. ...... .. L.-.T'V '-" "' - e . . . " -.4, 1 . I- Noell Bros., , Proprietors Home First:; Next. 1.0Q . Per Year in Advanc VOL. XXX ROXBORO, NORTH No2 " :..."' . ' " " , I CAROTiTNA Shower in Konorvof Miss Lews. Miss Mabel; Harris charmingly enttrtained Thursday afternobh at her beautiful homeron North Main Street in hoiior of Miss Pearl Lewis, who is to become ihe. wife of Mr.' Kendall Street this afternoon. First the guests were asked . to hunt for hearts which would fore v tell their future; After the search for hearts the young ladies were ushered to the dining room where -delightful re- freshments were servei in four of the meeting, which was to con courses by JMisses Louise Stalvey ! sider the question of good roads, and Claire Harris, Many witty j and how to get them, closing by toasts were given, and responded ; introducing the speaker of the to by the bride-elect. In cutting occassion, Dr. Joseph Hyde the cake the ring fell to Miss Sue Bradsher, the thimble to Miss Bertha Newton and the, money to Miss Breta Noell. Since it was such a rainy, drea ry afternoon little Miss Helen Harris and Master P.itz Davis came in bringing two immense umbrellas to the bride to be On opening these Miss Lewis found in her Dossession many dainty and useful gffts from friends. her girl Miss Barnett Entertains. Miss Myrtle Barnett was hos tess to a rumber of hty friends last Saturday aiternoon in honor of the bride elect, Miss Lewts. The ever interesting gamef ol Rook was indulged in, and at the close it was found that Miss Har ris had won the prize, vjiile the second prize .fell to . Miss, El ma Featiierston and to the guest of honor was given a beautiful bon bon dish. Delightful refreshments were served in the dining room which was attractively decorated for the occasion," Misses Elma Feather - ston and Breta Noell presided at j the punch bowl, where many toasts were given to the brids and groom to bo, und to which the bride-elect responded in a charming manner. Card of Thanks. We desire to take this method in returning thanks to a41 ofour neighbors and friends who were so very kind and attentive to us during our recent bereavement. No people were ever more thoughtful than these ho-kI friends have be?n and we wish 'o assure them that we deeply ap preciate their every kindness. . Respectfully, Mr. and Mrs, J. T, Wade. THIS IS THE THE RANGE EITlRNl "" " vi- h J' J'V--w .-2aH"-v - v '- ROAD MEETING, ' A Big Crcwd Attends and Hears Dr. Pa t. . According to previous an- nouncement a Good Roads meet- ing was held Monday in the - court house. At the rjpointed time the crowd assembled and yhen the meetin? was called to order by W. D. Merri t he was greeted by a crowd which fiilled ! the room. Mr. Merritt s poke for "a few moments, stating the object Pratt, Dr. Pratt spoke for bout forty minutes, telling of the many ad- vantages of ood roads, and the disadvantages and cost of bad ; roads The crowd psid close at- tention to tins speeds showing clearly tneir great interest in the matter under discussion, At the close of Da. Pratt's speech Hon. J. A.' Long came forward nd stated his position on the road question. He stated that he was heartly in favor of good roads, and believed the only way for us to gt them was by a bond issue. He asked the people to iustruct him as their represent tatTuvvhut they wanted, and he 0l$ try to give it to them. If they preferred one method above ant ther to speak out and say so. Personally, he favored the is suing pf bonds by legislation, but wants known on this by petition ing for it. He spoke at some length and . mac e his Dosition clear He opposed the issuing of bonds and appr0priating a fixed amount t0 any township as it wonId require great amount of bookkeeping anrpytherwise bring n hnm Pj0ndinons lhinh wpre. r.t. for the best interests of the County. He stated that he favor ed sanci clay roads, but that he was the representative 'of the people and would leave it with them to say what they wanted. In closing ne asked the Chairman to declare the meeting open and asked every one present to state their views. S. P. Giii'ry suggested a call be made lor a meeting of the t Avnohip ;:nd tliese meetings to express L.ieir ueaires, as all of the tow ribhips were not fully repre sented. ! up i) being called for C.'A. i Vv'iii meld stated that he had stat- rU Ills OiJliiU) t on this Question all! RANGE oyer she County while- on the ! campain, and was still opposed to issuing bonds over the heads of Ihe people. He favored bonds and was in favor of -making- tbs amount large enoughto do the wrk- ; W, A. Davis said he thought it would be inhuman to pass a bond issue without giving the people a risht to voie on the question. He: was in favor oFgood roads and bonds, uf'thought each' township should knOw that it was to get its part of the money and to receive, their pan of the benefits to be derived fron: such bonds. r J. A. Long, Jr., stated that he was in frvor of the petition plan for in that manner the people could express their views just as; clearly as by an election. . W. W, Whitt stated that ha favored the petition, as it was much cheaper and more satisfac tory, He said that the County had paid cut from 60 to $75',00a in road taxes, and feeline generate Iy was that Roxboro township had gotten more than her share. George E. Harris said lhat he, believed the" people of the County, would vote for a bill authorizing the issuing of $100,000, nro?idT ed, the bill stated that Roxboro was to get $20,000 and the pther eight townships should receive. $10,000 each. He believed yeryJ township in the County would vote for a bill if the provision was made that each township would get its part. ' "a Dr. R S. Bayne& stated that said he would favor the bond is sue if the people asked for it, and asked Mr. Whitfield if they asked by a petitfon with a majority of the voters signing it if that would be acceptable to him. Mr. Whit field ieplied, slating that he would insist on leaving the -matter to a vote of the people. J. A. Long again took the floor, stating he was going to leave the matter to the will of the people. He was opposed to the township expenditure, in fact doubted the legality of such a provision," though he had not consulted a lawyer on the subject. R. G. 'Gates said that roads could be built in Olive Hill town ships for half what they could in Mt. Tirzah, and that some of the townships had souQiany more miles than others ' that the township proposition would hardly bj. fair. Rev. J. A. beam took the4 floor and stated that he was cn I happy to see so unanimous "an expression for bonds for goodlceremony or motion. WE WISE A Happy and Prosperous - 1913. And to Qiir customers we wish to express our and thank you for during 1912. ioVds. That every one -was for 4ne bond issue, the only question being as to -the method. He had wjanted good roads- for years? ija'd left the County, and then the State, , but just could not stiy fa"y, and he wanted to see the people issue these bonds. Person- ftlj&he Favored the petition plan, bql hoped the people would agree ariii issue the bonds and have ioodroad?. I.Qor and said he favored .the itition plan .and thought that would satisfy Mr. Whitfield. He iioved that the Good Roads As- sociatton" be organized. The motbn was adopted. ; " W. D. Merritt was nominated president, but positively de- clined. A. R. vFoushee was then placed in nomination but declined. TiWthf. name of C. B. Brooks was placed in nomination, and he declined. S, P,' Gentry was then. placed in nomination, and while he declined the meeting would take no further declina- ions and nominated him by Ac clamation. Nominations ! were cailed for a vice-president fromjeach township when tqe tollowing were named: AMensville, T. 'B. Davis. Olive Hill; R. C. Hester. Roxboro, C. B, Brooks. P. i . ... At this point the Chairman stated that tio provision had been made for a secretary, when Chair mari Merritt asked H. W. Win stead to act as secretary. iTherhominatioirs for vice "presi dents irom -ithe , townships fwere ctepteted as" follawsr Woodsrdafer j. P, Williams. Fiat River, R. B. Holman,. , Here J. A. Long, Jr., asked if it would not be advisable to find .out if the men being named were in sympatny wttn tne oDject or the meeting. Tt B. Davis, who had been named as the vice-president for Allensville township stated that he favored good roads but would leave the matter as to how they should be secured to the wishes of. the people in his township. Col. R. I. Featherston took the floor and explained the duties, as he understood it, of the vice president. Dr. R. S. Baynes moved that the chair appoint three from each township to carry petition ground for signatures, but this motion did not come toa vote. Again the nominations of vice presidents were proceeeded with and completed as fdllows: Bushy Fork, Will Pointer. ( Holloways, S. C. Humphries. Cunningham. A. J- Green. Mt. Tirzah, J. W, Noell. At this juncture the crowd had about all left the room and the meeting adjourned without any and friends, appreciation your ; patronage Get Vaccinated.; Smallpox has recently appeared in several families in this County. There has' been a great deal of it fjiist across the line in Virginia. TojpVevent its spread, everybody should be vaccinated. Smallpox is no longer a quarah Jinable disease, quarantine being a 'false protection and expensive. If "you don'twam smallpox, get vaccinated. If you are unwilling to be vaccinated, you must bear the expenses, and other burdens of smallpox .when it does come. ; : Waccmation is absolute protec tion. It is entirely safe. It is a public duty. - : Also. I would like t6 inform, the public that it is now possible to prevent Typhoid Fever by the use otanti-Typhoid vaccine. It i,s in. serted into the arm with a small syringe. It is given in three doses ,ten days apart. It; is entirelyf safe. It costs about $5.00. It lasts about three years; Will be glad to fur nish further information. W A. Bradsher, , Co; Sup't Health. Jan. 8, 1913 Subscrbe tb-day for your County Paper, The -Courier. 1 fife LOWEST Alpha Cement Blinds Boxing Brick Cahill grates Casings- Ceiling ,? Church pews . Colonial columns Cypress siding v Hearth tiling : , Heart"flooring Inside flooring y Ivory wall;p aster aths i&J- Lithe h t. Locks & hinges Mouldings - Oak maqtels Pine mantels r Door-frames Plastering hair Felt roofing . m PJasjer,otParis GTable' ornameHts : r Porch. balusters" Gable s&'shs Porch brackets Gav'd roofing ; Porch columns Glass Porch rail Everything PHONE 94. . czioizdhc OUT OF 4 1 Begin f While our. collections have been better; this fall than ever before there are still a number of accounts on our books un paid which have been standing longer, than they should. .If one of these 'acr counts is yours we urge ypu to settle it as soon as you pqssibly . can. You do both your creditor and yourself an idjus-V tice to be indifferent about what you, owe -ori nnt. nav vour bills promptlty. -It is. a, great pleasure to deal with -and; extend'; credit to those who pay promptlyMt, "de: liver, us from those never.pay or;ar,e eyeh v indifferent and slow; about .meeting , their j w;-oTnc . We thank'vou f or the busir ; ness which you gave hope that we have, so merited , our. gooa will as to' be favored with even a greater share of- your busines? in-1913.:;. Our New Year Resolution is to. improve our ;. ali'we can and to serve thosa who 0 favor ustHe very best we can.: ;; r f ' I II II t .... .... .. ,...,a. --.., t -,.J -,-''. . - V ; -v't?" I ' 't ' - " The patronizers pF our Lyceum Course will learn -with, pleasure Jv , tharMoriday. JanT 13; the Olivett -Concert Party will give the fourth entertainment - at , the Graded . Sclpoi Auditoriums " This Com- ' " pany is com ppsed of. three charm- -ing and gifted young ladies whose professional training has been0f the esr; and ' whose 'program, never failing tov please' the, most exacting, presents a" great yariety ' of vocal solos, vvioiin solos, Ipiana solos and duets, readings, imper- L sonations, and humorous ; and ; " dramatic sketches. Come v -',.f: Tickets will be on sale, . Satur- . day and Monday Jan. II, andl3t x at Haibrick & .Austin Drug Store. ' . r" Wa mean what we say about all who owe us paying up: Better take warning now. A ' Rsade Bros. Co.t-, Helena, NC. Acnaal Meetiog of Bank of Roxbcro The annual ' meeting , of v the stockholders of the Bank of Rox boro will be held in' officeot the Bank on Saturday Jan. ' 25th, 1913, atl p.m. . E. B. Reade,'. v : President. PRICES ON Pulpits v Rough lumber Sash . : Sash cords Sash weights v, fi, Screen dolors 1 ; Screen windows Shingles- Stair balusters ; Stair xrewels Stair rails ' " .Tin 'shingles; v., Ventilators: ;.r .Weatherboarding Window Frames Wood & glass doors to ;Build with; 511c IOE ilQldiin PHONE 94: . : K . '' . f, )... ,f he Flew Year 'Mt DEBT. us durmg-1912- and 7

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