A i&isb Noell Bros. , Proprietors. Home First: Abroad Next. $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XXIX ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday. Evening, October 16, 1912. No-42 ,0 -A COLONEL ROOSEVELT SHOT. Shooting Occurred In Milwaukee Where He Spoke. Last Niht. The Wound is Not Serious. Milwaukee, wis.Voct. 14. An attempt to assasinate Colonel Roosevelt was made tonight as he started on his way trom the 'gave an account of his steward Hotel Gilpatrick in this city to the j ship since entering. Congress and auditorium. As he stepped into there is not a Democrat who will an automobile a shot was fired bv sav ne has not made a faithful a roughly dressed man who edg ed his way through the crowd to the motor car. The stranger took deliberate aim and sent the bullet crashing into the ex presi dent's risrht side just below the nipple. The shooter was nabbed by Elbert H. Martin, the ex-president's stenographer, and Capt. Alfred 0. Gerard, of Milwaukee, a rough rider under Roosevelt. As he was about to fire a se cond shot the revolver, a 32-cali-bre affair, was knocked from his hand by Col. Cecil Lyon, of Tex as, who is accompanying Roose velt on his mid-western campaign nip. Lyon jumped out of the Automobile and started to choke the would-be assassin. Roosevelt, who had staggered back into the automobile when tfe shot was fired, raised himself up and stood looking at Lyon who was sitting on the shooter. The ex-president cried, making a gesture, "Don't hurt him; I'm all right." See What the Pioneer is Doing. Mess,. Long & .,HaU from the instead Mill Section, sold at r;:e Pioneer yesterday 842 pounds for $210.49, Lilly Payicrof Olive Hill sold at the Pioneer yeierday for the following prices, and said she uould bring some good tobacco next time: 64 pounds at 13 00, 6S at 27.50, 70 at 16.00, 54 at - S.00, 40 at 42.00 and 58 at 30.- )ort, forget the Post Master's I ,on. Boo Whitt, has 5 some good i tobacco. He sold at the Pioneer '.ob.terdav for the following : 130 pounds at 16.50. 133 a i 19.50, 84 ar 45.00, 86 at 24. 25 and 84 at 12.75. Mr. Cnarlie Walker Siid he sold for the highest prices he over saw at the Pioneer yesterday He made the following sales: 28 rounds at 12.00, 60 ai 26.00. 52 50.00. 132 at 29.00 and 140 ac 15.00 Good prices, come on, we will -o likewise for vou. Featherston & Winstead. Al Hogh Woods. Seed Wheat, Rye. Outs, Clover and Grass seed. Big lot Red Dog Shipstuff, Sugard Dairy ieed, flour and shoes. Come to s-:.' me, " -1; j I I I j t in - Major Stedman Speaks. Last Thursday niglft Maj. Chas. M. Stedman spoke to a large audience in the court house here.' The Major has a great reputation as a speaker, and he more than maintained the re putation in his speech here. He servant of thi people, his every vote being in the interest of the many. On Friday evening he spoke at Hurdle Mills, where he was greet ed by a large crowd, notwith standing the farmers are yery. He is canvassing this district again, though at this writing there is no one in the field against him. Regardless of who shall come out ihe Major is confident of a very large majority, and in deed, the people should give li 1 in their- undivided support, for ho is i laboring faithfully for his district Appolo Concert Company. This Company held forth at the Auditorium in the iniatial per-!a fnrmflnPP t Frirtav -uin, " . .. they were ushered into the dining lhey more than made good, inr00m, which vas beautifully dec fact it was said by many to be the! orated with bells in white and best ever presented in the town. lavender, where the shower took If Prof. B. Vance Henry keeps up to th(s standard the people of , the tow-a-owe him an increased patronage for the debt he will j place them, under. The Apollo j Company were -all good, but es pecially so were Miss Coyla M. Spring, in hen recitations, and Mr. Arthur '.X ells with his banjo. T7" . I 1 1 1- , i I ies. iney were an nnc, ana our people showed their appreciation of their fine work. ' Married Last Night. It has been whispered around for several days that a wedding was on hand, but Miss Alma Younger and J. L. Atkins stole a march on their tuenas here byi147-: OTmrqaa toi 9 having the -ceremony performed in Durham last night. Mrs. J. W. Younger, the bride's mother, and Miss Alma left yesterday for Durham, presumably on- a short visit, but the neus was re ceived here this morning an nouncing the wedding. Miss Younger is the oldest! daughter of Mr. J. w nnnnn-c is a most beautiful young lady, fair m form and beami u in character. Mr. Atkms is a busi - ness man of prominence m Dur - ham. and is to be congratulated for the prize he has secured, j fi w &m Ha rf & They will make Durham tiielr:CarVer, J, Hamlin, j R Vanhook. home. : Lex Blalock and RK Young sold Mr I. M. Clavton sold one for8od Prices at the Hyco this . b; barn ot tobacco at the Pioneer today for 20l.6r. New Ordinance. It is ordered by the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Roxboro that if any person shall ride or drive any horse or vehicle oyer or across any of the concrete curbs of the town; or shall ride or drive any horse or vehicle across or upon any con- Crete sidewalk, regular crossings excepted, he shall, upon convic tion, be fined One Dollar. This ordinance shall be in force on and after October 21st, 1912 M. C, Winstead Mayor. Handkerchief and Stocking Shower. One of the most beautiful social functions of the season was the handkerchief and stocking shower given Saturday evening by Miss Pearl Lewis in honor of Miss Ida Winstead, who is soon to become the bride of Mr- Chas. A. Bines, f Greensboro. In gracious and charming manner Miss Lewis and Miss irotter greeted tne guests j at the door and presented them to! Miss Winstead. J 1 here were forty guests present, mV uFe w ,nrsi taKen( UP !"u" l'. j place. After the shower a three From th dininff room h . bowl was sought, and around this toasts were responded to, many of them being of a very high order. Hyeb Leads. - Below we give you a few sales which have been made at the Hy- co during the past week. Read them and see for ourself that rhe Hyco is the leader for high Drices land big averages: ' S. L. Walker, lOO pounds at 27.50, 212 at 32.00, 98 at 60.00, 104 at 27,00 and 124 at 14.75, average $31.32. - W. H. Harris, 150 pounds at ! Q 7 71 o 1 A Qf ntOt An ml L;4nn0 iio f or nn QnH inn ot 14.75, average $21.25 Nat Jordan, 90 pound at 17.50, 1 16 at 34.00, 70 at 39.00, 70 at 59.00, 202 at 31.00, 120 at 24.50 and 80 at 9.75, average $30.60, J. w. Brann 60 at 10.75, 120 at 21.50, 166 at 44.00, 114 at 30. 100 and 154 at 16.50; average j $27, UU 'L'utha Duncan, 170 pounds at i - - - r"- 32 al 31 0Q 4o a, 00 d g4 j 17 50 avera $3o50 lg g ; he a e h ; Tuesda f everything on the ! n. " wckk. iryou want to set bitri , iceg and home fe J 'attheHvco. The ETERNAL With 17 piece set ol high grade Ware, worth HU.UU,. which is during the exhibit at the store m ii G, BMMffi & From OCT. 23rd to 30th A salesman direct bom the lactory ol the m ENGMAN-MATTHEWS RAfJGEaCOMPANI two Generations of Malleable Range Builders SOUTrt BEND, .INDIANA, shnw vou the ranae. GookBook and Siuvcnir " ' Wr.D. Yarbrongh & Son 'in the Lead, j There elraye been many good sales made .here this season, but W. Dj Yarbrougn & Son have them all skinned to date. They Sold oner "curing at the Pioneer yjesterdak including everything in th&ffcarh f ro m the top to th e ; .,n lnV barn was mo poud$ which sold for $65.00 per hundred. Roxboro is the marketto sell your tobacco and the Pioneer Is the. place. Big Prices At the Winstead. The following sales were made on Friday by Thaxton & Burch at the Winstead Warehouse; C. F. instead, one lot 46 lbs. at 15.50," 178 at 28.50, 180 at 40.00, 84 at 23.50, 40 at 12.25, and 14 lbs. tips at 11.00. Wiikerson & Pettiford, one lot 80 lbs, at 7.25, 130 at 20,50, 48 at 35.00. 56 at 49.00, 70 at 2a. 50, -and 176 at 22,00. Averaged $31.00. Mr. Sam Dunn sold with Thax ton & Burch on Friday for the following -nricps: One lot 133 lbs. at 14.75, 68 at 25 50, 10Qat60,0o 120 at 35.00 and 170 at 25.50, averaging $31.00, and wishes to! inform tne Surl correspondent j that he has plenty of this tobacco seeQ tOf Sale. NOTICE. 0-0-0 On the 2nd, day of Nov. . I will offer for sale at Miss Rosa Bryant place, all my household and kit chen furniture, farming utensils. One good milk cow, one good carryall,-buggy and, harness, all f eed sftiKi ' consisting of corn, etc. JOHN E. SMITH SALE TO TAKE PLACE AT 10 A. M. LET US FEED YOU. 0. L. Satterlield. with John T. Wade as manager, has opened his Meat Maiket, in his li.i. i ii .i o d stand two doors Deiow me Courier Olfir.e. Everything newly fitted up, with cleanliness the lirst consideration. Fresh meats ol all kinds, fish and oysters in season. Phon Np, 22. Let us have y our orders. The ladies are invited to come to our market and select their parcfiases, i i ylhing ever ill be wel- dean ana vou wii corned. O. L. SATTERFIELD. Jno. T. Wade, Manager. Aluminum, Copper ami Enamel given with any range purchase urcscnt you with a unc; .-.v yf- and jscrve ymi with rcfrdun RAMS Public Speaking. The County candidates will be at the following places on the following dates: ' Cuningham, Monday 21st. Ceffo, Tuesday 22nd. Chub Lake, Wednesday 23rd.- Olive Hill, Thursday. 24th. Bushy Pork, Friday 25th. Cates, Saturday 26th. Ai, Monday 28th, Mt. Tirzah, Tuesday 29ih. Moriah, Wednesday 30th. Aliens ville, Thursday 31s tj. Hoiioways, Friday Nov. 1st. Woodsdale, Saturday Nov. 2nd. Roxboro Monday Nov. 4th. The public is cordially invited to come out and hear the issues discussed. J. W. Noell, Chmn. Dem. Co. Ex. Com. W. D. Merritt, Chmn.. Rep. Co. Ex. Com. Dwelling Burned, On last Wednesday night Mr. Pete Rogers h?d the misfortune to have his dwelling burned, with nearly all of its contents. Mr. Rog ers carried about $900 insurance, which will nothing like cover the loss. We hivt not learned how the fire origin ted. C30E3lfC 10E I Best and biggest stock 01 JuMng Material ever inl , p i g , y Ladies Tailoring Opening. Friday, October 18th. Mr. Henry C. Strauss, representing . the popular and well known ' 'STYLE RIGHT" line of ladies suits and cloaks; will be here Friday, Oct. 18th to show you an extensive line of samples, of New .York's latest creations in ladies ready- '-to-wear garments and to. tiake yqur j or-. der and measure foriwhat you wish.- i Mr. Strauss has : been eraseYeral times before in, this capacity. and-ha;s given excellent satisfaction. We hav handled this line for several seasons and know that it is one of New York's best popular priced lines. ' If you have had trouble in finding just-1 what vou want in stock or in getting a perfect fit this is anxcllentoppoiinim-ra ty. deliveries wui. Eveiy lady interested is cdMially ihvit-! ea ana urgeu tu uciicre. TOBACCO IS : SELLING HIGH : ; and everybody i$ well pleased when they bur I Groceries from Jiugk Woods, the Grocery man. Everything to eat, for man and beast. Try me on flour, meal,' meat, ship stuff, etcvr Clover and grass seed. Honestly, I will save you money on Shoes If you have never seen my line or heard my prices you'll be sur prised. Let. me show yOU. Groceryman. ; IOI (C 10E oe maae promptly. ten The si v. i r i i V