i r f f ')"."' ft' "I 'JU - 7 r" J Insnrg enV Organization. The insurgent republican or ganization which controls nearly all the important states west of the Mississippi is a vigorous one an now perfected is being extend ed through other parts of the country in an effort to defeat the renominotion of President Taft next year. It would be to the interest of the democrats to have Mr. Taft re nominated because he could be defeated about as easily as any man in the republican party where as the nomination of a man like Lafollette of Wisconsin or Cummings of Iowa would cause more than a substantial fight by the Democrats, but, however, the democratic victory would be quite certain. Is The World Growing Better. Mary tilings go to prove that it s. The way thousands arc trying to help others is proof. Among hem is .Mrs. V. Vv. Gould of Pittsfieid, X. H. Finding good :aa'a : . Uikms: Electric Bitter s:." ..ivies o:hi' suite re rs. terial to contain 10 lbs. of nitrogen 5 lbs. of phosphate, and 14 lbs. of potash per ton. All of these con stituents are taken from the soil by the roots, built into the tissues of the plant and giving out again to a succeeding crop when the rye decays. A crop of green rye weighing eight tons to the acre is easily grown on the average farm in N. C. This amount of green rye in corporated with the first ten in ches of a ten acre field would fur nish to the soil of this field, in a readily available form, 800 lbs. of nitrogen, 409 lbs. of phosphate and 1 120 lbs. o.I potash. This is as much nitrogen as would be furnished by 20 tons of an 8-2-2 fertilizer or 100 loads of fresh cow manure. The phosphate in this amount of green stuff is equal to that contained in 21-1-2 tons of an 8-2-2 fertilizer or in 209 loads of fresh horse manure. The potash found in this material is equal to that found in 28 tons of a.i S-3-2 fenili.er or in 150 tons of fresh horse imanurc. Sufficient rw 'o sc.d the ten acres .will cost a;our.u S 1 0, whereas it would cost lAKQ mr. Kooseveit, vti la Follette fully appreciates the impressive effect of an occasion al silence. John J). Rockfeller's ancestor came over here in. 1723, according to a flower-bed. In future we do not look upon the hobo as a tramp: he is not a migratory worker. Foley's Kidney Remedy vs. a Hope less Case. , Hon, Ark. J. E. Freeman says: 'I had a severe case of kidney trouble and could not work and my caseseemed hopeless. One large bottle of Foley's Kidney Remedy cured me and I have never be'en both e'r ed since. I always recommend it." Morris-Webb Drug, Co. H If 00. mr , Otfat raj a2M8ai?J!??es produced a axnainBriKfb wjtffcn Is said to be a tomato bj' expllftshat yn have called in.M Kaasas City Journal A Ttrrttt Wnt. 1 reosllect a nurse called Ann, wh6 earried-me atxmt the grass And! one fine day a flao foung man 6am up arid ltiawd the pretty las 6bevdKl not make the least objection. Th&ks I: "Aha! When I ean talk I'll tell mamma." And that's my earnest reeojlectkm. New York Time. rr.;v. p; iVAiK ii.: . r ;l th:- iiaui ana spread stable nmure. ! in-' : :iiC rAVA. !' nioniion the AAAA A Good Book For Sale. 1 am glai to inform the reading people of Person county that I have the agency for the sale of one of the most interesting books to be found, A book of 162 pages upon 47 different subjects, nor a dull chapter in it, written bv a scholar, A. M. and D. D. ft is a $2.50 book' that I shall offer r'or 2.00 for awhile. One man has sold as many as seven hundred in less than a vear. The title of the book is "The Harp cf Life.'' His Worst Fault. , He Like most men, I have my sitork tomiugs, I suppose, but ' She Oh, it isn't your shortcomings father objects to. It's your long stay fiigs. Spokane Spokesman-Review. r English Pronunciation. There was a young lady named Hough, TSSqse father haia plenty ofidough, ut his breeding was low, And hfs .neighbors allow That he ate like a pig in a trough. Chicago Record-Herald. and Liver Troubles Evidence. "yjiat reason hav you to think that your 'boss thinks so muck of you?" 2He refused to -let me have ray va" cation during housccleaning time." Houston Post. Leading Question. Now, don't you think yo' f aitli would fall Ef you-should take yo' sum' An' try ter ride dat com?t's tail Inter de promised lan'? Atlanta Cvastitutiocu ft Much llcknesi starts Witfc weak stomach, and consequent poor, impoverished blood. Nervous and pals-people lack good, rich, red blood; "Their stomachs need invigorating for, after all, a man can be no stronger than bis stomach. A remedy that makes the stomach strong and the liver active, makes rich red blood and overcomes and drives out disease-producing bacteria and cures a whole multi tude of diseases. Get rid of your Stomach Weakness and Liver Laziness by taking a course of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery the treat Stomach Restorative, Liver Invi&orator and Blood Cleanser. You can't afford to accept any medicine of unknown composition as a substitute for "Golden Medical Discov ery," which is a medicine of known composition, having a complete list of ingredients in plain English on its bottle-wrapper, same being attested as correct' under oath. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate Stomach, Liver and Bowels. GSS!SQ8 SEEK spci pp nimbus ! mm i The Individuality of a Newman Bros. PI AN O ; 1 c ! :!-'f1 Of lbs b", Oit Flo- ,t The distinctive quality of a Newman Rr, ano-thc quality that makes it so diifor-n other instruments is it's pure and vi'ora ' its artistic case designs; its easy actirv , durable qualities from start to finish, If vcu rre thinking: of buying a r .. will do vrell to fill out the couron i J. have us mail you one of our art ca:;:;.-; plaining- to you rulJy the supenotv r.1 man Bros. Pianos over theordinary instruments. Easy ter.r:-. ' MAYNARD BROS. & E ry Hi JUG UiUCi ft "E T v i OaiA5Utli V, - I ! I : 1 1 j- f ' c - i i r 1 Hi V' v. t U i . vv t i '. :i I i ;- t kJ . . v v r I ':!.' V, w Will lilu) ' v vJii'JiiL u! yi'.ti c-' I .. ' c. Name . Uiuce ' or R, R D. -V .;. 1 - ' 5. V . ! i '1 ! I. rri'l LonniC:' ii.cn, Poor cc;toi';a! on 1 k voi-:l is rowing better, not cven-tlu' Oi'c-at V.'hiir Way of fjeiiia.h Binford. ' a 1 3 'It' ' t .vl ;- :::ai 'J.iy tli be ihe last ex;.: :v ! ;1is d;!rin; r p i i; '! M i .. y . . ! ' i? car i C C L Oj Furniture - ' n t 1 K fcJ f j v 'i U "t;' -:r .:: vithcur fass or botherright over the old wood shins::: : -""s; instantly from a Sre catcher to A FIREPROC : ' ' ' Ia5t 23 ' y:-' a3 tie building: ifiself and never needs repairs. For further detailed information, prices, etc,, 5FP" 'O LONG, BRADSHER& CO. 0. F. Molioway, County Supt. ixoxboro. X. C, Sept. 25th, i. 2's On-'A) AlA Oil 'V:;.' . :0 if he 'jiiui V of the sub: cl. :s writing. ; lb sol nte NECESSITY OFORGANtC MAT TER IN THE SOIL OR GREEN MANURING NO 9. We have now attempted to ex plain the phenomenon called 'souring of the soil" and to point: out a practicable remedy, namely roll the green manuring crop: d'sc it a number of times in the oppo site direction of the rolling while yet green and succulent in order o cut it into small bits; plow it uuuci . uiov n uuvu vi iwitt al ter plowing, depending on the amount Of material on the land; with the disc set at a slight angle n order to pulverize and mix the cut-up vegetable matter with the Tvhole soil stranum: and allow the and to settle a few weeks and re ceive one or more good rains. "We shall now take up in suc cession and discuss the value of a number of hums forming materials other than animal manured, and then point out methods of , hand ling them in connection with dif ferent crops. In a previous chapter we gave the average chemical analysis of a This country's bumps crops j continue to bump a!! the sub stance out of trie pronostic-a t:ons 0! the hard-timers. North Carolina: County: Person which i am offering at : the most reasonable price. No old stock, : everything new, bought ; right and will be sold at ' nrices which means U JX JL J Mi es ft a 1 1 VA ac&orti ciuii '-ix; OXFORD, N. C. After exposure, and when you feel a cold coming on, take Ioley's Honey and Tar Compound. It ehecks and relieves. Use no sub stitute. The genuine in a yellow package always. Morris-Webb Drug, Co. Now let us have a statue of the Kaiser Wilhelm and Colonel Roosevelt together, posing as the doves of peace. When a woman no loger finds fault with her husband, she's a widow. ACQ OLD ADAGE SAYS a A flight purse Is a heavy cur5e,,J Sickness makes a light purse The LIVER Is the seat of nine tenths of all disease. iffi slip go to the root of the whole mat ter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore the action of the LIVER to normal condition. M Give tone to the system and solid flesh to the body. v large number of samples oj green L'nJer ;wiJ by virtjre oi a decree . ( l!v; Superior Court of Person ccuiity, in the spe cial proceedings entitled, "ira L. Jones and others against Sain P. Jones ana i 8 . , others," I will, as Commissioner appointed q yOU wheil V0U DUV. bee OUf J:iiU l.OUH, CAj.'U5C IU sale IU L-ic hihc.Il bidder, at the Court House door. inRoxboro. on Monday, Oct. 2.?rd. 1911, at twelve o'clock, M. the following lot or parcel of land, to wit: Lying and being in Flat River township, Person County, bounded on the North by the lands of Henry Moore and Joe Burch; on the East by the lands of Joe Burch; on the West by the lands of Mrs. Lizzie Stephens and Cora Timberlake, and contain ing 73 acres, more or less, according to the survey and plat of William S. Morton, made Oct. 10th. 1911, and said tract being lot No. 3. in the division of the lands of the late J. C. Vanhook, said lot being allotted to Mrs. Laura L. Jones. Terms of sale, one half cash, balance in six months, deferred payment to bear six per cent interest from date of sale, purchaser having the option of paying all cash. Title retained until Jull purchase money is paid. This September 11th. 1911. L. M. CARLTON, Commissioner. SUMMONS NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA: PERSON COUNTY: In the Superior Court: Sam carver VS Annie Carver. , Notice of summons. The 'defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above, has been commenced iq the Superior Court of Person County to obtain a divorce a vin- cula; and tfie said defendant will further take noticevthat-she is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of .said County to be held on the tenth Monday af ter ihe first Monday of Sept. 1911 ft being the thirteenth day of November , 1911, at the Court House of said Couniv. in Roxbom. North Carolina and answer or demur to" the complaint in saia action, or the plaintiff will apply to. the Conrt for the relief demanded in said complaint. . This September 12ta. nil. ' , . D. W. RWATKHFD Clerk of the StiP ertor (W trf Prn MONEY line before making your ' pur chase. Will make you close prices on buggies and wagons. Better prepared than ever to serve you in my undertaking department, Mv personal atten tion is given to every job. Will appreciate a call E. D. CHEEK. Successor to Roxboro Vehicle & Casket Co Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong; one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to U be careful to get the genuine . THEDPORDS Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm- ly established. -It does not imitate :otheraedfcxne: It ia better than others, cr; jt wcmU.not be the fa Jwite liver powd, with' a larger eala than all othan coablaed. COIDEITOVXJ pa H a. . IMO. a ." . i This school fcunded in 1850 has continued to row m, !.- ! hcicnt and more popular as evidenced by its increase oi D.(i: e It has four buildings instead oi the, one building (iestro-! v fire seven years ago, These building? are only two stories liigli, and stand 30 feet a part The sleeping rooms are on 2nd floor The class rooms are on tirst floor. This arrangement secua, ab solute1 Safety in case of fire, and is the most healthful possible, These buildings have complete water system, electric lights, and steam heat, The furnishings are new and complete, Specialists are at the head of alf Departments, and represent some of the great Universities, Colleges, Conservatories and Art Schools of the land Two Degrees Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, The B. A. degree has been lphgthed'by one year's work. The B. A. degree omits Latin alter Ceasar. French after first year, and Mathewmatics after Algebra, but retains full English, Science, History and Moral Science Courses and is shorter by one year than the B. A. Board And Literary Tuition the year . , $1 6 6.00. Apply lor Illustrated Catalogue. ' F. P, HOBGOOD. Pres' WHEN IN NEED OF Monumental work nlpnse ndvisft me and I "if i - n ' 1 i will gladly submit sam ples and prices: . L.w j, Ti-f nimm, JL- clerk of tne cip enor Cocrt m Ptrson mw 1 A ' - - S , a--:- - J , . . - . . .a - -. '- :-A -AV-;.rv .T-r.-.'VJ :AuA:AA'AV'AA,

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