1 "J, -j-i - - t a eli Bros,, Proprietors. Vol. XXIX Home first: Abroad Next. $1.00 Per Year in Advance; R0XB0R0, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, August 28, 1912. 1 No. 35-. TV ";,ik? TrTji, j L III. I l jj.L ,, 'rill Ml" M Ml IJBLl MLII IIIB. ," V II I MM' ' ' 5 " t inffii iiii- trm m-ftirr --w.-v-- WASHINGTON NEWS. y , lyJc 11. Tavenor. Washington, Aug. 2(3. In the ;.y of Lawrence, Mass.. where ; : hiliiy protected woolen mills .,v:! Corth; where boys aad girls for $2, $3 and $i a week. :m lasers and mothers work :j; woun for 5, 6 and $7 a 4 , benatorship in This District. Mr, J. A.( Long, of Roiboro, was in town Wednesday of this week and while here took occa sion to talk with a r.-umber of our people about, the Sens tor ship from this district. It appears that it was told in this county CONVENTION. of Persou .county in mass-meeting jf assembled ProgressiTC Prtj Holds Ccnvesti 3st: That .we endorse the nom And Kanies Ccnnty iicket. . inatiorbf Theodore RooseveH for The Progressive Party of Per- j president, and Hiram Johnson For son county held its convention on j vice president and pledge them last Saturday. When the corrven- our svirooYt at the election. that Person county made no k tor full .ime, 47 out of 100 1 nominalkm for tbis office afits s ore those f children under trsofage! And of these 47 v!r: p, 8 j are under 1 year of : The doctors declare the- big ! y of these children perish ?hdr mothers labor suen ' hours, under unsanitary i';:, in tlie woolen mills. : nv:.rk the percentage of T;a;hs in Lawrence particu : : 47 out of every 100 persons . in Lawrence are children . 5 yoars of age. Now eom - -his with Seattle, Wash, r : uut of every 100 persons but 19 are children under ..'.; of ap.e. :-ve:-;ue for the whole .i' :' 27 children under 5 : i "i-',c instead of 47 as in and for the whole : ' 10 out of every 100 T are oi children under 1. ; t c::,e, instead uf 35 as in people who work in the mills are "protected." is the multi-millionaire : Irust magnates who come 'TTincfon for excessive pro ' ;;iy that the sole reaaon J ;io iariff rates which give ;! monopoly on American tion was called to order there v : ; a fairly good crowd in attendance, 2nd. That ve endorse the Na- 1 tional pktform adopted by the keeps the stock in good healthy condition. Disease preventative. convention, but that the matter was left to Granville, From Mr, Long's statement 0f j meelin as tne crowd continued to the number being 119 by actual f progressive party at its recent I count, though there was probably more than this number in the- eonverij! in Chicago. iiCtL WC lflVUl lUW uumiiia- Oi the matter and that made by ! mcrease as ttie meeting proceed others who were present at theed- 1 he only test vols as to the convention it appears that this is I number participating was thai a mistake but that they nominated over tne nomination for Register Mr. Long and authourizd .the of -Deeds when 57-votes were delegotes to vote for him at the I cast- Berea convention. Our infer 1 Mr- - O. Carver called the mutbn is that of the thirty-rive; meetin- t0 crdGr' and in a speech, delegates to the Person county i which was we!1 chosen. ; of three convention twenty-three votes j minutes, stated the reason for were cast for Mr. Lohp sevr-n ! forming a new party, and at the s " O ' " ' - J ' sad a fraction for Mr. w ! mention of Theodore Roosevelt's and permit them to charge hr ,- ,0. ,ho r. Warren -and four anck fraction for! name tbere was loud afid lon Dr. E. J. Tucker. If th? prece-! cheering. He called R. A. Burch dents which have obtained in this to the chair as temporary chair district and the other districts of; man- uP0n JikinK ths chair Mr. ire State are to follow this year, 'j Burch spoke for about ten mim this us we underhand the mat-; utes, in his speech paying his res ter, is equivalent to the nomi- Peers to John H;tley Moorehead naiion of Mr. Long. If precedent for reading ovk all of the Prog res is followed, all that die Granville j sives. He ouT. ed the policy of delegates will have to do at the ; the new party, incidentally stating Berea convention will be to en-: that they favored good roads, and dorse the action of the Person ;H necessary t.heissuaree of bonds, county convention. ! His speech was very good,. con- It seems that Dr. Tucker is taming nothing radical or bitter abiding by the action of thePer- j towards either of the old parties, son county convention, but that j At the close he called T. B. Davis Mr, Warren is seeking support j to act as secretary. Upon motion in this county for the nomination the temporary organization was and that he has ber;n encouraged don of pft, elective offices by pref erential primaries regulated by t U i, V , 4th, That we favor the election of U. S, Senators by a popular vote of the people. 5tn. That" we favor the best public schools possible and we believe that the interest of public 1 1 educeticn will be promoted by the election of 'County Boards of S Education by a vote of the people J1 Oth. That we favor better roads i and if found necessary to issue bonds we favor leaving it to a vote ef the people; and if bonds are i; sued, we further favor that e3c!i township have its equal allotment and the roads in all the townships to be worked at the smie time. 3 is a great egg producer ancr dis ease preventative. Every pack age guaranteed Sold only at Roxboro N. C ir;oovr Sent to the Roads. Charlotte. Aug. 24. T EXCURSION TO Richmond, Va, SOUTHERN RAILWAY e the value for wobien'jcloth- that they are "protecting" un- 5 i 1 i n to making this plea, magnates, of course, ra; contributions of mon- campaign funds of the a protection. The result h bilis as Schedule K of the j .vldrich law. : is a plain question for the :eri:an people to ask them es: Why should they longer r a comparative handful of Tionaires to force them to pay exorbitant prices for every article made permanent. r. F. O. Carver moved (hat a Tuesday September 1 Oth, 1912. derstoori the situation as ful'y set i platform committee be appointed fourth above. It is to be hoped ': and the chair appointed G, D. t the Granville county dele iNeal, M. W. Satteifield and Thos gates will take no action thai Grey. would impair the pleasant feelings VV, A. Bialock moved that the that have always existed between chair appoint delegates to the va the tio counties. Two years ago , rious conventions, and the follow Mr, Long and his friends loyally ing were appointed as delegates supported both Gen. Roystcr for to the State convention which Congress and Judge Graham for meets in Greensboro on Sep. 3rd: i Corporation Commissioner. Per- j W. A. Bialock, M. W. Satterfield, son has alwaj s endorsed the ac- j G. D. Neal, Thos. Grey and T. tion of the Granville county con- B. Davis. The chair announced ventions in nominating Senator 1 that delegates to other conven Hicks. It is to be hoped tnat our jjtions would be appointed when people will stand by Person ! the conventions were called, unj county's action this year in nomi- The chair announced that the are ''protecting" their ern es, when these employees support Mr. Long or Mr, War ren. That, it seems, is not an open question. While some might be disposed to support Mr. Warren if we had that right, we cannot woolen clothing they wear, on v.i. i? .1 j -k. pieiext or inese nca men mat of;nff Q cQnotr.r :n tha cm?mau kc : not only not being protected, r i-o being paid such low : "v that they are practically :,i'd to live like cattle? of A GuesL Irene Regina Sullivan en intd in an informal manner -ior of her guest, Miss Pearl .is, of Roxboro, N. C last - ."$day evening, ne entire lower floor was ii open !to the guests; in aiders cards and games were i,:.d in while in the library : and dancing held sway. In eriy part of the evening an -'j watermelon feast was en- on the back veranda, while ' in the evening fancy cream --ikes were served in the room. -Lynchburg News As we view the matter it is not naming of County candidates, a question of whether we would and while on his feet placed in nomination A. M. Long as one of the County Commissioners. John Foushee and J. A. Carver were also placed in nomination, but Mr. Carver declined. T- D. Wimtead afford to attempt to overide the (and G. D. Neal were placed in action of our sister county in j nomination, both declining. R. Hoover, former manage r of the Readers chib, who was found gniity of' selling whiskey Fri- day afternoon, jas sentenced p , hi j t orluni!y 0f the season to visit the historic , r i I nrxlftl fit I llVI roaas by Judge iH . A. uamis m i pnai ui , . n. i j if J- i- ft Denorcu:-, here tor.i,ht. ' Two whole days and nights in Richmond, altording ample time ; H-v-r Is a well known resi in which to make the side, trip to Wasmngion, U. U also Bam ; vuuiio - .11 1 i- AnnH wrv mv -roiina triD rates win uc I X i . I I I A i 1 L UliU V - - - i UJ VVW' j u'ntVt Liiariotte and his cSSe" has been watched with greut in terest. Counsel was employed by church members to a'ssistt the solicitor in the .prosecution. -m- Have Yuu Sent fer Campaiga Eook? Every Democrat who is work ing for the success of the ticket should send some money to Hon. James T. Lloyd, Chairman, National Congres?ion Committee, Washington, D. C. for a copy of the new Democratic campaign book. Whatover amount is sent for the book will be used toward carrying on the work of the cam paign, without the aid of trusts or special privilege. The committee is in need of funds. . - M - ----- Congress Adjourns. Washington, D. C, Aug. 26. Sobered by the embarrassments of Saturday's all night session of filibusters, Congress adjusted its differences today, invited Presi dent Taft up to the capitol once more and at -4:30 o'clock this af ternoon wrote finls" after the proceedings of the second session of ihe Sixty-second Congress. "Tarmxands- FOR SALE To Close an Estate October the 1st. Four adjoining tracts, 74, 76, 80 and 106 acres, in eastern edge of Chatham Connty, 15 miles south of Durham the fine tobacco sec tion. Splendid tobacco and corn land. Will sell separately or to gether. Some improvements. All Bargains. Write A. M. YATES, Lexington, N. C. Party, v'v D. Yarborough gave a : "-si Saturday night which --in enjoyable affair, .'. -i'c about nominating its candidates as she had the right to do. Oxford Public Ledger. (The above is not entirely just to Dr. fucker, as he was not a candidate, his frtends voting for him notwithstanding he had stated he was not a candidate. Eds,) Entertained. Saturday evening, August 24th Miss Margaret Cotter of Lynch burg, Va., entertained with a de lightful lawn party in honor of Miss Pearl Lewis, of Roxboro, N. C. the attractive guest of -Miss Irene Sullivan on Clay Street. During the evening fruits and delightful ices were served. in Lizzie Barton Entertained. one hundred; Mjss Lizzie Burton entertained at the supper table, and ist Saturday nightin honor of 7 instead, says he never jn;jiss Ruth Doughlin. After games --i life sat down to such a-refreshments were served, the. - . Tom says he really " got "; jarge gathering voting Miss Bur : for "Joe Billy" but was) ton a most charming hostess. ee him able to be out i 'tiday. i Shingles, Shingles' A. Burch was placed in nomina tion, and the following wtre nom inated: A. M. Long, R. D. Bailey and R. A. Burch. James C. Wrenn was nominat ed by acclamation for Coroner. T. B Davis was likewise nomi nated for Surveyor. For Register of Deeds .the names of C. G. Mitchell, J. S. Bradsher and G. D. Neal were placed before the convention the result being as follows: Bradsher 48, Mitchell 6 and Neal 3. (Mr. Bradsher was not a candidate and his name was used without his knowledge or consent. Eds. O. L. Satterfield was nominated by acclamation for sheriff. For the House W. D. Merritt and T. A. Noell were placed in nomination, but Mr. Merritt asked that his name be'withdrawn as he was not a candidate and woulcl not accept if nominated. Mr. Noell was then nominated, by ac clamation. . mor r 11 ows. as Leave Raleieh Gibsonville Burlington Graham Mebane Hiilsboro Cnapel Hill Durham Oxford Keysville 8:'35 a. m. 7;55 8;12 8;17 8;35 8;55 8;20 10;00 11;45 2;10 u i ( i i 4 ( iC i ( $3 00 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 25 3 25 3 00 2 50 2 50 Rates and schedules same proportions irom an uui...Cuxre stations. Returning special train will leave Richmond 8;00 p. m. Thursday, September, 12th, 1912. Separate coaches for colored people, For detailed information, ask your agent, or write J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. );0 C ior HTttdolUr Singles! The platform committee report- FOR SALE 331 Acres of ihe Best Land on Dan River, immediately across the river from Milton, N. C. Good dwelhng and out houses, and young orchard in full bear ing. 131 river bottoms, balance up-land. . For price &c, write, W.-C. CLAIBORNE, Kinestree, S. C. We are celling all our low shoes, straw hats, printed lawns and other colored !U1 summer wash fabrics, millinery, cloth-- ing, skirts etc. at greatly reduced prices. We are getting ready for fall stocks and want these out of the way so you ' will find many real good bargains here. We have a splendid line of trunks and -cases. If you are going to take a trip or are going off to school and need one of these it will pay you to see what we have; in IMJ in 0 w II 1 ' ' ."" '""V i -7 'TWx?" rJ Si ' , ., 1 i.t,."V - ' r.. ' l 1 i- . ." 'is "... - -Fir- i "An.. m:w It 1 1 ' 1 it e P - .- y V 'If 1 I if. T -m - -' ' KV ' - Mi-, and Mrs. M. S. Whitied ' for your barnr icu as luiiuvvo. 301 DBS 20E i. - ii- rent last Friday in Durham. Watkins & Bullock. Resolved by the Progressives ?. ..r, .- --- - 1

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