! - r " X-' ' k Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home First: Abroad Next. $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XXVIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, December 13, 1911. fro. 4 - ' - " ' I r v - A Delightful Outing. One of the most delightful out ings of the winter season was given by a few members of the popular Loch Lilly Club Satur day and Sunday, in honor of out of town young ladies. The weather was ideal for the oc casion, in fact it reminded one of spring, ine young couples took advantage of the fine weather and enjoyed themselves tho roughly, boat riding and sprawl in gaboiu the popular resort. One ot the most attractive fea tures perhaps was a moonlight boat ride on the lake, which was quite a treat for December. Those who shared the hospitality of the club members were Mr. and Mrs Z. V. Gwynn, chape perones. Mr. J. A, Long, Jr., with Miss Annie Bickford, of Pennsylvania; Mr. Claude Flow ers with Miss Katie Lee McKin non, of Trinity College: Mr. Charles W. Long with Miss Catherine Sheffield Thomas, of Trinity College, AUCTION SALE OF Horses and mules, Dec. 22, 1911. 1 will sell at public auction one hundred head of horses and mules I his, stock is fresh from Kentucky, Tennessee and will be sold for the highest dollar. These horses and mules will be sold under a full Guarantee to be as represented or money refunded If m need of a good team you can t afford to miss this sale. Don't forget the day. Friday, December 22, 1911, Theo. P. Collins & Co., South Boston, Va.. List (tf lominees Your attention is called to the For Sale Published To-Day. Valuable Lot of Land for Sale. For sale valuable lot cf land. Near Roxboro N. C. 1 1-4 acre inside corperate limits on Roxbo ro and Leasburg road, will be sold to highest bidder for cash at 12 o'clock on Jan. 1st. 1911, This Dec. 12th. 1911. N LUNSFORD. Notice of Sale. At my house on Thursday Dec, 21, 1911, I wm offer for sale at public outcry all of my farming tools, two wagons, one carriage, one horse, one mule, all my cows, hogs, feed corn, wheat and part of my household and kitchin fur niture, and one piano. Sale will begin at 10 o'clock, a. m. For particulars see J. P. Moore M, B. Moore, or myself. G. u. Moore. Start Your Favorite with a Subscription, A Good Beginning Promises a Good Ending. Beqin Early and Win The Magniifieent Prize Offered. The Contest Manager will he j round in The Courier office at all" hours. Come in and Get Acquainted, new ad of Hambrick & Austi n Christmas is almost here and it will mean a great deal for you if you will try this popular firm. When you 20 to buy that suit of clothes bear in mind the special prices .which Harris & Burns ad vertised last week. They are selling some of the cheapest suite you ever saw. One nice horse colt two' yeW? old, good blooded. Apply to J S. Noell, Timberlake, C.,' R. F; D. No. 2. ; - 2ts. v.- 1 l Your attention is called to '-the : new and attractive advertisement of Messrs, Hambrick & Austin : iui...--,....,, up,, m,pihiii nmmummi iim iwiww''H - Hmmniriitw --"n r. In fr fri f Miftirtwrtirai' We enjoyed a pleasant call last Friday from Mr. G. E. Woodv, of 'Bethel Hill, and Mr. J. D, Aaron, of Mt. Clive. Mr. Aaron haid been visiting Mr. Woody for several days. He is one of the most progressive farmers of his section, and that is saying a great deal for there is hardly any sec tion, none says Mr. Aaron, that) surpasses Mt. Olive as a farming section. 10,000 BONUS BONDS. Each candidate turning in a subscription, new or old. for one year or more, between now and December 19th, at 8 p. in., will be awarded a Ten Thousand Extra Vote Bollot in addition to the regular schedule. No more than one will be awarded to each candidate. Get busy and secure these extra votes. XHAS Hi C, E. Allen & Lane ayeraged 23 50, got check for $332 78. W T Carver averaged -23 0, - J B Perkins averaged 23 50, W B Porterfield averaged 21 50, J Sam Johnson averaged 20, J E : Horner averaged 27, W E Philips I : averaged 20, Mrs C R Vernon j Santa Ciaus has charge of Ser- averaged 22 and got check forlgeant& Claytons and wants all .. Nothing nicerrfor 'a "Chirstmss present than something in jewel ry. Go to Newels and see his line. $546 85. Lots of othis did just as well. the boys and girls to come to see him. Owing to our improved facilities for sawing we are pleased to announce that we have reduced our price for saw ing from 35 cents to 25 cents per hun dred. This is a decrease of about thir ty per cent and means just that much saving to you. Prompt and efficient service guaranteed. Remember also we have all kinds and grades of " "rough and dressed lumber, shingles and lathes. Roxboro Lumber Co. Christmas Presents, If you wish to give your friends a a present for Christmas, one that will be useful and appreciated come to our store. The number of nomination of well known and popular young people received by The Roxboro Courier in response to the publi city given its announcement is an indication of the intense interest that has been aroused througat&t the whole territory covered by Roxboro's representative news paper, and is practical evidence that the pleasure giving value of the intended prize is appreciated by those who have sent in their names. The first list of nominees in Great Popularity Contest is pub- ished today. Look over the list and pick out a favorite, or better yet, if you are not a candidate clip out the nomination ballot, fill it n, and enter the race. The prize s worth your while. Evidentlv the people in Roxboro and vicini ty think well of their neighbors at any rate their's no dearth of favorites, and the one best bet would be difficult to select, From now on the Contest will be on in earnest, and interest will increase each day. This will be the onty election held this year, or next where you can "stuff the ballot box" and vote early and often" The Contest Manager will call on the contestants as soon as pos sible, but with such a large list of popular ones, it will take some time to see tuem. IF possible, call at the office and get one of the scription books, also valu able information as to the belt way to secure votes. IS YOUR NAME IN THE LIST. Many namrs have been entered in! the Contest. Some have been entered by themselves, while others have been nominated by their friends. All have the same opportunity to win this valuable prize. The winner will be the one who hustles the hardest and do not overlook a chance to se cure a subscription. Be a hustler: it cost you noth ing but a little effort. EARLA nomination best. Before you buy your Xmas Pre sents look over our line of t Hand Mirrors Box Stationery Meerschaum Pipes French Briar Pipes Hand Painted Toasts Hand Painted Pictures Hand Painted Calendars Cigars, 1.00, 1. 25, 2.00, and 2.50 per box A nice assortment of Parker Fountain Pens $1.50 to $10.00. nected with the Contest and you don't want to miss any of it. Honestly now would you like . t an automoDiie. m It so enter your name and see how readily your friends will rally to your support. No matter what your condition in life all will have an equal chance for the pub lic decides as well as your self by cutting votes from the paper. No one will be allowed to buy votes, neither can one buy papers in large numbers. This gives every one an equal chance and the contest will be conducted on the highest plane of fairness and honor. No person connected in any way with the Courier can enter and immediately after the contest the jdt nisht the entire set of books will be thrown ODen fcr public inspection. Whitmans Chocolates and Con fections. The best Box Candy on the market; Always fres: h Hfhitted's Drug Store. oxboro, North Carolina DON T WAIT ANY LONGER.' The names of many candidates are entered upon our list. Why let others get ahead of you? It will be to your advantage to have something to show for yourself on the published list. The mere nomination gives you 1000 votes and the more you can add to this the better appearance you will make on the day of second public announcement of candidates, Remember, that every year's subscription paid which you se- 1 ... cureiswortn irY5 votes. LET US HEAR FROMJOU. Let us see or hear from you at once, and we will take pleasure in entering your name upon our list, and also in sending a representa tive to see you and furnish you with all the aid and information possible. HOW TO ENTER. To enter the race cut the nom ination blank Free Coupon that appear today, fill in the name and address, bring it or mail it-to The Oouner office, where it will be en tered with other candidates. Votes may be secured from any place either in the territory of the Lnations, the Contest. The candidates who enter promptly have a great advantage over those wno enter late in tne What would be more useful and appreciated than a nice cook or Oil Stove, Rochester Percolator? Meat er, Knife or Razor Call on us for Hardware. . Choppi n loi ii'czzno' i, i c O' is now an all absorbing thought with a great part of our people. It is often hard to decide just what you wish to give. We have greatly strengthened our stock be-' sides adding many novelties f orchis holi day occasion. Below we give a list of some of the many nice and useful arti cles we have which may assist you in making your decisions. Now is the time to make nomi- 90n!est or outside for any uaie. Contest. Those who make no1 Courier. delay in asking their friends for subscriptions will already have the promise or the possession of many votes. Pledge your friends to work for you before some one else sees them and secures their aid. START EARLY. While nominations will be com ing in for a month yet you had better get in at the start. . Join this live bunch of hustlers and have the time of your life. :,There will be lots of fun con- FOOD FOR THOUGHT. To enter this Great Contest you need not be a subscriber to The You are not confined to your district in securing subscriptions. buDscnpuons mean votes, votes mean tne prize, ine time is short the reward is great, get busy and keep busy from now until the close. Belt pins Beauty pins Jewel boxes Fancy china Toilet Sets Manicure sets Pictures Mirrors Felt slippers . Automobile scarfs Childrens knit sets Fancy box stationery Ladies neckwear Handkerchiefs Silk hosiery Suitcases Gloves Sweaters Bath mats Druggets Hugs l win oe giaa to nave my friends call and see me at the Roxbor 5 and 10 Cent Store. Yours truly, E. B. Yancey., Mufflers Ties in fancy boxes Book cases Handbags Couches Purses Rockers Books Childrens Chairs Besides these almost anything usual; f ly Kept m a nrst ciass Dry tioods, Cloth ing or Furniture store in this section4 of the country. 1 . ;