sA 3,3 J no v j0ooo -no m cafes jCgd - if "(rim to i5c U if1 - 3-i J1 1 1 ? iw mini 11 i iijgiiigy,, i Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home First:;Abroad Next. $1.00. Per Year in AdyaAceP VOL. XXIX ROXBORO, NORTH C AROLJN AV; Wednesday Evening,. February. 7, 1912. I i - r l. -fr : No. 6 1 - f - a rCs r tip . . : ; . : . r . . , . , . .i ' ': I ' - p , " -- - " - ' ' jrA-. i Li -- (m Hir? I I I i - 1 J . 1 - . V --- .-.-1-. . . ., , . , --.-.. , .. . : : : THREE ASPHYXIATED Foaati Dead k Raieie'i H'"tel Lait Ni Villi i Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 5. Specia. Three young men, R. A. Johnson, H. T. Porter and J. A. Jernegan, of B?nan, this state, were asphyxiated in one of the Wilson apan-rjents -on Fiiyetteville street. The men were. found at 8;30 toric;ht and the physi:iars who made exami nation:; of the bodies of the men differ as to the length of time the men had been dead, the general opinion however, being that they had been dead ten or twelve hours. There is no special indication of foul play, and the death of the young men is a very great mys tery. They are intelligent looking and people seeing them just before they are reportea to have gone to their room say that they were not intoxicated. Two of the bodies were laving across the bed and the other was on the-, floor, looking as if the man had Vail on down i a Taint. I The ycii.; men came to Rar er: h Sunday afternoon, driving a machine from their home, and brought with them two young "ladies of. Benson. "When they ar rived here the young ladies went to the home'of a friend and the men carried the machine to a garage and then took rooms in the Wilson apartments. They were seen on the streets today, but no one knew just. wlrthey went to heir room's. The door of the room was locked and so was the window. The room ls heated and lighted with gas and both burners were turned on when the door was" broken into.- It first appe tred that the men "blew the gas out," but they must have been too intel ligent for that and there is abso lutely no grounds so far as has been learned, that would indicate that they intended suicide.' The evidence of'faul play is still less probable fronT all appearances. When found the men were in a state of dishabitlle, that would incicate they were dressing for the evening. It is reported on the best of authority that Miss Edna Weeks, one of the ladies of the Benson party, and Mr. R. A. Johnson were to have been married be fore they left the city. Miss Weeks went to the theatre this venin with a friend and has been prostrated with grief since she was notified of the death of the young men. Parents and friends of ; the dead men have leen-'notified and they are rush ing to the city. Some of them vill reach here tonight on automo bile. The case is a mysterious one and nobody seems to be able to throw any light on the matter. A whiskey bottle or two was found in the room but there is no indication that the three, dead men used the contents of the bottles and there are witnesswho testify that they were not intoxi cated the last time they saw them which was not such a great while before they must have been over come by the gas fumes. Judge Pritchard Speaks so in . Balti more. . Baltimore. Jan. 29. Judge J. C. Pritchard, of North Carolina, in a speech here tonight, told of the changes for good in that State since the banishment of saloons. Part of the State, he ad ded, was dedicated to the Lord, and panof jt t tht deril BANK OF ROXBORO. Bank of Roxboro Holds its Annual Meeting. On Saturday the 3rd the stock holders of the Bank of Ruxboro held their annual meetf&g. The fnllnuincr nffinfrc: Mr. B. B. Reade, president. Dr. R. S, Baynes, 1st vice president. Judge D. W. Bradsher, 2nd vice president. W, P. Long, cashier, -and B. G. Clavton. assistant c shier. Mr. J. B. Harvie was added to the board of directors. A dividend of 8. per cent was declared, with quite a neat sum carried to the surplus. Few institutions have had a more successful career than this v th b ttl c rv of the Bank. It was the second bank,.Varncr tbe rttle cr ?l t.lhc organized here, and to many, it was thought to be a ri3ky pro position, for they did notthink the town large enough to support two banks, but time has shown that the organizers knew what thev were doing. Since its organization in 1904 it has paid to its stockholders 98 per cent, in cash dividends, and now has a surplus of nearly 50 Der cent. Mr. W. P. Long, the efficient and popular cashier, has been in this position ever since its organiza tion. The stockholders havo shown their wisdom in keeping him at this post, for there is not a more acbona-modating or better bank man in the country, and he has proved his worth by his success. At the meeting the bank decided to enlargetbe bank building, building trTthe street and making 'the building two' stories, which, will give them some much needed room. , Has Helped Wilson Say Bryan. Dallas. Tex,, Jan. 30. So far- in the opinion of William J Bryan, Gov. Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey, has been helped rather than hurt because of his - controversy with Col. Henry Watterson of Kentucky, and he considers Governor -Wilson 'right in believing that a man is sometimes hurt by the sort of men clamorous in his support." "I am under no bond to keep the peace ' declared Mr. Bryan tonight in discussing the political situation in general, while wait ing for his train en route to his farm at Mission, Texas. 1 'Har mony is not the most desirable thing in public life. The organi zations proceeding upon that principle can progress .only as fast as the slowest of its element. Josephus Daniels Made Chairman Of Democratic Press Committee. Baltimore, Feb. s5. Norman E. Mack, chairman of the "Demo cratic national committee and all but three members of the com mittee on arrangements for the Democratic 'national conyention to be held here in June, spent the greater part of todayhere in conferences relating to conven tion matters. vThe architect's plans for al tering the Fifth regiment armory were approved with some minor changes. The preparations that are being made for accomodat ing visitors and the scale of prices presented to the commit tee were approved. National Committeeman Daniel of North Carolina- -himself a newspaper editor was made chairman of the press committee He appointed J D. Preston, superintendent of ,the United States senate press gallery and Charles Albert, chairman of the standing committee of the senate and house press galleries, as as sistants. " ' Crex 9x12 druggets. Former price $8.50 nov $4.98. jBermannaxipsDitz. UNDERWOOD IN RACE. A Bureau Established to Promote His Interests. Washington, Feb. 5. Repre sentative Underwood, of Ala- oama, may, now be regarded as a full fledged presidential canai- date, an energetic bureau being engaged in' disseminating infer- mation as to his availably. , Accord'ng to a statement issuedl tonicht, a movement m his hehalf has been inaugurated in .North Carolina. H. V. Varner, of Lexington, was quoted as saying that an active interest .has devel oped in Mr. Underwood's' i AYrrvrni n a tn Mr. underwood forces win oe tne south for a southerner," or word's to that effect. He says that if the south would attend the Baltimore convention with forces lined up iu a way suggesting solidity arid un ity of purpose Mr. Underwood would be nominated arid once nominated would be elected because he would carry New York. TORE UP TRACKS OF SEABOARD RAILWAY. Lumbertpn, N, C, Feb. 3. There has been some excitement in railroad circles of the Lam be r ton . Cotton Mills today. Some time last nigh the Seaboard sid- finer at the mill was torn up for a distance of a hundred yards or more and at an early hour this morning it was found that ; the Mayor of East Lumberton and two or three policemen were on guard duty with instructions to aIlow n0 one connected with the Seaboard to enter the grounds, the v- & s- C- PePle bein 5n charge of the work of putting down their tracks where the Seaboard track had been. Agent Beverly, of the Seaboard and Master Bryan went down to investigate the trouble but were forbidden to go on the ground. At 8 o'clock' tonight guards are on duty to prevent any attempt of the seaboard to rebuild the track tonigh The .outcome is being watched with interest. School Children Almost Frozen. Waynesville, Feb. 5, This was the coldesJ morning that Waynesville has experienced in fifteen years. Mercury decended seven degrees below zero. The graded school, suspended on ac count of the cold. There having been no fire in the furnace since Friday the janitor found ;t impos sible to get building heated in time for school. At nine o'clock mercury registered 30 in tbe recitation rooms. Sunday morning the biggest show we have had in five years was found to cover mother earth. From early Sunday morning until ten o'clock at night the incline on Depot street was thronged with coasters both old and young par ticipating in the sport. From tbe effect of coasting on Depot street it has beccyne dangerous to travel and is completely abandoned by vehicles. Ac Haze Wood mer cury went ten degrees below zero. Oat of Commission. Washington, peb 3. Senator -Robert, ,M LaFollette, on the Verge: bfa physical breakdown has cancelled all? his aspeakifi engagements for the next two weeks at Trenton, jersey City and elsewhere .' and will seek a complete rest. Ha has decided to drop entirely all his work for a '..4k I.r . , FOR WATTS HOSPITAL. ; Durham, Peb. 1 Special. The endowment fund of the Watts hospital is to be increased about $00,000 by ,, Mr. George W. jits the founded of the insti tSnprr, by the erection of a large "apartment ;house in Durham the rentals from which -are to be used 4 fncome for the hospital, tXhe building is erected at the corner of West Main and h Watts streets on the vacant lot which was occupied by the old hospital. It will, be three stories in height, of pressed brick and stone and will contain ten five room apartments and a number of two room apartments for un married -men. The plans have been drawn for the building and work will be started in the spring. This donation will make the total expenditure made by Mr. Watts for the hospital more than $H00O,0OO, icluding an endow ment of several hundred thousand dollars already provided-. FIVE MINUTES. Sourness, &as, Heartburn and Stom ach Distress Will Disappear. ' Distress after eating, sourness, gas Jan d heartburn can be quickly relieved by taking one or two MI-O-NA stomach tablets. They are guaranteed to banish anjpase indigestionj 1 acuteSor chronic2 stomach ailment no mat ter what it is called, or money back. MI-O-NA stomach tablets are small and easily swallowed. They are sold by Hambrick & Austin and druggist everywhere for 50 cents a box. They are put up in a neat metal box that can conveniently be carried in the vest pocket. They are especially recommended ror nervousness,! sleeplessness, bad dreams, con stipation, dizziness ane bilious ness,' State's Oldest Editor Dead. Scotland Neck, Feb, 2. E. F. Hilliard, the oldest editor in point of service in North Carolina, died at his home here at a late hour. last night, after an jllness of several weeks. Mr. Hillard edited the Scotland Neck, Com monwealth for 26 years, retiring three years ago on account of failing health. He still retained his holdings, in .the Common wealth and was a frequent contri butor to its columns, as well as other- state papers. He was prominent in political and church affairs and was known throughout the state. As a public speaker he was in great demand up to the time his health failed. Refugee Seeks Big Damages From Farmers. Montgomery, Ala., Feb. 2, Ben Salter, an aged negro of Pensacola, Fla., has entered suits for $70,000 damages in the Fed eral Court against seven white farmers, of Crenshaw county, Ala. He alleges that they, were members of a mob which, in De cember 1910, drove him and his amily from their farm in Cren shaw county, burned his" house, destroyed and carried off property valued at $2,500 and ioreed Salter to leave the State. ; , Salter -wasl suspcqtedf of being imnKcaterfc irfvthe &hobtih&- white man. Hearst Bays Paper. Washington, Feb. 5. It be came known here tonigat that William Randolph : Hearau of Hev York, hu toujht tbo Atlan ta ccrdsn t- January Was Coldest. Now that January is gone it may be safe to talk about her. i Wherefore, let it be recorded that the particular month which has finally taken a welcome departure was the coldest of her name in 17 years and the second coldest in 34 trips of the eath around the sun. Consider that Hie phen omena unraveled included a gen uine cold wave, two snowstorms, three sleetstorms, the second heaviest snowfall and the lowest mark in temperature in thirteen years. This do, and thank your stars that you weathered all this weather as successfully as you did, even if mayhap you were laid low by the designing grip germ or if you are still in the grip of a cold that is undeniably bad, Re member, that it won't, happen again, maybe, for an awfully long while, and surely not soon in such unbroken doses. Careless Abont Appendicitis In Rox boro. Many Roxboro people have stomach or bowel trouble which is likely to turn into appendicitis. If you have constipation, sour stom ach, or gas on the sto;nacb try simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded in Adler-i ka the new German appendicitis re medy. Hambrick & Austin' states that A Single Dose. of this simple remedy will relteve.bowel osionv ach trou b'e al mosf xifTstantty - j V e take orders for I Cut flowers and Funeral designs. Also' Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Monogram Stationery, . Wedding Invitations, Wedding Announcements. Call and look at our samples. a Roxboro, N. nMinanmr t ii 30E Dry Goods, 4t Clothing i And Furniture. High grade merchandise at rea- s sonaoie pnees. Llr Mil&i . A it's - '' "' t.J-'iv -ir- If.: T 71 Jit IMl I ll ?f :i Roosevelt Favors "Votes For Wo! men." V - - .: :t - ' New York, Feb. 2.Former President Theodore Roosevelt iV comes out flatly for woman's Mp suffrage in an editorial invThef ; Outlook, issued today. WhileJV. favoring votes' for women , the j Colonel attacks certain exponents ; of "the cause," who discredit themselves and their sex by ' dis orderly antics in public. ,be- ;a lievQ in woman's, suffrage where; i v ver the women want it. vvhere- they ' do not want, it suffrge 4" should i not be forced uponv them," he says. ' f Something - . Good to eat appeals6 , to all mankind, Y- You get the . purest ; freshest groceries when,' you buy of us. Come to see us before-: you buy or , phone us your order. Our - ex-; penses are small, hence our prices are the low-, est. Moore & Dixoii to 4 f m mmr ! ,-v,'h, Store.;i:ll m n-iriiriiiiiii.i . ' i.'-.i. Drug it'- ' i'aas3.':u;i!giw.i'",.wir : v J -Ik ifo1 lorj - u r Bums- j 1 -t 1 is H t ' -.:',! ' u -i ) .'i i ; . , . ' ' r ( ( '..