1 " - ft Iff I.1-' v. . .-.-. - ' .. ' 1 i , - - - 4 1 Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home First: Abroad Next. $1.00 Per Year in VOL. XXIX R0XB0R0, NORTH CARlOLlHX Wednesday Evening, fec. 18, 1912. No, 51 1 V- ; W.-',5. ' J-a 1 : i - .-' ' f ' ; . -;"- aiw nygi 1 , i " 1 1" 1 1 ! r ''Miti . .. . ui. i iMi itihiiim i 1 mmmmmmiW MMMMMtfBBgBgBgBBBgiBBgSBEgggggBBHr'MMWBP' mS W. A. Fries Committed Suicide This 1 Jackson-Garrett, Morflin- I A beautiful marriage was ol- Raleigh, Dec. 16. W. A. Fries, a well known contractor and builder of Greensboro, com mitted suicide here, early this morning in the Hotel Giersch by cutting the jugular vein on his left side with a dull pen knife, the blade used being less than an inch and a half in length. He was in the employ of the state building commission as secretary and expert builder, having super vision of the work' of construc tion of the quarter-million-dollar fire-proof state building which is now nearing completion. Fries leaves a wife and children at Greensboro and left the following unsigned note to Mrs. Pries: "To my dear wife: I am ac cused of ugly charges that I can not entirely disprove, therefore gooa-oye love, l taice my own emnized on Tuesday evening at Dr. Pratt to Speak, Dr. J. Hyde Pratt, who is fee best posted man on good roads in seven fifteen o'clock, at ihe. home the State, will speak on this sab ot the bride's parents, Mr. and j ject in Roxboro on Jan.6th, 19 13. Mrs. J. L. Garrett, when their j It is earnestly hotted that every charming daughter, Miss Dora farmer, in the County will come Leigh became the bride of Mr. A. ! and hear this address, as it is E. Jackson of Roxboro. hoped at this time to put the road The ceremony was performed question in some definhe shape by Rev. E. M. Snipes. and work for results. Hear'hirn. The parlor was appropriately decorated in a profusion of white aj" Jack Barnetk Married chrysanthemums and potted On last Thursday evening in1 plants. St. Louis Maj. Jack W. C. Bar- Tne marriage, though a quiet nett and Miss Dorothy David home affair was one of the most Warfield were married. The Maj. beautiful ever solemnized here. is 39 inches tall and weighs 34 The bride was becomingly at- pounds, while Mrs! Barnett is 5 tired in a brovn cloth suit with feet 8 inches tall and weighs 126 accessories to match, and carried Pounds, a shower bouquet of brides roses Announcements have been re and lilies of the valley. ceived stating that the Maj. and Mr. and Mrs. Jackson left on nis Dride will be at home in Rox the south bound train for Florida, boro after Jan. 1 5th. Pellagra has Spread Rapidly in United States in Six Years. Washington, Dec. 13. Pallagra Sept.' County Home Elected. The Board ot Commissioners met Monday and after receiving the many applications for Superin is spreading in the United States di v tmn ro it Vino Ktfan vw.w. v. UUU 1U 111 W D1A JTOllO 11 HOiO, -Will . . , OAft ' t !ectedMr. Hughey Gentry, who known to medical authorities ha8;Loms,?na- cases. b70; deaths, 296;:,, was waII rommmpnllfld not Onlv nlai'mori nm Iacc than 3ft ftftH vin rate Per Ccni. ' " v.. -www v r UUUUlbU 'IVI IWJJ iUHU UUV IV I Kentucky, cases, 513; deathSi320;; rate, 43 per cent. Alabama, cases, 2,314; deaths, 859; rate, B7 per . cent. Mississippi, cases, 2,895;- deaths, 1,250; rate, 43 per cemV lire, hoping that you collect the ejre they wtll spend their honey insurance as it runs for some D00n time. I have one in the Security At home after January 1st 1913, Life Annuity for $3,QQ0, one in Mt. lirzah, N. C the Mutual Life of New York ' - Mrs. Henderson Entertains. Mrs. T. W. Henderson charm ingly entertained the Pleasure Club at her beautiful home ' on Main Street Friday afternoon. kook was oiayea at seven taoies for $5,000. There are amounts mQwy Society Oraniaed. lifr rrt AOVk nna1 V,rtVi -mill tj ' uuc uii cavu unt wiatvii win I p it q . , . , 1 . duce this some. Good-bye lovo. " J' " 'H r.mhwi11? ,he and at the clos of a numbw of 1 have nevcr been what I ought t enthusiastic games it was found to you. I hope you and the chil- wilt Mifl , Tl ,hat 'he W8keSt SCOre m9de dren wiU ye. be happy." Z'JET' a -mber devlaming to a prize, ' while Mrs This note was unsigned and was written on his business -letter heads as "W. A, Prirs, contractor and builder, Greensboro, N. C." and was Open on his dresser and iot severed from the pad. Sidna Allen Gets 35 Years: Wesley Edwards 27 Years. with the following officers: President, Mrs. R. A. Allen. Vice-President, Mrs. R. Wilker s on. Treasurer, Mrs. W. T. Carver. Recording Secretary, Mrs. K L. Wilkerson. Press Superintendent, , Miss Ruth Brook,-'."'- Eugene Webb captured the visi tors prize. The hostess served delightful refreshments. Tobacco Markets Close Friday. The Roxboro, tobacco market will close on Friday Dec. 20th .lan.j as a good farmer but as a good, tims with a fatality rate in excess kindhearted man, and it is believ- of 40 per cent, according a report ed he will make a most acceptable of the public health service today, superintendent. "It has reached," the report On Tuesday morning Mess. E. contends, ''the dignity of a public B. Reade and C. H. Hunter, j health question of national import members of the Board of County ; ance. ' ' Commissioners, went over the farm and took an inventory of everything belonging to the 'County, It is their intention to The, report gives these figures by states for the period of 1907-1011: Virginia, total cases, 628; deaths give more attention to the Home 349. deatn rale per 100 cases 55 These figures show, pallagra either prevalent or sporadic in the; greater part of the United States, particularly serious in the South in tne future, for it is believed that it can, as it should, be made self supporting. There are only about a half dozen inmatss and witjh one of the best farms in the Cfounty certainly should produce enough for the support of the inmates. The organization reported and will open again on thirteen member?., with addition- j Monday the 6th, 1913. Wythville, Va., Dec. ll.-lal members since, lhe next The market has probably been Thirty-five years in the peniten-: meeting will be with Mrs W. T. more satisfactory this year than tiarv is the penalty Sidna Al'eii will pay for the part he played in the shooting up of Caroll county court house, on the 4th of March last when five persons, including the presiding judge, the sheriff and the commonwealth, s attor ney, were killed by members of the Allen clan, and a number of others wounded.' Allen's nepeew, Wesley Edwards, will spend 27 years in the penitentiary. These tvo sentences were the result of a compromise this after noon following a verdict of volun tary. manfiUughter in tha case of Sidna Allen for the murder of Commonwealth's Attorney Wm. M. Foster, the jury fixing the penally in that case at 5 years imprisonment. Uoriib Iteme. Quite a orowd gathered at Mr Z.HiClayton's Sunday, as usurl. Sattire .1. S. Colaman was at! Monah Saturday on business. .. Tje: children of the Moriah 6cho0l are preparing for a Christ matree, Misses Dorman and Turner are the teachers. Mr. George Willif ord and Miss Carrie Satterfield were married Saturday, Nov. 30th. Their many f rieiids.wish them a bright and successf ul life. per cent. North Carolina, cases, 2,412: deaths, 1,167; rate, 44 per cent. South Carolina, cases, 1, 880; deaths, 582; rale. 31 per cent. Georgia, cases, 5,55$; ' Mac Davis, Colored, Killed. . On last Satuaday Mae Davisi colored, who lived on one of Mr. " T. W. Pass' farm was hauling. I. ' -wood when the load slipped down J on the mules and frightened thenr . ! with the result that they ran away and threw the driver ouUy killing him. Our informant tells 7 us that the colored man, Mac Davis, was an ; especially good hand and a peaceable citizen. He . was well liked by all of the whit& deaths, l,582;Tate, 34 per cent, people of the, neighborhood. I LOWEST PRICES' ON ft Carver Saturday afternoon Dec. 21st, at 2 o'clock. All members are requested to be present. Ruth Brooks. Subscribe tor The Courier day. to- Whitelaw Reid Dies at His Lond(B Home. London, Dec. 15. Whitelaw Reid, the American ambassador to Great Britain since 1905 died at his London rdsictnee, Dorches ter house, shortly after noon to day from pulmonary oedema. The end was quite peaceful. Mrs. Reid and their daughter, Mrs. John Hubert Ward, were at the bedside. The ambassador had been un conscious since 9 o'clock in the morning ard at intervals -during the previous 24 hours he had bev n slightly delirious as a re- I suit of the drugs administered to i induce sleeo. ever and our farmers have been universally satisfied with prices. After Christmas let's see if we can't all do more for the market and thus help the farmer, help the town and help etfery one in terested in seeing Roxboro and Person countv come into their own, Honor Roll, Honor roll of Bushy Fork High School, first month: Eighth grade James Broach and Earl Hester. Sixth gradeLuther Whitfield. Fit grade Elmore Massey. Second Month: Eighth grade Rosa Whit' eld land Jamie Broach. Seventh grade Robert Wnit field and George Solomon. Sixth grade Luther Whitfield. Fifth grade --Joseph Oliver. 1 First grade Elmore Massey and Bradsher Massey. rPOmp Day visited -his parents near Roxboro Sunday. Mr. C. M. Clayton killed two hogs on Nov. 25th that weighed near 800. Christmas being so near makes glad the hearts of. many around Moriah because of the expecta tion of the home coming of many absent loved ones. Alpha Cement Blinds Boxing Brick Cahill grates Casings Ceiling Church pews Colonial columns Cypress siding Door frames Felt roofing. Gable ornaments Gable sash s Gav'cl roofing Glass Hearth tiling Heart flooring Inside flooring Ivory wall plaster Laths Lime Locks & hinges Mouldings liitelSf Pine manfels Plastering hair Plaster of Paris Porch balusters ., Porch brackets; Porch rail 4 Pulpits., Rough lumber bash , Sash cords Sash weights Screen doors Screen "windows Shingles Stair balusters Stair rewels Stair rails Rnhingesi ; Ventilators: -4 : WeatherBoardinE Wood & glass cloofs Honor Roll. Honor roll of Bethel Hill High School for November: First grade Gertrude Whitt, Bryce Day and Nellie -Ranes. . Second grade Musette Moita gue, Dorothy Fontaine Lorena Woody arid Lucile Woody. Sixth grade Tommie Cratch fleld.' High School Department Elizabeth Woody, Addie Jones, t Norman Long, Christine Lucas,! Gladys Beam, Mary Montague, ' Mary Sue Wooody and Jack Woody. 1 is! Build with. Everything, to 10) 0) D 1, 1IC1I PHONE 94 PHONE 94 1 10E 301 IOE Mr. W. F. Willard, of Raleigh, is spending today in town. THIS IS THE RANGE- TIE RANGE RNAL. i il 1 It (XL For What is nicer or more useful for a Christmas present than a nice China Dinner set, a Rochester Percolator, an Oil stove, a Range or Cooking stove, ouns, Leggins, Razors, Pocket Knives r Carving Sets ? If you are going to give your mother, father, sister or brother a present come 1 -1 . 1 i 1 n to see us and get sometning mat will be useful and a CHRISTlfAS GOODS. - , Our store Has die CKriitmas spirit and you will find here a splendid assortment of articles suitable lor gilts tor any one. Sensible serviceable and pleasing gifts such as will be appreciated. Let us help you with your Christmas buying. COAT SUITS AND CLOAKS. We still have a good stock of coat suits and cloaks on hand for ladies and misses and from now on will make some mighty attractive prices on -them. 1 1 MEN'S SUITS . AND COATS. OVER- r. ppreaated II llllllMIn liA! 1. 1 11 -II f I. AMI II II I V- fl.ffl ) Men and young men, you can t buy a better, more stylish or cheaper suit or overcoat anywhere than we will sell you. Toil cant afford td buy until you have seen ours, FURNITURE. All furniture manufacturers have sent put notices of an advance of 10 per cent in furniture. That vvorft affect your purchases a penny if yqu' buy from usl We have the bt stock in the bbuntyiidi :lwugKt;"-l)ebMEts' any advance and we will guarantee ' notx'only; to .give you the best goods but to save you j good moneyf . .0 LT'l iJ ' '-T"-- -'- i.:yy ,.f;K iZ.;!-,! 5 ;t i '