f t " " "" - -mmr , , - - B M ... Jiy iyjp wm: mm &v&Va::::: 1 NoellBros., Proprietifrs. Home First: AToad Next, $l.Pef YeiriAdyance ; ;; r VOL. XXVIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, December 27, 1911. No;52i 4 . .... . . i 15.,.',. , ALONG THE KENNEBEC. Quaint New England folks, whose fund of humor appears to be endless, picturesque scenery i;ul honest love form the l)asis for the plot of "Along the Ken nebec", the latest successful nbv of New England life, which A HAPPY NEW YEAR. On the threshold of another New Year we want to pause to thanks our friends and patrons for the very liberal business accorded us during the past year, as we have had the largest and most satisfactory business during our vi!l be seen in Roxboro on Jan. ; career. As one and all you will 4th soon turn the corner into the The play deals wiih the story ; New Year, look -back a minute or a waif, afterwards an heiress, 'over the road you have been ) is being deprived of her rights by a woman who attended her mother on her deathbed, and who, with the assistance of a male accomplice, tries to secure the fortune of the girl and brand her sweetheart a thief. Like all New England plays laughter must in termingle with tears and several new and original types have been introduced. The -humor is so carefully blended with sentiment that just as you are on the vepge of tears something humorous happens which turns the tide to excruciating laughter. It is a complete production and said to be one of the best rural' plays produced for several years. At the Auditorium Jan. 4th. traveling the past year. Have you made any provision for the "rainy day" that . never fails to come? Have you been true to yourself and- family? JRIfl ?not, once more beTore youjstep out in to the pure New Year we invite vou to call at our office and let us tell you how you can make lasting provision for your family, or care for yourself if sickness or serious illness should come to you. It will not cost you jjiueh and will be a joy foreve'r. We wish every young man in the community would take out a policy starting with the New Year. It would not mean much to us but it would mean lots to them. How many will make the experiment? While the feeling of good fel lowship is in the air and good re solutions are being made for the New Year, would it not be a good idea to resolve that Cyou will act more sensibly during the coming year than during the, past and take out a life insurance policy in the Jefferson-Standard, the stron gest ard best insurance in the South for the South; then come in and let us tell you what the I Jef ferson Standard will do for you. S. P. Satterfield, District Agent, l Scirbern Railway Improvements, High point, N. C, December 21. The Southern Railroad Com pany will at once invite bids for the construction of a belt line rail way at High Point connecting the main line with the Asheboro Branch. The rapid growth of High Point as an industrial center has made this improvement necessary both in order to facilitate the movement of freight to and from existing industrial plants and t i provide sires for the location oi new industries with railroad con nections, l he project has oecn i Jefferson standard Life Ins. Cc. under consideration for several i years and negotiations for thej right-of-way. which have been in Fo lhe Teachers of Person County. progress f r some time, have just I j.n concluded The new line. 1 Many thanks For the nice .vchwill be about two miles I Christmas present. No other se- ,11 i i: i! ! lpfihnn rnnlrl havp hppn mnrf hp. Tiii leave tne mam nne ui i wt hern Railway at a point i ceptable. 1 assure you that 1 njOSite the Picket COtlon ! .mgmy . appicuaic u, e&pcuauy " ; i' run in a generally j when it is given oy tne tacners oi 7 :v au ction to the Aaheboro ; Person county, and shall always jenerishfor you a fond remem- i brance, '; MBhing you much success and 'lr M cpu jni happiness through life, and the - ;oa.'Jay,.v'r- b- V Hum merriest Christmas and happiest : .-LVU ?arragS -1 New Year, I am, " r.:a Gocch, of Granville vA' v..,a ' i r; mphrxs is easily : ' G. F. Holloway. i r.-:ce,t farmers and most rjec 26th, 191 1. rir men ot Person county, m i The Courier extends congra- Hugh Woods can supply you in u .ations and bet wishes. groceries, candy and shoes. Great Ch ance lis To. Timberlake, Ho; 2. Gain the This is the week of 'the Biggest Best offer of the entire Contest. and Father, Mother, Brother and Sweetheart working tor Javorite in the Popularity Contest. This is lhe week that subscriptions count the most The Contest Manager wfl be (ound in The Courier ollice at all times. f . t y yj u What Is Gossip? Gosip is a little insect that buzzes around, makes a terrible noise, andstings but the stings dosen't go deep. Are you from "Oskosh" or Missouri? Did you hear that Helen Smith has 100.000,000 votes in her possession and that Jennie McKelland is the only one that has a possible chance of winning the Automobile, Well, there is nothing to it. These stories originated in "Oskosh ' and are designed by some Man dolin Club who are opposed to the automobile. Discredit Such Storiej. Don't think mat any informa tion as to how many subscrip tions you have turned-in. will be given out. Every contestant will be fairly treated in this respect as in all others. No favoriteism will be shown anyone. The Courier is running this contest to maice friends and not ene mies. Don't seek to find out how many votes anyone has in reserve. You'll And out that the Contest Man "doesn't know, hasn't the slightest idea, in fact has a very poor memory." Above all else pay no attention to rumors as to how many vote3 this and that candidate has. Such stories are going to be cir- j culated, but lunyour own cam- , paign to suit yourself and be! "from Missouri" as far as the , other candidates are concerned, i Believe that you nave just as CSarlesLong WAMorton W(R Woody I rift H Oarver 1 ooo 1000 1 000 1000 1 000 RoiDoro R F. D. No. 1. it ii iv - - JMisS: Harris Grace Winstead Nellie tlester Ltfcile Newton Susie Blaloek Lelia Russell i Roxboro, No. 2. j - Miss Ruth Gentry Jule Perkins 4 Roxboro, No. 3. Miss Mary Wagstaff t" Lucile Winstead Htildah Hester Erol Mortoiftis 11 000 1 000 11 000 1 000 11 000 1 000 1000 1 000 I 000 II 000 11 000 1 000 1 1 Presents. Miss Allie Garrett 11 doo " Lillian Crumpton I 000 Bethel Hill. Miss Maud Woody 12 875 Bessie Humphries 1 000 Irene Woody 1 000 Hurdle Mills. Miss Annie Coleman 1 00Q " Gertrude O'Briant 1000 " Rennie Remmer 1 000 Mrs R L Wilborn 11 000 Woodidale, Miss Sallie Brooks i 000 " Nannie Bet Hall 11 000 E'J Robertson -1 000 Wooehdale, No. 1. Miss Ethel Crowder Maud Williams Eva Long BEAUTY TRUTHS ii ooo; Miss Iria S Pierce c Yirgiiina, Va. Mrs W D Amis 11000 K James Batierhill 1 000 ! L V Shoermker 1 000 Basktrville. Va. GenT E Gordan 1 000 . ' Ridgeville. - Miss My i tie Wilkinson 1 1 000 41 Kate Compton 1 000 " "Lula Barnwell 1 000 Cedar Grove. Miss Fannie Lee-Wells 1000 Eva Pittard 1 000 Lizzie Stewart 1 OOO . Mill Creek. Mrs T H Street 1 000 , Yanceyyille. ' Miss Mary Brown 11 000 " Maude Florace 1 000 Alton, Va. Miss Lucy Green 1 000 Durham. Miss Mamie Johnson 1 000 H W Foushee 12 875 Bartow, Fla. Miss Oveda Page 11000 Judge D. W. Bradsher and wife, and two sons; Langdon and Guthrie, left yesterday morning for Washington, N. C, where they will yisit1 Judge Bradsher's daughter, Mrs. N. C. Newtold. Pimples, SaUowiess', Blotiaiid Dull Eyes Caused by Stomach. : Beauty is only skin deep, bnt that's deep enough to satisfy most Lwomen, also men. r In order to keep the skin m a clear, clean, healthy condition, thexstomach :.mustsupply . the blood plenty of nutrition. As long:. . as the stomach is out -of order and the blood lacks proper nour ishment, the skin will be afFectecl.; v If you want a perfect skui that y you will be proud of, take a' .week r treatment, of mi-o-na " stsomacu tablets .' 'N Get a fifty cent box today, and - -if you are not satisfied after a week's treatment Miona is gua : ranteedV IF giveralmbst instant f relief and permanently1 cures. , . . "" Large box 50", cents, at, Ham- -brick & Austin druggists everywhere, , ; ... Mr. Bailey Resigns as Commissioner. Mr. R. H, Bailey tendered bis resignanoii as a member of the Board of County Commissioners, on account, of ill health. Mr, Bailey has been a member of the' Board for a number of ye?rs and has made a niost excellent and popular member. Judge , Brad sher appointed Mr. John L, Gen try to succeed him. Mr. Gentry is a ; good man and will make a good man and will make a worthy successor to Mr, Bailey.- KJ.KINGsrVEW DISCO vEHf Dill Surcli SIcd Tbai Cau !3R Hoitteas Drug Store Prescription Druggists, is 51 oxooro N 9 many friends and just as large a', g r Mitchell following as anyone m tne con-, WnnJnlp. Nn. test and have just as good a chance to succeed if you go at it-, .... iYllii ttUUlC JU1ICS I 000 1 oco 1 000 1 oco 1 tor c 3or OS in If you wish to 'give your friends a a present for Christmas, one that will be useful and appreciated come to our store. What would be . more useful and appreciated than a nice cook or- Oil Stove, Rochester Percolator? Meat Chopper, Knife or Razor- -- all on us for Hardware. ong, Bradsher & Goip in the right manner. All More Than a Year Count. A two year subscription will count as two one year subscrip tions in making up a club. A five year subscription will count as five one-year subscriptions in making a club. In fact all sub scriptions for more than one year will count on the offer of this week. Candidates are not limited to one club, but may se cure as many as possible: Coupons are good until Jan uary 2nd, . NAMES OF CONTESTANTS. 1000 1000 ( c t c (f any-. Roxboro. Mrs Ralph Cole Miss Elma Featherston Odell Thomas Frankie Woody -Alma Younger Cornelia Cozart W F Long R I Featherston Jr W t Pass J Lester Clayton W CBullock JHWhitt 7 t D Yeazey . , r -: . . 1 000 1000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1O00 1 000 1 000 1000 1 000 1000 1 coo . 1 ooo Leasburg. Miss MildrecTConally 1 000 Semora. Miss Nannie Lansdell 11 000 Mabel Yarborough 1 000 Frances Bass 11.000 Geo L Cuningham i 000 Milton. Miss Pattie Bell Morton 11 000 " Maude Dixon 1 1000 " Susie Hines 11000 Annie Connally 1000 Prospect Hill. Miss Odell Cheek 11 000 Maggie Warren 1 000 Hallie Compton 1 000 Mary Warren 11 000 Hessie Satterfield 1 00 0 Verna Nelson 1000 Maude Stewart 1 000 C B Smith 1 000 Dr R F Warren 1 000 Rongemont. Miss Mary K Clark Julia Carver FT- 5 ; nl a L. ti 11 000 1000 1000 1 000 Timberlake. Miss Willie Louise Noell 11 000 (John Carver I -r-r. K CI A J L)r W aoirowa it Sallie Reade Ethel Rogers is nearing it's close. In many respect it has been a peculiar year. The oft6 changing conditions of the crop prospect kept us blue one month and bright the next. But in the words of the old adage "AlFs well that ends well." This year has certainly ended well for us, having been the best that we have ever had. Again, we wish to thank every one who has helped us in any way to make it so. 1912 We shall put forth mighty efforts to make 1912 still better and trust that we will be favored with the hfearty patronage from each of you which we have had. Wishing for all the best and happiest New Year of their lives, and assuring you of the fact that we are always pleased to serve you, we are ' Faithfully yours, -11-. f : - 11 5- A. " I 1000'Dr G W Gentry a-.k & t iooo!.L7 1HW Winstead