Postoffice Allowance Increased $3,000,000. I Washington, D. C, Feb; 17 An increase ot nearly $3,U0U,jiO0 in the annual postoffice appn tion bill was made by the Senate committee on postuffices, flhich repuiu lu uiMau.D ,v ,..0u- ate today. The total as.ced for u S283,488,442r mesnm iianded an increase ot W,5UU.(WUiarail- way mail pay occasioned mlpart hv establishment or tne Pircel post. A new weighing 01 the mail covering a period of thirty days from September 10, 1913, is pro vided by the bill as reported to the Senate. This step is recora mended ,because the parcel post has greatly increaserj the weight of the mails andf the : railroads claim they are entitled to com pensation on a new basis. . The bill also would stop the present practice of carrying second class mail on fast freight trains. The plar of allowing communi ties to nominate their postmas ters is embodied in the bill and would apply to .all fourth-class postoffices where the postmaster's salary is more than $300. The bill does not make such nomina tion compulsory. Society Events. j Mrs. Li M. Carlton was hostess to the Study Club at its, last meeting. Mrs. J. J. Winstead was leader for the afternoon and the Industries and Life of Ireland and a review of English 'govern ment made an entertaining sub ject for discussion. At the close of the program Mrs. Carlton served delightful sweets and hot coffee. Friday afternoon Mrs, B. R. Long charmingly entertained a dozen of her friends. Bridge was the game and Mrs. Z, V. Gwynn won the first prize, the consola tion fell to Mrs. A. S. deVlaming. Mrs. Long served tempting re freshments. . The Juniors of the graded school entertained the Seniors at the home ot Miss Clara Harris on last Friday night. An interesting program was carried out, report of which will appear in our next issue. Cortright shingles arethe best, for sale at Long, Bradsher & Co. We Want Your v I We want our store to be your Head quarters for Hardware, w WE CARRY THE Oliver Chilled and Vulcan Plows The Genuine Farmers Friend Plows Boy Dixie Plows Cultivators York Weeders N Toolh Harrows Disc Harrows Remember and Fertilizer us for your serve you, j! ' . OUR SUBSCRIBERS. Many of our subscribers arl ! ... . t iuue us on suDsenpuons, and l while the amounts may be sma! , to them, yet if we had them id One Sum it would mpan n orrpn dealt0 us, we are sending bv today's mail statements to thos who are due us. We want' t square a arrears wi,h Subscribers, as we want to get the cash in advance basis. "1 A . - ir you receive a stateim f.t please give it prompt attention. Senator Overman's Shoi senator uyerman worries along in a fairly comfortable way Without his appendix, thoujrh the public has not heard how jfear he came tox death by shopt -not from the operation, howejver. but from the bill. Sometiml ago, a Washington newspaper corres pondent se:t out word that Over man is a millionaire. ; Before it could be denied, the Senator , had a thousand 1 letters asking for loans in sums -from - 52 cents to $1,200. Snmp npnnlft still helipv. ed the' millionaire story and among them, perhaps, was the appendix amputator. When Overman's friends learned that the fee had been set at $1,000, they .went to the Senator's relief. It was proved; that although a Senator, Overman is a compara tively poor' man, and weaving this way and that, they finally got the fee cttt down to $800, Some people who have heard about this law should be passed to " fc $200 as the maximum charge.; for an operation for - appendicitis. Charlotte Observer. Entertainment by the Daughters of the Confederacy. On next Wednesday evening, February 26, the Daughters of the Confederacy will give an en tertainment in the Auditorium which will be worth your while. Don't imagine just because it is for a good purpose that you will notjget value received. You will enjoy it, and we hope to see the auditorium packed to full capa city, and even the "standing room only" card hung out. Help the Daughters in this worthy cause fcndienjov an even ing of rare pleasure. Everything for the farmer at Viccellio Bros. & Abbitt's. ring Trade. Smith Harper Hoes Globe Cultivators Pittsburfl Perfect Ffence Poultry Netting Lawn Fence Iron Fences to order Devoe'sPainl Lewis Ld Oil Rool Paint V the Cole Corn Planters distributors; Come to Hardware we want to Learn Prom Guilford. 'I had t6 say about the visit of the Rockingham commissioners to Guilford county, The Greensboro News commented as follows : "We are-glad to know that our neighbors of Rockingham had a profitable trip in our midst last week and we trust they will not make this the last visit. We must! Pfml iup $5 an. average job, all iearn by experience and espe-iancl woh't come down in a hurry; dally in good roads matter exne- rience. comes dear. The Guilford commissioners has learned, " for instance, that the sand clay road will stand traffic better than me macadam road. If . they had known this long ago, Guilford would have had many more miles of improved road than w have now, and it would probably have been in better condition than some of 'ounmacadam; Guilford is also wise to the ;fact that it is necessary to repair, roads, after they are constructed; jusfas nec essary in fact, as for a railroad to keep its roadbed in repair. "Interchange of ideas makes for progress." ' : Valentine and Box Party. The Valentine and box party prepared by the teaehers and, students of Bethel Hill High School on last Friday night' was' largely attended and very much enjoyed by all present. While the weather for a-few days-before Friday was bitterly cold, yet oa this occasion Old Winter with . 4.- j . held his angry! blasts and only light wraps were needed to; keep one cJmfortabte. A bright moon added pleasure to the occasion. Many of our young ladies pre pared boxes pleasing to the eyes as well as the appeiite. The girls with their boxes, were bought by their shadows on a' curtain. Competition , was keen and bid ding lively, especially on some of the "heart breakers", who prov ed 4 'purse breakers" to the buy ers on this occasion. The suc cess of this part of the program was added to by having Mr. A. C. Gentry as auctioneer. He has. been an unsuccessful bidder for a long time, ana no aouot ne can point out some of his mistakes to any one just entering the matri monial field. A large supply of "Comic" Val- en tines were on nana, many or which were addressed to some one preseut, Reading these was amusing. A novel feature of the occasion was hearing several who are pas sed the sunpy age tell, "Why I have never married". The rea sons were varied and some of them can be overeome by our bachelors. No doubt Howard Woody, Abner Gentry and Will H u mphries 4 'took notice". Black Board drawing was an amusing part of the exercises. Miss Ruth Gentry and W. B. Humphries winning prizes for the best and Miss Virgie Thompson for the worst. Oysters, cream, cake and coffee were served, of which we have never tasted any better. From the sale of these and the boxes a nice sum was realized, which will be expended to the interest of the school. Our school is in churge of Mes dames J. A. Beam, W. A. Woody and Miss Maude Woody. All of whom have had long experience in school work. Our County Su perintendent recently told the writer of his high opiniort ot them and how fortunate our community was to have them here. It only remains for our 4 neopleto civo them tho proper support and encouragement to keep our community ono of the foremost in tho county. J. Y. Humphries. WILL E2 IIZUE TUESDAY. DR. 0. RAPPORT of Darfcja will ts et Uoxboro, Tuc:Jiy Feb 25th. U your cyc:l;h U C:f:c K.iiJciKjit;;r.iHK:w, PAINT NOW - 'i ifiiur Property needs it; don't . pit ior-'the price 16 comes-down. j Tber&'are two parts, of a job: ! ty? -Paint and. the, work; the work - ? ore. than the paint;and: it eVer come-down. , The cost of paint is about two- ?fhs; the work three-fifths; too-many ;jobs put off. Men are waiting , for $2 - Or $3; theyv.don't know, it; they think tfiey -are waiting for $20 or $25.: lV-vhy; don'r men use their heads? ; ;; . DEVOE Long Bradsher & Co., sells it. Gov. Kitchin Off for Raleigh. . Gov, W! W. Kitchin left last Monday -morning for Raleigh where; he, and Jlidge Manning haVe opened an office - for the practice of their profession, Of course, the people of Roxboro and Person regrettb give up the Governor, but feel that he has actedwisely in locating in a lar ger town ' ; For twenty five years he has been a citizen of this town and no man has ever lived here who'made more friends, or better friends. Truly, the best-wishes of thetown go with him. His family, will , remain here -for several monthsfprobably moving to Ral eigh in the fall. WANTED, ASH TIMBER, Standing, cut in logs, billets or lumber See us before selling as 1 we :pay the highest cash prices. 'is : i. ti u . T-.inr.i.'' r - Balgjgvjn Jobl Works, So. Richmond. Va. 2,19 6ts : DwellinglforJRent. A good six dwelling for rent. Good stables on the lot, large garden, will rent reasona ble. Apply to H. G, Clayton, NOTICE. To the tax-payers ot Person Countyi I will be at the following named places for the purpose of collecting taxes for 1912. This is my last round and I will be very glad if every one that owes taxes forthe above year will meet me and settle. Cuningham, March Winsteads, Bushy Fork, Mt. Tirzah, Mdriah, Hurdle Hills, Helena, Allensyille, Hollowavs, Bethel Hill, Store, March Brays Store, - 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. . 8th. 10th. 11th. March it 12th. 13th, Buck Woody's 14th. Woodsdale, March 15th. Meet me and pay your taxes, I will put them out in a short while! - N. S. Thompson, Sheriff. For Sale. Several shares of Cotton Mil Stock. ADplytow W. T. Pass, Roxboro. N. C. All grides of plant bed cloth at Harris & Burns' at as low prices as you can buy it anywhere. NEW . Ehclric She: SIicp Y . tsJtnrrc;iri ts t tit Kzix ; u:a :..'. " I . reopie wgohh fcoriiles Distance don't stand in the way of those who have become familiar with the painless methods and excellent work of this of fice. 4 People who do not figure on cost whatever, cjme here be cause they believe they can get the bst work here. But wheli you take our price into consideration together with the . work we do there is no office in the country more deserving of your patronage. , , :$5.00 ft Sot. - No eharge for painless extraction when plate or bridge work is ordered. Fifteen Years' Guarantee. Philadelphia Painless Dentists, Trie, : 201 vi'ifest Main St, Opposite Post Office,'- Durhaaj?N, C." ' Phone 976. Lady attendant. '7 L SPECIAL.We will deduct Railroad fare from regular prices. iwmm mmm iitnm . m ww i mm a AboutOur : Ime of BUILDERS' iyp,PtlES?-If not; make it your business to find out today ifc'wiU be to your'.advari- , Uge ia dosrWefeyeai instant defiveryf ihe' ''besKgrades" of Vuifding supplies. If you are out to' . . , save a few dollars on Builders Materials, WE ARE THE . . PEOPLE to talk business -with. If we hadn't the best bargains in Building Material in Roxboro, we would not have the patronage we have. ( MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN TO US. 13 LAMAR STREET, PHONE 94 I 3C czior-3lc Paris Says, "Crepe de Chine and Brocades" have the lead for 1913. Already we are , showing an advance shipment of these new arid beautiful weaves at; the most popular prices. While Crepe de Chines and Brocades have the lead they are not adaptable to every use anJ Messalines, Pongees and Chinas still hold a strong position in the silk trade. We have a hew line of these well worthy of your consideration. . . ''..' - . Cotton New Cloth as its name indicates is really a new doth, a Ratine weave with a Crepe effect ana is one of the most popular Spring fabrics. We akohavoa nice Eolcction of cotton Poplin3, Ottoman andJuvcnilo cloth, Galatea, Ginhnms etc, In fact the hinhc:t cla.3 lin 2 cf cot ton cocd3 that wo have ever ohercd for carlv Spring vcar. 7c will bp picked to chow you. i Mound.' Sets of Teeth, . , $ 5.00 ; Gold Crowns and Bridge Work, $ 4 and $5.00 Fillings - , 50 cents up Roxboro, N, C. PHONE 94 30E 2 2l il FaMcs. ' L )miJ