1 V r v I 1 - " - . - . i 1 I i 9 I In IK- 75,000 Be traVst To be Given every Candidate in The Couriers' Popularity Contest. E verv Club of i'urned in from now until January 2nd at 9 p. m. This Offer Includes Yearly Subscrip- tions, eitner uia or in ew to i ne uouner. This is an Opportunity lor New Entries There is no Limi to the Number oi these clubs Each candidate may Secure. THIS IS THE BIG OFFER There will postitively be no offer bet ter than this during the entire Contest. Tuesday, 2nd 7 Fill Out this Blank and Enter To-day. NOMINATION BLANK Good for 1,000 Votes in The Courier Popularity Contest Only one nomination will be credited to each contestant. Contest Manager, The Courier, it,., Roxboro, N. C, 1 nerebyjnominate as a candidate in your Contest: Name . Address District No. SoH News, Mr. John Chandler apd Wm Minnie May Chandler were mar ried on the 3rd Sunday in Nov, Mr. Charlie Moore and Mist Kate Lnnsford were married on tr& 3fdC in Not. Mess, sergeant & Clayton of Roxboro certainly has a pretty stock of Santa Claus stock. Mr. J. Henry Woods of Roxbo ro says he takes delight in reading Surlnews. Mr. Woods is solid wherever you find him. Mr. John Garrett says it is a pleasure for him to get his farmer friends good prices for their to bacco when they sell with him at the Winstead. J. D. Perkins, who works for the same house, says his friends do not suffer when they sell with him. Miss Annie Moore was on the sick list some time ago. Mr. S. E. Peed, who runs a saw and com mill, makes good tim'efri sawing logs and he can certainly J - 1 .. gnnu a loau or corn as quick as any miller in this part of thecoun try. Mr. Lex Chandler and Miss Verna Lunsford were named on .the 4th Sunday in Noy. Miss Lucy Denny died on the 30th of Nov. Her death resulted from a scald she received back in the summer. Her folks have the sympathy of their friends. Mr. Sim Vaughn enjoys having a sociable chat with his friends. Mr. 8. S. Frazierhts a case of the grip, but is better at this writ ing. Mr. Charlie Davis says SurJ news suits him all right. Mess. Bunnie and Jess Lunsford killed 24 birds and 4 rabbits u one day. Farmers have been very busy in the Surl section grubbing and plowing for the past two weeks. XT . .1 , . ncxi imng on docket, are you ready for Christmas? what she ooud for the means n prosperity d froth. - She was married to Mr. Jno. B Hughes m l8f7. From this mar riage there were four children. Mrs. H. H. Masten. of Roxbcttv Mrs. E. B. Pou8hee, of Vood leaf, N. C, Mr. J. T. Hughes, Allensville, aad Mr. W. n. Hugnes, of Vfrgtflmia. Happy in ker family and t i- -i?p. t t cnurcn lire, Mrs. Hugnes was a mother in her home and the Israel of God. The fine specimens of manhood and womanhood of her sons and daughters speak louder for the mother and Chris xi j uans man any woras SDOken or written, could ever do, Ya, louder than any shaft of marble or bronze that might be raised to her memory. May our Heavenly Father com fort the sorrowing hearts of the family, the relatives and many friends. May each of us emulate her gentle, quiet virtues, and, like her, be faithful in life .and trium phant in death. Mrs. T. H. Street. Valuable Lot of Lead for Sale. For sale valuable lot of land Near Roxboro N. C. 1 1-4 acre insi le coroerate limits on Roxbo ro and Lcatburg road, will be sold to highest bidder for cash at 12 o'clock on Jan. 1st. 1911. This Dec. 12th. 1911. If LUNSFORD. " l-g-- 1 PorlnfSanto and Chilr til :dr ttftofrw if ; Notice-Land Sale. By virtue of the powers contained in certlan daad of trust executed by T. A Angle and wife Evelyn M. Angle, on the 7th, day of June, 1904 and duly registered In the Reg. of Deed office forPrcnn rn. ty, North Carolina; In Book 5; pp. 124 et seq., the conditions of said dd - " uov navmc bien comDlied with. quest of R. 1 Overbey, the owner of said uccu 01 irusi ana tne note secured by It I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, on the premises, on , Monday January 22 1912 in VMIT. Tfie Kind You Have toys Bought Beara the tU and Irf Mtitot upiiJiQrpta KrUi NotNahcotic. Aiwr&d Bsmsiv for rnscflna NEW YOBK. or Over Thirty Years iitvXu.frpFi iMC... ,nru,75,.i....i1St;:il...B.iuiii'''' A Bzact Copy of Wrapper. 1 THE CENTAUB COMPANY. HEW YOBK CITY. rndtm 21 an unaeviaea one-half titerest fn the fol lowing described tract of land . in Holloway Township, Persoi County. North Carolina hnun Ai4 A A. it. a at t r . , , . I uiiucu aim ueicnota as rouows; Becinnin rncee on tobacco at the differ- at a point (1), a Pin on w. nn,B. ent warehouses in Roxboro today StoTwSu Were gOOd. M Drunriht's corner on W.o West's Mes. Arch Chandler and Bill feWjto 1 mz,ici luaucu on a Die load Of PJini vj;, pointers, formerly a white o.k at i m r.u . r 1.1 ma. Kcuecca amiui'g corner, North 86 1-2 Name of Nominator. Telephone No. Address THE ROXBORO on a iouuer, ine roaaer belonged to Arch, they were driving Mr. Hay- v.ood tslalock s team of mules, ; and as they went down the hill near Deep Creek one ofthestand- u reei west i cnain to point 4 a stake at Mrs. Rebecca Smith's thnr Jegrees West 20 chains to poiit 5 pointers f 'rmely a white oak in Harris line thence North 86 1-2 degrees West 15 chains to point 6 poii.ters formerly a pine at Harris t mer inence worth ? riao-raoc Coo .:4.u 100 votes Candida te Address- District Nc. COURIER Popularity Contest - w ... c,.c rui..i i aegrees tast with ards broke which Caused) right Harris 1,n. -lllis Mlnning Company's and E, l j 1 M. Drumriphr linp: ;,rhamc fAtka k . - - o - " vhuuij l(J LUC UCClU Trees that Produee Results. Ornamentals consisting of Roses, Ever greens, Shrubs, Shade Trees, Etc. Fruit Trees and Plants especially suited to this section- DeSCrintivP raf.alnmna ovirl t0mP1?ntand Care for an Orchard," VKt,&. 10 interested parties, 1 Van Liiiie m.iAL. M . 1 r I J. i. iy uiuui ui uie iouaer to sup on in front. Arch fell down hetwppn 100 Votes rhe mules and Bil1 fell off on the .! J. 1 -. . . . ... siue ana said it knocked him senseless for a minute or two This frightened the mules and they ran away. One of the traces This counnn. whn npa; ma .... . , , wrapped around Arch's ankle, and filled in and rn,,,h yana ess Pperly the mules ran something iiVft ?or w' oiiiiu tlJC 1, nfPR I IPnaytmoni rf ,u " "v jm.uo. ik vi uo a tuiu way cii'U lit was drug through Deen C wiitamm lot - acres according to map and survey of said land made by J. H. Howard County Surveyor of Per on Coumy on Dec. 15th 1899. This trat of lanl lies in the mineral belt and is said to contain valuable mineral de posits. Date cf Sale; MONDAY JaNIMkY 22 -d. 1912 on Premises, his Dec: 18th 1911; W D Merritt Trustee: j faery Cc mona 1. C. Courier will count as .00 in The Cou r Po uSCo tesf rn. 1 v" M,,w wiM iur iuuu votes, lhis coupon not good after Dec.27 1911. Votes LAND SALE. pni ueaiu mm nouermg ana ht ecurea to me Dy L. H. Oakley and wcui iu uim ana goi mm loose. 11 rained rery much the ;day befpn and they said he was powerfu muddy. While he is . toting ont arm in a slincr he is able to gy wire, auiv recorded in book 14 page 55b, I will on Monday, Jan. 1st, 1912. sell at public auction for cash in front of the court house door in Roxboro, N. u i i u uuiii, in., uiai certain aoout. He ran a narrow risk and town lot dfisrrihpH qc fnumt . U is doubtful whether he wfll ever Beginning at a stake on Webb CABBAGE PLANTS have another such accident. Thos. Frazier. Dec. 15, 1911. street corner of lot no. 7, thence wnn lot no. l south JO dpgrees west 180 ft to a stake corner of lot no. 13, thence with J fin no. M c 57 degrees east 98 h to a stake ujcucc nuia aegres east There will be two S reluiSn' PrPled out wf.h ,hl name o , F, t ' l !?7 "?ui?f5 nom nated cand.date willenritte the emdiH.m m-,fci Je HegW Hvvuiiiim, v ncr nnm rnt i . . z w uiv 1 1 j 111,0 iiiiiih s .s narrrnas anm BtVotes will be issued on Daidluh,wof -ru n n The subject of this sketch, Mrs. 180 ft to a stake on We&b street, Hon 1 to the length of time 3toVM fA"1"1- EUzabelh Jane Huhes was born :ence Webb st north 58 degrees with thftmii.r-.-..t:jC?subscnPt'ns are paid, in accordance joa... a.u ,0,0 J,-.. west it u m th h;nn!n ,fil daws ar; nX H?." i" lhis prospectus. Candi- "JT" ' ' ' aeu mKlot no. 8. " W WA M .III I I II VI r-l 9 MM. A. ... . WW HI ki M I 1 . 1 II 1 1 I r - W I nTl f - M M VMM 1 M mav be ranvawH onw,i,; v,'( uw" icmwry 10 secure votes, votes L i H A. v ivuic"i V?2V".&. ot& b?ut thhour of midnight secure asm J "J T""' IW votes each, and the candidates may wovemoer iltti 1911. JUgt two j UJ pujoiuic. weeks and i.n H. -r. ,u "v uavo aitCl UIC 1 . - lirAmmi a ,.r . "-ouauu, mi. JIJO. - II1 . HJlV T IP HURhes' 3 weI1 kn0wn and high U H 1G iSL OJj J . " esteemed citizen of this com Mrs. Hughes, maiden name was tsowen. bhe was haDoilv married A - 10 Mr. James K. Yancey in 1855 THE COURIER. Tne year Two years Fliree years. Four years ive years rnce $1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 T r JNo. of Votes From this union there .were three 1.QP cnuaren, Mrs. J, M, Slaughter 4,500 13,437 20,000 For further information call on or write Contest Manager, Roxboro, N. C. "ioy, IM- U, Mrs.JJ. M. Pass Koxboro, M. C, ind Mr. E. D, Yancey, of Roxboro. ' She joined Aaron's Creek Bap- nst Lhurch in early life where sne remained a consistent member until moving to the above named neighborhood. about tventy years ago, where she united her self heartily with Mill Creek Bap tist Church. From this fimft' until death she remained -an ardent lover of her Church and Missis nary. Society, ever ready ;!to do This Nov. 6. 1911. N. Lunsford, Trustee. Waattar-hardaaaJ and o-aik com in. trorn tke pea field is middle Nortk Carolina wkra temperature gets dewi t 12 or 15 dgree and freezes tops, losii tiu an. in nc or well-fertilized soil you can get white-head cabbage from our plants bv the last of Ann'1 : early or mid-winter. Set them deeply and let them take all the Winter WAarUr ... - s.i.uvi as ii comes, without protection, and you need aave rears auout results. Uet your uBigQuori i9 jem in wita you and make an ordr. Full count guaranteed. Why erder tender plants from further South when you can get our plants, nearer home, already weather-hardened to stand severe winter weather in your diaate Price $1.00 per thousand. 5.000 f.r $4.50. Write jfor prices on larger lots. Remit by check or money order. UNION PLANT CO.. Marshville, N.C. Largest Plant Growers in North Carolina. Notice, Sale of Valuable Land Under and by virtue of authority conferred upon me by a certain Deed of Trust exe cuted by W. A, Bla;kwell and wife Annie Blackwell on January 20th 1909 and duly recorded in Register of Deeds office of Per son county, in book 15 at page 100, default having been made in the payment of the riot secured by gald dead or trust, 1 will on Monday January 7th, -1912 ; at 12 o'clock noOn, at the court house door , in Roxboro, N. C sell to the highest biJde for cash the property conveyed by said deeJ j cf liuft, to-wit; One sorrel horse, Kfx yars old, one land lying and being on the Roxbor Hiilsboro road, about 1 mile from Re Bounded on north by lands of Lucy Jo on east by lands of J A Long, on so lands of Lwls: Villines, west by R 1 U.luTc c i j i j k trr ' t f " i i r r j( e oH; ge 1 ctse ceffler 7ih. 1911. N LUNSFORD, Trustee Milk Cow Far Sale. I have a good cow for sale, a good winter milker. Price reason able. John T. Wade, V at Garrett & Stanfield. All JLX You Wifl HectPresMenf rTBJS election is of supreme importance to you. The whole' country is I Jrided. On one side the progressive Insurgents, on the other the Conservative Standpatters. Both parties will promise many things. You will have to judge their claims and their fitness to carry them out. In these stirring times THE AMERICAN - -. is a necessity to the busy man or woman who values being upTtoateT In a hundred ways its editorials, its character sketches and its timely articles will help you make your choice. It gives you the best, clearest and most accurate non-partisan and unprejudiced news that money can buy.t It is the great monthly newspaper on which intelligent people everywhere rely for their news, and you get thi new almot as promptly a it i given in tne great duly oewspapert of the country. -'rvns; 1 1 1 T, , , jmuftmau, tuturatt, and impartial nvkw tftfu agt! i 4 ung navt utilized tht mataxint im ttt atmht Imu h.M. .ti-t-.i n MeYer wifl tts Rcihew cf Rcviiwaf le lore ceccfirr ttiSiierf veaf - .rv 1-V V