News from Route 5. Several of our neighbors at tended thelVasonlc picnic given by the Masons at Loch Lily. The Speech deliered by the Governor was commended in the highest terms. A lawn partv was recently given by Mrs, Mollie Satterfield for the pleasure of the young people and one was also given by the widow Laws, and one by Mr. R. B. Holman. Miss Bettie Lou Denny, of Burlington, spent last veek with Mr. P. S. Roger's young people on No 5. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Satterfield are to be congratulated as they recently admitted a fine little cook in their home for eighteen years. Mr. Ira Rogers spent some line iast week with his father Mr P. S. Rogers and with his brother Mr. Frank Rogers. The writer preached on the last fourth Sunday to a large crowd a: Harmony, and I never saw peoole better behaved or more attentive. This church and people have greatly improved since I was there in a revival service about eight years ago'. After ser-vic.-s I went home with Mr. H. C. Hi pieman and partook of his bju:;rious repjst which I enjoyed vi-y much. Mr. Fogleman asked ' x to look at his Japanese Wal ru: tukI I observed that the fruit v: s '-owing on tbe tree in clus io; v i nine and ten in a bunch, wWd I thought was very beau tiiV and the trees are useful for s :.;Jc. I parsed by the home of our Surl correspondent and I ob-v rved that he had his farm in ;tdoj condition. A protracted meeting was car ried Cm a.t Mt. Zion Methodist i."Mirch last week but I have not h J what success they had ; o-re than to say that the preach-nv,- started good. I will give you readers my text am! outline on the work of sin and instruction. "The son of God was mani fested that he might destroy the works of the devil". 1 John 3:8. I. Let us see what the devil's work is. 1. It is deception. 2. It is interference. 3. It is to slsnder. 4. It is theft. 5. It is to hinder the gospel. 6. It is to rebel against light. 7. It is to harden the heart. 8. It is to make war. 9. It is to hate and lie. 10. It is to kill Goer as prophets. 11. Consider the deadening effect of sin if it has no conqueror. 1. The world would sit in dark ness. 2. The church would be crushed out. 3. The law would be disobeyed, 4. The world would be power less.. (Oohn 8:37). 5. Ignorance would prevail. b People would reject knowl edge. (Hosea 3.6). 7. Sin keeps people from life. (John 5.40). S. Sin resist the Holy Ghost. (Acts 7.r 1 ) 9. Sin would turn all nations to hell. (Psalms 9; 17) III. The methods our Saviour uses in destroying the devils works. 1. The spy glass of friVlightand truth. 2. His own blood remedy. 3. The gospel his artillery. 4. The sword of the spirit. 5. Prayer his entrenchment. 6. The cross his bayonet. 7. The church his war ship. 8. Missons his breast plate. 9. The father His commander in-chief. The meeting was well attended at Antioch last Sunday, It, was stated that not more than two th'rds of the congregation got in t--e house. 1 Brother Usry preached two sermons that had the soul wining tendency and were living ex ponents of the Gospel truth, ,T)ie Pastor kindly insisted that the christians and the church be earnestly engaged in prayer and toe meeting closed In the" eveine with a fine impression. Mr. Obie Tinge, .of Durham, ,1 T will conduct the singing at Antioch this week. He led it : weli last Sunday. Mr. J. S. Coleman,- of Moriah, attended services at Antioch last Sundav and said the singing was the best he ever heard. " Mr. J. L. Garrett and wjfe. of Roxboro. were present at Antioch on last Sunday. Mr. Garrett was 'ively and in as good humor as ever, and is a snlendid fellow. I ,was asked by a friend howl wrote so much and kept up with my work. I replied that I did it by taking notes of what I saw and heard whether it be available for the newspapers or not. If you desire to Improve as a writer and save time take notes of all you see and hear. Select the best from vour note book and send it in and dis'card all the inferior news. Send me all the names of people you can and, let the descriptive adjectives be in their favor. One the best newspaper men in the country told me that not more than one out of a hundred object ed to seeing his name in print and that one was more than apt to be a crank" and had but little aspiration for literature and did not care to get high in the world's history. R. H. Jones. 1 J-1..M: W VmWMMMMIMniMMI wmm wmm mm mm mm II -rtR' Is effective for coughs and colds in either children or grown per sons. No opiates, no harmful drugs. In the yellow package. Refuse substitutes. Morris-Webb Drug, Co., Says Hen Lights His Pipe i he white Ughorn hen owned by John Grohan, of Glenville, Westchester, Pa , which was re cently to have helped him build a chicken coop by holding the naili in its brak after he had smashed his finger, is alleged mow to have learned a new trick. It is said that when Grohan gets home after his day's work and sits in his easy chair on the porch the hen goes into the house, gets his bag of tobacco and pipe and them to him, Then when Grohan has filled his Dipe it is added he put a match in the hen's break and she scratches it across the floor, and then he lights his pipe. Grohan declares he expects to teach the hen to put out the match. irs pjDjle m;n and women. are suffering from kidney and bladder trouble than eyer before, and each year more of them turn for quick relief and permanent benefit to Foley's Kidney Reme- which has proyen itself to be' one of the most effective remedies for kidney and bladder ailments that medical science has devised. Morris Webb Drug Co. After Dinner. "Lady," began Hungry Hig gins, "I'd thank yer fur a meal." ''Ah!" exclaimed the bright housekeeper, "you're one of these afterdinner speakers." "Not exactly, lady or I wouldn't be so hungry. I ain't got so much as a chestnut about me." Catho lic Standard ancTimes, NEEDFUL KNOWLEDGF Roxboro People Should Learn to De tect the Approach of Kidney Disease, The symptoms oflkidney trouble are so unmistabable that they leave no gronrid for doubt. Sick Kid neys excrete a thick, cloudy, offen sive urine, full of sediment irregu lar of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding. The back aches constantly, headaches and the victim is often weighed down by a feeling of languor and fati gue. Neglect these warnings and there is danger of dropsy, Blight's diseas, of diabetes Any one of these svmptons is waring- enough to begin treating the Kidneys at once. Delay often proves fatal. You can iise no better remedy than Doan's Kidney Pills Here's Roxboro proof. Wiley J. Winstead, Jr., Rox boro N. C, says: "I can strongly recommend Doan's Kidney Bills for kidney trouble) as I used them with the best of results. My kid neys were badly disordered as was plainly shown by a too .frequent desire to void the kidneys secre tions. I also had considerable back ache which at times war accom panied by sharp pains across my loins. Upon reading about Doan's Kidney Pills, 1 procured a box from the Morris-Webb Drug Co. and they beefited me more than any other remedy I had previous used." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Many a Suffering Woman Crags herself painfully through her daily tasks, suffering from backache, headache, nervousness, bss of appetite and poor sleep, not knowing' her ills are due to kidneys and bladder troubles. Fol- ley kidney Pills give quick relief from pain and misery and aprom pt return to health and strenth. No women who so suffers can afford to overlook Foley kidney Pills. Morris Webb Drug, Co. , Pouliry Notes. Keep the young chick out of the rain and dampness. Corn, with nothing else, is the greatest cause of no eggs. Artificial inenbaton in recent years has assumed large proportions Over-feeding causes chicks, to be inactive and susceptible to dis ease. The very best rule is to watch the fowls and feed about all they will eat. The material used in prepaing the nests for sitting hens should be fresh and clean. Ducks are very dirty about the water pans, making the drinking water outfit for chickens. . If you cannot get one this year, get a brooder and wait for the in cubator until next season. Fowls require the equivalent of aboute 27 pound sof dry feed for each 500 pounds of live weight. Hens reqnire plenty of green food as well as. room for exercise in addition to liberal grain feed ing. A hen that is laying an egg every other day will consume consider ably more food than one that is not laying at all Chickens and duckline bred from immature stock have not the same vigor as those whose par ents were full grown. The unsanitary conditions of the coops is the cause of the mor tality of thousand upon thousands of chicks every season. Apple kerosene to, the roost with a cloth or swab twice a week dur. ing the summer or warm weather to kill the red spider lice. There are almost as many ways and methods of feeding and car ing for turkeys are there are local ities where they are grown. Frequently cleaning arid disin fecting or all the poultry qua rters means less trouble and more pro fits. Use carbolated , whitewash freely. Earle Tyson, the 18 , year old son of R. L. Tyson of Carthage, was killed by a stroke of lightning on the base ball grounds there Tuesday evening. He and other members of the team ivere prac ticing on the grounds when a cloud gathered and just before the rain commenced the stroke got in its fa'wwic oaQnV' who, was in the open field plaginy shortstop. ' Do Not May Mil TOOL - at-"5- I s '. 4i iK ;w ' .:. -.. Sli? li t Mr. Tobacco Grower: , . ... Yourcrop ot the smokerV need is in good condition lor this season andyou should be able to make at least the average yield, or possibly 500 pounds to the acre. If you get last year's price and you may get a better one your cop will make for you at least 150 to the acre. You are perhaps 35 years young, but growing older every day, and you are, of course, thinking of a provision for your old age and for your family after all work has stopped forever." You beleive in LIFE INSURANCE. That goes without the saying. A policy in the UNION MUTUAL, one of the most con serative and substantial companies in the entire country, will cost you, for One Thousand Dollars, the very small sum of Twenty seven dollars and sixty-two cents, or a little more than half of the sum you will raise from one acre of tobacco. This policy is on the Ordinary Lie plan. If you want another and perhaps a better form, or Twenty Pay Life, , wherein all payments stop in twenty years, the premium each year will cost you no more than Thirty seven Dollars and thirty-five cents, or about three-quarters of the money you will make from the one acre. Each one of these policies is on the ANNUAL DIVIDEND PL.AN, whereby you'' premiums are reduced each year or you can buy more INSURANCE with your profits, made for you by the company. m ' TTnJiSn' J?0' eF'h policy has guaranteed LOAN AND CASH SURRENDER VALUES, on which you can borrow money with which to pay your premiums if need be or for some other purpose and yet carry the policy itself. - ' Look over these facts and figures and then let us cet together so that I can show you how little coney it really costs to carry absolute protection for yourfelf and family in one of the very best and safest INSURANCE COM PANICS represented in tins section. Just fill out; the blank form printed below and, sentit' to this office. It is nothing more than an invitation to call at your heme and fiave a talk with you on a question of vital .importance to mttV a secial representative of the U IN ION MU 1 UAL will drive out to see you-and you'll be glad to have him come. Here Is The Invitation! J.W.Noell . Roxboro, N. C. Dear Sir; " Please have your INSURANCE EXPERT call at my house as soon as possible and tell me about THE UNTON MU1UAL and its fUUUfcfc It is understood that this call no way binds me to take a policy. Yours truly I I I. 1 f m P.O.. f Do not allow your kidney and bladder trouble to develop beyond the reach of medicine. Take Foley Kidney Pills. They give quick re sults and stop irregularities with surprising promptness.- Morris-Webb Drug, Co., Fmzs ii$50O to M.QQQ. for each offense for -sending antoxints from onefstatet; .tQfmojef I .wer provided in a bill introduced iii the HouseibyxRepresentative Jackson of Kansas Monday. , , ,? : ' EtO N COL L E - E . Co-educational.) Delightfully situated in the. hill country. Unsurpassed in healthfulness. Modern in Equipment, Steam Heat. Electric lights, Baths. Sewerage. "With all the advantages and none of the disadvantages of city life. An ideal institution for the educrtion ot I young men and young women with twenty- j one years of successful history behind it. - high grade college, whose graduates are f admitted without examination to the gradu ate departments of the great Universities. Maintains also, Ausic, Art, Expression, Commercial, and Preparatory Departments. Four courses leading to degrees. Special normal courses for teachers, ap proved and endorsed by State Superintendent Joyner. Terms moderate $132 to SI 8 7 per ses sion of ten months. For catalogue or other information, ad dress, mentioning this paper) W.'A. HARPER, Pres., Elon College, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained ty the state for the Women of North Carolina. Five reaular Courses leadina to de- Q C , grees. Special Courses lor teach ers, Free . tuition to those who agree to tecome teachers in the State. Fall Session begins Sep tember 13 1911. For catalogue and other information address JULIUS I.'FOUST, Pres. Greensboro, N. G. MEM. SHINGLES ARE FIRE PROOF '"pHEY vril not burn. Will not split or curl like wood shingles. A Will not crack and roll off like slate. Will not rip at the seams like plain tin. Neither will they rattle during high wind storms. They never need repairs and last as long as the building. And last of afi, thev make the handsomest roof and are not expensive. LONG, BRADSHER & CO. Vmm (lit uom (Mis TRADCMARKi and yyrfeht obtolMd or no full ot patent information. wiuaelp Jw RBAO PACI8 U and IS twfore appljto for patent, writ wy $00 Pays for an unlimited scholarship, in either the mercial or Shorthand Department Ks our low Summer rate, and will": tively close in a short time. Buy your. This scholarship WfiteM catalog and special Gircu? lars. : Address tttgt lvrt'cc, r nn t xvnv KING'S 1 s 'A . n 1 r -J 4 T x , v 1 -'xC ' -v. - -ii" - $ ' v -. ',t,"'w.:,"., i 1 S . ! ia - " - ! . ' VV V' ,1 - t J ; i - f p i ,:.. - t. L Cf''. " ' : it ' ' 'i'.' . J1, r 3 J ' - i j , ' pr..v. v :: . . 3'. ' . , f L.'ti t '4 ,-4f r.i N , ', .V i "AS. "l ' ' IT"! ft, r t VWWI Will HW.m - " wmmwmm ,