5f l W. H. R NEWELL JEWELER. , 0-0-0-0 Watches, Clocks, Jewelery. Cut Glass and Silverware. TO THE PUBLIC. We have just received the best and most up to date line of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Rugs, Carpets and Trunks, that we, have ever had on exhibit. We are right here with the goods and prices too this fall. And we want your trade. Come around and give us a chance with your fall trading is all we ask. Remember that we have a big lot of the Blue enamel ware on hand to give away, with every $15. you spend with us in cash, come along and finish your ticket, if you hav'ent one started we will be glad to start one with you. We want everybody to get one or more pieces of it. Thanking you for your past favors and hoping that we will do a big business with you this fall, we are Yours very truly, May we Place this Beautilul NORRIS Boston s Most Popular Make. Sold by the Largest Houses in America because of its Tremendous Popularity and Great Value Norris & Hyde Pianos have been made in Boston for over twenty-five years, and today enjoy a reputation for quality and nnnnlarirv that is UniQUe. The rlv. . pure singing tone. case designs and the unquestioned reputation of the Morris & Hyde House which stands behind every Xorris & Hyde riano, is the rea j open. Why not call and see now son for the phenomenal success ! easy you may own one of these of this instrument, j Celebrated Pianos. MAYNARD BROS. & CO. Empire Block SALISBURY, N. C. o; 1 They iaterUck mni viUp ack tW Im such a way WcZet dtfviag rum mw cfcaMt mh trader themu K?az pulsate at ndk U UAftcf&i. TferreaW lag at tonga ft iH&a aart n&Wnv;'y ' " . Succeed when evervthmir ele fa, Mo I In nervous prostration and female S kuwjr cue me tsupreme g. remedy, as thousands kave testified. FOR KIDNEY. LIVER AND 1 STOMACH TROUBLE J V is the best medicine ever sold I ever a cnggist's counter. P Piano in Your Home? Yes, It's & HYDE. How To Buy. Write or call for a ! Beautiful Catalog which fully describes this piano and shows the positive art elegance of the case design. u in ft-Fni ' Sold on terms to suit your con tne oeauurui I . . . Lmoii ,qmvn jpayment CUR bPbClAL UJb'hbK on a factory allotment of styles is now o HAD TO BE MANUFACTURED Professional Humorist Could Not See Anything Funny About Politi cal Convention Crowd. "Sam" Blythe, whose josh stories about politicians and things politi cal are well known, arrived in Chi cago to "do" the Republican conven tion. Immaculately clad in a light gray suit, with a hat and cane to match, the gray-haired young man made an interesting figure in the lobby of the Congress hotel. And he seemed to know everybody on the floor. He was approached by a younger newspaper man, who stood somewhat in awe of the older man's promi nence, and addressed as follows : ' "How are you, Mr. Blythe?" "Hello," said Blythe. "You are Mr. Blythe, aren't you?" "I sure are !" "Well, I'm Blank of the Yankee Doodle and I've got a columnn of funny stuff to write and I want you to tell me a funny story about some of this gang." "Son," quoth Blythe seriously, "if you can find anything funny in this sad outfit you're pretty good !" Chi cago News. TRUE LOVE "Does your doggie love you ?" "Betcher life he does! I'd kick the stuffm' out of him if he didn't." UNNEEDED NERVOUSNESS. The customs officials at Leith, Ire land, seized, several weeks ago, sev eral cases of rifles shipped from Ger many, scenting insurrection in the threats of some men in "Ulster to re sist home rule by force of arms, if they couldn't defeat it any other way. Things looked ominous from another direction for the peace of the British empire. After several weeks of nervousness,' during which the rifles reposed peacefully in the customs storehouse, it developed that they had been shipped to a theatri cal company, which intended to send instructions as to their destination, but which, like many another theat rical company, had ceased to tour after being on the move for soma weeks. Then everybody bxeathed easier, and perhaps smiled when no body wa looking. cat e ITS SUICIDE. Despondent because her four chil dren were taken away from her, "Spots," the pet mascot and station house cat at the Penn avenue police station, committed suicide yesterday by leaping in front of a street car. The kittens had been taken awav one by one, and the old cat wandered about day and night in a melancholy mood. Yesterday she ran to the: street car track. A car was approach ing, but the motorman stopped in time to avoid killing "Spots' The cat was chased back, but later jumped under the wheels of a car. . hiladelphia Eecord. M. A. IN EITHER CASE. Elsie Janis, the talented young a.c tress, was urging a friend, one eve ning at a roof -garden supper in New York, to remain another year at col lege before marrying the young man to whom she was engaged. "You will always regret," urged Miss - Janis, "that you left college before getting your degree." "Oh, well," her friend answered mischievously, "maybe I'll soon be a M.A anyhow." PAYS TRIBUTE TO VETERANS. Mrs. Carrie Feldkamp is an old kdy at Coriyville, a suburb of Cin cinnati, who xiakfts it a point to place a flag upon the bieat of every rteian who dies. Her husasd aad she -says they foil hr f g ucsev .1 - '2. . liriiui BANISHES INDIGES TION. Sourness, Fullness, Belching, and all Stomach Misery Disappear in Fiyt Minutes. "Tried them all?, you say, "and not one cured,"? -Well, you haven't tried 'MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets or you would not be both ered with stomach trouble to- Perhaps you bought a boand took one or two and then let the rest stand, forgotten, in the cup board. Make no mistake; if you will take MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets regularly you can forever end all stomach misery, and have a stomach as strong and vigorous and as able to digest the heartiest meal as the .best stomach in America. If you suffer from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Catarrh of the Stomach, or any Stomach Misery Hambrick & Austin is au thorized to refund your money if youjre dissatiified with the re sults obtained from MI-O-NA. Price 50 cents. Id Meaoriam. On the 9th of Oct. . 1912 in the town uf Goldsboro, N. C, Bro. Linsey Pugh, fell on sleep, Ieav ir.g a wife and one sister living in this County Mrs, Mattie J. Wil son, 6he bein? the last of a group of children Linsey included, com-j ing to this community years agof small children, fatherless and motherless poor in this worlds goods anJ cared for by their re relatives. Linsey commenced coming to mill Creek Sunday school and impressions made up on him there, caused him soon to become a christian and became a member of the Missionary Bap tist Church, it sweet to hear him relate those impressions, he lived a christian here. Also in Golds boro, was a member of the first Church, Rev. G. T. Catkins pas tor. Short time before his death he left the first church and joined the Free Will Baptist church and bv his consecrations and piety soon held several leading posi tions in that church. Is We bore with humble submis sions and offer our sympathies to his bereaved companion and his only sister. T. H. Street. NOTICE. .0-0-0 On!the 2nd, day of Nov. I will offer for sale at Miss Rosa Bryant place, all my household and kit chen furniture, fanning utensils. One good milk cow, one good carryall, buggy and harness, all feed stuffs consisting of corn, etc. JOHN SMITH frt S SALEjTO TAKE PLACE AT 10 A. M.' MThe Love Letters in r i n lonreaerate uenerai WE begin in the November issue a series of real love-letters written over fifty years ago by one of our national heroes to his sweetheart during the period of '6i to '65. This great general will go down to posterity as having accomplished one of the most brilliant feats of arms in the history of the world. He was as great a lover as he was a general, therefore these letters combine au thentic history and exquisite romance. They sound a human note that no other literature has done in a decade; it is literature. You simply can't afford to story of the Civil War now published K the freshness of a contemporary happening. These letters will grip you hard, and hold your interest from first to now. before you forget it. Pictorial Review The ncionu d : r r ivcyicw w. A 222WttttkSt.X New TrkGty FOR 15 Ceats a Cpy Enclosed please V find 25c for which v geaseandmc r.K.ior v unj Liherol Committtetu to our Agent: Nov, Dec, and Ja. fmr Fmrticplmn ( Nm. . ...... THE PICTOMAt REVIEW CO, HANDICAPPED. This is the Case With Many Roxboro People. 'Too many Roxboro citizens are handicapped with bad backs. The unceasing pain causes con stant misery,N making work a bur den and stooping or lifting an im possibility. The back aches at night, preventing refreshing rest and in the morning is stiff and lame. Plasters and liniments may give relief but cannot reaeh the cause. To eliminate the pains and aches you must cure the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills are for sick kidneys. The following statement should convince every Roxboro reader ol their efficiency. R. G, Taylor, 151 Hillsboro St., Oxford, N. 0., says: '"I us ed Doan's Kidney. Pills about a year ago and was greatly benefit ted; I had suffered for several monts from lameness across the small of my back and the secre tions from myfcidneys were ir regular in passage. Doan's Kid ney Pills brought me relief as soon as I began taking them and I have not had any cause for complaint since. 1 consider this remedy worthy of my endorse ment." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. CATARRH SUFFERfRS' AS TONISHED Booth's HYOMEI, ihe Soothing, Heat iag, Germ Destroying Air Gives Instant Relief, If you already own a HYOMEI hard rubber inhaler you can get a bottle of HYOMEI for only 50c. The complete outfit, which in eludes inhaler, is $1.00, and is sold by Hambrick & Austin on money back Dlan. - With every bottle of HYOMEI comes a small booklet. This book tells how easy and simple it is to kill Catarrh germs and end Catarrh by just breathing into the lungs over the Catarrh infect ed membrane the powerful yet pleasant antisepric air of Eucalys ptus from the inland forests of Australia. This book tells about the HYOMEI yapor treatment for stubborn Catarrh, Croup, heavy Colds and Sore Throat, and other interesting facts. SPECIAL OFFER. For a limited time we are going to offer a 40 lb bed for only $8,65. And with your first order we will give you a pair of 6 lb. Pillows absolutely FREE. New feathers and covered with best ticking. J. C. Oorbett & Son, Corbett, N. C, Dept. It. Shoes, shoes, shoes. Go to Huf?n Woods fof JoW prices of a i work of war, it is romance, it is history, it is miss this wonderful series an inside for the first time and containing all last. Fill out the coupon and send it NOVEMBER On DoHa a Year $10,000 in Cash Prizes North Carolina; - 4 Person County V " In the Superior Court before : the Clerk. 'flk Susan A. Pulley, Admrx., of W. H. Pul-V:V ley, deceased, vs. John H. Pulley, Tommies, W. Pool, Victor O'Briant, Lucile O'Briant, 'J Ruby O'Briant, Willie P Ricand, Emma.'; Pool and hiisband G. L. Pool, Mollie A Gen-r '.. try and husband W. A. Gentry,. Frances Gt y- Webb and husband J. L. Webb, Nannie Ov S ' Humphries and husbaniJ J. H. Humphries,!. ; Lorinna Pulley, George E: Pulley, C:.GV:V Robertson and John.Merritt heirs at law and", creditors of said estate. The defendants above named will takeA notice that an action entitled as above has Y1 been cemmenced in the Superior Court, of" V.?-', final settlement of the estate of W. H. Put- , ley, deceased, and the defendants will fur- : ther. take notice that they are required to ap-;' pear at the office of the Clerk of the Super ior Court in Roxboro on the , 16th day of Dec, 1912 and answer or demur to the complaint or petition in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded . in said complaint. This Hth Oct., 1912. D. W. BRADSHER, C. S. C. . T. C. BROOKS, Atty. I Notice Land Sale, By virtue of a decree of the Superior J Court of Person County in special proceed ing entitled" J. T. Hamlin et als vs, -Glaays Hamlin, I will as Commissioner ap pointed by said Court sell to the highest bidder on j Monday, Nov. 4 1912. i at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door . in Roxboro, N. C. the following tract or parcel of land, to-wit: That tract in Flat River township, bounded l ' on the North by Josh Rogers, on East by lands of Alvis Moore, on the South by Ed Wrenn, and on West by Joe ..Burch con taining 69 acres more of less and known as the John Moore Place near Paynes Tavern. ' , This tract is well improved, plenty wood and water and a very desirable tarm. ' Terms: One half cash, balance in six -months: deferred payment to bear six per cent interest, title retained until full purchase ' money paid. y This October 7th. 1912. . L. M. CARLTON, Commissioner. v Executors Notice. Having qualified as the Executor of the estate of Bettie A. Hinton, deceased, late of Person County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de- V ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before Oct. 21st, 1913, or this notice V will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This Oct. 21st 1912. W. E. HINTON, Ex. Win. D. Merritt, Atty. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having this day qualified as administra" tor, with the will annexed of Miss Jennie Thomas, deceased, late of the County of Person, this is to notify ail persons having , claims against the estate of said decease to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before Sept. 20th, 1913, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. This Sept. 20th, 1912. W. R. BLALOCK, Adm. Cum testamento annexo. L. M. CARLTON, Atty. Administrators Notice Having qualified as the admini strator of Kemp Sanders, deceas ed, this is to notify all persons having claims' against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before Sept. 17th, 1913, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate. payment. This Sept. 17th, 1912. B. B. Sanders, Administrator. LAND SALE. By virtue of the power invested in me as trustee for T. C. brooks in a deed of trust executed by Young Winstead and wife, Christina, registered in Person courty in bk 1, page 180, I will on the . 16th day ol Nov, 1912 seil at public auction for cash in front of the court house door In Roxboro that certain . tract of land situate in Person county, N. C, bounded on the east by the lot of Lucy Barnett, south by the heirs of Mary Bar nett, west and north by T. C. Barnettf being lot No, 3 in the division of the Man gum Carver land, containing 24 acres, more or less. Done at the request of Young and Christina Winstead on the 17th day of Oct., 1912. For further particulars plat and sur vey call at office of T. C. Brooks, -This Oct. 17th, 1912. F.O.CARVER, Trustee for T. C. Brooks, Learn Telegraphy and earn $50 to $150 per month. , Thousands of operators, needed. Most fascinating and educational jvork. Positions assured all grad uates. Write immediately for catalogue. Spartanburg School of Telegraphyi Main St. Spartanburg, S.C. to td fa tea ten vmm 11 I - - V tf h'',",-v.u v .z 1 ' ' - ' " 1 vr

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