). '-' i 7 1: ti I n H n rj y M fa - J3 35 5 4 ' 5 I - ! it T ) it it n , 1 I - 4 ! I 4 t I- -J V fj- .-V , t S'iBUREB MOTHER OF -' ULCERATIONS Eef B! C. Thompson, of Ahoskle, N. C-V writes: "My mothe was great spf-. ferer from an ulcerated trouble peculiarto., women. She took Mrs. Joe. Person' R6nj edy and Wash, and found,, it f invaluable It cured her. We heartily recommend itf to those suffering from cancerous or im?, pure blood affections." A -i Ulcers and Old.Sores arexthe ' Tesult w bad blood, and can never be cured until the blood is thoroughly purified, and all poison driven from the system. External applications alone can never do it. You toust get right arvm -tf the seat 'of the ' " "trouble and eradicate the disease from the blood. For - this purpose, there is nothing so good as I '-- - MRS. JOE PERSPil'S REMEDY. It is the best Tonic, Alterative, Blood (Purifier and Nervine ever offered, and we bave the signed testimony of hundreds of living witnesses to prove it These wit- ' toeses testify t 5 the marvelous curative powers of this great, remedy in cases of, -'fezcema, Scrofula, Old Sores, and all trou bles resulting -from Impure, Impoverished and Poisoned Blood. , . ' V Many of these cures seem almost miraculous-patients given up by doctors and rel atives brought back to the full bloom of health as if by ' magie-literally snatched from the grave. But these witnesses are eo reliable, and spealf in words of such convincing truthfulness that none who reads can doubt. We will be glad to send this written testimony to all who desire to Snow -what Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy BWe want to help our afflicted brother? and sisters wno are now nopeiB ing the agonizing tortures of Indigestion Dyspepsia, Stomach Trouble, Nervousnes Rheumatism, Catarrh, Female Troubles .and Blood Poison. We don't care of hot long standing your trouble-Mrs. Joe Per-, son's Remedy will cure you, , because it sends pure, rich blood bounding tlrouRfc your veins, puts solid, healthy flesh oa jour tones,- and gives you strength to Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy is a strictly H vegetable compound, absolutely narmies.s. It contains no dangerous minerals, and can bp safely given to the smallest Infant. - Whenever the trouble is external, It is .necessary to use the Wash with the Rem- For tale bv druggists, or supplied direct on receipt of price, $1.00 per bottle: 6 bot. ties for $5.00; 1 dozen by express prepaid, for $10.00, by ' fc? I2RS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY CO., KittreH. N. & KITCrilN. rope. If "he wants to get -apack-Editcr Farris Puts in a Word fcr the j age or send one in this country he Governor and His Democracy. must take it to the express office, nigh Point Enterprise. i instead of the postoffice, and the Eliminating the Question of his "express companies charge enough chance for the United Slates 10 PaV big dividends on millions of Senate it makes us weary to hear ; watered stock. As an example of bome'of the friends of political ; the oppressive measures of these antagonists try and cntcise Gover- i combines: one of them, the Wells ner Kitchin's Democracy. Like- j Far2 in 1 909 declared a dividend wise there are some of our news- : of 310 per cent, and left' a big oaners who nrint bright (?) para-1 surplus in the treasury. This com- raphs a bouthe GoVcW State, with- a flippancy that is sickening at the same time they are liable to boost the executive of another State because he is Trom another, and oTJwhonr ttieylJei?-eM?;for ys; in .the know little. The gallant rank of progressive Democracy never :had , a stronger or more virile-type-of ous I'iatt, a large holder of ex man in its ranks. And if in the press stocand an'offieer of rbhe coming contest he is successful he of the comj3aniesl V, ; will be a potential rigure for the ; How long will the American good of his State and his party, people keep their eyes blinded" to - The Democracy of North. Carolina lhe robbery that is committed in has as strong and as forceful men , th n ' nf hiKine? as any State, but there are some the narae 0t busmess- ; newspapers who never give this Why can a European .send State its due credit. Are not her sons in the national Congress to- day as modern and vital for ag gressive work as their colleagues? Certainly they are and it should be a source of pride -to all that if Democracy continues still in - the ascendant the men from North Carolina will go to Washington' and with prestige and tremendous personal fo,rce do great things for the State. Referring to Governor Kitchin he is aggressive and fearless in attack, and is a Demo crat ringing true is active, always unafraid and thoroughly capable of that crowning political virtue ah enduring human friendship " and for which he ha$ been criticised. The State first remembefs him in Congress as the splendid young Democrat of this the imperial fifth district-and also his campaign against the veteran arid consum mate politicians at various times since then and his crowning vie-: tory. The South has had few young Congressmen vho won more of th e confidence and ac quired more influence during the time of an overwhelming Repub lican majority in Congress than he -and his colleagues esteem his honesty, his character and ability in high degree. Discounting such a man can only be cheap politics. Great Ad anlageto Working Men. J. A. Majple, 125 S. 7th St., Steubenville. savs: "For years I suffered from weak kidneys and a severe bladder' trouble. I learned o f v. Foleys kidney P i I I and their w o n d e r -ful cures, so I began' taking them and sure enpUgh I had .as good results as any I heard about. My ' backache left me andjto one of my .Business, expressman, that aloia is a great advantage. Myjkidneys acted free andyrnprmal, and that saved me a iotx)f Wserisipw a pleasure to work where unused to be a misery, f Foley Pills "have cured me and have my highest jpraise." :. ; , THE NEXT RURAL CONVENIENCE - ''r ML. 1 ; . v ,1 Tne Farm ers.iJn ion has acrded its endorsement of-theeneral"de-J iuanuivL aumzib -uusi.rii iik lb unc oi.jiiusrcai rcrorms; ii) ane people lhat ire blpcked by selfish. interests; .When John Mooairial Ker was postmast general or, the United States he -..said that there were four reason?, why . we, did not have a parcels post... These four reasons were: "The Ameri can Express Cdnioahy. the Ad ams Express ; Company, , the United States Express Company, andi the Wells-Fargo Express Company. ' And to this day, these 1 powerful corporations , rthat are making millions by exhorbitant ratej?. are ahle to keen the flnn- A gress Of the United States from modernizing the people's post 5ffic;department and giving the ulolic irt; the 'United , Siates: the ejual seryjce that every first class pearpgQvernment is giving itf subjec. 4, A citizerfPwon" county can send a package of mbre .than four; .... ( 1 ! pounds to Europe cheaper than he Can send it to New, York, This is because, he cannot mail a pack age weighing ' over four pounds to any point in this country, but can mail a larger package to Eu- stock from $5,000,000 to $240, 000,000 and left a cash surplus of $,600,000. To do this,., the express .companies havekept United States senate, the" most bahjabI,of vvho was; the nbtori- through his postoffice any distance a nackaee weishinp eleven nriunds for twepty-two cents, ' while no American can mail at;all a pack age larger than four pounds; .. and for even that must pay 64 cents? . 'John Wanhamaker gave- the; reasons. , 'v . ,.,.! , v; The postoffice department could carry packages at a fourth the rate trie express companies do and make mory. And even at their exhorbitant rates these companies do not: serve the people efficiently As it is a farmer living ten- miles from Monroe needs sometfiing that cannot be received! at hdme, but must be ofderedA He ; prdlrs ! it byfexpress, pays an exhorbitini ! irate and thengets it only a part; of the wa He mustlose aNday ;to come to the express office to get it. Now, if he had the parcels post as we should have, his. pack age would be mailed to him at half themce, and carried to his door bv the mail carrier. But because the "Four Reasons" want to con tinue to make millions on watered stock, our farmers must continue to lose days to go to the express office and our business men must continue to pay , enormous -'rates And.it will be so till the people send to congress men who; are friends to them '"nstead of friends to the express companies;--Caro-lina Democrat;: N: : 'v "tti; Foley's Hoiiy And J Tar Compound. Still retains its high place as the jst house toUghs'atid or crown sericSjresultsI omyinogei and Tar Compound,, and refuse suusuiuies. MnrriuWhh!nnior Pn. :'4 No Way To Stop This Trust:- i i v";;For years and 'years the sueraf trqst isi&nown to,, xiaye stolen J i. j. y uif i wits s u YtJ ill mci i. XD.y 4.4il Ba. U5 of'- false ' welsrhtsr ; and Vt Hrkv o false. rwelght?PandVKy, springs to cheat fheca1e'and bftb'ribery of fgoveiinmentJ of jRqals this rapaeio-trstVdi1 yetted into its own . coffers ; 'mil- c Uons of dollars, that should' have j gone Tio trejs government rin vref nanaea m ls xnAeyery, yet no body waspunishedK no Jbody WeWtojail. &tmt&$: ' .. J$ The governmentfinallyput- afi stop ,to the revenue-,stealing., The s doctored springs were i taken away, and the corrupt , customs collectors were discharged. This forced the trust to adbpt ew methods in order, to maintain its inflated dividens, se recently it sent out a wail ' abotit a ''short (?rop' and now siigar trust is dft- A i J 4. L A Man of Iron Nerve ( (Indomitable -will and ntreniedo'us energy :are never; founds .-where Stomach,--Liver. Sidneys andi' Bowels are outof iorderIti;you want these 1 qualities ! and ' .the: sue cess they bring, mse. Dr. King 's New: Life Pills, the matchless ' re gulators, for keenbrairt and strong body. 25c at Hambrick &J Austin. X UAUUlJllVt (Mexico Mo., Intelligencer. The great gathering of folk at kouisana, Missouri, to pay their pe'spects to Champ Clark anJ extend to him in a public man-; ner a sincere welcome home. : was significant .in more ways, than one. It typified "the esteem . and.: respect in which . Champ 1 Clark is held' after 'the major: pu expression on the part of people ; was, perhaps, never equaled in all American history. The' event1 is one thtlive will always as a testrnjonfel to i the integrity of purpose of the acts, public? and private, of Champ 1 Clark, who r gan life as a' plowboy . X. A. year or two'ago one Free land sTharpe attempted to kill a Miss Ball, of Elkin who was teaching school in Wilkes county The girl was seriously wounded tyjtf recovered. Tharpe axtempt ed'he murder because he was in love 'with the girl and she did not favor his suit, He did his best !to Bll her and it is not his, fault tlial she is alive ' today. Tharpe iyas sentenced to the penitentiary ioi i ? few years probably five or sevenc was a light sentence con sideling the nature of the crime. Now an attempt is to be niade toseenre pardon. - S Don't forget" that Garrett & StanHeid sells the best wagon on the market, theJ. I. Nissen wagon both one V, and two horse. We guarantee them. The. Pioneer is the co tnis season. 1 oecause; we honest ftients alLlookiriq 1o;your comfort you thji fwe will. Vy e, can give ,S " portion of his life.has.been.ispent i as a public servant. This sort or losboro u.We have a Force tjiat can not beeatffir efficiency, . who;will give 'all of .their 'time Jobkmq after-.your interes . ;They are here foryour .welfare; "1'.- 7 . .' ' .;., ' . jr-'i" - WatHerstoiiS 4 it r f VkI tyiHiderthe-tfeatment' d6ctorsVyrite57 4 iiouncd' my !caseia!verV stubborn kW of .womanly 'weak Ues&'l Mhea -I' commencVd- ta 'Now; the severe pain,7 that! had, beenjh my side1' for years, "fiagdnel-land I; don't suffer at ail. : "I am feeling better thi; in a long time aiid cannot speak job nishlyj pf CarduL": U are one of those ailing troub es so common to r.Cardui ;is -: a; builder, of pi purely vcgeiauie mgreuienib, u acis quiCKiy online womanlysystem, building-up womanlystrength, toeing ur . the ,wQmlynerves, and regulating f! the s womanlysye s Cardtii has been jn successful use for moj:than"50 years. Thousands of ladies have wntteir:totell. of the Jbenefitltheyi received from it' LTty it iot youritroUbles.iBen.toxIayrt r. ' ; - " f't I x ' r t. " i ' ,-f Write to: Ladies Advisory Deptj ChattaiwoeaMedidaeCa (ttanoogi'Ten&,4 lor Special Instructions, and 64-page bopk, ''Home Treatment fv Women," sent free, I St 1 Wi. uu nf ! V !j k i i . 9 Wood's Fall Seed Catalogue, just issue -tells what crops you can put in to make the' quickest gra2ing,or hay, to I help. out the shoYt feed cropsl I Also tells about both Vegetable and Y Farm Seeds that can be plantedin the fall ; to advantageand profit. J , Every Farmer, Market Grower ' arid Gardener should' have a copy or this catalog. ; . It is the best and inost com- : nMailel (i ee. Write tor it, ill VHIhOO; ,,'SK T.W.WOOD O SONS." rrti-j? f;:UX- :,Uitl-: : M, J. I , I - Capital stock, $30,000 . A school with a reputation for doing, nign-gracle work ., : ' One of the Hest equipped business schools ittlhe nrSouth, THE LARGEST, The strongest faculty. MORE GRADU ATES IN POSITIONS than .all other school? Vjfie Stale. Bookkeeping, rShorthand and English No vacation.' Write for handsome catalogue. - -T i -E : 0 1 ' " i -We also teach Bookkeeping, Penmanshipf-etc, bymiSlSend or Home Study Circular. ; m RAIEIGH ,H OR .-via' ' 1 ? I ..I.. V 1 Vi Korth Garoliiia. ft r . . . : J - ' .. 9 plaoe where you ' want to sell your tbbac- and comenienceand there is no you . the very, best entertainment 1- . tX 4 vvomanB iome women wh suffer from any. women . ; ' ' Womanly Strength! &mposedT::r f i 5 1 rf " .j. .h f t. mmls ?sli n team? bm.M. I tityp.'j'in xriiiiiiii'jO ,mmiolf -- iNew-lot can g cr - C? t want ' m ta i ASS )t a bno4 "EnVidS eMh'xwi I fcoods.tn ..andriiiwed -1 Dods Any tmn BUSINESS COLLEGE; CHSRIOIIE N. C. house that1 rlRI .Attorney at Law, iWJi Stanfield'B Store. l. M. CARLTON, w iSW(Wa6a.S5ie lean's j,t&u - ' pass sp"weww WttQrrie7$a7id Counspllor a lllQXdQRQ, N. C. ?ractice.whereyerf services requir r" ed.i'Phon'e 10. f ttorrieVdnd-G6urisellor at Law - " Peoples Bank Building. 0; Carvst. C W instead, 5 CkRVER &iWINSTEAD Attorneys, and. Counsellors at law. Office over 6ank X)f Roxboro. . T 'r,'.,'fw- 'i r Roxboro, N. C V 7kakcxt!s c: instead - ' -1. . I Av f ... tr-rJrffiJhWUa h9mj9? Counties U 0 :'iVfij til''.' ; fOfftce over Log, lh-jn-jfwr 'ffiGtf&Hardware si ore, BWdyP: SCHA Offers His professional service? ir. the Practice !of medicine in alljts branches to the 'eDuteQf Roxboro and surrounding ; country. fficpxBarif.Roxboro. n . n . Tern roller Orug.COmpany More .even' Situriayand fuildaf, 1aldSMtMgiri Eve, Ear fellMtaaSe.1 fitting of itaMeen "d ;uoo -!jf of : ' WesftfS'-seWfce''a (he people o RpxhoroiriSriuffo' Ending .v ;---'!; bmrnunity. B;EI-OVE, r Practicing Physician bffers'hilyHcesItthe people cf Roxboro andi surrounding com munity. Office in Pass & -Carver. Building. ij It. ; &4 Or. C4 G. Nichols, - Dr. A. v. Mchois. NIcKofB7&;Nlchoi8 Offers thbicjprpfessipnal service to ,;th people of Roxboroandbur rending .country. 1 K V1' ()ffic Jfetd Joiiei Hotel nven jtvoxoora jjrutg-vu ; DRa)(V:'VICKERS, - -Dentjst. Office at Jones IHotel, Roxboro, N. G.. p . PURVEYOR-- ' ''Land and.pVainage Surveys. OfSce over: Peoples Bitnk.' : 'Roxboro, n. c. .i . -:-r4i '. 'X A v . Daily Ex Sun nm: a.m. p.': 5 .30 ? 7 C(J iy ' DurhkmJ Aril oo y 7 1 'SIS: IV Roxboro Ar 9 23 - i-55' BSVDenniston Ar 8 45 . 'A ir7Vin' - ' Sd'l- i Dtf r 8 1' 6 50 tii westbonncr. - v-. n :( j Pullman sleeper's and'Dining Cars. ?-!f .yottiMtagiCtaklng a trip YOU ;nruo4tlf cheapest fares, reliable an JorrecttliformalJon i Jo, t routes, and h&des, the WsVcomforfable and est VtW'-WHlWfi'iW fcformitlon is you; s r ; MorrisWcbb Drug Co. i i,' if " '