy your scholarship now Write for catalog and special Circu Address KINGS BUSINESS COLLEGE ) It Kaleigh,U. U;,;orTOvaVnV-: r - s - t t "

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