irmiUjajiiT nn-'- , , uzzzzzinm,.. -u .rrTr lirmTiTi imFTT ' mii v V ' " ' - l 'V;..v : Noell Bros. Proprietors . " Home First ladxt; ' -y! ;" $1.00 R$ Year inldvanre- VOL. XXIX ROXBORO, NORTH CAR0LINA,;;a3nesday Evening, Jmie 12, 1912. V. ;' ' ' '. ;.23-A THE PLATFORM OF DEMOCRACY. Adopted By the Democratic State Convention On Jane 6th. The platform as submitted by the majority of the platform com mittee at the State democratic convention, in Raleigh, Thursday night was as follows: We the representative of the Democratic party, in convention assembled, reaffirm our devotion jo the time honored principles of J constitutional government, as es tablished by the fathers of . the republic, and to the still greater principles of human equality, as rrakiMiied by Jefferson, with eM:;.;i rights to all and special orivi'pires to none, and hereby V- fctvor an income tax. Vj :;ivor the election of sena : ;s by a direct vote of the pto pit q oppose subside in any form. We favor publication of cam paign, funds both before and af :er )iimaries, conventionsTand election. J Corruption In Elections. V''.: condemn the corrupt use ; C'CH'v. or other corrupt means : : -icnce voters in primaries, : -virions- and elections, and v.-". :v,.r the enactment of such . j; laws as will effectually c; :iich practices. ? : Roads and Natural Rescrces. : .vor the improvemtnt of ; : cicic roads and highwav?, we; : ;. J reasonable drainage v:A the conservation of ail ecu resources. Pensions and Public Inslilutions. We favor and endorse the poli cy of the democratic party in the pension of the Confederate veter ans of the state and pledge our selves to a continuation of such policy. We pledge ourselves to the con tinued development of the insti tutions for the insane, deaf, dumb and blind, and a II other charitable institutions of the state, and to the extension and enlargement of these institutions to meet the de mands upon the state and the needs of e unfortunates, who require the care and maintenance of the government. We endorse the policy? the democratic party of ;the state in its support of the educational institutions of the state, and we Plioge ourselves to as liberal ap propriations for the support, up &U:!a;ng and developement of sjcr. institutions as the finances g tee suite will permit. We believe education to be one 0 "cc fundamental needs and ctions of all government. in the inherent risht CI ild to an e.qual chance fUwv.-, n(i,Mntiftn education , ;C1 Wltlilll liHll lUl (Jill" A service, and jn the c state to place ade-1 )urlumty for such deve-! t within the reach of ;c;J. -"ngritulate the people on 'ailment of the pledge of c;ucratic party for a four imblic school in every dis i the state, upon the build ),; more adequate school sin the school district of 10 state, and upon the educa ;i,Jilal Progress made under the ministration of the democratic Party. We favor the continued sPPort and increased efficiency 0i the public school system in the state, and the enlargement of the Portunities of the children of state to obtain an education, Qa we favor -iiu aunuoi term as fast as THE NEXT GOVERNOR OF NORTH j CAROLINA. uA i r -n e i5 u Howard Foushte, presiding over Hon. Locke Craig or Buncombe.', , .. p , r r, - : the hearing of the Myrtle Haw practicable. We favor proper kins murder. trial here, fell in a provisions for such instructions , dead nt about 1 o'clock today, inthe public schools as will foster ; and court was adjourned until an interest in country life, and , Monday morning. Judge Foushee furnish better preparation for had noi complained of feeling ill more comfortable living in the and his swooning spell came as country. a surprise while Attorney Sher- Control of Public Service Corporation. ! maP was arguing before the jury. The supervision and . control of 1 Judge Foushee was at one car public service corporations is a ed to a hotel and recovered ra well recognized right of the state. Piiy, This afternoon his physi and national governments, and ; cians stated that he would be we pledge ourselves to the en- able to continue the hearing" -of forcements of this right tne case Monday, m the interest of the neo- pie of the state, consistent with fair and just treatment of the public service corporations, and no public service corporation shall grant any special pj ivilegs, or other favor, to any person or corporation. Trust and Monopolies. We are opposed to, and de mand the supuression of trust L and monopo ies, and favor the enactment of such lays in both state and nation, with such ne- cessary machinery and powers, : as will make their existence im- i possible. We believe that guilt is , personal, as well as corporate, and we demand that all anti-trust laws be enforced both by the , civil and criminal process of our i courts. Tariff. We denounce protection as a robbery of the many to enrich the few, and we favor a tariff lim ited to the needs of the govern ment, economically administered, and so levied as not to discrimi nate against any industry, class or section, to the end that the! burdens of taxation shall, be dis-; tributed as equally as possible. We favor a revenue and re duction of the tariff to a revenue j there in connection with the Myr basis by the friends of the masses , tie Hawkins murder trial now in and for the common wealth, and Progress. The Miss Hawkins not by the friends of its abuses, j here says that she formerly lived its extortions and its diserimina-1 at Hendersonville, N, C but -actions, keeping in view the ulti-! clined to return with a detective mate and of "equality of burden to that place today. The detec- l,4 ; -.1:.. c w ...,,:j.:j : 'anu euuainy or uuuuriuiuues ailu 4"i uullUHlue5j i u: ' u:'Lm ti ncfi.h'nnQi nurncA nf Cl. J-JL 1111 VW.iI Ul WW. U., I V.JW VJ. raising 'a revenue by "taxation. to-wit: the support of the federal government m all of its integrity j and virility, but in simplicity. The Endorsement. We heartily endorse the record of our senators and representa tives in the congress of the United States and the adminis tration of our state's affairs by our governor and other state officers. We have faith and confidence in the intel igence and patriotism of the Deople of the state, and in the ultimate developement of .our unrivaled natural resources, and we call up$n all North .-Carolin-ans to unite in one common ef fort to continue in power the administration of the party1 un der whose government the state has made such rapid strides and development since its advent to pwer.. Rev. J. T, Riack Stricken. i j Rev. J. T. Riddick, of the se-; - i cond Baptist church, of purham who has been assisting Rev. D. P. Putnam in the meetings fcr the past week, was taken violent ly ill Sunday just after the mom ma service. He was resting some easier Monday evening but it was thought best, to take him home. There is much regret here i because of Mr.' Riddick's illness, as he had reached the point in his work where it is thought the best results could be accomplish ed. The pastor, Rev. D. F .Putnam, will continue the services. Judge Faint $ Daring Trial. Hendersonville, June 8, Judge Governor j(itcLin Will Continue FigLt On Senator Simmons. Raleigh June 8. Special. Gay ernor Kitchin was asked today if the "Simmons endorsement would cause hirrY to discontinue' his discussion of the record oc Senator Simmons?" He replied: ."It certainly will not- It only justifies the course I have pursued, and emphasizes the necessity of its continuance, "If the purpose of the so-called "Simmons endorsement' was to prevent Democrats from discuss ing his record, it is equivalent to a confession from his friends that cannot stand discussion. "t- shall continue to promote progressive Democrocy and dis cuss the actions of Senator Sim- mons showing his departure from his principles and policies." "Myrtle Hawkins" Photographed. Jacksonville, Fla , June 8. Miss Myrtle Hawkins, the cashier at a local restaurant, was photo graphed today, it is said the pic ture will be sent to Henderson ville, N. C, for use by the courts tivp ha5 madft nn starement 'as to ; V J T.i-' u whether or not he believes the cashier the same young woman for whose supposed death the ) : CI J- l-v !ms A. mC n jA vctl nic "Ll tor muraer at nenaeisonvnie, in. C., now.- , j restrucive Cotton Fire at Lexington. Greensboro, June 10. Fire which broke out at Lexington, N. C, at 1 o'clock Sunday morning destroyed the cotton warehouse of the Nakomis cotton mills and burned 295 bales of cotton, h is estimated that the demand will be in excess of $10,000. It is be lieved that the fire originated by tramps taking shelter in one of the buildings Saturday night. Messrs. Lester Clayton, Monroe Pleasants Maxie Daniel, iTtaario TnnoQ.and Adrian Thnmn.s wem overto rjurham Sunday in Mr. Claytoh's car;',: " , , 48 MORE DELEGATES COUNTED FOR TAFT. Roosevelt Conteftants Have Lost X :1 Etery Single Case So fah hicago, June! .--Forty-eight uas jthe total number of delegates to tl Republican national Con vent orr 'turned into . the Taft ci titan todayc by the natibnai committee'F decision unon coh testsifrom Arkansas, Florida and Georgia., The Rboseveit contes-tant-Iost every case as they did yesterday. Ten of the Georgia districts twenty delegates wento Taft in one blanket deci sion, both sides agreeing to their beingtfecided upon the same ar guments as 'had served in the case of the four delegates-at large, which had just been given to Taft. The two remaining Georgia districts with their two apiece, soon went the ;same way. With: the 24 delegates 16 from Alabama and 8 from Arkan sas placed on the temporary roll of the convention, as the re suli of : yesterday's hearings, to day's Work runs up the total to 72 added to the Taft list since the national committee convened a Thursday: The cases passed up on today were those of: Arkansas Third, fourth, fifth and seventh congressional dis trict's two-delegates each; eight in alh The-sith district was not contested; the delegates are listed as "uninstructed," .; - Florida The six delegate? at largeirid all three districts - the entire "State c representation: 12 in a ueoria me iour ueieaganes-at-larj;e and all of the 12 congres sional districts, each with its two delegates 23 in all. Taft Gets Twelve More Catalogued With the 70 and 2 Chicago, III., June 10. Today's work of the Republican national committee added twelve more delegates to the catalogue of the Taft strength on tbe temporary roll ot. the Republican national convention. The much discussed Indiana contests came before the J committee and were decided in Taft's favor. With the. seventy two delegates comprised in the Southern contests decided last week in the Alabama, Arkansas, Florida and . Georgia cases, today's gains1 make a total of 84 delegates added to the Taft forces by the work of the National com mittee. Struck By Lightning. On last Wednesday evening just after a little wind storm Mrs. J. M. O'priant was struck by lightning, Mrs. OBriaot had jut stepped into the bathroom when the flash came ;in . through the front door and passed down ' the hall, striking her on the ankle, burning her ankle and rendering her unconscious for. about half an hour. Save for tbe burn she isall right now, and says -she feels no harm from the stroke. ' Mr. T. H. Street Endorsed. With your permission I want to present to the voters of Person County a man that would have the interest of voters at heart and a man in every way fit and qualified to fill the position to which r am about to-refer. , As Person County has the pri vilege of naming, both "men fori the nexf Legislature, and astj have not been able to ; . talk with him in regard to the matter I would rather give him choice a to which he should- serye-rthe higher or lower. . X; : i ; :-' The man to whom I : have re- fefence is unless for me to take your soac iu iiu v.. mi j;i voyiiuug , viiij tUiai) bee c0 ole t o f ftergbi County f bf: there is no mac( in the County more respected 4 and will do'greater honor to trie posi-ij iion man me .aoovea namea. i i don't know Jihat it will be pos sible for, me to met with you in the Convention on account olmy feeble health,1 vet I feel a great interest in my home County and would like, to see it represented by good and true democrats.' As to Thos, cH. v j Street's moral character there is no use for me to make any reference- No one who knbws him can say aught against it. ; " Respecti fully, Geo. G. Moore. Durham, N. C, June 7th, - 1912, The Annual Catalogue of the North ' Carolina. ' College of ' Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, ?t Raleigh, has been received. It shows an en rollment for the year of 619 stu dents, divided as follows; Agri cultural 293V Mechanical Engi neering 106, Electrical Engineer ing 90, Civil "Ensineering 77, Chemical 27, and Textile 25. Per sons interested in technical -edu- 8 For Toilet Articles such as fouet -.waters Massage Cream Talcum Powder' Tooth Wash Toothpaste ':. Tooth Powder Tooth, Brashes ' ' . Shaving Soap - , v Shaving Paste Shaving Powder -Shaving Brushes And a Jot of other toilet articles. Oiir Ice Cream and Drinks, are delight ful try. one at our Fountain. Bnll U 19 wmaea S MM ,f Roxboro, N. C. 1 ezzznoc5iolciociDli fl ' ifl ' -' . V" J V ' ... .... Of the Goods Wanted Just Now. : New lot corduroy welts. New lot serge, repp, whip cord arid other black woplen goods. ;-;:?t' New . lot printed lawns, beauties at 12 1-2 cnts.- New lot long silk gloves. f , New lot Nubuck, . canvas and - tan pumps. " Nw lot Thomson's Glove : Fitting corsets. ; . ' - . .. -1 . ' - v. . , . j - v. " " . . -: ; a , , New lot Onyx hosiery, silk and lisle.- We are selling some big bargains in odd slippers for M 1 rres&wisK-rsms'- cann wiirido well tbr read- the v: caoguithiwin Address;? '-Sc.: ' v JJie Registrar. - v Sanitary y intelligence and a Ul11 jHuylu L?v?i ucam iatc ca not ; exist in the same towu. What is the, typhoid death ratebf your, town as compared with the avera ge or standard typhoid death rate? The answer to this question: means municipal cleanliness or municipal dirt. - Straw Hats Cleaned and reblocked .equal to new. ' We have all kinds of hat blocks and can give you any style of size' you like. Our hat department is complete, v Our prices are as follows: Panama hats' cleaned and reblocked Si CO Straw, wool and felt hats (all kinds) ,50 New outside bands ,25 New sweat bands . ,50 Ladies and gentlemen's suits dry cleaned, and steam pressed which makes them equal to new only Si. SO. Write us about any thing you have to clean. Prices and infor mation cheerfully given. A trial order is" all we ask. Work amounting to S2.00 or more, we pay the express. , ' DANVILLE PRESSING CLUB. Danyille, Va ladies and children. Panama and Store. 5 - , it ' i s 4 - f 5j ,1 ' 1 " . 't i 'Si iT . ,( A" tf i -A r ' t- ' L . - C"- f.- ''k. 1 I I'. ?' j ' . .- . 1 ' h. - - . ' s , " 3. ct 4- " S "