t 5 u-4 1? 1 V Professional Cards N. LUNSFORD, Attorney at Law, Over Garrett, & Stanford's Store. oxboro, N. C. L.'M. CARLTON, Jttorne1-' and Comsrtlor at Law. ROXBORO, N.C. i Practice wherever services reqiii.- ed. Phon. 10. WM. I MERRITT, Attorney and Counsellor at I aw. I Peoples Bank Building. , J V . v. F. O. Cirv G. Vin?ttu v; T T ' Li i L MA: 'irnfv-r Practice in i't-rsn. ;r. Counties 1 ,nd wherever services reaareJ Cfficeergea& Ly. I DR- B- R- LONG Dentist Office over Long, Brad iher $ Go's Hardware store. DR O. P. SCHAUB Offers h$ . professional services in the practice of medicine in all its branches to the eople of Roxboro and surrounding country. Office over Bank of Roxboro. DR. R. J.TEACUE. I will be in my office at Morris-Webb Drug Company's Store every Saturday and Sunday, Special attention given Eve, Ear Nose and Throat diseases and fitting of Classes 17. A. B i ads her, r,1. D. Practicing Physician . Offers hiservices to thejpeople of Roxboro and surrotinding community. B. E. LOVE, M. D , Practicing Physician Offers his services to the people of Roxboro and surrounding com munity. Office in Pass & Carver Building. Dr. C. G. Nichols. Dr. A. K Nichols. Nichols &Nichols Offers their professional service to the people of Roxboro and'sur irounding country. DR. E. J. TUCKER, Dentist. Oflce New Jones Hotel over Roxboro Drug Co. DR. G. C. VICKERS, Dentist. Office at Jones Hotel, Roxboro, N. C. W. R. MORTON, SURVEYOR - Land and Drainage Surveys. : Office over Peoples Bank, ROXBORO y K. C. JUNE 11, 1911 g Cttiy Daily Daily Ex Sun r p. iu. a. iu. ! ' 5 30 7 00 Lv Durham 7 13 8 15 Lv Roxboro a. m. p. m. Af 11 00 9 15 Ar 9 23 7 54 8 45 Lv Denmston Ar Hi 7 1 9 08 Lv So. Boston Ar 8 12 6 56 2s r. I 40 9 21 Lv Houston Ar 7 ' o yh- 11.35 11 55 Ar.Lyncnuui6 lv 1 13 i: Connection at Lynchburg with trains east i A it westbound. PuUman, Sleepers andDining Cars. If you are thinking oQatenz a trip YOU : .ant quotations, cheapest fares, reUable and i sorrect information as to routes, and achedules. the most comfortable and i.. est W wav; Write and the information is your ; , for '!v v. w . . ... aii Atnislofa Man the asking, witn on& ui u. Solders. Write tor rate, maps, time tables, to agent orto M.Fi BRAGG, T. P? A. W, B. BFVILL, G. P. A. Roanoke, Va. THE COCAINE LAW. atmnMedMbytiastis Legislate and is Now More Stringent. In Tuesday's Tribune we sfated in regard to J Ihe penalty, foriolation ofhelavsior seliin cocame: VrV .'The penally for ; conichtipp otithe charge' of selling cocaine s,a fine not exceeding $50.00 for the first offense and a fine not cxceeding$100 in Ihe second offense and not over six months on the roads for the third offense." These were the provisions- of njie jaw 0f ioQ7? acd it was not Known here until alter the paper was issued that this law wa: amended by the last Legislature Instead oi maiiiiiL t;:e punis i.ient speeilie. the Ja w v; a men -.'led by inserting 'n .'ie;i i .ie )OVe tr.e v.; a- i bned or b:iv;; ei'etion or ih' The p:o'-j u:ii by rela" 1 uc.s r .'.-Ou:' .T f V C 1 ,iaei- as 50 Liil' si- U' '1 i of the law. Section ;j of t'.e law tjie person eonvieicd is a "licen sed pharmacist. physician, dentist or veterinary sergeon, his license shall be revoked.' ' The law as passed in 1907 and as amended in 1909 is a very stringent one indeed. Don't Break Down. Severe strain on the vital organs like strains on machinery, cause break downs. You can't over tax stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels or nerves without serions danger to yourself. If you are weak or run down, or under strain of any kind, take Electric Bitters the matchless, tonic medicine. Mrs. J, E. Van de Sande, of Kirkland, III, writes: I did not break down while endurin? a most severe strain, for tnree months, is due wholly to Electric Bitters," Use them and enjoyed health and strength. Satisfaction positively guaranteed. 50c. at Ham brick and Austin. The steamer Cuthrine, loaded with fertilizer bound for this point, ran aground yesterday morning in the Cape Fear river 15 miles below the city. No cause is as yet ascribed for the ac cident. The revenue cutter Seminole rendered the neces sary assistance. It is stated that the vessel was stuck hard around fore and aft. Wilmington Dis- A Peculiar Suicide. Charles Nickles who lived near Santuc, S. C, had been mentally unbalanced for some days and was very melancholy. One day last week he went into his father's barn, covered him self with fodder, struck a match and set fire to the fodder and in that manner commited suicide an n. Both Legs Cat Off By Engine. Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 30, Walter Brown, a young colored man employed by the Camp Lumber Company of this city, received a disastrous injury here Monday "when both his legs were ground off by a railroad engine. He attempted to board a fast moving engine, in order to ride to the plant of the Lumber company, when his hands slip ped and allowed him to roll un. der the wheels. His legs were immediately crushed in two, just below the knees. He was given attention at the City Hospital. Unless complications set in he will recover. Foley's Honey And Tar Compound. Still retains its high place as the best household remedy for all coughs and colds, either for chik dren or grown persons. Prevents serious results from a cold. Take only the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, and refuse substitutes. Morris-Webb Drug Co.. CURED TO STAY CURED. plete Freedom From' Kidney Troubles. If you sufflfom backache From urinaristrders Prom any disease othe kidnays, Be cured to stayicured. Doan's Kidneys" Pills make last- ing cures. So Roxboro, people testify. Here's one case of it: K. L. Lnappell, Main bt., KOX-; boro. N, C. Says "I suffered from ! Sharp, Shooting pains across my i , in. j j-ii u u u i loins and lhad 3 dull ache through ; my hips the secretion from my ' k;d-eVS were nightly Colored ; and often there was sediment in them. When I heard about Doan's Kidney Pills, I got a box from the Morris-Webb Drug Co. and they were very effective in relieving me. 1 have no hesitation in saying that this remedy is a ood one for kidney trouble' Statement giyen rebruarv 14. 1 90S."! ' A. LASTING CURE. Or, December S, 191 1. Mr. Chappeli was interviewed and he said: 1 can connrm my iormer I endorsement of Doan's Kidney ! Pills with pleasure. I have had no : ; need of a kidney medicine since ! 1908 and I know that mv cure is a permanent one.'' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mil burn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan'sr and take no other. Former Governor Malcolm ft. . Patte ron is men tioned as a candidate for congress from the Tenth Tennes see district to succeed the late General Gordon. The residence of Calvin P.Gor man, brother of the late Senator Arthur Pue Gorman of Maryland, was destroyed by a mysterious fire in Springfield, near Bowie. Prince Geore's county, Maryland. The Southern Railway Com pany is having delivered at its Spencer shops m twenty Imammoth locomotives rrom American Loco motive Works at Richmond, Va,, The engine is one of the Pacific type, made for passenger service and are equipped with all modern appliances known to railroad ser vice. ! A Great Advantage to Working Men. J. A. Maple, 125 S. 7th St., Steubenville. savs; "For years I suffered from weak kidneys and aj severe bladder trouble. I learned o f Foleys kidney Pills and their wonder ful cures so I began taking them and sure enough I had as Ood results as any I heard about. My backache left me and to one of my business, expressman, that alone is a great advantage. My kidneys acted free and normal, and that saved me a lot of misery. It is now a pleasure to work where it used to be a misery. Foley Pills have cured me and have my highest praise.' ' Morris-Webb DrurfCo. m s' Young Man Scot Too Quick. At Goldsboro the other day the sheriri flushed a covey of crap shooters, three whites and a negro. The negro ran and the officer gave chase, shooting in the ground to frighten the flee ing man. Young Burke Privett, a drug clerk, saw the negro run ning and the officer in pursuit, and in -his-excitement supposed a dangerous criminal was at large and was about to escape Seizing a pistol he in the joined in the chase and firing on the negro dangerously wounding him. Young Privett thought he was doing right but he may get into serious trouble, as he had not been deputied and his act was a violation of the law. CONGRESSMAN CLAUDE KITCHIN Says: "I regard the Jefferson Stan dard Life Insurance Co, as per fectly safe and reliable." THE 1 OF M AC K. .- u AKind Hearted Meddler arici the' i Mistake :Hel,Made- 1 By O. HENRY. (Copyright, 1907, by the McClure Com' Me and old Mack Lonsbury, we got out or tnat Ljciie time .iiu ocea . .1 . . J 1 . Til J. Dv.sU -wf ,nle affair With about $40,000 'apiece. I say "old" Mack, but he wasn't old. Forty-one. I should say, but he always seemed old. ..AudVf ue says' to me, "I'm tired of hustling.' Tou and me hare been working nam togetner ior ai.e jedi. j;a.v vre knock off for awhile and spend some of this idle "money we've coaxed sur vray." "Tlie proposition hits me just right," says i. "Let's be nabobs awhile and see how it feels. What'll we do, take in the Niagara falls or buck a faro?" "For a good many years," says Mack, "I've thought that if I over had ex sravagant money I'd rent a two room cabin somewhere, hire a Chiuaman to oock and sit iu my stocking feet and read Buckie's 'History of Civiliza tiou.'" -That sounds self indulgent and gratifying without vulgar ostentation," says I, "and I don't see how money could be better iu vested. Give me a uckoo clock k and a 'Sep Winner's Self ! or the Banjo' and 111 join instructor For tue Banj you. A week afterward me and Mack hits this small town of Ptna, about thirty miles out from Denver, and tods an elegant two room house that just suits I us. We deposited half a jeck of mon- Department okState. ey in the Plaa bank and shook bands with ererj ona of the WO dtiaens in CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION, the town. We brought aJoa the Chi- - naman awl the cuckoo dock and Buc- Whereas, it appears to my sat kie and th inatroctor wtth ua from j isfaction, bv duly authenticated Denver, and tby mto the cabin leem like home at ooc. Never believe It wh they tell you riches don't bring happtoecs. If you could have aeen oM Mack sitting in bis rocking chair with hW blue yarn sock feet up in tme window and ab sorbing In that Buckle staff through his specs you'd have seen a picture of content that would have made Rocke feller jealous. Aad 1 wts learning to pick out "Old Zip Ceon 00 the banjo, and the cuckoo was on time wRh his remarks, and Ak Sinf was messing 1x9 "WHEN I STRUCK THE CABIN I NEARLY FAINTED. the atmosphere with' the handsomest smell of ham' and eggs that ever laid the honeysuckle in the shade. When it got too dark to make out Buckle's nonsense and the notes in the In structor me and Mack would light oux pipes and talk. One evening Mack spoke up and asked me if I was much apprised in the habits and policies of women folks. "Why, yes." says I in a tone of voice. "I know 'em from Alfred to Omaha. The feminine nature and si militude," says 1, "is as plain to my sight as the Rocky mountains Is to a blue eyed burro. I'm on to all their little sidesteps and punctual discrep ancies." ,41 tell you, Andyr ays Mack, with a kind of sigh, 1 never had the least amount of intersection with their predispositions. Maybe I might have had a proneness in regpect to their vi cinity, but I never took the time. I made my own living since I was four teen, dnd I never seemed to ( get my ratiocinations equipped with the senti ments usually depicted toward the sect. I sometimes wish I had," says old Mack. They're an adverse study." says I, "and adapted to points of view. Al though they vary in rationale, I have found 'em quite often obviously differ ing trom each other in divergences of contrast" "It seems to me," goes on Mack, "that a man had better take 'em tn and secure his inspirations of the sect when he's young and so preordained. I let my chance go by, and I guess I'm too old now to go hopping into the curriculum." "Oh, I don't know," I tells him. "Maybe you better credit yourself with a barrel of money and a lot of eman cipation from a quantity of uncontent Still, I don't regret my knowledge ol 'em," I says. "It takes a man who un derstands the symptoms and byplayi .h--. -r-T-1-' t ' t'"T- "I hsrlia, mifiap at the fix." writes MrsEGeorgia Usher, of Conyersl- Gi-r ..At 'M W'ae i5iririncr?ntio fnr tr 'liui i uiivviMwvutf v would hyaaintmg spells, neaaacne, nean palpitation ana many? strange leetings. ttl?Lsufferedltoatly-with ailmentsjdue tQlthei change of life anihad' 3' doctors, but they did-n6gboa; solWAcluded . to try CarduU , ' "' Since taking; Cdui, I am so much better and can do The! Woman's Tonic ' Do not allow yourself to Ifl get in' so bad you would find still in moderately good health, just to conserve your strength and keep you in tip top condition. ' In this way your troubles, whatever they are, will grad ually grow smaller instead of larger you will be on the up-grade instead of the down and by and bye you will arrive at the north pole of perfect health. Get a bottle at your- druggists' today. Fure apple vinegar at 29 cents a gal0n at - Berman & Linshitz's. ' r-.-. rr. ; 5 I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA reCord of the nroceedino-s for thp voluntary dissolution there of by , n - - the unanimous consent of all of the stockholders, deposited in my office,' that the Roxboro-Vehicle & Casket Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated at No., Main Street, in the town of Roxboro, County of Person, State of North Carolina (E. D. Cheek being the agent therein and in charge thereof. up on whom process may be served,) has complied with the requirement of Chapter 21. Revisal of 1905, en- 1 1 A4 "PAanAMItiAnn It naAliMi'mtM. iucu v-.wi uui.auuiid, yicuiiiuuuy tffthe issuing of this certificate off Dissolution: Now, Therefore,, I J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do here by certify that the said corporation did, on the 28 day of June, 1911 file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings ' aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, J have hereto ser my hand and affixed my official seal, at Raleigh, this 28 day of jrn Secretary of State. "Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me." Western Record9r. Eminent authorities are now advising the greatest possible precautions against the house fiy. In several of the larger citie all fruit venders are required t keep their fruit co veied to pre vent the spread of diseases by this pestilent insect. Some idea of the destructive powers of this deadly little demon may be gained from the following lan guage of 'America's greatest physicians. He destroys more human lives every year than venomods serpents put together." It is now claimed, by those in a position to know, that typhoid fever and tuberculosis are quite frequently communicated by the house fly. If this be true, and we have no reson whatever to doubt it, it is high tims what we address ourselves to the task of exterminating this deadly' nuis ance. - WHEN IN Monumental work please advise me and I will gladly submit sam ples and prices. T.. OSHjffiP. Hfttttl'-iiwni.,.L..- , age of 41, whicHImeitCbad ihrfrt. Autre Qtr iUi T hmvv :ymuju,, unu aiici uicii I diessheyousness, sick get into a bad fix. You might it hard to get out. -ft" I have just received a car load of Furniture which I am offering at the most reasonable price. No old stock, everything new, bought right and will be sold at prices which means MONEY to you when you buy. See our line before making your pur chase Will make you close prices on buggies and wagons. Better prepared than ever to . 1,1. serve you in my unaenaKing department. Mv personal atten tion is given to every job. Will appreciate a call, E. D CHEEK. ouccessor to Roxboro Vehicle & Casket Co Spring Bedding Plants (for beanfifying the yard AlsO- Decorative Plants for the House. Choice Cut Flowers. for wedding and all so cial events. Floral off erings arranged in the best artistic style at short notice. Mail, telephone and telegraph orders promptly executed by, J. L. O'QUINN & CO. Raleigh, N. C. Phone 14y (Sir Succeed: when everything else fails. In neryous prostration and female weaknesses they are the Supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND dTOMACH TROUBLE is the ! best medicine ever sold over a ampeist's counter. NEED OF illWI ililliilllCJ IMin, EL C. A V

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