inT WW f l fi Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home First: AbroackNext. $1. 00 Per Yar in Advanced; VOL. XXIX ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, April 17, 1912. No: 16 Tin 4 TITANIC PLUNGES TO BOTTOM OF SEA. Fifteen Hundred Go to Watery Gra?ej Moit Appalling Marine Disaster in tie. History of the World. New York, April 15. More than 1,500 person,'- it is feared sank to death early yesterday, when within four hours after she cashed into an iceberg, the mam moth White Star Line steamer Titanic, bound from Liverpool to New York, on her maiden voyage went to the bottom off the New Foundland banks. Of the approxi mately 2,200 persons on board the id ant liner, some of them of roria-wiue prominence, oniy oo are known to have been saved. The While Star Line offices in New York, while keeping up hope to the last, were free to admit that there had been ''horrible loss of iif, re. Accepting the early estimates of the fatalitv list as accurate, the disaster is the greatest in the marine history of the world. Nearest approaching it in magni tude were the disaster to the stealer Atlantic in 1373, T,hen 57 i lives were lost and to La Bo'jranoe in 1898, with a fatality '1st of oil. Nobble persons, traveling on :!. Titanic, whose fat was in : ubtinthe lack of definite ad :.s to the identity of the sur .; ,'-:. were Mr. and Mrs. John -o A -or, Maj. Archibald Butt, .. ;o President Taft, Charles M K. : s president of the Grand TrunI; Icinc of Canada, his wife , V. dinner: W. T. Stead, Ben Guggenheim. F. D. Millet, rtis'. an i J. G. Widener of Pi s aJe:r;:; Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Thayer, vice presi msylvania Railroad, I s may, Henry B. Har- lical manager, and Mrs :. and Col. Washington in, builder of the Brooklyn bridge. New York, April 16, -Only a faint hope remains tonight that any of the 1,302 passengers and crew who have been missing since the giant Titanic sank have been picked up by trans-Atlantic liners. The S68 survivors recued from life boats by the Cunarder Car pathia, now on her way to this city are the only known saved. 1 he brief wireless messages that came to hand today practically extinguished hope that some of the fated passengers mav have been picked up at sea by the steamships Virginian and Parisian of the Allan Line. Both of these steamers sent word that they had none of the Titanic's survivors on board. J. Bruce ris. tiiea:' Harr: Uoeb SPARKS SHOWS. any kind are permitted. The clowns are good, yet notning is said or done which grates son the nerves of the most sensitive. You can spend an hour and a half under this tent with the full assurance that you will be entertained. While the managers are all gen tlemen, we especially want to men tion the Press Agent, Mr. Fletcher Smith, for his dealings are so pleasant that one wishes he might come in every day. x If you have an opportunitv to see Sparks Shows do not fail to take advantage of it. rhe Bank of Orange Rifled By Yeg? men. Hillsboro, April. 12. The vaults of the Bank of Orange were blown with nitro-glycerine and rifled by burglars here last night and all cash with the ex ception of some loose change was taken. , The work indicates expert cracksmen. The loss is about $5,000, fully covered by insurance. The bank resumed business at the opening hour this morn ing as though nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. Payrolls for the manufacturing plants here will be furnished as usual. The robbers entered the building-through the fronts door and used picks and sledges taken from the Southern Railway tool bouse and a nearby blacksmith shop with which to batter off the knobs on the doors of vault and safe,, and the explosive agent was poured tii rough the oponings thus made. Three strangers, carrying grips, were seen to get off the irain No. 131, due here from Goldsboro at 8:30 last night, and start toward town afoot. Other than this there is no clue. A reward of $100 is offered by Cashier Collins for the appre hension of the yeggmen. - . Congressional Convention Called. The Democratic Congressional Convention of the Fifth Congres sional District is hereby called to meet in the court house in Booster Week" Ehds April, 23rd, at 9 II Tuesday. m Look over list of candidates a today's paper, is your name among them?' If mt why riot? 15, 000 Extra votes lor every yearly sdbsciiption turned in belore Tuesday April 23rd at 9. P. M. THE PRIZES' Ford Touring Car, A High Grade Piano, Four Gold Watches. ( By Harold A. Dickinson.) 15,000 extra votes during day night to mail in your sub "Booster Week" are offered to jscriptions so that they will count on the Booster week offer paper. Any lettermailed before 9 p. m. will counjt. Ask your postmaster when he changes his date stamp, then beure you get your letter in on tim. give the caididates just entering a chance to get in the lead while the contest is still young. Thiiigs, thought just simmering, are be ginning to get interesting. You haye an opportunity now to" take part in the game. You'll find it's jolly good fun, and interesting Jtoo. There is that auto or piano wait ing for you if you will just make a determined effort to win. The Courier con test is trie talk of the county. The political cam paign has had to take second place "Who is ahead?" and "Who do you think is going to win?" is heard more frequently now than NAMES OF CONTESTANTS. 1000 1000 poo EmaWarren Ura3?ittard s Cunirgham', N, C. 1 Mrs. Geo. V, Cuningham 3 700 Danripple. Va. v . Miss Sadie Adams ' HillsDord, 2 600 Miss CIga Wright : BtssieGordan Hurdle Mills. 4700 1 000 Mrs. Corinna Hester WE Phelps R L Wjlborn Miss Annie Coleman 2 400 1 000 1000 4 600 Gertrude O'Briant 1 000 Roxboro. M. S. Whitted Henry Fields Miss El ma Featherston Frankie Woody Sue Long Cornelia Cozart remark? abour the weather. Every I W F Long; ? ! 'n i i i . i ooay is willing ana anxious iu help some young lady win one of the beautiful prizes offered by the Courier. Don't you .want an automobUe or piano? Of course you do. Well, what's the answer? The answer is our 15,000 bonus votes for every yearly subscription turned in be fore Tuesday April 23rd at 9. p. m. Obey that impluse" (apoligies to Life" and start right now. You have heard, of course, about the man who said there were thirty-nine reasons why he couldn't go on a trip to Europe, He said the first reason was be cause he could not I afford it and after that the other thirty eight didn't matter There are thirty- Greensboro, North Carolina, j nine reasons why you should take May 29th, 1912, at 8 o'clock p. advantage of the bonus offer dur-f J Lester Clayton J'H Whitt H W Winstead Charles W Long W A Morton W R Woody B G Clayton Willie Carver 17 400 4 500 '1 000 4 100 1 000 1 ooc 1 000 7 600 1 000 1 000 1.000 1 000 1 000 1 000 7 200 Mary Moore Rena Rimmer Cora Long Bessie Baynes Leasburg. Evelyn Clark Miss Emma Newman Ruth Stanfield Mattie Pulliam Betty Thomas Bessie Thompson Mebane. Miss Susie Clark Jennie Laster "Barber Shaw Mill Creek. Mrs TH Street Continued on 8th page. i v It ( ( ( Item fron Mill Creek lb V . The farmers ot thissectioh : aro very busy plowing this beautiful weather. v MrW. T. Slaughter was on the V Jury last week and stayed town. v . Miss Mildred Slaughter is -visiting her sister, Mrs. W, T. Buchanan dear Trilby this week; The children of Mr. W. T. ; Slfliiohtpr Mrs. W T Slaiiohior Miss Mildred Slaughter, Mrs. Z. T. Slaughter, Mrs. Robert Whitt, Mr. Marvin Slaughter, and Mrs. Walter Gentry celebrated their father birthday on Saturdav April 6th. They all took him on surprise each one bringing him a nice birthday present and also a nice basket' of chickens, pies, cakes and eg s etc' to help out the din ner so they could give him a nice time when they arrived. " Thev all 2 700 seemed to enjoy the day fine. Be fore adjourning they sang some of his favorite hymns, which all joined in with much pleasure. If this be the last time iwe all meet on earth we hope to meet in Glory to never part again. Wishing all much happiness in the future. v Annie. 3 900 1 000 1000 5 400 1 000 4 200 4 70 3 POO 4 900 2 600 1000 3 800 4 i ( ( ( ( ( One of the Cleanest and Best on the Road. Vesterday the town was filled ! people who came to see the "' :i cus " Sparks Shows were the attraction, and it was well worth 'he price. The performance was good throughout. It is decidedly llie cleanest show we have ever n. you hnd no Fakers hanging Mr Eugene Clayton spent Sat- a"ound and no gambling devices of , urday in Durham.' m., for the purpose of nominat ing a candidate for Representa tive ic the Congress of the Unit ed' States, nominating President ial Elector and electing delegates to the National Democratic Con vention, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the said convention. By order of the Democratic Executive Committee Fifth Con gressional District. A. WAYLAND COOKE, Chairman. G. H. HASTINGS, Secretary. Is 30 10E D15E51G 3 Nominate a Candidate. NOMINATION BLANK Good lor L000 Votes. 1 The Courier Automobile and Prize, ontest. St' n H I Nominate. Address Signed fi Address Only the FIRST nomination blank cast for each candidate will count as 1,000 votes. mail , . U to yuisiae tanoioate. i " Hallie Comoton f 3 9UU fr , i t u mr 5 1 ;1t You have until 9 ojfldck (xues-T j 4A: Bessie Corbett ;; i000 ?.&r. t ing opportunity week. The first reason is. you want that automo bile, the second you want that piano, and after that the other reasons doVi't count. Call around and we will tell you about the other thirty-seven, The voting limit has been rais ed to 20,000. this week. Watch the paper for the standing of your favorite candidate. DO IT NOW. Use The Form Letter. Let it be known that you are in the contest to win and that you intend to keep after your friends until each has done his share in your campaign. Get some of our form letters and send them broad cast among your acquaintances. you will be agreeably -surprise at the result. As soon as it appears that you are likely to Me one of the Iwinners, everybody will be anxious to help. It is typhical of human nature that we all like to be with the winner, and if pos sible have some part, however small, in the winning. This is very! probably he "raison d'etre" for the base ball fan. The Voting Rule. The voting limithas been raised 20,000 this week. That means you may vote 20,000 votes more than the highest i vote yublished this issue. The vpting limit will be raised to 40,000 next issue. To Outside Candidate. 0 .. LEDGERS, DAY BOOKS, NOTE BOOKS, ORDER BOOKS, Stationery of all kinds, and The Parker Lucky Curve Fountain Pens, Roxboro R. F. D. No. 1 . Miss Ruth Harris 1 000 Grace Winstead 4 100 Nellie Hester 1 000 Lucile Newton 1 000 Susie Blalock 1 000 Carrie Russell 1 000 Lelia Russell 2 400 Ina Allen 6 200 Lillian Crumpton " 4 700 Gertrude Wilkerson 1000 . Roxboro, No. 2. Mrs. Ralph Cole 1 000 Miss Ruth Gentry 6 200 Jule Perkins 5700 Roxboro, No, 3. Miss Mary Wagstaff 1 000 " Lucile Winstead . 3 700 " Huldah Hester 1000 Erol Morton 1 000 Miss Ola Long 1 000 41 Lillian Farley 5 200 Roxboro, No. 5, Miss Allie Garrett 1 000 Roxboro, No. 6. Miss Nannie Lou Malone 9 800 Miss Eula Hester 32 500 1000 1000 2 400 1000 1000 3 100 3 400 6 200 4 700 3 400 1000 1 000 4 800 Drug Store. Agents for Whitmans Candy. Roxboro, N. C. i 'IFtot hqT ro )Hczz:rzi nl ' n I Floor Coverings. (i Eva Hester Minnie Whitfield Maude Whitfield Adie Broach Cora Broach ' Corrinna Newton Alton, Va. Miss Lucy Green Baskerville, Va. Gen T E Gordan Bear Creek, N. C. Miss Mary S. Tally Berea. Miss Annie Currin Bethel Hill. Miss Maud Woody Bessie Humphries Irene Woody Bushy Fork. Miss Mamie Hester . Howard Hester Cedar Grove. 8 J Hall Miss Maude Rogers A 41 Vivian Oakley " x Doll Stewart IMI m 5 500 1 000 1000 1 000 5 700 6 400 3 900 Its Time for Spring i House Cleaning. When you get at it you Nare going to find out that you need some new floor coverings. We are prepared to supply you with just the kind that you wish, be it Druggets, Rugs or Mattings. We are showing attractive lines of Druggets in the popular sizes from $3.00 to $30.00; Rugs from 50cts to $3.50; Mat-' tings 18 cts to 35 cts a yard Bssure to see our line of Deltox drug gets and Rugs. They are similar hut very superior to the much advertised Crex and sell at the same prices. For summer use there is nothing, more popular or service able. You can't afford to buy your floor cov ering until you have seen ourtock if you are inclined to be economical' and want the best. " - , "i - (',v,

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