Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home First; AlbrbadNext 1 ftft IW Year in Advance VOL. XXIX STATE FARMERS' CONVENTION. : ROXBORO, NORTH 'GABOlM-Kk 'H&nW July 17, ; 12. A being a kinglet hitcfi in all the pro ceedings, and a most enjoyable I w w -..f ..r .vwv VJ VJ , The Tenth Annual State' Far- ,day was spent at the, church. The x?.. ' -11 i - L.u aU V,J mers' Convention will be held at the A. & M, College; Raleigh, N, C, Aug, 27. 28 and 29, 1912 The program is almost complete and speakers of National repu tation have been secured. Dr. C, G, Hopkins of the Illi nois Experiment Station, will jiscuss the Use of Rock Phos nhate as a Fertilizer, Dr. Hop kins is considered the-best autho ;:y in the United States on this su'jiect. Other speakers for the lav are Prof. Q L. Good- Washington, D. C. on E. G. Moss of Granville C n the Quality as Compared ;. Yield of Tobacco: Prof. W. ;-. Mas.-ey, Apostle of the Cow ;. -wA Mr. Bradford Knapp, . j i t i . - - i :iarge or tne uemonsLrauon 'v'ork- in the South, The second day is Live Stock Day. Mr. C. L. Opperman and Mr. Helmer Rabild of Washing ton, D. C, Mr, E. B. Moore of Charlotte, will talk on subjects elated to the production of live . Also on this day the N. C. ;;r:.:shiro Breeders' Association ' r.v their Second Annual - . .. : 50 nitre bred Berkshire FUsfON IN PElfflSYLVAfflA; nice dinner on the grounds was ample and abundant and was pre pared in the most up-to-date manner. In the afternoon Rev. D. F, Putnam made a . lecture to the congregation, but having to leave our own church services we did not have the pleasure of hearing him, but friends tell us that he handled the popular sins of the day with gloves off, paying spe cial attention to the blockade stills and the blind timers in our County. The protracted services at Pro- Philadelphia, July 14.r After an all day conference here ' W tween former State Senator William Flinn of Pittsburg and; supporters of Theodore Pobse- j velt from Eastern counties of Pennsylvania to consider plans for the organization of the third j party in this btate, announcement was made last night that the con cerns of opinion favored the plac ing of the same set of presidential electors on both the. Republican and third patty tickets. Accord ing to this plan the electors are to bind themselves to vote in the electorate college.for the candi vidence began on last Monday j date on the ticket on which the morning, with the pater, Rev. S. j elector received the highest mirn F. Nicks conducting them. He j ber of votes. 7 was joined by Rev.- Hubert Cun ingham on Tuesday evening, who preached on . Wednesday and Thurday, spending two days with us. Herbert's sermons were clear spiritual and f orceable and he made a full proof of his minis try and call from God to this sacred desk, On Thursday morn It is said that if the tentative plan is finally adopted it would amount to fusion in this State of the Taft vote on trie Republican ticket and of the vote of the pre sidential candidate on the third party ticket: that is the combin ed vote of the elector on the two tickets would count against the ing he gave a graphic account of) vote received by a .Democratic his work at tie State Farm which j elector. was very interesting ;and showed Dr. day will be Econom- J. L Coulter of the Bureau will discuss Far- . operative Societies Mr. vyn of Raleigh on the 1 T 1 i . mo ttsmuing &ysiem j, w. Ton-ens what a strong hold he has the ai fections of the unfortunate pri soners confined there. He isv do- :persuns were killed and fifteen to ing a grand and glorious work ; twenty were injured in a wreck a r S i 5 T 1 1 Thirteen Die in Rear End Crash. Chicago, July 14. Thirteen there toi God and many hail him in the great day as ! on the Chicago Burlington and iOuincv Railroad at Western 1 1 Bailey mistering Land Titles:' U program is being pre-v.-omen and will be an--icr. For complete pro irr.'ormation, address 1. :. Secretary, VvTest Ra- University Gets a Huge Gift Frca J . A. Chaloner. Richmond, ' Va.. July 15. Fearing that relatives may at tempt to contest his will on the ground of alleged insanity, and Sj defeat his liberal plans for aid to Southern Education, John Armstrong Chaloner has convey ed his property, amounting ap proximately to $1,500,000, in trust to thp Yircrinia, TrUSt Com- pany, of Richmond, naming the --ivrsity of Virginia and the I'dversity of North Carolina as r-idnai-y legatee;. Specific be- 'f:h or sio.000 each are maae t j n'.r. 'jthrr educational institu-'-On.N including A, and M, Col 1 -2t Mr. Chaloner reserves the the property during '. and the. right 'to V . hur agrees not tO - r;::p of the real estate :;... any or the securi ; L'or the permanent blessed instrument m tneir saL-1 cnr;n(YS . n enhnvh of Chicago at vaticn. God speed dear Herbert 1 5:30 Jmi todayt in his great work. No doubt he J Coming through a fog with sunnosedlv. clear track ahead of- i. iiwinln A 'ait-, mil. ran at Providence. Rev. Mr. iliott, Oi r,,,'.. h, . F fvn-n lno. Known as uic vvcuauu Express frGm Denver, which was standing still on the track, tele- ennnino- twn of the Overland's TTh CTnjZj Pullmaa cars. . ' Railroad officials refused to fix the blame until after the wreck was the , instrument . in several professions 'during the service the South Halifax circuit, with us one day. Dr, and Mrs. S'vann, Mr. Walter-Jones, and wife, and Miss mhinghe'; majority; of itson cojximitieeand reyersing itsvo.e oFjMirch'l 1911, the Senate to- Lonmer nisseai as junior ocua tbr from Illinois by a vote of 55 to 28. ' A member of the Senate since June 18, A 909. Mr. Lori mer today was declared to have been the recipient of votes secur ed by "corrupt methods and practices;" and his election was held to have been invalid. .Technically Mr. Lorimer will pass out of the records of the Senate as a member of that body, notwithstanding his seat. Facing, his associates with the declaration "I am ready," Mi. Lorimer sat in the chamber and heardhis fate decreed as the roll call showed the adoption of the resolution of Senator Luke Lea of Tennessee, the Senate's young est member, .. The man wh'o for three day; had held the Senate to close at tention dth his remarkable speech of defense and attack up on his enemies, rose wearily from his seat, and passed back to a cloak-room door. Senators and members , of the House gathered about him, grasping his hand, and patting him on the back. Outside the Senate door, as Mr. Lorimer stepped into the corri dor, frieTids greeted him again, and a party of Sisters of- Chanty pushed forward to express regret at h-expursion At his office later, when a physician had at tended him, he said he would not leave Washington before first of next week. 11 h FEEDS THE NERVES BRAIN mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmasmBSsar t ; . : AND : Do you feel nearly down and out physically and mental-, ly lacking in energy and ambition can't eat half the time- : don't care whether you do or not? That's j ust-the tide you need something to stimulate that blood flowincrease its nourishing properties something 'that is a nerve and brain food as welh Nyal's Nutritive Hypophosphites Will Do That And More, Too if- will rmt. vwh rpd hlond in vour veins brace up your fl nerves increase your appetite -nourish the body tissues II strengthen the muscles and build-up tne entire system nu you give you a buoyant step and make life worth while. , ' The certain result is complete-restoration to health. M A large bottle .for One Dollar. 1 " - wVintouor-a (rnn'H dnior sfnrp. oiipht tQ have and many things that other drug stores don't keep you'll find here: Come first and you 11 get what you wan t. hsi-n and rlniiphiev. Sue. of Dur ham. were with us to our great delight. Mrs. Mary Pointer, of Rox boro, is attending her old church at Providence this week and meeting her old friends and visit ing her brothers, J. M and R, W, Jones. Mrs, Jane Tulloh of our com munity died very suddenly last Sabbath morning at her home at j 4 o'clock of tuberculosis and was j interred on Mondaeveniiig. Frank. had been investigated thorough ly. Mrs. F. A. Wilcox who was in charge" of the To;ver from whiV.h the Block signals were controlled said that she was cer tain that the block was thrown against both trains. She collaps ed after the accident and still is in a nervous condition. Gov. Cole L. Blease Seriously Accused. Augusta, Ga., July 13. Sen sational testimony charging Gov ernor Cole L, Blease," of South Carolina, with official corruption, was introduced before the dis pensary investigating committee of that state at today's hearing. A S Reed, a Burns detective, and Thomas B. Felder, the At-j vision of fairyland by the soft lanta attorney, were lhe prin In Honor of Miss Brooks. Mullins, July 12 Thursday evening Mrs. Charles Oscar Dixon entertained in honor of Miss Effie Brooks of Roxboro, N. C, who is her guest. The attractive home was beautifully decorated by ferns and cut flowers, which were effectively The color scneme of green and pink was carried out in hrofusion. The front verandas and lawn was transformed into a William F. McCombs is Formally Chosen National Chairman. Chicago, July 15.. William F. McCombs, of New York, Gover nor Woodrow Wilson's choice, today was elected chairman of the Democratic national commit tee and was empowered to ap point a committee of . not fewer than nine members to take active charge of Democratic presidenti al nominee's campaign. Mr Mn.Comhs also was author- I I t I W - ized to select a national treasurer and such other officers as he may see fit, including possibly vice chairman and, after consult ing with Governor Wilson, to name the location of the head quarters. Mr. McCombs said he thought the principal headquar ters would'be in New York. cipal witnesse oi the property, and V. the consent rt tne? bo unexpected was uic il which will fall ; ter of the evidence that after the Dortion or ms I neanng was aupurncu, nan- I man H. B Carlisle, of the com- mittee, asserted that M;he newly Wcodbrn News. ! adduced charges against the anniversary of j South Carolina governor would ,- took piace at' Ep-; be thoroughly sifted. )'v-h; A lar-e au- j Detective Reed's testimony m ::v7 on the oc-: eluded records taken with a ,ase not being snf- i telephonic device relative to ne- . u-o.aodate the crowd, j gotiations for the purchase oi a o, stand outside at the ! convict's pardon from the- South -.-.order to hear the ex-', Carolina penitentiary. The re- '. Kariv Duncan, Sup-1 cords, Reed testified, wer3 of ,.::t. was aided bv his conversations between the detec- and Miss Frances Bass ":;prmg under the skilfull go-between for Governor Blease lJch of her fingers. n lnis church is noted for its j;e vocal and instrumental music ves A Runaway. On last Wednesday evening Mr. Ivey Blalock's horse ran in to Mr. Robert Clay's. buggy, near Concord Church, knocking Mr. Clay's horse down and turning his buggy over. Fortunately no one was hurt, outside of a few bruises. Neither buggy was da maaed bv the collision, the hor ses breaking loose from the bug- tive and Sam J. Nicholls, a Spar tanburg attorney, reputed to be a rays of numerous electric lights The guests were received at the door by the hostess, who was assisted by Mrs. John W. Licy and Mrs. W. W. Owen, and were- 2ies when they turned , over. shown by Mrs. John Dixon to an inviting corner oi ine putui, where, under a beautifully latticed arch, Mrs. David Brooks charmingly presided at the punch howl At the conclusion of a floral contest it was decided the' most gifted lady and man were Miss Brooks and. Mr. Yarboro, and they were presented with the prize, a handsome box of candy. Miss Carter and Mr. Flatt were awarded the consolation. Re- f 'reshnfents were served at a late ed's $m ' Store. im: lVUAUUlV LM yL ', . ' ' ' - : - x i , ;' .i&i-.'v; ' ; i i' . '-4"r fc'K i . . ' - - , - . r; ;; ' . : 'm;- I ' PliiM -rhpfin. aim fit ' ; buv them of us. ; II ) . ' ' ' teboroiardware Co., E - . . - . '-If' . . Main Street, next door to Whittcd's Drug Store. ; ' ! ' - " . ; , I x I ! 'V, ' ' ..... ir- fl i ' 'i "" V Popular New Goods. ;: ... , oj .:- ill r Panama and Stra,w Hats Cleaner and reblocked equal to new, hour. About 50 guests called during the evening, Nntir p Tust &ot in a aice lot of Clay Peas grown in the country, You will soon be thinking about Hues, ana wnen yuu - p evervthing to eat-r- flues remember you can save Plemv or everyinmg ( vM1 iuou uuiemoi u uoav 1 flues rememuyr uu - i- ne children acquitted themsel- money and get the best at the I Come to see me. , W(K)ds .l esmost creditablv. there not Roxboro Hardware Co's. . . . . - We have all kinds of hat blocks and can give you any style of size you like.. Our hat department is complete. Our prices" are as follows: Panama feats cleaned and reblocked SI. 00 Straw, wool and felt hats (all kinds) .50 New outside bands New sweat bands Ladies an! gentlemen's suits dry cleaned a o,r, r,rA?sed which makes them equal tn naW nntv i S1.50. Write us about any thing you naive to clean. .Prices and infor- mation cheeriilly given. , A trial order is all we aski. . Work amounting to $2.00 or more, we pay the express. t , ; (! l 'DANVILLE PKhSSINU ULUD, , Danville. Va - , , X n.t last received a shioment of Cordurovs. Ratine, Popjin, Batiste and other summer fabrics which have been a r month on the way. lms is tne preraesi -lot of goods that we have had this sum mer and they are just the things that are v so much in demand now. Be sure to see the Dupionne silk at 25 cts- a yard'. - - .... - - - v . i Staple cotton goods are advancing daily t but we have a .good stock- which was ' bought in February when thesa goods were at the lowest price which they have reached in several years and you; will get the benefit 6f this lucky purchase: , . . . ... . .: -'.'7 '-' r'- , - ' V' . y." nrar5 1- 201 v . X -t-1. s . ii ii , . j. . . X'