AH 1 iiiTiligT ii ii '-" "' ' ' . -. ..f., JJ,,,!!1"" wiiwi i iiiiii mimw 11 " I",'. i iw"w - i ii-ii ii . . . ii- - - : t .r'v try l t -1-1 V V-;:'.r-"'V ;A 1 : i 9"-, :.u;-r.i'-.. .. - i . , i i Noell Bros. , Proprietors. Home First : Abroad Next, S1.00 PerYear'in Adyance i --....'if VOL. XXIX ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, : July 3, 1912, Nor 27 " lt" IVI s v . 2m , ' t . .--r , - , - I - ' , . , ". , W00DR0W WILSON NOMINATED For President on the 46th Ballot Missouri Moves to Make it Unanimous. Baltimore, Md., July 2 Gov ernor Woodrow Wilson, of New Jersey, was made the, presiden tial nominee of the Democratic national convention at the after noon session today when on the forty-sixth ballot he received 990 votes to 84 for Champ Clark. The Missouri delegation, which had remained faithful to Clark to the end, then moved that the nomination be made unanimous. There was a great chorus of ap- irovi'L and the long fight was over. Oniy four baliots were ntces Viry today to reach a nomination, Vv'hpii the convention adjourned last night the convention seemed o be in a hopeless deadlo3k. Wilson had made steady gains, while Clark lost steadily. Illinois had been expected to 4ibreak".all day yesterday and there was deep gloom in the Wil son camp when it failed to do so. Illinois Vote Critical. With the change this morning, Marshall Vice President. ! Fanners Institute. : ,css s - ;,w - j To the Thinking People. Farmers Institute. Baltimore, July 3. -Afterj I want to ask for just a mqment nominating Governor Thomas R. Marshall, of Indiana, as vice presidential candidate to head the ticket with Woodrow Wilson, who was nominated this after noon for president the demo cratic national convention adjourn ed sine die at 1:55 this morning A vice-president was nominat ed after two ballots iiad been taken and when it was seen that Marshall had a . long lead over Governors John Burke of North Dakota, and George Chamber lain, of Oregon, Burke withdrew and the nomination was made nuammous by acclamation. 1 "A Warning." i The Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co., of Raleigh, N. C. for advantageous reasons has de cided to move its offices t6 Greensboro, N. C. To our mind this is the first step toward a revolution in the insurance business in the South. The Jefferson is already !the Dride of the South. Now mark my prediction; Some future year, not far distant, we will look back over the organizations and of your time. In a short while our convention will be called and I earnestly desire that the Demo cratic party of this county will con sider well what they do before nominating a candidate for the Senate to represent this District. It is a well known fact that what is known as the Progres sives are in the ascendency in this County. That is, the people want a man to represent them who is thoroughly in accord with our principles, who is opposed to trust, and who will stand up and fight for things which will benefit the masses, the farmers; and the laboring man. Who, better than Dr. E.XJ. Tucker, will do this. You all know him, have known him for years, and he has always been, on the right platform. He is not a can didate, but lets nominate him he's the man. W. E. Morton, however, the Wilson forces went , records of our Southern compa-' to the convention hall at noon in j nies with pride, because to my the firm belief that the New Jer- mind, they will convert them sey governor would be nominated j selves into progressive stepping jefore another adjournment was stones; their records will be ihe :;iken. As the had anticipated, s march of some great Southern the vote of -Illinois marked the Co., to ihe highest pinnacle of beginning of the end. West Vir- success in the insurance world, 2i:ih joined hands with Illinois in and above all will be written pi:ig over to Wilson on the for-1 JEFFERSON STANDARD. Al ty-third ballot, the first cast to- , readv other Southern Companies lay. have seen the trend of the ways Wilson iumped from his. final and have aligned their forces with vole of 404 last night to 602 on the Jefferson and if you will fol tue tirst ballot today. The Mgur- low its course throughout you . told their own story. The will find the future to be a re WiUon delegates were jubilant as .petition of the past. Chairman James directed the Every step forward is a thorn second call of the day, the forty fourth. The most important change on this ballot was in the Colorado delegation, which had been voting 11 for Clark and 1 lor Wilson. This time Colorado divided 10 to 2 in favor of Wil son. Altogether tne ultimate nominee gained 27 votes on this j in the flesh of competing compan ies and you will find some of their small and unsrupulous agents butting against the Jeffer son like the ram against a rock wall and in the disguise of friend ly advice will advise you to throw up your Jefferson and take one in his company, DON'T YOU DO Democratic Convention and Primaries. The Democratic Convention of Person County is hereby called to meet in Roxboro on Saturday July 27th, at ' 1 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of nominating County candidates, The primaries for the various precincts will meet on Saturday the 20th day of July, 1912, at 2 o'clock, p, m.; for the purpose of selecting delegates to the County Convention as above named. Each precinct which t failed to elect this committee of 5 at their former meeting will elect this committee at this meeting, and the' committee so named will elect one of its members as Chair man of the Township committee. By order of the Democratic Executive Committee for Person County. J. W. Noe'l, Chairman. re will be a Farmers' In stitute held under the auspices of the State Department of Agricul ture Roxboro Friday, July 1 9, 1 9 1 2, The morning session will open at 10 a; m. and afternoon session at : 1:30 p. m. There will be discussions on soil im provement, crops, live stock, mar keting, etc. At the same time and place a Woman's Institute to which the country women "are invited to come and join in the discussion of subjects pertaining to household economics, cookery, healtlr in the home, etc. There will be a Dre mium of$l offered fqr the best loaf of bread made bv any woman or girl living on the farm. Let everybody interested; in better agriculture, farm and home improvements come out andvmake it a day of profit and pleasure. BLACKBERRY A GOOD OLD H 7&i We want just r three- minutes of your time when you are: again troubled' with Cholera, Diarrhea or any bowel complaint : We wuTgive you one doie of Nyal's Blackberry Carmina tive, free you will be so well pleased with the result tha v will return for a bottle of it. . You will want td keep itih, your -home.' NYAL'S Blackberry Carminative It is the quickest and surest: relief for bowel disorders we know of. l Allays irritation cleanses the bowels before they 'are ' checked arid acts as" an antiseptic. It-is moderate in action---:.' being only slightly astringent it does not go to extremes it acts jusi right in every way. You can give it to the little ones with perfect safety it is : all good and good for you all and that's why it should be -in your home. , IvV two sizes 25 and 50 cents. Any doctor will tell you that when we compounds pre scription it s done right. Bring us your prescriptions. .... ballot. Then came the forty- j 1 1 , but if you have anv .money in fifth. It was disappointing, in a I vour pocket you don't need, give way, for Clark held his own and it to nim, tnis win satisty mm Wilson made a gain of only four. The Underwood Vote. There were feV in the hall at this time who did not believe vviteon would win, but they fear- it would take a long, lone and you will be better off, be cause you already have one of the best policies written by any com pany and the longer you hold it the better you will be satisfied. The Commissioner of Insur ance of North Carolina, with vhile for him to attain the- 725 1 whom the laws of the state forces . -3 votes necessary to nominate, j everv company to place bonds and ... . . s . . . securities to the protection ot Teachers Examination. The examination for white teachers to teach . in the Public Schools of Person Countywill be held on Thursday and Friday the 11th and 12th of July, 1912. Both days will be required in or der to take up all the school sub jects. Colored teachers will be examin ed on Monday the 15th. An examination for admission to the A. & M. College wilT be held on Thursday the 11th. G. F. Holloway, County Supt., n NT tioxuoro, in. o. July 2nd, 1912. Wait Paint. There are painters and wait-' ers. Which am I going to do? Paint or wait? Which is better? How much am I worth with my property waiting? How much if I paint? Will my house be worth more or less if I paint? Say it costs $2.25 a gallon De- voe I wouldn't paint any other and $3 or $4 more for putting it on. That's $50 or S60 a 10 gal- Ion job. Themoney is one. ; Is it in theirie:t Is it all in the house? Suppose I were selling; what' should I get for that house fresh- painted and what should I get for it needing paint? I winder why men paint be fore selling! DEVOE Long, Bradsher & Co. sells it. 1 i m Hindi i. rug Roxboro, N. C. Store : ' u it was realized that there must be Prided "break" in the Under " d vote, which had held firm n the beginning, before any :.in could win. The forty-sixth ballot had been tiered when Senator Bankhead, : Alabama, was seen making his '?.:; to the stage. Word flashed over the great armory that his ,;::.'POse was to withdraw Mr. "nderwood from the race and lease his delegates to vote 'for ::iom they saw- fit. The dele .. ues, wearied with the long ses ns of the past week, realized i at once that this was indeed '.t climax. There was a confusion cheering, applause and calls :om one delegation to another. he galleries caught up the dis order and added to the din. Sen ator Bankhead stood for a long while before he could proceed. He had uttered but few words when the meaning of his remarks became clear and there were fre quent interruptions-6f applause and noisy demonstrations, v " each and every policy, says: "The policy holders of the Jeffer son Standard are absolutely safe, each and every policy is protect ed" yet some little agent who doesn't know a twenty payment from a straight life policy, will very generously (?) advise you to drop your Jefferson and Incident ally suggest that his company might (?) accept your application. The above is not said in defense of the Jefferson bui as a warning j to its policy holders against the hoodwinking of some unscrupu lous agents. The Jetterson to day is the tower of the South in the Insurance world having in 1911 sold more insurance than any other company doing busi ness in toe state, the closest com petitor being about two hundred thousand dollars behind and she will J continue to lead. WJien you have a Jefferson Standard you have the best and it cost you Prof. Cnningham Resigns. Prof, C. C. Cunin?ham has tendered his resignation as Prin cipal of the Roxboro Graded Schools, and has accepted work with the Roxboro Real Estate and Trust Co. Prof. Cuningham has made good as a Principal and the Board will accept his resignation with deep regrets. 100 Persons Killed. Winnipeg, Mm., June 30, It is estimated that from 50 to 100 people were killed and property loss of $10,000,000 entailed by a tornado which, after a day of thunder storms and high 'winds, struck Kegina, Sask., at b p. m. The local telephone office was wrecked and it is feared' that 15 girls employed there were killed. The telephone exchange build ing, the Standard Block, the first Baptist church and the Bottle building are among the structur es destroyed. AH wires, except one telephone wire, are down. This one wire is crowded with private mes sages from people who wish to send word of, their safety to friends and relatives. 0 A special train left Winnipeg shortly after 9 o'clock with doc tors and nurses and telephone and telegraph repairmen. We want all oi our friends to know that we have raov-; ed and are now located on MainJStree. in the Postx Office building next door to Whitted's Drug Store. Come to see us and we will treat yoir right and save you money. Cut out coupon Lr the E-Z fruit jar from yoar maga zine or farm paper and bring it to us and we will give your an E-Z fruit jar for it FREE. Big supply cn hand. Now is the time for ice cream, and we have the best freezer, the White Mountain. Try one. Screen your doors and windows-wont cost you much jf you buy them from us. EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. loxboro iardware Co Main Street, next door to Whitted's Drug Store. 9 'II ' - ' " iIOEz3ol'CZZIOCZZZ)lS i ; fnl ink Colored Man Buys Automobile. Richard Winstead, one of the most prosperous colored farmers of the County, has purchased him a Maxwell Runabout. "Uncle" Dick, as he is known by every one, is a well-to-do farmer, and you can just bet he did not have to gwe a note or mortgage his home to get this benzine wagon. is dangerous, "DO. IT NOXf,,. Doing" With Congress. Washington; June 27. The Senate met atl 0 .ojclock and af ter a forty minutes' session ad- yuu nave uic ucat aim iu woi j . , ... ,, . - no more than the others. Delay jjaurued until . Monday. The Panama and . ' Straw Hats Cleaned and reblocked equal to new. Ve have all kinds of bat blocks and can give you any style of size you like. Our bat department is complete.. Our prices are as follows: Panama hats cleaned and i-eblofked $1,00 Straw, wool and felt hats (all kinds) ,50 Kevj outside bands .25 New sweat bands , 50 i H(c unci owitipitten's suits dfT- cleaned fmrf cteam oressed whicn makes them equal to new only $1.50. Write us about any- thinr vmi have to clean. Prices and infor- o J V .. .... -II matinn cheerfuUv eiven. A inai oruer ie u we ask. Work amounting -to $2.00 or more, we pay the express. ? . DANVILLE PRESSING CLUB,, ; . . : . ' Danyille,' Va. ' ' g. P. S ATTERFIELD led soon afterward until, Monday. t a ;.J Tailoring Opening. ' Ahead Of The Rest . ' And Always Best. . ' Mr. Albert Rodeman, representing the great Strouse and Brothers rHIGH ART Tailoring Shops will be at our store on MONDAY, AND TUESDAY ' " JUL Y" 8th- AND 9th. Beaa.tba Tha Kind Yon Haw Always Essgl Don't forget to have your,,. measure . taken for ,-your fall suit' or ;Overcoat. A most: extensive line of samples frorn" '"whichto make your. selection and an ex-' pert'.tafflqr -to take your measure.'. i t : u 1 1 oS 10 1 : . hi - II If - - ' ' 'A ' .