t - ' f ,1... t:V.; ' Professional Cards N. LUNSFORD, Attorney at Law, Over Garrett, & Stanfield's Store. lioxBORO. N. C. b L. M. CARLTON, dttomie'. and Cou nsellor at Law. ROXBORO, N. C. Practice wherever services requi; ed. Phone 10. WM. D. MERRITT, .Attorney and Counsellor at' Law. Peoples Bank Building.? F. O. Carvsr. S. G. Winstead, CARVER & WINSTEAD. Attorneys and Counsellors at law. Office over Bank of RoxboroJ Roxboro. N. C MAPCUS C. WINSTEAD, Attorney-at-Law. Practice in Person and Caswell Counties end wherever services required. Officeergeafc Cy. Dentist. nmr over Lons. Brad- .hAv&C Hardware storeA1''.""" aBCU 1,www' vr. v. t-. ownrtMu n B CLI AIID I Offers his professional services in the practice of medicine in alfits branches to the eople ot KoxDoro ana surrounaingi cuuniry. i . 3! Y 4v- Office over Bank of Roxboro. DR. R. J. TEAGUE. 1 Will in in y viiivw i'vi i-' Drue Conmanv's Store every Saturday and Sunday, Special attention given Eve, Ear Nose and Throat diseases and ntting ci glasses 17. A. Bradsher, M. D. Practicing Physician . Offers his services to the people of Roxboro and surrounding community. B E. LOVE, N. D., Practicing Physician Offers his services to the people of Roxboro and surrounding com munity. Office in Pass & Carver Building. Br. C. G. Nichols. Dr. A. H. Nichols !Nicholsr&!Nichols Offers their professional service to the people of Roxboro andlsur irounding country. DR. E. J. TUCKER, Dentist. Oflce New Jones Hotel over Roxboro Drug Co. DR. G. C. VICKERS, Dentist. Office at Jones ' Hotel, Roxboro, j p. 3 W. MORTON, SUKVi-ZYOK Land and Drainage Surveys. Office over Peoples Br.;:!:, ROXBORO v. C. JUNE 1 1, 191 1 aiiy Daiiy p. id. a. m. S 30 7 00 7 13 8 IS 7 55 8 45 '3 25 9 08 8 40 9 21 Drily Ex Sun a. ra. p. m. Ar 11 00 9 15 Ar 9 23 7 54 Ar 8 45 7 1? Ar 8 12 6 56 Ar 7 48 6 43 Lv 5 15 4 15 Lv Durham Lv Roxboro Lv Denniston lv So. Boston Lv Houston U 35 11 55 Ar Lynchburg Connection at Lynchburg with trains east A 33 westbound. Pullman, sleepers and'Dining Cars. If you are thinking of"taking a tr YOU irint quotations, cheapest fares, reliable and iorrect Information as to routes, and schedules, the most comfortable and est wayi Write and the information is your for the asking, with one of our complete Map holders. Write tor rate, maps, time tables, to agent tr o M Fi BRAGG, T. P.: A. W, B. BFVILL, G. P. A. ill. .imui. Death of Buck Hayes. A feeling of deep gloom was spread over the entire community of Bethel Hill when the sad news was circulated Sunday morning i Sept. 3, that William- Hays had j did the night before at eleven - o'clock. Buck Hays as he was familiarly j known had been unwell for three j weeeks, but he resisted his dis-j ease and kept up until seven or eight days before his death. His ' disease developed into a maligant attack ot Typhoid Fever. His strong manly form soon ave way before theraverage of this dreaded disease. His genial, noble life was cut off in the 24th year of his About seven years ago he made a public profession of faith and united with Olive Branch Bap tist Church. He attended his church and helped to bear the ex penses, but.thought he like many other young people, and older ones too. had not developed in t to a very active cnnstian worker, yet, it is fondly hoped by those who knew him best that he was a converted man and has gone home tO Heaven Buck was a universal favorite in the large,'circle of his friends both young and old. He was a big hearted, generous, genial, noble iiAn n rr man XTic HonarhirA will only in his happy home but h lIiai,.v iUVIlls "ai is hie iinpynpctprl Ioqq n jmmense concourse of pe0ple attended his burial at the grave yard, at Mr. Gabriel Meal's. I -r i ne burial services were COn- ducted by Rev. J. A. Stradiey. As young people are busy en erased DreDarins: to live may this early death teachthem that the i . - c v. i. o Don't Break Down. Severe strain on the vital organs like strains on machinery, cause break downs. You can't over tax stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels or nerves without serions danger to yourself. If you are weak or run down, or under strain of any kind, take Electric Bitters the matchless, tonic medicine. Mrs. ,), E. Van de Sande, of Kirkland, 111., writes: I did not break down while endurin ? a most severe strain, for tnree months, is due wholly to Electric Bitters." rise them and enjoyed health and strength. Satisfaction positively guaranteed. 50c. at Ham brick and Austin. Would Kill Her. Sympathetic Visitor Mrs. A, what do you suppose makes you suffer so? Mrs. A I don't know. I'm suie, and I beleive nothing but a post mortem will ever show. S V. You poor thing! You are so weak you could never stand that. Good Enough For the Doctor. Mr. Ghout-All m money can not give me health, doctor?''' Dr. Bolus No, perhaps not; but it is of inestimable value, nevertheless. It gives us physi cians great confidence. Stray Stories. Foley's Honey And Tar Compound. Still retains its high place as the best household remedy for all coughs and colds, either for chil dren or grown persons. Prevents serious results from a cold. Take only the genuine Fpley's Honey and Tar Compound, and refuse substitutes. Morris-Webb Drug Co, While hunting squirrels Wed nesday afternoon on the farm of J. L. Bergman, four miles north of Greensboro, near Pomona, Lacey Hackett, a 19 year old boy Tyas shot and instantly killed by his boon companion, Gaff Smith. The gun, a single-barreled shot gun, was accidently discharged not more than five feet from the face of young Hackett, and the entire load struck him in the mouth. His head was terribly mangled. When you are in the market f of Enamel ware, Crockery or anything in this line we can make it to your advantage to call on u Long; Bradsher & Co. iimioi I'.iiu mmmammm. i iwwwiiiprawTliiai. News From Route 5. The rain that came Sastlweek will be the making of Clate Jcorn tobacco, and turnips,, will take a good start." " jjiss Hettie Rogers Swill fteach our school .4again"this' year at Cyclone Hill. Academy; and is up t0 date teacher and amwblelyoung iacjv. For the last twoweekslI! have' heard many reports from squirrel guns, and it sounds like .bushi tails are plentiful this year. 'often heard remarks made about huants andgosts being heard and seen at someold residences, and if you want to get rid of naunts forever, do as that minis ter who was troubled . with such plagues, and one dark night something as white asf snow, as tall as a man and without a head, appeared to him, and the brave eld minister reached, out his hand ane said, "Mr. Ghost please give me $5.00 for missions", and he said his haunt banished like an electric flash never to be seen again. I will give you readers an in-' stance that I recently heard and it may impressed some of we slothful farmers to see ourselves in the true light. Once upon a time a young man named John called upon his sweetheart, named Mary,and theytook a pleasant walk in Mary's garden and they were admiring a beautiful flower, and John said "Mary whai would you prefer being to anything in ex istence"? Mary said, "Mr, John I had rather be that flower with it fraerance: rain bow colors: ac tractiveness; sunshine purity: in nocence charms, exquistiveness and its exuberant formation. " And she said "John what had you rather be? "At that moment he es pied a curious reptile advancing toward him, and he said," I would prefer being that creeping animal with its thousand hands. " Mary said with surprise to John, "Why would you prefer to be that black speckle thing"? And he said with his thousand arms he could em brace that flower." And she ex claimed, "John you don't use the two arme that you have. "Brother farmer you see the moral in this meral parrable. Use what opportunities you have as it was not intended by our Creator for us to use a thousa nd, if so he would have supplied us as he did the thousand leg worm, that John desired to be. I will give you readers my out line drawn from a double text. "Be the husband of one wife". 1 Timothy 3:12. "Be blameless the husband one wife". Titus 1 ;6, Which teaches that 9 man should be the husband of one wife only. 1. Let us strive to be blameless. a. As to knowledge, b. As to piety. c. As to good works. d. As to virtue. e. As to home living. I. As to the community. g. As to the church." h. As to the Bible study. II. Who should be the husband of ane wife.? a. The deacon. b. The gospel minister. c. The layman. d. The bible teacher. e. The church clerk. f, The prayer meeting workers. g. All classes of men. 'ill. See what the two text com demn as to the marriage tie. a. They condemn-adultery. b. Fornication! jGal. 5; 19). c. The lewed house, d The prostitutes. e. Thewhore mongers. (Rev. 21.8). f. The Curse and Hell of polyg amy. In the first text we find that the deacon is foradden to marry but one wife, and in the second text we see that the minister is not al lowed but one, and what is meant in the New Testament for the deacon and minister is meant for church members and all mankind. I say fearlessly that any man hall see in the end that he has Jplayed the fool. a If he takes any other )ook for - iliUL.jH OOOOOOOOCiOOCnDQdOOOOQOOOQOCOOQOQOOOOOOOOO o o o Q OOOOOOOuOOOOOOuOOOOOuOOOOOuOuO his puide or Bible outside of the " . ; Old or New Testament, and more especially the new as Christ is our guide and safe leader now, and the New Testament which is the word was made Mesh and dweleth among us, who is Christ and who said He was the way the truth and the light, and and if we take some other book aside from the New Testerment as our counsel and blunder into some other man's way, apart from Christ, we 'will land in eternal darkness with our eyes open, after it is too late to see that we are wrapped in the flames of a devii hell fire. Mrs. S. A. Rogers and Mrs. P. L. Tap-), (spent last Sunday evening with Mrs. W. A. Barton. Miss Ethel Satterfield has re- returned from a visit to relatives and friends in Wake County, and reports a nne time. ' Little Masters Willie and Carl Satterfield spent last Sunday even ...:.u nlL d in 2 wiui iviaMci oauu.i, uy, Bert and Willie Jones, and the little lads had a gay and merry time. A Great Advantage to Working Men. J. A. Maple, 125 S. 7th St., Stpuhenville savs- 4,For vears I btubenville. savs lor years 1 suffered from weak kidneys and a severe bladder trouble. I learned o f Foleys kidney Pills and their wonder - ful cures so I began taking them and sure enough I had as good results as any I heard about. vMy backache left me and to one of my business, expressman, that alone is a great advantage. My kidneys acted free and "normal, and that saved me a lot of misery. It is now a pleasure to work where it used to be a miserv. Foley Pills have cured me and have my highest praise." Morris-Webb Drug Co. Mr. Hackett May Oppose Mr. Page. Sanford'Express. It is said that Dick Haclceft, of "Wilkes county, former Congress man from the eighth district, is ! ambitious to succed Mr. Page in I Congress and that his name be i presented to the Democratic con I vention next year for the nomi nation. We have heard the names of other gentlemen mentioned for the place, among .them, Hammer of Randolph, Varner and John son cf Davidson, Beasley of Un ion, MclverofLee, Robinson and Lockhart of Ansbn, . and Spence of Moore. It lis presumed that Congressman Page desire to. sue ceed.himself and.it is safe to say that he will have opposition for the nomination. At the end of the nrpsenf term Mr. Paas will havl been in Congress twelve years, a longer period than any other member of the North Carolina delegation has served in Congress except Webb and Claude Kitchin. Mr. A. MiBurns left, Monday.r morning for the Northern market r where he will purchase the ; fall i, , T liCi E o) i h 4 t t i : - I rurcappie vinegar at cents a gallon at Berman & Lioshitz's. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of State. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. Whereas, it appears' to my sat isfaction, by duly authenticated record of th proceedings for the ycluntary dissolution, there of by the unanimous consent of all of the stockholders, deposited in my j office, that the Rox()oro Vehicle & Casket Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated at No., Main Street, in the town of Roxboro,' County of Person, State of North Carolina (E. D. Cheek being the agent therein and in charge thereof, up on whom Drocess may be served,) has complied with the requirement t"li!a, 15:JZ t0 the issuing of this certificate of j Dissolution: x, T T D Now Therefore,, I J. Bryan (;r mps Serrerarv nF Srarp nf tho State of North Carolina, do here by certify that the said corporation did, on the 28 day of June, 1911 file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation. ; executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of lhe Proceedings 1 aforesaid are now on file in my ( said office as provided by law. j In-Testimony Whereof , I have hereto set my hand and affixed jmy official seal, at. Raleigh, this , 28 daV of Jane, A. D. 1 911. J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State. Ni Beer Bobs Up Again in Greensboro. Greensboro, Sept. 5. The sale of near beer in Greensboro is still going on according to' the police, the ardent now being vended un der such names as "No-tax" and "Noao'' (a contraction of no al cohol.) In police court yesterday t vo of the vendors were in court and their cases argued at some length before Judge Eure An analysis "of some of the goods they have been selling had been made by a chemist of A. & M. College for the colored race, and this shdwed about two per cent alcohol. The men who were in court said that " they had bought the drink after having been furnish ed with analyses in whicn if was stated thaithere was no alcohols in the drinks and that thev .would not intoxicate. Users of the fluid 'say "It looks like beer, smells like beer, and tastes like beer," The police says chat- users tell them that it will intoxicate when taken in quantities. The police have1 determined that the soft drink seller, and the nibeer fluid must go. Truly the way of the drinker is hard. WHEN IN please advise me and l will gladly submit sam- pleTand prices, r - ; L ffnl o JGl HewFurniture! I have just received a car load of Furniture which I am offering at the, most reasonable price. No old stock, everything new, bought right and will be sold at prices which means MONEY to you when you buy. See our line before making your pur chase. Will make you close prices on buggies and wagons. Better prepared than ever to i . i serve you in my undertaking department, Mv personal atten tion is given to every job. Will appreciate a call, E. D. CHEEK. Successor to Roxboro Vehicle & Casket Co Spring Bedding Plants f or beantif ying the yard Al&o Decorative Plants for the House. Choice Cut Flowers. for wedding and all so cial events. Floral off erings arranged in the best . artistic style at short notice. ; Mail, telephone and telegraph orders promptly executed by, J. L. O'QUINN & CO. Raleigh, N. C. Phone 14y r rp. il 8 Succeed wheii everything else f,i;-. In nervous prostration and feral. ? veaknesses they krs the suprer:.. I remedy, as thousands have tesitfied. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE 't is the bsst medicine ever sold over a cLtiggist's counter. 3 NEED OF Roanoke, Va. ine for Harris & i Burns. - v Irr.