V ---- - - j T ' A PLEA FOR HEARTY CO-OPERATION OF PARENTS. uv h.mi. J. V. Joyner, State Superintendent. wish to make an earnest ry: to your readers who are vi t rons of the public schools for IMl active co-operation of the ; oivv with the school, of the pa y,.:n with the teacher, in secur increased and regular attend in, e upon the public schools and forcing discipline and faithful jiul conscientious performance by the children of assigned school duties. Statistic show that only 45 per cent of the total school popu lation, betwoen the ages of six and twenty-one, is in daily at tendance upon the public schools: and only 63.7 per cent of the to tal number of children enrolled in the public schools attend dai ly during the session of the schools. It is impossible for any readier, however interesting he wiy make the work of the , .-liool, and however faithful he :nay be in the performance of his duties, to secure regularity and punctuality of attendance or th' faithful performance of" school duties, without the hearty co-operation of parents at home. Many parents do not realize that after a child begins to at tend school, going to . school should be and is h;s main busi ness in life. As childhood iSithe habit-forming and charter-build- ins period of life, the will deter mine the manner in will perform the main work of v nie in me worm as a character that enable him- to overcome obstacles and to pre form unpleasant duties for duty's sake. In the name of the child, tor his future welfare, therefore. I must earnestly appeal to every parent to co-operate with the teacher of the child in securing regular and punctual attendance, prompt and faithful performance of every school duty, and prompt and cheerful obedience to every reasonable requirement of pro perly constituted author in childhood, in the formative period of life, for the formation of habits and the development of that stren gth that alone can give any reasonable assurance for success and service in manhood. From October North Carolina Education. Deatb of t Loved One. The little four year old daughter of brother and sister Johnnie Walker, Nellie passed away on Saturday morning about five o'clock, Sept. 23. She had been suffering some time with erysipe las caused by a stove tack in her foot. She was a member of Mitch ell's Chapel Sunday School. A dear little one, with sweet and loving disposition. We beleive that the precious little bud as she was, is safe in Heaven with the One who said suffer little children to come unto- me for such is the kingdom of Heaven. She stands with her Lord to receive and wel come her loved ones of earth to a purer and more perfect love for her in her happy home that lies which he beyond the dark river of death. tier nttie nie on eartn was as sweet as a flower, ever growing man, :n invp fnr marnn flrl nana rix the business habits of his : brothers and sisters; all those md be most potent in the ! round about her. Love that blosorr in-of his character. !n eartn wil1 riPen in Heaven. n i u i : The remains were laid away in the :,:atloed to be irregular. cememry Mi Creek Buryial :itU'iidance upon school services conducted by pastor, Rev. --.slovenly and unsyste-: John Bass. Exceeding large the performance of his j crowd attended., -:hool duties, he will not; The city oF Silence! who, who h ' unsuccessful in his v business, but he will al : ri.-rtainly form and fix busi i ab-ts that will doom him lure in manhood in an 'ting business wTorld, where ; t tition is growing sharper y day. Th? child that is al u to stay away from school the slightest pretext of bad ,fling. bad weather, or the :)k;'ing of a day's pleasure be te a day's duty at school, will ost inevitably grow into a -in or n woman that will put pleasure before duty, that will -"oiuently be found absent from business andhis post of duty upon the slightest pretext, that ''ill lack the grit and strength of does not tread With a trembling step o'er the graves of the dead? Whose heart does not throb with emotion to stand On the threshold that hides the invisible land? Whose soul does no( heave with a tremulous sigfi, To gaze on the spot where so soon we must lie? Whose cheek is not dewed with affection's soft tear, While wandering among the green solitudes here? The heart is made better to tread this lone spot And remember how soon we may share the same lot; To think that our bodies, now breathing and warm, Ere long will rest safely from life' gathering storm. Superintendent. WASHINGTON NEWS. President in the West. All Legitimate News Safe. By C. H. Tavernner. Washington, Oct. Special. The President has been in, the West. The people have listened to his defense. And they still be lieve he did wrong' in vetoeing the honest efforts of both bran ches of Congress to reduce the awful cost of living in the United States. Such is the tenor of the news that has come ,over the wires from the special correspondents who either accompanied or trail ed Mr. Taft on his 13,000 miles swing. Arthur Henning: Washington correspondent of the Chicago Tribune; inteviewed hundreds of westerners and found that the people generally liked Mr. Taft personally but absolutely disapproved his record as Presi dent. Angus McSween, the celebrat ed Washington corresponcent of the Philadelphia North Ameri- j can, (also republican), wired from Topeka, Kans., as foolows; "President Taft did not make a dent in the surface of strong progressive sentiment in the state of Kansas during his visit here' It developed, too, that a great many men, in all walks of life candidly admitted that next year they proposed to vote for a Democrat for President, notwith standing theyalways before had voted for a Republican. A great many of these referred to the magnificent record the Demo crats made in Congress last session, and frankly that since the Democrats had Co. shown real ability to govern, and govern well, it was no more than their due than ihey should be given greater responsibility. All Legitimate Business Sate. Chairman A. 0. Stanley, of the steel trust investigating com mittee, says the Republicans are endeavoring to create the impression that the democratic investigation, of the steel trust is in the nature of an attack on the CATARRH SUFFERERS. If Yon Don't Know About Hyome Try It at Hambrick & Austin's Risk. Nearly every reader of the Courier hasread about HYO MEI, but many of them continue to suffer from catarrh just ber cause they do not exactly under stand just what HYOMEI is. To these suffers Hambrick & Austin says you don't -have to know anything about HYOMEI except that'you breathe it and that' does not contain cocaine or opium or apfy harmful drug. You can find out all about HYOMEI without taking any chances whatever. Just get an outfit today, read the simple in structions, give it a fairJbrialand then if you are not willing to say that it is the best remedy for catarrah you have ever used Hambrick & Austin will gladly return your money. A complete HYOMEI outfit costs but $1.00. Extra bottle 50 cents. ! 3 3CI 3 D The Quality Drug Store. Guns. Coats and Leggins. We please you and give you the best. To Our Friends and Patrons and To bacco Growers Generally; We beg to advise you that "The I Danville Fair", to be held the coming, week will in no wise inter fere with our Tobacco Sales." Our market will be open for business as usual, and an increas ed number of buyers will be on the sales daily. Prices thus far are better than for years past, and competition is far greater than on any other market so come to Danville, I bring a load, or ship a package of ' ; i- i i it. . toDacco next weeKY.ana see tne "Big Fair." We guarantee highest market, and best service obtainable any where. Tours to serve. admitted n Danville Va. Drugs, Chemicals, Stationary, Toilet Articles, Box Candy, Ci gars, Tobacco and anything kept in an up-to-date Drug Store Bring or send us your prescriptions. Whitted's Drug Store. hoe 20E JjOOD 30E Particular Women Endorse the-- Dr. Edison Cushion Shoe. To the Editor: We take pleasure in stating that the Singing Class from the Ox ford Orphanage will give a. con sert in the Auditorium at 8:15 o'clock p. m. Oct. 24 1911. This is a most worthy enter price and we doubt not will meet with your hardest co operation, in prominently to the attention of Jhe public. ' The program, we understand is fully up to the high standard of i P-i.. nAnflrlc Ur tVn Place steel business. He denied that lu' i'F' Kr 1 nc CaUbC UI UUl wipucmagv, at Cook Stoves and Ranges. In cook stoves we cin furnish you any size and we carry the Malleable Steel Ranges m stock, which has proven to be the best Range on we market. Wheat Drills. We carry the Buck Eye, if you are ul .the majket, let us show you the Buck Eye. Call on us ior your Hardware requirements. N G lADSIEH 1 GO this is true. "Republican newspaper," said Mr. Stanley, "are trying to make the country believe we are persecuting the steel corporation Nothing could be further from the truth. The investigation has been conducted with the the ut most fairness, and not a single one of the steel men who testi fied failed to thank the com mitteee for the fair and gener ous way in which he had been treated. "The Democrats realize the necessity for constructive action They want the country to feel that no ilegitimate business is going to prosper if they can help it. - "The Democratic party is not bent upon a ruthless policy of destruction, and no legitimate business need fear that it will be treated unfairly." Oxford rightly appeals strongly to the people of our State and any service you may render this con cert will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, C. H. Hunter, Committee. The live wool elt Inner Sole provides ab solute ct)MOTtor1:heP f eetr- Conforms to the shape of the foot; distributes pressure evenly ;-pr events nerve-wearing jar of walk ing. The shoe itself is light and cool, built over the latest lasts, and is a model of style and beautyX High Shoes, $4.00 , Low Shoes, (except patent) $3.50 R. A. EAST & SON. -South Boston, Va. List of Jurors. ' The following is the list of ju rors for the next term of Court: Joe J. Jones, R. E. Pulliam, G. M. Fox, John L. Gentry, J. S. Woody. C. C. Critcher, N. S, ! Thompson, W. T. Pass, J. C. Winstead, W. I. Morris, Joe riiim phries, J. M. Clayton, J. W. Ash ley, Devereux Davis, W. F. Reade George W. Carr, b G. Thompson, J. L. Cothran, A. J. Crutchheld, Walter S. Williams, J. T. Blalock, Thomas Frazier, C. V. Beaver, R. P. Moore. W. M. Kirby, J. R. Cash, J. E. Clayton, W. D. Yar boro, W. K. Moore, W. E. Mor tonW. W. Whitfield, James S. Walker, A. J. Green, D. J. Rog- ers, J. H. Foushee and George Mitchell. Gives Quick Action. Hambrick & Austin reports that A SINGLE DOSE of simple buckhorn bark, 1 glycerine, etc., as compounded in Adler-i-ka, the the new German appendicitis re medy, relieves constipation, sour stomach or gas on the stomach almost v INSTANTLY. Many Roxboro people are being1 helped. ; Come to us for your guns, hunting coats and shells. - - Roxboro Hdw Co. . HO I )!C 'OCZ ' v' 1 " znoi ZJlfiiroizz-- winter Shoes. It will If you Public Sale. I will sell at public auction on Oct. 31st, all of my household and kitchen furniture, farming implements, etc. Sale will begin at 10 o'clock, at my home. 3t Mrs. a W. Whitfield. Buj your winter shoes from. us. pay us but it will pay you better. buy them somewhere else -we both lose IUI money. We sell the best makes of shoes to be found. Shoes that are sure to give satis- faction for we have so much confidence m them that we agree to make every pair that does not give Satisfaction satisfactory. In buying your winter shoes for yourself or family you can make no mistake in coming ni to us for we have shoes for every man, U woman and child in the county from a heavy home made brogan to a line velvet or patent leather or from the daintiest soit sole moc casins for the wee baby to a number f our- 1 teen for the giants.) Another point is that vour winter shoes will cost you less if you b buy them from us, because it will not take so many pairs. We are anxious tor your shoe business and a to serve you. i fnl lU If vou owe me . for coal please call and settle same before you order any moreco&l, or your order will he turned doWri. - XT Ll . On O f always pleased to serve you. . I ivi 1 " 11 " a. II. IAOO. J,cf i..,r sAViWYf I. 4 5v K i i ' 'i - 4- '

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