'"r - f u , V - 1 " i. -v.. r m Noell Bros. , Proprietors. Home Firsts ...A...- -5 '"- $1.00 Per Tear in Advance 1 1 .-A - 1 VOL. XXX ROXBORD, NOIOTHtGAIlPJM Evening, . Feb. ! 26;-1913;-; . Noi 9 ' i 11 II I 1 4 4. t '" -j. s'! -- ' ; - ..t ... i r FINANCE QUESTION WILL NOW COME UP. Joint Committee Has Completed Its Draft of New Revenue Act. Raleicch, Feb. 22. The Joint Finance Committee on Finance, Senator J. P. Cook and Repres tative R. R. Williams chairmen, has completed its draff of the new revenue and. machinery bills that are to be introduced in both branches of the Legialature early next week, having 'placed the bills in the hands of the State printers for introduction in print ed form. In the meantime, members of the committee will make-no statement of definite provisions of the bills. An increase of at least $350,- 000 in the State's revenue .is aimed at in; the bills without, rais ing tax levies on property. This means something like $4;p00,000 taxes ,inste.a4 of $3,250,000 State taxes as at present. Read justment of the machinery act is the principal means counted on to be especially effective in col lecting revenue on income, inher itances, franchises and kindred sources. The committee expect $100,000, instead of $40,000 from incomes; $100,000 iron! inheritances, instead of $500Q0; . . .. -- - .... x. i $150,000 from f ki -nnfrj. i - Only 14 morraays.jremain for be Sundays, ana. tnaajusjmeiil of 'ttTrSiSnifi bills toI beli& iJilSOrbing work for thremamdetOf the session. It is conceded that there will be a special session next Fall and indications are that it will be de cided to create a State Tax Com mission, have a complete new property assessment; in the meantime with the pledge that no more taxes shall be raised un der the new assessment this year than last except as required to provide the six-month school terms. Ii is learned that the new re venue bill provides for a franchise tax on corpbratipns of one-tenth o? one per cent pf the capitol stock a very decided increase over the present ' rate, meaning that a number otrtheJarger cotton mills in the State, for instance, will pay as much as $1,500 additional franchise taxes! Also, the bill m Want four We want our store to be your Head quarters for Hardware. WE GARRY THE Oliver Chilled and Vulcan Plows The Genuine Farmers Friend ; Plows Boy Dixie Plows, Cultivators York Weeders: , Peg Tooth Harrows Disc Harrows Remember the Cole Corn Planters and Fertilizer distributors.. , Come to us for your Hardware we ; want to serve you4 carries changegfjn the income tax that fix the minimum untaxed item at $1,700, with a graduated scale on additional incomes that reacnes inree per cent for in comes of $5,000, with machinery to assure listing not accomplished in the past, The inheritance tax scales and enforcement, are being similarly handled in the bill. The commit tee is understood to be making no preparation for any bond. issue for the present heavy indebted ness, and business interests seem apprehensive that the plan is One tq take all permanest improve ments indebtedness out of curV rent taxes instead of issuing bonds. The proposed reassessment of property is to include bath adjust ment of much complained of ia equalities and between different sections and similar properties and placing all on the books at full Value, Instead of the present low assessments. In short, it g be lieved the Ohio plan is beirig fol lowed. .1 Four Cabinet Names Conceded. Washington, D. C, Feb 25. It was stated positively tonight in high congressional quartets close ly identified with the incoming administration of President Wil- that the following , cabinet taDDOin ments naa Decn acwrmin- ; . V - l r; . , Mi Postmaster General, Albert Si Burlesoh. Secretary of the navy, Jose phus Daniels. Favorable Response. We are glad tu say the responses have been comincr in very satisfac tory since our last issue. We hope every one who received-a statement will kindly remember that we sent them out, not for fun, but for business, and we are counting on every one either call ing or sending their remittance. It costs jmoney, ?to say nothing of time an wprk, to mail out these notices una we nope you win kindly give the matter your atten tion. Of course, if there is a mis take, in any we will cheerfully make the correction. ( Attended it today. Smith Harper Hoes Globe Cultivators Pittsburg Perfect Fence Poultry Netting x Lawn Fence Iron Fences to order, ,, Devoe's Paint- , Lewis Lead Oil Roof Paint V Spring trade. v : - - ;r ' TI ''Vh'Jlk O f - WIDE DEtUREii& , ; :vlPINED:; fJoint finance jfSm - . ?- - - '. .X- I r 4 . , , - . m , - .j .-1 Raleigh.; Feb.v; 22.Thesnbj committee of the int flnanco committee at the i Legislature as contemplating a wide departure in administering .ihe tax vlaws. Yesterday they decided tqliave an entirety new asse&ment4 of property in North CarplmaiHe coming year, t h ey also decked to. create theeeiaO three Tax CQmnjfestexaW salaries or jjj,ouu eacn, to maKe this new assessmentw addppS) to the (lieljtibn of the taxjsjs:5 -V The news of jthe decision oififl Mbcommittee has .caused hb iiUje4 comment Pariy lem sayli a new asesshiforerl roiiowmg so cioseivion tne of the assessment just be fatal to the DemQcratic party in the close counties.- ; They say th at the assessm er)i made this last year by c thV Cbfe poration Commission raised prp- perty valuation $ f 23,000,000 more than wa expected,; aud that we ought to be satisfied for Vl while. " ';.'" -i'? The members of the subedit Mittee say in reply that, with-.IBS new six-months school lawne$r assessment is, bsolutelr fttcejrV a wm;rca5sessmen ?say mat xne CcuaaVti KCommissioh! ' ;hasl pointed out the way to raise $6267000 more in taxes without a reassessment which is amiily suf ficient for schools. . " ; " Letters are pouring in from all over the State against the idea of a reassessment, and it is expected that a battle royal will take place on the floors of the two houses when the machinery act is pre sented. ; There is much opposi tion to the creation of the three new Tax Commissioners at hand ' - . . -4 ...... ' ' some salaries, for if the reassess ment should be defeated there would be very little for them do but draw their pay. 1 The Pleasure Club. Mrs, R. J, Teague was hostess1 to the Pleasure CluUit its - regu lar meeting February 22. Quite. nuniber "of; visitors ' V were also present, games were piayeaf at nine tables. On this occasion Mrs. W. D. Merritt carried off the Club prize and Miss Elma Featherston tfie. visitors. The score caras were pictures of Wash ington, and tally was kept with flags. The refreshments were a delightful ending to a pleasant afternoon. , AT ROXBORO TUESDAY MARCH 4TH. - Don't fail to see Dr. N, Rosen stein, at the Eotel Jones next Tuesday March 4th, consult him about your eyes an4 glasses, fle is a specialist in the science of Optometry and 1 can diagnose s any case of defective vision with tin erring accuracy and fit glasses that will conquer, it completely. His method is safe, certain, drug less, and perfects results are ob tained in every instance. Have your eyes examined and classes fitted." If. you heed glasses he t will tell you and if hot he will tell you, and: if t. not he will tell you what else you should do. His chargps are very reasonable.-v ; ' ' mm ' . - ' Married. : On last Wednesday evening at 7 v. r " i Tl "7 . . r .ft " the home 01 the brides father, Mr. Aa Pp' ClatOnr: Miss ySub4:Bring onrwafiitotWthrwia:.l-trlal niftTfllT. find MrJlT7lr JamM iarW in hstrfhsnf df.' Siiraeact '& : ClXTbil1! Clayton and Mr. Ivie, James wertW 4n bin!r8iBt( cuyto Jtaarrie: IThis populaf ;yannfe;:Eot""ar 47 6 Shot and; Killed. w. .I4E4.4I4 UMU . J - & IUU UUHL a raidriipht ride1 C - - .we.kijied. L mident and vice m-esident of ihe iebublic are unknown, ex cept as fcien iii official accoun ts, -do hot in all cases confirm. Trfe only vHmesses were those IWllcbncerned-i the killing. tieM; provisional presiqent, jG'.yictbrtan.o Huerta,; say the jkijfttg of thj& two men; vraiiinci de&l to a fight between them ana party 'tternjjting ta liberate i.' The minister of foreign regions, r rancisco uc la parra. f '.'-J . a- i r: I fefsp Neither makesj a: de-; finvstatemVtit as to which side i She fatal shots. It is not impossible that neither knows. Anbfficiai v investigation has been i Ordered W' determi n e the responsibility and solemn promis elayabeeirmadeithat the guilty rillbCk punished. Extra Session April 1. si4eelect A Wtisaa announced tcKiavthat ine extra; session - of cigress would be convened .n noead mi halCardVecirt: re t xTnSeVwboS: 1 1iave waited," aaid Mr. Wil son, "to Iqrn just what the state of preparedness congress was in for business of the new session." Just In, 200 Buggies. If you want to see the biggest and fbest line of buggies ever shown in Roxboro just call "on Viccellio Bros & Abbitt. think about buving 200 buggies atone clip. All kinds of farm "machin ery, 'and at money saving prices. All endes of bfant bed. cloth at Harris & Burns' at as low . prices, as you can buy it anywhere.' NOTICE. i - A'1 P To the taxpayers of Person County, I will be at the foltowipg pamed places for the purpose of Electing taxes-fopf 19 12; Xtaa ismv last round .and-1 will be yery glad if very; one mat owes taxes for the above year will meet V,' .y .,'' me and settle. v Cuningham, Marcn Winstead3, . Bushy Fork, Mt.'Tirzah, Moriah, Hurdle Hills, Helena, -Aliens vi He, Hollowavs, Bethel Hill, Brays March Stdre, 4th. 5th. 6th. 4 t (t t (i 7th. 8th. 10th, , 1 1th. 12th. ,13th. Buck Woody's Store, JVUrch 14th. wnHlp March lotn. , II UVUWM) . Meet me and pay your taxes,, I will put them out in a short while; N. S. Thompson, V Sheriff J l NEW Electricj Shoe Shop r , I have iifsl onened an efectrfc-ShOfr Ship and am prepared : 00 f a Kinu whrw in tht mast aoirravei jnanner, v. and am prepared to jlo aJt kind of shw iroiK Rebrinla it l - l lOU Want to Save money, aHCl: here IS theT t Op-: jlll . B JIVIjTJV f li II 1JI I Big lot of lace, - regular V Lot of-lace, worth 10 cents, now 5 cents. Men half hbsa , cents. : Mens' half hosef the 12 for 25 cents. '.'-f : - " : w ' r . Ladies hose, tfe best you ever bought, pairsl for;25-cents, Mi&'y-'X' In f act bjg reucti(n cent articieab rar z&ceii The truth is our stock is added a 15 and 25 cent line Ifor thpm If vou want-real Bargains come ; auick as sale will last ont:v to Sale tb commence Friday mbrnidg February-7 28that'lOo'clock0mem 'X;-- C H AMBERS 5:ancJ i;Qoent Store. vfe 190,000 woodhglK.all.apdK . .oonng. i nice o. d. si 130 bUs. fresh lime. . . ... ' .' . . A large stock of nails and galvanized rooting. MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN TO US. LAMAR STREET, PHONE 94. 3 "t-'iW 1:'-:V- Paris Says, i'Crepe de Chines and Brocades" Already we are showing an -advance shipment of these new and beautiful weaves at tne most popular prices. While Grepe de Chines and Brocades have the lead they are not adaptable to every , use and Messalines, Pongees and Chinas still hold a strong' position the isilk ; trade.: ,We ihave a ne l well worthy of your considtion, 'S !dttioin.;FaMcs. X New Cloth as itanie' Indicates is really anew cloth, a Ratine weave with a Crepe effect and is .one of the: mbst, " popular Sprihglabrics. We, also have; a ' nice selection;of cotton Poplins, ; Ottoman and Juvenile cloth, y,; of Tn fact the i hiemest class linft pf Vnf:- H i IJJi lull viiuv. u wmi v vt yuvxvu.ui, , joj - r early Spring wear q 11 -i.we win oe .pieastHi.uiAtinpyuu.utA k m k . -v, m a 5 cent quality 3 4l 1. K Jl jt ivJ 1-2 cent kind, 3 pairs: too larsre and ; having : we must make room ' ; days.. - - Roxboro, N. C. Galateas, : Gingiiams fo) ji n Rfl rfh irS fl' r !' ' RHONE 94. LM HI. I IMIHWtM have the lead for 1913.- ; .-.v i .:... N. t'-f;' , ' - .... 4- - V: -- ' r;'!' ''Mv!:ri' '''' ' y - --.. . - r 4 - ' ;iyr ; t'V.:?v r ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' Wi . -o. . T ' ' '"1 HA ' '1.: 4J'

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