4 ltiH . . - - i . """'y . "" ' 111 r ni.iifi ii i ri '"''"' n Utrvni J i ii'n ' T"M"Sn5W A -4 NvJJly U v X! JJLI liil JJ iU : . Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home First: Abroad Next. $1;00-Per Year in Advance VOL. XXIX ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, June 19, 1912. No; 24 . : j . c,- WASHINGTON LETTER. The Tariff and Why it Was Establish- ed This question can be answered rnth one word-Tariff. The tariff was originally em ployed to meet the demands of the Civil war. To raise war ex penses the government found it necessary to tax every article manufactured in this country. The manufacturers justly com plained at this. They said these U.xes were so heavy it would ruin theiii. because they, could not ,uy the heavy internal taxes on their products and meet foreign t-c-'Petiiion. Foreign manufac tures we. re driving Americans , : their own markets by un .: them, w plan was deversed to pro American manufacturers. " v. e will place a tariff on all im : . J articles, " said the govern- ... " 'which will put you on an cvn or better than even fooling -vii:i your foreign competitors." Pwryone understood this pro .'Hve system was to be buttem- , to meet an unusual con- ITlifln -f V-i c irov M7QC nrAr xes on :c.iP. manufacturers Will Organize Railroad Company in ( WILL NOT BE A COMPROMISE Dalton-WbUfield, Two Weeks. A meeting of the company of the Greensboro, Roxboro and Northern rail-road was held last night in the rooms of the cham ber of commerce with a good at tendance ofv the stockholders. After a discussion of routing matters the company adjourned until tw weeks hence, when the legal meeting will be held and when the organization of the company will be effected. To cooperate with the com mittee already at work on the de tails for the road and to pay need ed attention to certain prelimina ries that must be looked after, a committee was appointed last AH Republicans Factions Determined. All Predict A Victory Chicago, June 17.. All talk of a compromise candidate on whom the progressives and Taft men could unite to heal the breach of the republican , party has been scattered, the Taft leaders, after counting noses, having decided that they still hold control. They accepted the assurance of William Barnes, Jr., that he had enough votes to elect Elihue Root temporary chairman by 100. The Roosevelt men have decid ed to go through with their pro gramme. They insisted today that 'they would go right ahead and a 1 ." r w r nigntas toiiows; v. apt. J. w, ) nominate Roosevelt and adopt M-V, A. b. Mmbali, A. L. KrooksiDrogresiveplatForm They declar A. W. McAlister, C. D. Benbow, ed t"hey could 0 it in spite of the M. W. Thompson, John J, Phoe-jTaft deiegates, and that they nix, E, J. Justice and Garland ; would protect themselves from Daniel. M. W. Thompson was j ..gtrong arm methods. -made secretary of the committee ; Th Ul fight t0 take away and R. C. Hood, who pres;ded from the national last night, was made chairman on I .4 . ' , T icommitee. Two conventions in motion. (jreensboro News. , , . . !ihe same hall and a genera! In Honor of Mrs. Tyson, -Tough house" seem invetable. -Mrs. M. S. Whitted gave a' Robert M' cLafoll:tte' m?' on the products of the tog rece,tion Monday en-i t L Z. "Zu o . r i C 1 J1VJ LU 11 la, L'l J 1 1 1VJ1 wii-t uij WtK I H 11ULU V lJ 111 LlWliVJi. VI L1KZI. 1 with, and, obviously, c i ions of the American guest Mrs. E. C. Tyson. , mmy i,x L"c Misses Sue Lon and S,e Noell vention will make no compromise : with eimer the i ait or ooseven i forces at any stage in the conven ! tion, according to an announce menu made today by Col. J. receiving;,, n f v :hv,11uep T afollette T , K i I 1 , v , had discovered tliaiinne v,erVU M vV.nined' ! Drivate primary and personal poll Mrs. h. C. i vson and ( Misses i tjcal manaj?er for twelve . years. Bertha NewJon and Mabel Harris. 1Thp , nFnllpttPQ mfln mlfi nver : Alter the guests were presented diould also have' received at tee door, where Mrs. ,;;v,-j, as the special rea Margaret btrayhorn took them in rwiection had ceased, i charge and presented them at the . i receiving line. In the ;: itj iiiCcuiiiLiic nit jiit i: lay a means by which build up enormous T:.i3e fortunes w--;r: ; : :; evidence that the, a -ood thing. The rich :ioi:ists Pooled the people kn them believe that Dnrbam, June 12. In a pret- 4 - ty hpqie wedding at the home of Mrs. B. P. O'Briant, sister of the bndfi, Miss Liliie Whitfield and Mr.- jasper Da ton, of Faison, wer United in marriage. The cefemonv was performed by Rev. R4 0. Craven, of Trinity church. While the guests were arriv ing Miss Elva Dixon and Miss Annie b'Briant sang a duet. At 5 o'clock the bride and groom entered the parlor. Thev were fol lowed by the maid of honor, Miss Bessie, Markham, and Mr, Her bert Clifton, best man, of Faison. The ushers were'- Dr. H. E, Sat terfield and Miss Malissa Mark ham, Mr. Hurbert O'Briant and Miss Jonnie Bell Miller, Mr. j Lex O'Briant and Miss Landa; Luchs of Faison, Mr. Earl! O'Briant, Miss Mabel 0'Briant and Mr. Dolphus Glenn. Over Eight Million Paid for Seaboara. New York, June 13. The syn dicate composed of representa tives of Blair and Company, Ban kers Trust Company, Chase National' Bank, National City Bank, Guaranty Trust JCompany and the Continental Trust Com pany, of Baltimore, paid $8,025, 000 for the 90,000 shares ot pre ferred stock and 120,000 shares ! of common stock of the Seaboard J Air Line, nurchased from the Cumberland corporation. The ar- rangement provides for the pay ment of. $7,000,000 cash, the ,bal-; ....... 4 .trt'i" -r & ance-io rrc paiu willuii u yi;tir : . with the privilege of "renewal for ; ":? y 'I We wanl all of our friends to know that we have mov ed and are now located on Main Street, in the Post Office building next door to Whitted's Drug Store. Come to see us and we will treat you right and save you money. Cut out coupon fur the E-Z fruit jar from yoar maga zine or larm paper and hring it to us and we will give you an E-Z fruit jar for it FREE. Big supply rn hand. Now is the time lor ice cream, and we have the best freezer, the White Mountain. Try one. Screen your doors and windows-wont cost you much jf you buy them from us. EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. 1 W3t "B H r ea H - Co.. exDoro naraware Main Street next door to Whitted's Drug Store. Mrs. W. F. Long escorted them to the register where each, regis- j tered, the register being in charge of Miss Mabel Bradsher. Ice cream a"d cake was- served by Misses Rosa Ntwell, May Wjilson and Annie Clayton. The punch JJ 1 r, Vl (I JIUVD iVJJ. JclLiiiiUfi, a -1 , " . wit and pleasantries, was presided tnreats crmrgea, u u tures for the Roosevelt campaign for the election of temporary chairman. Hoping to hold the balance of power of the convention, they held a series of conference today and decided to stick titl the last. Chicago, 111., June 18 Against ."Lose Fortunes had come from the foreigners;" when the fact was the fortunes had been wrung trom the common people who had been forced to pay artificially high prices fcr the things they have in order to live. The leaders of the party of pro tection must have known in their hearts of this deception, and then and there did humbug and fraud become part and parcel of poli tics. But the people have learned it last mat a tariff for protection, tnata tariff for any other ipurpose than to raise sufficient revenue to meet the expenses of the government, has no excuse in v;ii, :4 d.u. i For the youngsters to enjoy tnem-1 h a A A.Q aflV Root was "in UUl (lULIJlb lib CllUr. IVCUUU- . , ... J , imu ican l,,.uers insist ihat the tariff,: but 'l 15 nVV'Se 10 S luUfound to have won by a vote ot sa c:ood thing for ihe people. over by Misses Bertha- Clayton and Breta Noell. Boys Were Gay. On last Thursday night between the hours of mid night and day several of the young men enjoy ed themselves by moving signs, changing gates and otherwise en joying the little rowdyisms. A new sign adorns the windows of the office, to-wit: "Wash your window etc." Now, of course, it is all right the Taft supporters in the Repub lican national convention today nut through the first portion of ; their program by electing Sena tor Elihue Root, or New York, as temporary chairman. In spite of the fact that Victor Kosewater, chairman of the national com mittee, consistently ruled out of order every motion made by the Roosevelt forces, it required more than five hours to reach a vote on the chairmanship. The calling of the roll was be set with difficulties from the very first name on the list of delegates, another year. . The 'syndicate, through majority holdings, is now in absolute control of the property. i but in the end, .; when the tumult tnem- uJ nmmr Sjnofnr T?nnt TX75e In ii, meantime "ons-rmi-rs are today paying divi- fnr Thp artists are known to us. 558 to 502 ove? Governor Fran onH hfv rWpr vnnno- mpn ! ciS E. McGoVem, of Wisconsin; American ! unt flC nn.intprs we would : with 14 scattering votes and four not rate them as first class. a trust capitalization i roe billion dollars, r cen of which is 1 Americas workman Miss Hattie Cheek And Mr. Willie Carver Married. On last Thursday evening at the work for the most ! residence of the bride's father Mr. reeled trusts receive I E. D. Cheek, Miss Hattie Cheek r-s sfi. 1 and $8 a 'and Mr, Willie Carver were mar- i ried, Rev. D. F. Pumam perform- Vots that were cast for Sena '. hz reason why the S ing the ceremony. Immediately ntor Root, tt is claimed that he not voting. Both Claim Victory. Tonight both the Taft and Roosevelt forces are claiming that this vote indicates thaf their can didate is absolutely sure to win. The advantage appears to be with the president, however, for whilp ho Ms sure to loose some or party is beset by its i; after the marriage the happy acuities. xouple drove over to Mr. Joe H. will gain, if instructions are lived Ccal Barcns Greedy. Preparations are being made to add $15,000,000 to the na tion's coal bill this winter. Each one of us must contribute our prorata to the fortunes of the coal barons. There is no reason or justice for the extent of the in increase, except that the million aire coal kings want the money and are in a position to make the people either "come across" or freeze. The coal operators, who have been forced to grant themineis an increase in wages, which they say will mean an additional cost of $5,000,000 in labor, are going to force the consumer to pay a sufficiently hight price for coal to enable them to stand this crease, along with an additional extoration of $10,000,000, which will be clear profit to the trust. Thus for every dollar in increas ed prices that the coal operators propose to collect this winter for the miners, they have decided to extort two dollars for themselyes. All us helpless consumers have to do is to pay the bill. Always, al ways, its the consumer - who pays! Washington Correspon dent. i H 4 For Toilet Articles such as 4 1 let waters Face Creams Massage Cream Talcum Powder Tooth Wash ToothPaste Tooth Powder Tooth Brushes Shaving Soap Shaving Paste Shaving Powder Shaving Brushes And a lot of other toilet articles. Our Ice Cream and Drinks are delight ful try one at our Fountain. lifted' s Drug Roxboro, N. C. Store , i, . n lew Arrivals - . ) up to, some of the votes indepen- TTAf1- Carver s residence, the lather ol; ThnwiMK who ha.ve been leala Declared Accidental i ine roorn, where they will make urgmg a. compromise canriidate I i r e..: J U A A ii Vnio , 1 -j . .itneirnome. n rew irienus nau ever smcc mcy ainveu m On, June 1J. ACCluent j i :..:, nA t toa cunnpr nnd n. I an aro nnintino- to another anel vas the verdict returned ' ;ho coroner's jury which --'tei the death of Rep--v- Robert C. Wickliffe, ' s-ana. killed by a railroad -'e Monday. Representa- Wickliffe was deaf in one ear i 1 v;as struck by a southbound ln 'hile watchinfr on north- Ur'd. One witness testified that r Wickliffe narrowly escaped uk run down by a nearby trol- rjust before he was struck lhe locomotive, been invited to take supper, and a royal feas,t was enjoyed. Some Turkey Yarn. 'Squire Coleman of Hurdle Mills, tells us the following tur key story and vouches for the .truth of same: Mr. Tug. O'Briant has a turkey hen which laid 50 eggs, and while laying an old Tom stole a part of the: eggs po are nointins: to another angle in the figures and' claim that they show that it is essential , to name a so-called "dark boase" to save the day for theRepublican party. Postal Savings System. The Government has Establish ed a Savings System at the Post Office here, and if this system succeeds according to the popu lflritv of the Post Master, Mr. J. VIVA Will UKUiV L (MI1 e J 1 and proceeded to set on them hr H. Whilt, it will assume large j i j i uu-t,, proportions. Any one desinn? duejand regular form, tatehine? then: all. But the old hen nothing this Svkem can cet fullvinfornia daunted picked out another nest'tion bv calling on Post Master and is now settingf, . ' Whitt, . f . Panama and Stra,w Hats Cleaned and reblocked equal to new. We have all kinds of hat blocks and can give you any style of size you like. Our hat department is complete. Our prices are as follows: - ' Panama hats cleaned and reblocked SI . GO Straw, wool and felt hats (all kinds) .50 New outside bands .25 New sweat bands ,50 Ladies and genUeroen's suits dry cleaned and steam pressed which makes them; equal to new only 1.50. Write us about 'any thing you have to clean. Prices- and infor mation cheerfully given. A trial order ; is all we ask. Work amounting toS2.00 or more, we pay the express. - . DANVILLE PRESSING CLU6C. -I" ' . Danyille, ya, i Of the. Goods Wanted Just Now. Jew lot corduroy welts. New lot serge,, repp, whip cord and other black woolen goods. New lot printed lawns, beauties at 121-2 -cents; ' ' - New lot long silk gloves. New lot Nubuck, canvas , and tan pumps. ' ;) ,r New lot Thomson's Glove Fitting L; corsets. : f ; New lot Onyxjiosiery, ilk and lisle. We are selling some big bargains in odd lots of slippers f or ladies and children; - i. t - ' ' ' V ' . r-. ." I I hi 1 I i ' r" ' .; v "v. 'V Iv 0 - . n - 0 i - -i '

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