UNIFORM DIVORCE LAW. Conference of Governors At Spring Lake to Discuss Question. Next month the House of Go vernors will meet in its second annual session at Spring Lake, and it is devoutly to'be hoped that something will be done this year which will materialize' in better legislation. This is a purely infor mal gathering and s.its decisions bind nobody, but some good ought to result it the time is spent in earnest work rather than in recreation. Last year the House of Governors met at Frankfort Ky., and immediately adjourned to go to Louisville, where "every one had a good time." but nothing happened. Thw will he no excuse for loafing this year. A good many topics will come before the Governors, but -by far the most important is that dealing with plans for uniform , marriage, divorce and probate las, ALendy 23 Governors have declared in favor of such uniformity, four others have gone on record to the same purpose, two arenon-com-mittal in replies and the rest hve not been heard from. This is a good beginning. If the Govern ors are really anxious to do some constructive work they ought to succeed. A single incident in the last few weeks has stirred the country more than a thousand other in the past, many of which were just as flagrant. This indicates that public sentiment has reachec a point where it is beginnine tr srystalize and this means a gooc chance for remedial legislation. It would be possible to secure ar amendment to the .Federal consti tution, but experience has shown that this is a long and tedious process. Even in that event Con gress would have to deal with tht subject and might not come up t( expectations. Already there is a basis for action in the proposed law draftee by the National Divorce Congress called some years ago by Gover nor Pennypacker,. It prepared measure which seemed to bt about the limit which it is 'Dossibk in these days and under such vari ed conditions and it will accomp lish very important reforms. i; adopted. The House of Governor may improve on this and it car do more by be-in- si-.'nt hit -at Snrmg Lake and in the indivi- Marriage of Children and the Combs Case. Salisbury Post. There is no more striking ex ample of the folly and shame of children marriages nor of the crime and absolute lack of a moral set of duty of ministers and others who are vested with authority to perporm the mar riage ceremony, than the Combs murder case of Iredell county. The husband and murderer js 18 years old, his murdered wife was 16, and they had been mar ried six months. The couple ran away and were married in South Carolina. Some minster or es quire officiated, giving them the right to live together legally The union was not peaceful there were quarrels. Thep young wife wanted to visit her parent the husband objected. There was a conflict, the woman was murdered, choked to death lying across no Knees oi tne man brute, Was there ever a darker picture and all because a minis tor or justice of the peace pro nounced the words which made them man and wife? The State, the law, the custom all conspired to bring about the the murder. A clearer sense of leponsibility on the part of the ministry and others having the right to marry couples is needed and until these have come to un .lestanc;their full moral duty in the matter children will continue to marry and tragedies will multiply and increase. STARTING BETIMES. FURNITUREMERGER. dual wr-e to a and ii it memse jve Do not allow your kidney and bladder trouble to develop beyond the reach of medicine. Take Foley Kidney Pills. They give quick re sults and stop irregularities with surprising promptness. Morris-Webb Drug, Co., Character in the Eye. Beware of the man who does not look you clearly in the eye. 3e has possibilties of evil in his aature. There are eyes which are luminous, others which seems to be veiled behind a curtain. Men and women of the world are accustomed to judge human nature by the expression of the eye. Many people read character by the eyes, and can thus distin guish the false from the loyal, the f rani: from the deceitful the lard from the tender, the ener from the inaihvrent. Next year is going to be an exciting one politicals in this section at the very quietest esti mate. A presidential campaign will bexm. North Carolina will be called on to elect state officers and a Upited States senator-and al though the former contest is as yet a matter of guess work the. latter has already c'eveloped into a four-cornered fight which is attracting much attention, Fur theinure in at least three of the congressional districts the incum bents are scheduled to have op positionand that, too, from this time on although it is nearly a year before the congressional convention will gather. In the sixth district, Hon. Geo. H.sBellamy, of Brunswick, is be ing: groomed to oppose Represen tative H. L. Godwin and it is not unlikely that the lively contest of 1910 will be duplicated next spring. In the third, Hon. Georg Hood of Wayne who narrowly missed the nomination last year is drawing un his lines against Representative John" M. Faison4. And now comes word by the way of the Carolina Democrat tha Hon. R. N. Page of the seventh will be numerously opposed. Rum or is busy with the names of Edi tor Archibald Johnson of Thomas ville, Editor K. F. Beasley, of Monroe, and former State Senat or Lockhart, of WadesbDro. Verily men and brethren there will be busy time for the states men before the next spring ap pies are ripe. Charlotte News. Is effective for coughs and colds in either children or grown per sons. No opiates, no harmfu drugs. In the yellow package. Refuse substitutes. Morris-Webb Drug, Co., nr. ,;ion 1 1 in : u- may phis Inquirer :n a bet:.er opportunity o in. i him: desirablt o-v is missed progress ears r'lO.OD Reward. ;eward of SlO.OOwii: io r mionnatij.' leaden p u of any person dam- )' of 'he public school House 'cison County, or the sropert or said houses. or Philadel- $o;;rd of Education G. V. Holloway, County Supt. For Every Bridge a Drink. The following story comes from the mounu tains; Some aristocratic sports tour ing it at Blowing Rock made up a party amongst themselves t( take, a trip to Boone. None o them had ever been there before The New river rises in blowing Rock and flows northward to the Ohio. The turnpike to Boone fol lows the river pretty well all the way, and one of the party re marked: ''Now, boys, we . must not drink too much liquor on tht road." Another one said: "'W will take drink every time we cross a bridge, and onlv when we cross one." The roadtoBoone crosses the river ten or twelve tunes, and the last heard of the party was tlTat they were scat tered from the Rocl: all the way to Boone going both ways and about all each man knows is when lie crossed a bridge. Charlotte Ch ronicle. The merger germ has now per meated the furniture manufactur ing ?orld and the Grand Rapids of the south offers a combination representing several hundred thousand dollars in capital. The Globe Home Furniture company the Tomlinson ChairlManufactur- ing company, two of the largest plants of their kind in the south, have just been consolidated. The chair company has increased its capital stock to $750,000 and plans to make chairs and furniture on a much larger scale. Repcently a i i . . number or. cotton mm mergers have been effected in the south. Four combinations in South Caro lina alone represent a combined capitalization of sonjething like $20,000,000. It is argued that by combining their properties under one management great economy can thereby be effected. It is fur ther claimed that heavily financed corporations are better able to weather occasional fincial storms than smaller companies. In addi tion it is the expressed belief vof leaders in the merger proposition that by joining properties new markets can be opened up and the industry generally benefited. The south will hereafter do its business on a large scale. Big business is taking the place of small enterprise, The5,000spindle mill is no longer looked upon as a monster. We have the hundred thousand spindle plant and the five hundred thousand spindle comp any. The small furniture factory nas been succeeded by the heavily nanced concern. And in the pur suit of manufacturing there has been a marked tendency to branch out. Once the south made only coarse goods. The result was that a tenporary depression in this line if textiles put a crime in the en tire industry. Diversification the Dolicy which has blessed the farm er, is benegting the manufacturer ilso. Mills, are changing to finer counts and today almost any fab- ic made in New or Old England s made in the south also. The furniture factory, also of, today does not confine itself to the naking of inferior products. High cass furniture and chairs are turn d out goods that compare favor ably with produtcs frcm Grand Rapids. Th;s means that the mon ey which once went out of the south to purchase better goods is day kepc at home. V.iu business is the order of the il ' dav in the south. Women Secrets n There is one man in the United States who has perhaps heard f more women's aecrets than any other man or -noman in the S country. These secret are not seerets of fallt or shame, but ttsj tha secrets of suffering, and they hare been confided to Dr. 3!fL R. V. Pierce in the hope and expectation cf adriee and help. That few of these women have been disappointed in their ex pectations is proved by the fact that nmety-eijht per cent, of all women treated by Dr. Pierce hare been absolutely and altogether cured. Such a record would be remarkable ii the oases treated were numbered by hundreds only. Bet when that record applies to the treatmeat of more than half-a- mil i;nn wamm. in a rirfletice mf over 40 vears. It is ohenomenaL and entitles Dr. Pierce to the gratitude accorded him by women, as the first of specialists in the treatment ef women's diseases. Every sick woman ' may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, absolutely without charge. All replies are mailed, sealed in perfectly plain envelopes, without any printing or advertising whatever, upon them. Write without fear as with out fee, to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. P.. V. Pierce, Prest., Buffalo, N. Y. DR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION iols. w omoxa. Well. The Individuality of a Newman Bros. PIANO; The distinctive quality of a Newman Bros. Pi ano -the quality that makes it so different from other instruments is itJs pure and vibrant tone; its artistic case designs; its easy action and its durable qualities from start to finish, If vou are thinking of buying a piano, you will do well to fill out the coupon below and 1 M C i . . . 1 nave us man you. one or our an catalog, ex- plaining to you fully the superioty of the Ntw man Bros. Pianos over the ordinary instruments. Easy terms if desired MAYNA-RD BROS. & CO,, Empire Block, Salisbury, N. C. Fill out this coupon and we Will mail youone of our art catalogs with full particulars and prices. MAYNARD BROS. & COMPANY, Empire Block, Salisbury, N. C. Gentlemen: Please mail us catalog and prices of your pianos. Name Post Office St. or R. F. D. Street 3 C TRINITY COLLEGE 1859 1892 I9IOI9II Three memorable dates; Ihe granting of the Charter for Trinity College, the Removal of College to the growing and prosperous city of Durham, the building of the new and Greater Trinity. Magnificent new buildings with hew equipment and enlarge facilities. Comfortable hygienic dormitories and beoutiful pleasant surroundings. v , heFive departments: Academic, Mechanibal, Civil, and Electrical Engineering, Law. Ed ucation. Graduate. For tataiogue andother information address R. L. FLOWERS, Secretary, Durham, N. C TRINITY PARK SCHOOL ESTABLISHED 1898 . Location I'deal, Equipment unsurpassed. Students have use of the library, gymnasium and athletic fields of Trinity College. Special atfention given to health. A teacher in each dormitory looks af:er the living conjiiiuiV'of l-oys under 'lis care Faculty of college graduates. Most mqdern methods of instruction, 'all term opens. S-.jrtemler 13. For illustrated catalogue, address W. IV. PEELE, Headmaster, Durham. X. C. the nomination oi .John Tiiddi an. the port of con urination That a newspauer is in contempt of court when it publishes an in dicment before the indictment is served, was held by Judge Kinead in the criminal court at Columbus, O., when he fined the Cleveland Leader $400. "The case grew out of the publication of indictments in connection with alleged bribery at the last session of the Ohio Leo--islature. The Senate Monday confirmed Am tori s . 1 ! o - ; Pamlico, N. C. The : Tvas made by error, without com rnittee report. When this fact" was It I .1 r . . caneu io me senate s attention Tuesday, out of deference to the' , committee the action was recinded and the Biddle appointment goes over until theregular session. A dispatch from Colorado Spring Col, says W. F. Skinner and wife :of Dallas, Texas, were frozen to death near the summit of Pike's Peak Tuesday morning. Their bodies, corered with snow, were found by a boy Tuesday afternoon fine couple started Monday for a ;walk to the top of the peak. Mon- ylay night a snowstorm broke on the peak as the couple were light covered they were overcome with the cold. A Tribute To Woman. In a symposium on Woman Col R. G. Ingersoll was to contribute his views. He replied as follows: "It takes a hundred men to' make an encampment, but one woman can make a home. I not only ad mire a woman as the most beauti ful object ever created, but I re ference her as the redeemed glory of humanity, the sanctuary of all virtues, the pledge of all perfect qualities of heart and head, lit is because women are so much) bet ter than men that their faults are considered greater. The one thing in this world that is constant, the only peak that rises above the clouds, the one window in which the light burns forever, the one star that darkness cannot quench is woman's love. It rises to the greatest heights, it sinks to the lowest depths, it forgives the most! injuries. A woman's love is' the perfume of the-earth. This is the. real love that subdues the earth; the love that has wrought all mir icles of art; that gives us music all the way from the cradle song to the grand closing symphony bears the soul away Jon wings of fire, A love that is greater than power, sweeter life and stronger than death." Loss Time means Loss cf Pay. Kidney trouble and the ills it breeds means lost time and lost pay to many a working man. M. Balent, 1214 Little Penna St., Steator, 111., was so bad from kid ney and bladder trouble that the coud not work but he says; "I took Foley Kidney Pills for only a short time and got entirely well and was soon able to go back to work and :am feeling well and healthier than before." Foley kid ney Pills are tonicin action, quick in results anend to the working man orwOrnan who suffers from kidney ills. ..." . - Morris-Webb Drug Co. i:!.-:y 'kidney Pills will check the :Toeress of your kidney and blad der trouble rmd heal by removing le cause. Try them. Morris-Webb Drur, Co. 1 JTOdWr' iftj, --JJ1Jrcs.urt- H f ir t 0 0 A T .i IT .i I fell . a My step-mother has authorized me to sell a piece of land she owns. 200 acres more or less, I think more. Will sell by the acre or lot. It paid her about $200.00 rent last year. Is well watered and fair buildings on it. Anyone wishing to buy call on me at Helena, N. C. G. T. Bo ven, A?t. Over 3,000 Automobiles in The State Raleigh, Aug. 23, The secre- tary of state will issue very soon now a complete list of the licen sed automobiles in the state for the current year to date, includ ing new licenses and renewal to June 30, 1912. In round numbers it will show 3;300 machines in the state with something like 300 licenses cancelled at the end of this license year ending June 30 for failure to renew. New li censes are almost every day and often times there are several in a single day so fast is the spread of the use in machines in North Carolina.' Koxboro, N. C, July 21, 1911, Its. School Census. School Committees are hereby notified that no school census will be taken this year, as the law re- j quires it to be taken biennially. Under instructions from the Sup erintendent of Public Instruction it will not be taken until 1912. G. F. Holloway, County Supt. Roxboro. N. C, July 3 1st, 1911, 4ts. Three persons were killed, one fatally injured and several others slightly hurt, Wednesday, as a result of a fire and explosion which damaged the Chancellor hotel at Parkersburg, W. Va, OXFORD, N. C. This school founded in 1850 has continued to grow more ef ficient and more popular as evidenced by its increase of patronage It has four buildings instead of the one building destroyed by fire seven years ago, These building? are only two stories high, and stand 30 feet a part, The sleeping rooms are on 2nd floor The class rooms are on first floor, This arrangement secures ab solute safety in case of fire, and is the mosfTiealthfu! possible These buildings have . complete water system, electric lights, and steam heat, The furnishings are new and complete, Specialists are at the head of alf Departments, and represent some of the great Universities, Colleges, Conservatories and Art Schools of the land Two Degrees Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, The B. A. degree has been lengthed by one year's work. The B. A. degree omits Latin alter Ceasar. French after first year, and Mathewmatics after Algebra, but retatns full English, Science, History and Moral Science Courses and is shorter by one year than the B, A. Board And Literary Tuition the year $1 66.00. Apply lor Illustrated Catalogue. F. P. HOBGOOD, Pres. JMmm IDlJFTfl f for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary YfcgularitieSc Foley's Kidnev Pills nurifvthe blood, restore Snat vital? r wt..... J Foley's Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse substitute FOR SALE BY MORRIS WfifeB DRUG, , CO