Home First: Abroad Next. UM Per Yeaf in Advance VOL. XXIX ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, . June 5, 1912. Noell Bros., Proprietors. SERIOUS CHARGES AGAINST FLIES. VITAL WASHINGTON NEWS, Washington Correspondent, Washington, June 2, A thous ancmillion dollars a year! This is ,the amount that the Raleigh, N. C, June 3, 191 2 protected industries wring from RATTLESNAKE IN HENS NEST; Cfer Exercises- ttoxboro Public Meeting of Days. TWa CHILDREN BITTEN. The Public Should Know The Worst About Flies That They May Govern Themf elves Accordingly. (Special.) In discussing the 4'real facts about flies" the State Board of Health, in a bulletin, now in press, says; "Flies are the vilest creatures afflicting mankind." After taking this stand the Board proceeds to ex plain that the only objections to flies used to be because they were pests and torments. "Later' says this authority, -"we learned about the fly's breeding places, his habits of life, and the possi- the 'American people over and above a fair profit on money ac tually invested, according to an estimate made by United States Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock of Nebraska, and Senator Hitch cock has never been charged with making wild statements im possible of substantiation, "I believe it is within reason to say," said Senator Hitchcock, at the conclusion of a speech he, made on the subject, " that a care- houses, our persons, and our iood. Then it was that flies be cunie extremely disgusting, to say the least. By far the greatest ob iection to flies, however, now comes from the fact we know conclusively that, besides being a discomfort and carrying filth, ;hev spread tremendous amounts of disease. Besides actually dipping bacteria and filth from '..;;' feet and legs, flies may ;.;-.k disease by discharging i!e, disease laclen excreta directly or indirectly upon -rood." , dimming up the remedy the ' states that "for immediate as advertised. The pro gram, as printed in this paper last week, was . very successfully carried but, the children acxuit ting themselves in a creditable manner, On Friday evening the address was delivered by Mr. W. J. Brog den of Durham. Rarely have our citizens had the pleasure of listen ing to a more interesting or time ly address than on this occasion, and Mr. Brogden can count on a biiity of his carrying nauseated , ful examination of the profits rilth on his body from stables, j from all classes of privileged Lrarbacre cans and privies to our wealth in the United States would reveal that the protected indus tries of this country exact fiom the people, over and above a. fair profit, approximately a thousand millions of dollars a year. The fact that these industries have a monoply, granted them through our laws, enables them to do this.", Senator Hitchcock's speech fairly bristled with figures, taken from the most reliable and au thentic sources, to back each of his detailed statements. The steel trust alone gets $300,000,000 annually in excess of a fair profit. This monopoly 'does an annual business of three on and probably for many, thousand million dollars, and it i come we shall have to is admitted that without the tariff o screening all doors and : on steel, that trust would have to ro il j 1 1 '.---ill if i-i iMiAlii'f n f . t An i - . r - - f Yir.;lovs. out tne time win conr;;" iu iuus ai imu cuL t it . I ' r n o 1 1 - if n ttt - Vi r v t r r our municipal autnonue j mcul 11 1JUV enaica, auu icu per cent of three thousand mil- Greenville. Mav 31. Three! children are dead as the result of place on last Thursday, and Fri a simple request or tneir motner to throw a hen off its' nest, two dying from the effects of rattle snake bites and the other being neglected long enough by the mother go fall into a tub of water and drown. The three children died the same day and were j buried in the same grave. Only the father and mother of cbe family survive. Mrs. Geo. Adams, the mother, was in the yard doing some wash ing when a hen, sitting on a nearby nest, squawked, Mrs. Adams told the eldest of the three children, all of whom were playing in the yard, to throw the hen off its nest. The oldest boy, aged eight, thrust his hand into the nest without looking. He drew it out quickly, declaring that the hen had pecked him. The next oldest boy, making fun of his brother for his timidi ty, ran his hand into the nest. He screamed almost immediate ly, saying that the hen bit him also The mother, alarmed, rushed to the nest and saw the snake coiled inside. Frantically she tried to do something to aid the two boys, whose hands were al ready swelling from the bite. The baby was unnoticed in the ex citement and crawled to the vv.ash-tub. -In another moment it baa climbed into the tub. and when discovered was drowned. 5: ;. School. . k .As "was announced Ya, series The , closing exercises of the :f meetings . began' ;; at . . the prb;Hiblic Schools took Baptist Church Monday night, Kev, J, T. Kiddick ot Durham This tainted food was detected. not by the regular meat inspect iorsvbut by special inspectors assigned: by the navy department1 . to test that particular consign- j i. Tr eut of meat. The naval inspect : Conducting the sences. The ser-1, .ww... oe, .r ; . " " - - , . ... - . --.w -'" mjlj UIVjI iUU' Ui.k.Lk3 .Weill. - US ' - - J. JJ . ' ' I mofc.ftas a short talk dealing with practical affairs of religion, espe daily endeavoring 4o make, the Christian people see that to ha ye a successful revival it was neces sary for them to take a hand and do theirjfpart. Rev. Mrt Riddick is a strong speaker, with . an enviable repu tation as an evangelist and we are sure every citizen of the town, regardless of denominational in repaid for hearine the series of sermons he will preach. There will be services in the afternoon at 3;30, und 8 o'clock. full house whenever he appears ! fluences or leaning will be amply in Roxboro. Miss Bera Garrett won the Research Club English medal. The Carlton Essay Prize was won by Miss Marv Cheek. . The R. E. Long Scholarship medal was won by Miss Bera Garett. The following is a list of the graduates. Misses Katherine Bradsher, Mabel Bradsher, Pallie Carver, Hallie Jones and Erah Springle, and Mess.- Ben Garrett, J. J. Hambrick and Marner Morton. tors described this meat as fil thy and diseased. ' 'yf'yf : Solicitor George ! P. McCabe, .v: : the Wilson underling who: drove Dr. Wiley out of the government;- X V over the Nelson charger Hecall-7! : ed Mi Nelson -a "liar," and' by-? I siauucrs nau 10 use lorce 10 re-' strain him from jumping at Jibe J Congressman's throat during. ; one of the hearings. V The Philadelphia discovery : shows who was telling the truths, N. Wash. Cor. " Still In The Embalming Business. Almost simutaneous with the charges made in Congress by Congressman Nelson that the Department Agriculture was '"letting up" in the meat inspec tion standard, came the disco very,, at Philadelphia, that 26,- OOdnnunds nf emhnlmpd hp.pf The session just ended has been had been pufc aboard the United one of the most successful in the j States Cruiser Prairies, which history of the school, and theUvas about t0 Droceed to Cuban Panama and Straw Hats I Gleaned and reblocked eaual to new. v -N vi -ake up to h gravity of the situation and abolish flies by jl 'Nhing their breeding places. Then we shall pass and enforce ordinances requiring the screen ing of all manure and the general use or sanitary privies. Until then however, the individual householder may do much with wire swatters and sticky fly paper in the house and fly traps on his garbage can outside," lions is ...u Sidna Allen Is Called In Court. Greensboro, June 3. Sidna Allen, the Virginia outlaw under $5,000 bond for his appearance here to stand trial for perjury in connection with evidence given in a case charging him with counterfeiting, was called out in United States Court here this afternoon. Allen failed to make any response and the court in structed the clerk to attest the forfeiture of the bond -hie i: is signed bv Floyd and -j-, v hi ': Allen and other Carroll ' Jy Virginia, parties. JuJge J us F. Boyd also ordered a : his instanter to be issued, ;uhl he thought the officers :i he justified in marking "the "not to be found," with- :hrt to locate Allen. h.:caking from the bench, Jud ' . d instructed District At - :vy Holton td' frame a re m to the Attorney General '- the bond money of $5,000 be ' 1,: 'd to the rewards for Allen's ar't:4for the Virginia courts. ll M," he said, "that the offer f this inducement to aid in the ! Superintendent and teachers all have cause to feel proud of their year's work. Prof. Stalvey, Supt., and Prof. Cunningham, Principal, will be at the head dur- waters to help quell the nw volution in that country. re- Panama hats cleaned and reblocked. Straw, wool and felt hats (all kinds) We have all kinds of hat blocks and can give you any style of size you like. Our hat department is complete. . Our , prices are as follows: 1 GO ;50" New outside bands .25 New swat bands .50 -Ladies and gentlemen's suits dry cleaned and sleam pressed which makes them equaf to new only - SI. 50. yyrite us about any thing you11 have to clean. Prices and infor mation cheerfully given. A trial order is all we ask. Work amounting to $2.00 or more, we pay the express. x DANVILLE PRESSING CLUB. Danyille, Va. ing. h&' coming year,' and all of j the teachers have been re-elected and it is hoped there will be no vacancy, forjt will be hard to im- ihe present corps oF three hundred million. Every man, woman and child of the ninety two millions in this country, then, pays an annual tribute of $3.50 to the steel trust. over and above what they would have to pay if there were no tariff on steel. What is the effect of this ex tortion? One effect has been to create a horde of mushroom Millionaries. Another effect has been a gradual centralization of the wpalth of the nation in the ha,nds of a few, with a correspond ing intensity in the struggle for existence among the masses, Still another effect is seen in the constantly increasing number of strikes, Within the last 25 years there have been 36,756 strikes in this country, most of them for higher wages. These strikes have involved a total of 6,000-000 workers, who, with their wives and children, were driven to suffering and desperation. While the steel trust of this countrv enjoys a complete monopoly, due to the tariff, it finds time to compete with other na tions for steel trade. Last -year fchfi steel makers of this country sold $230,000,000 worth of steel abroad, which proves conclusive ly that the tariff on steel is not needed, and that it is simply an artificial barrier put up to enable the trust to go.uge profits out of the American consumer. And in the meantime, the Dem ocratic bill to lower the steel tariff, having passed the House, lies in the Republican Senate, still unacted upon. prove on teachers. Get The. Habit. This neglect onour part in not fitting every building with good reliable screens has merely come . Confederate Veterans Bay. 10 UC d UaUU, naifucu uuwn iiulu Last Saturday the town belong ed to the Old Soldiers, and they were here in great numbers. They met in the court house and after their business meeting adjouned to the Auditorium where Dr. W. L. Foushee, of Durham, deliver ed the annual address. Dr. Foushee is a strong speaker and we have heard many compliments on this address. After the address the Veterans had their photograph taken in aq body and then gathered in the Pioneer Warehouse ' where the Daughters had prepared for. them and their wives,!a bountiful dinner The number of Daughters here small, but they always prepare a great dinner, for tfie occasion, and this time it seemed to us that it surpassed all former occasions. Whilp this annual meeting is TV ft a -.w greatly enjoyed by the Old Sol diers, still there is mingled wiih it a feeling of sadness, for we all We carry nothing but the best. Fountain Syringes the years that have passed, and the time has arrived to off-set it. Get the fly screen habit! Did you ever attempt tn spend the night at the home of a friend whose house, although screen less, appeared mighty inviting and cool by day? The plan of attack is compara tively simple. Keep screens and covers over refuse and everything likely to offer a breeding place for flies. Screen every window and door and banish the fly from the house. In this way the amount of dis ease and discomfort will be great ly reduced. Two Million Dollars Fire in Florida Town. Fort Lauderdale, Fla., June 3.- -Fire which swept the busi ness section of this place about 2 o'clock yesterday morning re-1 realize that it is hardly possiDie suited in a damage estimated at for all to meet again, tor some one $200,000. Greater damage only will answer the last call before was prevented by the use of dy- -another meeting. But it is fitting natnite in destroying buildings in that they receive our best atten the nath of the flames. Fire ap- tibn for the few remaining years, paratus from Miami and Palm and we congratulate the Daugh- Teach were hurried, here in re- ters for the interest shown in snonse to appeals for aid, but- them. reached the scene too late to ren- A delegation from Durham Maropmofl Mmenver dv invitation or me J3U1D by rm ores Hot Water Bottles Ear Syringes And Every thing in rubber goods carried in a mot ciaoa ujj uatc uiug-otuic. Whitted's Drug Si Roxboro, N. C. Q'JTiZSiSh'bmSZSSS - - ' V,;', I. .1, -tm .1H17 xortii (nl . m-,: AN w JrunipS; m o i 2 - -' . n - n - II II ! II II - " - c-.ture of the desperado is due only to the State of Virginia to the United States." rnw is the time' to suit your diet to the season. From now on 4 during the summer months, '-specially, we should drink an abundance of water. Many peo ple make the mistake of drinking loo little water at all times. But in warm weather more water is needed to keep body functions Properly working and to maintain Physical health and vigor, . until the coming of cold weather you will need less meats and rich gravies and can make larger use of fruits and vegetables. And about the W nuisance: Are you taking any sort of practi The origin of the fire is un known. President and en joyed the day v,ith the Camp here. There was one conspicuous, by At The Pines. his absence, Hon. J. A. Long. The Senior Editor moved yes- He was unavoidably absent, be- terdav to his new country home ing in the hospital. It was . the ut ThA Pines, iust one mile south first time'we believe that be nas of town. He cordially -myites all ever been absent trom one or of his friends to come 1 out and these .meetings, all ot tne veteran snend the dav with him at any missed him, for few men in the time which suits their convenience I State tafce, so great an - miereM m Remember.the 1 invitation is to come (and spend ! - the day--and and cal interest in 4tr suppprMion? bring your djnner withi y6u,ar IF not,; why Viot? V you.eat tt ; . V;; j these iheetings, ! Send yoiin job work to The .Courier omce. .f - :; . ' Stylish ladies'-pumps, a new lot just in; White Nubuck, a beauty, only $3.00.- White Canvas, the Jatest, only. $1.75. Russia Calf , correct tans, only 2.50. Besides these; our stock of low shoes is is still in good shape for you to get al most any style that you wish arid we are offering some big inducements in this ' ...... i ' " : ....... line. We have just placed on a bargain table all 6dd.lots of both ladies arid chit drens low shoes and marked iheni at prices that will move them quick. f III II . . -, . . ' v; i j u: i f i )ttc 201 r' r j , a - - - : ST-

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