Ml '.- -7f;' Mri VrCvv) N f Wo $1.00 Per Year in Advance .". .?T. VOL. XXIX V. w ROXBORO? NORTH CAROLINAv Evening, January 3, 1912: No. 1 Wednesday . ' 1 '14 f 2 J if i , QH-" woolen: maufac5. ; .3 " i Bnsiacis House BvC Washington. Pecr .:Ws merCall over the countryrSt pressing complete confidehce irf theiJemtwratie House. They are not being ruled by ihe ibid buga boo a&oul "Democratic Success meaning business depression. I am familiar with how the Dem ocratic leaders feel about this, and the leaders and . the majority of tteparty are .conservatively. The' tariff will vbe revised down ward, but it will : be done con servatively; and without distur bing business conditions unneces sarily Democrats realize that business men have rights which must be protecte.d" This statement by Congress mart Jphn H. Rothermel, chair man of the committee on ex penditures in the department of Commerce and labor, is endors ed by all Ihe Democrats ,in Con resJsMr.vRothermers home fis in -Reading,' Penny sivama, which is in'theheartof the Pennsyl vania manufacturing section. Evidence in multiplying that business men do not fear Demo cratic success in 1912 and that, on the contrary, they will wel come it. This is due almost whol ly, the House leaders say. to the business like .way in which the Democrats" have handled affairs since they were placed in control : of , the lower house of -Congress 1 a year ago. The steel trust, which would tave more reason than any other trust to be suscious of Wa Afraid eCDeaocmk ll' ?"f " " s utuug . au-r I u NI II h II If ?? V;''' r"8 ot.'ngn ttntt rates to - VVVllulllUUtt VW4V U MU 11 MtHin&u :Wt .VTttW,K Pices. 'I'fte board's re- - . J. Democrafesuqcess, is thriving :as never befotraTthis sefepmaf the year, and the customary holiday let up of twelve days was reduced to two. Early in January it is said, the steel mills all over the country .will be werking up to 90 precent of capacity. Blast furnaces, long adle, having ie-y sumed operations, and the steel corporation confidently expects, 1912 to be the banner years of its history. Republican orators who expect to fool the voters with the old scare about Democratic success meaning business depression are going to have , both hands full from now on. WHAT TARIFF BOARD PROVES. ' The Taft tariff .board's report i - the feople oi and will please accept our most sincere thanks for the liberal patronage given us through the year 1911, We appre ciate every-order given its and. in the future will endeavor to show our ap preciation by serving you better. Our stock in 1912 will be as complete as we can possibly make it, and we will thank you 1 to make our store your store. We are ( Yours very truly, porfewould make it appear that thefWodletftrust wouldn do such a JreportJshgther ?mc&u$$ itproved.&vond successf ul conlf adiWiqn; : " rirscj nat dcneamew is is indefensible; it proves this con slusively and for all time. Second It confirms practical ty every charge made against the woolen schedule vby Demo crats and Progressive Repub licans. Third It proves that the Ame rlcan people are victims of ex tortion from woolen manufac turers. Fourth And (that President Tatt s veto o the Underwood LaPollette bill was against the in- terests pf 9P,000,O0O consumers of woolens; that it was absolute- ly unjustified; unnecessary, and therefore unforgivable. TARIFF PROTECTS TRUSTS OKLY Boston lawyer, who looks, acts, walks, and talks like Abraham Lincoln, while testifying before the Senate trust investigating committee, showed how the trusts receiving the greatest pro tection have destroyed trades unionism. v Ireduced waops. iru i j t . , creased working hours, and j i. , . . , dnven Americans out ;and brought foreign immigrant labor into their mills. " , ! TTq ovnncad 4-Vi r l'ninofina nnA .,,4; .,aTt. ntaA , tt j ci 4. 0 i , and said the rule laid down amounted to this; ''What man has illegally joined together, let no court put asunder." In contrast with the record of ff o(ected Mr Brandies presented instances where prices have been reduced. and wages raised, in industries operated under free competition. Yet the Standpatters would have the workingmen believe that the ! Payne-Aldrich high protection wall was put up exclusively for their benefit, Get a move on yourself f or that automobile, it is here wait- ing for some lucky one. s ... Moro Person County I : : . . .: , , - - i During the Holidays You Were Thinking About Christmas And Having Good Time, Now For Work. , ..During the month of January every one will get busy and if you fwant to stay in the race it will be necessary for -you to hnstle.j witn a ntue extra erron you may be the successful one and tiaVe die .... pleasure of owning one of the best cars on the marjket. Every one will tell you that the !Fordris one of the very best cars built and will run longer, give better ser vice and cost less to do . these! things than any other car on 4he market. This is no cheap rattle- trap but is a first class car, new, fully equipped, five passenger, and ready for business.: When you come to town stop in at the Garage and take a look at it. Don't think you can hot win because vou do not know the senbers m your sectaon and then see b"d see how easy i" 18 lu cl mc " lu fevc r. WIC" xcucwai uiu auuDwupuuiio it- hewed count just the same as new ones. ' You have an opportunity that wilt not come to you again, ancj if you ever expect to own an auto K" T1,ac you ever exptct to own an mobile now IS THE TIME. moDiicnow 10 1 mvj nmc, , , . . .. . . J by' ask. f e GteSt M?08 for any ,nform?00 yOU Want. BefewAitbe, jtandihjj j lestants loTate, is not on- too late for you enter and win: NAMESF CONTESTANTS. Roxboro, Mrs Ralph Cole Miss Elma Featherston 1 000 1000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 8 750 1 OOO 1 000 1 000 Odell Thomas Frankie Woody Alma Younger Cornelia Cozart ii W F Long R I Featherston Jr W T Pass 1 J Lester Clayton W C Bullock a ooo J H Whitt 1000 L D Veazey 1 ooo H W Winstead Charles W Long "' W A Morton 1000 1 000 1000 1 000 W R Woody Joe H Carver 1000 1 000 B G Clayton Roxboro R F. D. No. 1. Miss Ruth Harris ,11 000 I 1000 11 000 1 000 Grace Winstead Nellie Hester Lucile Newton Susie Blaloek Lelia Russell (t it t( 11 000 1 000 II Roxboro, No. 2. Miss Ruth Gentry Jule Perkins Roxboro, No. 3. Miss Mary Wagstaff " Lucile Winstead Huldah Hester Erol Morton Roxboro, No. 5. 1 000 1 000 I 000 II 000 11 000 1 000 Miss Allie Garrett , 11000 ' " Lillian Crumpton 1 000 Bethel HUl. Miss Maud Woody 12 875 " Bessie Humphries 1 OOO " Irene Woody 1 000 Hcrdle Mills. Miss Annie Coleman 1 000 11 000 I 000 II 000 1 000 1000 1000 1 000 Wnoddale. MisrSallie Brooks .5 3? Nannie Bet Hal! -".Vv'jjfr Woodsdale. No. 1. Mjm EthellDrowder - f u- Maud Williams B E Mitchell 1 000 1 sm WnniltifclA. Nn 9 ri Merritt 1 000 Addie jones m 1 000 Learbofg. mi Mildred Conally 1 000 3M i IIM Scmora. Nannie Lansdell 11 000 llll Mabel Yarborough 1000 ilf Frances Bass 11 000 Geajj Cuningham i 000 Mr. Milton. Mis Pattie Bell Morton 11 000 Mauilc Dixon Suste Hines Annie Connally "0 Prospect Hill. Miss Odell Cheek K?1 Maggie Warren 1000 11 000 1000 11. 000 1000 1 000 11 000 Hallie Compton Marv Warren It 1 Hessie Satterfield 1 ooo- .Venm Nelson lpoo 4O00L 1 000 1 000 ipeSteart C B Smith " Dr R F Warren Roogemoct. Miss Mary K Clark 11 000 Julia Carver 1 000 John Carver 1 000 br W A Strowd 1 000 Timberlake. Miss Willie Louise Noell 11 000 SallieReade 1000 Ethel Rogers 1 000 it Dr G W Gentry 1 000 Timberlake, No, 2. Miss Ina S Pierce 1 1 000 Virgitina, Va, Mrs WD Amis 11 000 44 James Batterhill "l 000 L V Shoemaker 1 000 Baskerville. Va.. Gen T E Gordan 1 000 Ridgeville. Miss Myi tie Wilkinson 11 000 " Kate Compton 1 000 " Lula Barnwell 1000 Cedar Grove. Miss Fannie Lete Wells 1 000 " EvaPittard 1000 " Lizzie Stewart 1000 Mill Greek. Mrs T H Street 1 000 Yanceyville. Miss Mary Brown 11 000 " Maude Florace 1 000 Alton, Va. Miss Lucy Green 1 000 Durham. Miss Mamie johnson 1 000 Bartow, Fla, , Miss Oveda Pasre " 11 000" Bear Creek, N. C. ' Miss Mary S. Tally x 11875 Grabam, N. C. Chas. A. Scott 19 750 Pig Lost A black and white spotted pig, aboutJive months old. Any in formation as to samej will bt ap- Mrs R L Wilborn WILL tiATHER THE COIN. The Republicans have selected the man who is to be in charge of the filling oi the Republican I campaign barrel for .the 1912 contest. He is Fred w, Upham, who was assistant trust contri bution grabber in 1908. Between presidential elections Mr. Up ham trains with the Busse ma chine in Chicago, runs a coal monoply during the winter and an ice trusc during the summer, and also has a lumber company, a railroad, and a few banks and trust concerns. An ideal selec tion! THE LAW'S REWARDS. united States circut court judge Peter S. Grosscup, of Chicago, has managed to make a millionaire out of himself while sittinrr upon the Federal ibench. Besides getting rich himself he appointed Marshal E. Sampstli,' his court clerk, receiver for a traction company that was in litigation in his court, at a salary of $25,000 a year. John M. Harlan, one ot the really great jurist in rhis nation's Prescription. . 1 Glutted s Roxboro, K Q 3X . . TO W lAJho Owe Is. It is high time that all accounts for 1911 were paid. If you haven't already paid us for last year or made some satisfac tory arrangement with us ahout it we urge you to come just as soon $s possi ble and settle up. We need the money and.: want it. What you owe us is ours and riot yours and you have no right to be of fended when we ask you for it. We are going to make a great effort to": increase our business still more in 1912 but we want to say right , here that we don't want to do business witlKany ex cept those who pay cash or are reason ably prompt in settling their accounts. If we sold you time we would expect you to take time but that we do not do. When we cnarge you with a bill of goods we do riot charge you time prices, ; there fore, we expect you to pay us with some degree of promptness. We will ' greatly appreciate an early-; settlement of our account. v , Yours for more safe business, . u history, anil one of. -the', besr, y friends thecommon people ever. had on the Supreme bench, died ' 'J a few weeks ago. His daughter " recently has accepted a position . as secratary to earn her 'living, r BEAUTY TRUTHS Pimples, Sallowness', Blotcbei d ; Doll Eyes Caused by Stomach. ! -: Beauty is only kin deep, but that's deep enough to satisfy most women, also men. ; In order to keep the skin in a ' dear, clean, healthy condition, v - the stomach must supply the;- . blood plenty of nutrition, Asldng . as the stomach is out of order; Z1 and the blood lacks proper nour-; ishment, the skin will be affectedvl ;' -If you want a perfect skin thatv :rr) you will be proud of, take "a week . ; " treatment of Mi-o-na' stomach;, j,, ;,' tablets. ? Get a fifty cent box today,-and ;;; if you are not satisfied after. aVO ' week's treatment Miona is a- f ranteed. It gives almost instant Large box 50 cents, at ' Ham- ; brick & Austin - and druggists everywhere. .KING'S NtW EI1SCO v!fr Will Surely Stio TbaS Store Druggists, ... i 2jc 20I 2i Drug f' , . i,- 1- T 7 1 J ; V t Catty. l Gertrude O'Briani 1 000 j predated. ''- :y-- ' Rennie Remmer 1 ppo ion J- f s 4 , ,,; i - if r, V -f- r