(ti "T. . . ' S " -v - -J, ' I . . s f ' "- ' " ""' ' "" " i i i i ,, i , , , . , ... .. - J t It O IV i -i .if ' C -1 s, M !fri --"i xlamft'fl AspInU--. Aw. . I I 4 ' ' ''V' 5 r 'I ' ' I 1 . - ': '-. , 1 )T ' V 1' fl"' '.. 1 1 i .m i, .,t,,.,T . A,i ; f. .r, i t - j Si,-' f- -f, 'i!!'111 ' 1 ' r- - ' ",1.-.V'v' ' ?'-'v-- " iv, V-.; t ' " " i 1 ' 1 1 u ' i ' V ' ' ' . T'J' '.i'1 -" ;j ,' ." ; 1 ", ' ; t S 11 I '- " 1 ' ' t- ' - i VOL. "XT$y , r ' 1 f fji prtYt5nn:Ljm VOL. XXX . !li - -v j I - ' - - -r !i - J . - 1 1 1111 . in -,ni i :,.,! nr i , - . J"-1'! ? i . 1 ', 'I ... " .1 ii ' li i i i. i irmmmm mm 1 V X- - I J 1 1,11! I . v L. ( i i -r. ,.'- -- ' ' t' - i . "V' - ' 11 ' SI 00; KAr 1 "Y ftar hTi ? iVavailC -'1 TRAIN KILLED NEGRO WOMAN Ran Over Baby But Did not Hurt It Local freight Train No. 71, o: the NorFojfe'and Wcsterh'-'Hilled i ,f,-r-ti . ' ii' negroy6marf 5 "yesterday s. after! noon at Pick's Sidirir about four miles this side-ot Roxboro, and; ran over "a twdTmontli's" bid babi without even scratching the infant The iwoman . killed was . Ratheif Bamette. . M ' ' -:- i The casejsf, oe o the.. most not leave. a'-scra ch is1 mystery unusual within -the, v mrnpry of ; ihaVthe crew av.e'noi :bben able the railroad men; arid so far as i$ to solve for 'themselves ' ! -! - ' 5 -knownwithout ar-parallel - iii i ;bne to - lying thts Section, Jftto.awftiGoopcr (o;&a Mi, suw says th bothhe and ifta saw what looked like a bundle o if. t . 1 '. J i L . ; i -I c!otb.OT-the.:tracka9(they- pcbeihfettn Oli fte a4 cre.v.. However, some of t cident. It wgyr foundoupeop,eto hat ion that this wa the two months old tKn h,a .,,-; . .... The ihfkrit Udl on . IqQ. baby dress, which was tied below theeVrieone had seen her dd4his,'or feet and , the head was. .covered I remorse of Wnsscience caused with a shawl. Both the engineer j her nerve to fail When she saw and the firemajv. saw the bundle : the train about tuxun over her and the engineer had put on, the. to resolve to clutch, ,the infant brakes, thinking .it, to be a, small. frp wMt r seemed -to be:,the buudle of clothes; and l) that" thexjaW!i 0f, death, .However, her engine woul&nmover it-without promptings came too. late, ;and i I the train, was on the bundle bel It was laying between the t rails j f coiild reachrii. That is and while the men A were ; wch, ( mg;rferf ' a th'eoc of" some of th ing to seefif it s goin q nrolying near the; sidi cause any trouble., to. .the engine, jngi Dut it'isiaboui "the'" bnl ex- the fireman shouted, to the en-; Mr. Coper )says that, when he -first saw the-wprnan she was com :na hpad-lnnjy dbn the track and nefofe he could Stop the train she gmeer.atincy.wefc-auoHiuio iuo jcouduct of the womn in . running a wornamku nad run headforemost into the t it will xe i turnec over to ner engine The, forced the blow j father,' wtiolivedliear the" scene broke the womans.'skuli and she of the killing. The backing of the died almost instantly. The engine ' t'ain inuj . Hoxboro, for the pur knocked her to the side and drag- j pos; of carrying thexorpse caus- ged her three cir lengths, the tram running tms snort uuuircc before it could t e stopped. While some-of the members of the crew were tnakingan examvj nation of the body of the woman, another went; bark.to ; : see what the bundle contained which first caused .the-inpien. concern; They found it. under the caboose nd when the shawl was pulled back it was found that; wrapped in the bundle of 1 clothes was a smiling negro baby an the train : men are.responsibit.for the slate- ment that never did a little baby smile as did this one, which had been run over by the engine and three freight cars. . """this IS theTange C: I THE R AN G!E ETER N L f fJISM E ,1... ' yiiMlnJ.l ' ' Hiwwumn iii "- m.! jar -- " - m m j. ........ w .w-jjjM'i ... w ... ...... w , . v v , .. k i -h- v-u -.: iii i i t i a . ..- fi it There7 wasn't a scratch dn f the jinfdiit; and this tbe''nibs temafk- able .feature of-Vihe ? ihcident It wa-s cenaitify v'rijn over by the e hK'mc send thf ee-'f reightf 'cars,1 for 'wh'in firsreen the bundle was on 'Uie track in front of the on iConyinYirain. Tho-'Uexi tirher it Wa still-tin the middle 'of the tm-cte under, one; of the! ; cats: ; Just how thelow, hanging pilot of-the engine nn over the babv and did and whthe w6raati-,! was ddirii the bra'zV act;b running helonij . i. " JjuumaaZ ,. - child on the track ;in order that it ! might be killed Either fear that niana;ion l. tl .-.. V- r- The body of the dead woman was carried backiOt Roxbdro land turned over to I, an undertakej , f whtre mwas prepared for burial. ed it to be veryywvch off schedule jm , tMxixam w j negroes iiving near Pick's Siding ! say that the Barnette woman has been married but that recently she and her husband have had a falling out. At any rate they have nGfet teen livin together recently. This possibly accounts for the story about the mother having Pu the b.by on the railroad track j "ur ham Hearld. 1 can write you any kind of nre insurance you want. My ! office is in the Re'-ide Building at He'lra. 1 would be glad if all my friends would give me their In- fiance, Clarence Bowen. JtePWns the Strang KITCHIN. WOULD CANGPRISP.; 1t Would Like t6 See Pecilentiary OutfH HiAtiFarm. -1 I ' Cu Gbver nor TQtcKin " in Ins mes,: sage to the nei?t' General : Assem bfy, is . , got ng jo rec j m rnerr'd : ;?lie cfdstngbf the state pnsohMn Il-J eighas a prison "and tfte'removli .q the penitentiary. paraphernalia tHc eiectroctVtioh ! plant an.d'tviev prisoners to another place, pre -iifr-doihghis'pov is governed bv'acohvi the present plant on the eabdard and bcmtheritliojfi expensivq todse:of thtitCd hi'akfeho and hrirks nnd do this indnrirra The.place.was-ideal'for thit!&$3n zmfi&et of - yisi there are: but few piisorjers con. fined in the. state prison and the pIanV,'"7 wortH f rbm "$0,Qbo; $750,000 might bemused fbranoth- !er state building. 4 C y i ne governor fc inclines jto tne belief that it could be " welt rconr verted imoi a-"itatet hospital There are many, of the criminal insane treated therejn and a few of ihe Tongjierm prisoners are-kept theriThe buildipir as axommodious one and of the "best construction., J':: "' xi"-t ;ri Governor Kitchin doesnt ;be lieve that the fctatefarm' should be sold, thoagh he . would person1 ally'b-gladO'See:i'fIwjS'Are uabl'e a piece " of property? He thinks that should- be the place of executiorfand that it would' be generally satisfactory. He takes Jlhe view also that the working'of fh:Qonvictspu.the.rpadsi x:ann.ot be done with perfect satisfaction because there are many whose health" will nut'allow , tb.ejnCt'o gb7 on the roads for hard labor, but he thinks all can ;do! farmC.jrobrk. He has not' completed his A mes sage, but has these things in mind. As To The Innocent. Ie believes that as the convicts at4 maldhl the Statenbrill thef oUghWtetMve sbmtllofe theirl wages Sent to tbose innocent ones at home who suffer more than the guilty ; in . prison, . , t , ,JVhre thereH has . been vai!V muier, Jie thinks. the third of the wageil of the workingman might be paid to the family ' of the- deceasfeidF'a ' third to the family of the Convict and the other to the State, : l These recommetidations, Gov ernor Kitchin says he will make A Happv g 1913. i i - MlJitft l:Kv Dr PO and thank you: for duringa912. , : tit the'next meeting of die Gener- arAssedibly and he hopes,,' to see mem lairen ud ana auieu jiyyq. He'fOes ho$ believe- '.that the; Stit&should niaike. money r of its upjOrtu-nate cWs." ' He" also 35utshewiSd6nt;'fsO!me of the plans for leasing the convicts,; taking tne view that the stock" m Vhiet the , State h paict forrsome oj;thecynvijt lbor ,ireajly not yalualfle.a , T here is agrqwing.j .r0siipQ Jtd the;;.rJ4iwiayqt , oxkin convicts and one of the( biggest ntits aneaaotone lawmaners, it if- befeyidis;M arapr settiej metit joF this question.-7-News an d vpseryer. eve,on. .Jrs; WiilMmD$on. entertained the. tors i heri.attracri vei home v on Sont ?;Main. : Street,; r:Tha home was brffcht and .cheerful? looking with; its.' many, - Ghrfetmas decora tibns. Twenty -$ix guests were present and spent - the. dme-Dleas- antl playing Rook.; i Mrs. Earl radsher won the prizes a beauti- fut'picture. At the 'close of the game Mrs. Thompson ; served 4 a three course: lunch; OfP Akain, - Off agin, on agm, Mnigm was the telegrgfta .freijght con duetcVeVt.' in"'7: to headquajters aft'er?:6einir:?admonished by, his superior to make his telegrams rSylthVhome,eomihaJd c. re; turning of the young folks to and frqm college. They were all at h6rhe agin and; now , they' 'are .... Jt l. m i gone 'agin Misses -locker and Cdmpton Entertain.. Yesterday afternoon Misses Ada Tucker anaV Francis Cpmp- itort en teffainj6d,aboutr rty ladies at the home of iVlrs. A. ij rou shee, ihe home wis beautiful vith iisf Yuletide decorations. Mrs. G. W. Thomas was given a beautiful crochet center piecq for her skill in winning so many games at Rook4eliglplfFreshmeM game. Annual Meeting ; of Bank of Roxboro: M'fThe; annual meeting ojQtJp stockholders of the Bankof; Rox-r boro will be held ih office Bank on Saturday Jan. 25th 1913 at i piim ;4T1 i--i:?--a.l-D ,l l-PrdsJdrit; Subscrbe to-day iorH your County Paper rTher Cquner J'J.V Pfipril r A 1 101 i3S'm 'ifiiii n-i!;310 H ?9ftl1 : your, patronage . .V ?-".Jf 3i fin ofthe , f ? W. ft-'ri' S RoxWq JMethoHist ' It has been requested that each Auxiliary Secretary secure space in their local' paper and have some Item concerning the work to ap pear each weejt. This' space is kindly giyen.vthe W. R M; S.' of the v Roxboro Methodist Church and , this part of the work" vill be conducted by Mrs Mamie Brad- shr. ' , ' .' l miVfo9ifaeVf3.s'':i,- 'vPresidentliss Anna Webb 1st V. Pres Mrs. t. H. Street. 2nd .y;,:Pres -Mrs. Garland instad.:t?,.lr .-f.lr,..y 4hV V.. Rresf-rMrs., Mame Merr ritt. r , TreasVMrl, WV'K.fiambdck. ; 0br. filfcl MrtJ.E: P. unlap. u Rec: Sec;Mrs:;2. V;' s Gwyriri. ' Suppress. Wor2iMw."Ma mieradsherf, ; This j Sbciety tmeets: . Tuesday after the 1st aufl Tuesday afyer the 3rd Sundays in each month. Aloha Cement i -Hearth Blinds ncan uuuiuii: Boxing-1 - w .-Inside flooring';11 - j-sash--1 ' aBriokjBraAnisTiiiwV 1 SatSh coirds-- f Ifiahiljlgrat: r .valo- i1 ; :K ashrweights casings :. , . ... i-ime - Ceiling ft o't-l; t!t Locks & thurch:pewsl ' IL 5-Mouldings .virv v s&W&&- ktii'i iColonialcolumns Oak mantelij , ,Sta4rr.baluster .; uoor trames r lastermoair , i . MT KFelWd vteabte sashs -: Porch brackets Weatherboarding Ga.v'd roofinp Porch SfrGlass . I ' f Porch rail wPHfdME:94 JOT 1 . . S Jerythins to Build with.; 4 iniifi fl mi ....a r tliilii & II ill I Ichocdiic 10 mi egiitlheitiplpi 0TTT OF: D " 3 IfO o n While pur collectionsmavejbeen JDeraer this fall than everjbef ore there"; stM a number of accoun'onourtboolas un: paid which have llfe-llon than they . should! I&pne.theso. ac ' counts is yours wurgjgjyg s soon- as-you Mbli-YottjM i o - hnth vourCTeaiwranu-yuuiu-.A1 tice to be mamerent auuui, wnat-ywu-vwe. . smrl not mv vour bilniOTlt4sKa great pleasure to rdewithi andmend; , if. th those who bMromptlyxbutderf: liver us from te;nera pay or .are even ri A 1VnTif 111 VI - VV v I I ness which you gave so nii t.n '-he favoiM heme, that we have share of your. busiriQSS ml013arOuri xunrVnov PocsAinfinn is to imbrove our service all we;can anaJejen9o n H : favor lis the very bes ?f il V DfecTicate' ChnrcIi.K i il i Vd ' fcjThViletfo(ffirf'6hu . wijfbbrdated7o Sun- dayln Febfua. Bishop Kilgb will lihepuWicis-js ;to;jattend - tnese,sertces. & -i Ananal Meeting of: Stockholders. , ?, l uc auuuai iuccuuk ui;f.nv . : stockhQjder;ah4directors pithe " -peoplei(3ank;wJ)Q hei ; in bur , otioxf.'1J5situcdy.b 'JanV-ViStli;. v, : s.:-ru:ml.fri cpresident: . !! PkQE CCABBAGE rfay prices beforexyou buy else- whetCtvlGcaui-q MWW on plants anipftss' charges. Send bxAw nce? list f(to3y; Pfesc mention Uhis t.pappf. I--;r WiJtfATlEONj: i oj B&kervillei iVarf . , tilink PjUlptts i omwu uUU10. . hmgesr(r . bcreenwmdows shingles', or columns " Window" Frames -Wooa glass-aoors TOT fck flWlly P PHONE 94 t 5 , c IOE i ,.'.. - . .- .'.'it: . f . ..,.' r w -w m an" ' " r U1CU 11. 1 1 iV UUfi.Ul'(L uuringoilDiand i- ii with 6ven VK2f l. ttU (.r .TTAIl'- ' ATTTA S II II w p man k;wou fior uie. uusi vour iruuu . YX. i.-HI ait I- tMm -JL j-s-sr"'- 1 W . .-mi .'. r - , 10- ........ r h . .i ii u m . j" m ir l. v v - a ,m