Hoffie "First :; Abroad Next. $1.00fef Year-in Advance': VOL. XXX ROXBORO, NORTH CAROUNAi . Bdnesday, Evening, March 12, 1913. No. 11 Noeu joros., rroprietors. 1 "' 111 m , : m l - - L - - .1 n. , .i ... ' 1 - 1 - " r - ; : : ; ir. ., -,v,-r -- - , -..fcvwvv,, LID IS ON TIGHT AT MOR. GANTON. Passage of Webb Bill Brings Old Avery Measure into Force. Morganton, March 7. The pas sage of the Webb liquor bill has brought about a peculiar situation in Burke County and one which is presented in only two other counties in the State, Rutherford and Anson. In 1907 I. T, Avery of Burke introduced a bill, which was passed, prohibiting the delivery of liquors iu Burke County and the Representatives of Ruther ford and Anson Counties fell in line, also, and had their counties added to the bill. ) The State Courts declared the bill unconstitutional but the pat sage of the Webb bill put Avery's bill back into effect and the South ern Express Company's stents have been notified to deliver no more liquor arrd as a conse quence the express office has ta ken on the appearance of a ware house. Under the Avery bill only hos pitals and drug stores cbuld re ceive liquor, and as the town law ftrbidsdrug stores handling it, Morganton now has its first touch of abiolufce prohibition. The J2x prpss Company will not deliver whiskey in any size packages to any one. Federal Income Tax. Washington, March 7,-A' FeaS eral income tax, -probably of one per cent, and a free sugar tariff schedule practically were agreed upon today by the Democrats who are to compose the majority o! the House Ways and Means Committee in the Sixty-third Con gress. The Democrats will meet every day from now on to per fect their bill before the extra session begins April 1 . Representatives Gamer of Texas, Seanley of Kentucky and Cyllier of Mississippi, chosen as the three new Democratic mem bers, met with the committee to day for the first time. , The minimum income to which the proposed tax would . apply was not agreed upon. When it is hardware or farm machinery you want to see Long, Bradsher & Co. thought Promises Old South Made Good. Goldsboro, March 7. Some negroes of Golesboro seem to have the idea that under a Demo cratic Administration paper mon ey issued by the Confederate Goverment was good and coujd be spent. Some time yesterday Will Dove approached Lonnie White, who works as a bell boy for the Kennon Hotel, on the street and asked him to change $10 for him. Later in the day Lonnie tried to use the note given him for the change and was told that it was a worthless Confeder ate note. He hunted up Dove and de manded his money back, which Dove refused, claiming that he was getting the change for a negro woman, and that she had the money. Lonnie had dove arrest ed, and the policeman turned his prisoner over to Deputy Marshal Smith who carried him before Commissioner Peterson for trial. Dove produced the woman that he claimed he got the change for. and she stated that she found the money and thought it was now good, as Mr. Wilson was Presi dent. When informed by the Commissioner that the money was worthless, she produced $10 and offered to return it. 'This was done, and the Com missioner dismissed the case against the Doye negro, but he and the woman are jstiil puzzled to know whrtristhafi U-a'S&tS era man is President that the old mone'y of the South is not good. Entertainment. This evening at 8:30 o'clock Mme Marie Von Unchuld, court pianist to the queen of Rouman ia, will give an entertainment at the Auditorium. Mme Von Uns chuld gave one of her recitals at Greensboro, N. C, a few days ago;and was highly compliment ed by The Daily News. This is not oce of the regular Lyceum MILLINERY MOVED. Mrs. Pallie Yancey, Pass Moved to Clayton, Long & Long's Store Mrs. Pallie Yancey Pass has just returned from the Northern markets where she spent several weeks buying the largest and best stock of millinery she has ever brought here. There is nothing missing in this large and exten siue line - to1 make the beautiful young set attractive. She will on Friday evening the 21st, at 7:30 o'clock, and atl day Saturday the 22nd, have her mil linery opening. As usual this event will be worth your attention for it is an occasion which the young people, old people, men as well as ladies delight to attend, and this will be up to (he usual high standard. Mess. Clayton, Long & Long haye decided to discontinue their millinery business snd Mrs. Pass has leased their beautiful millin ery parlors and will conduct this business just as before, being the entire owner of the business. And further, she wishes the public to know, that she has not bought one dollars worth of the old stock of Mess. Clayton, Long & Long's millinery, but will have an entire ly new line for your inspection, as she sold everything in the way of hats before the close of the past season. Everything new, up-to-date and at the most ' reas- enable prices. - ;J, Wfien-youwaht ttf want'the newest styles in millin ery drive to Mess. Clayton, Long & Long's and go right up to her new parlors. Miss Julia Bray and Mrs, Carl Bradsher will still be with her this slimmer as help in her millinery business and extends to their friends a cordial invitation to call. ?2t0p0,000 Dam For 1 Whitney Developement. Salisbury, March 7.-rA. con tract Was awarded last night to H, Biffifdaway & Co. of Atlanta to erecf sf mammoth dam across the YadMtrJtiver, near Whitney, for the Souhern Aluminum Coin pany,- -' Which recently acquired the Whitney property. The dam will be of concrete, instead of stoneasT: formerly planned, will be locjited'seven miles below the old Whitney stone dam. It will be about 1 , 000 feet long and 14$ feet high, It ' will back water two feet over the top of the old-dam seven miles up the river and will, produce nine square miles of water, reaching a depth of 135 lfoet. More than 45,000 horsepower will be developed at the pianfhby being constructed by the Southern Aluminum Com parry.i l The old dam and other works at Whitney, built four years ago st a cost of about $5, 00ft000; will be discarded and ftie power will be generated se ven miles below. - , '.,..- - : ' ! 1 It mm Floyd Allen And His Claude, Must Die. Richmond, Va., March Son, 6. .w "J 1 T-l J All 1 i C 4-1 numbers. Admission same as to rioyu aiicu, ieaucr ux iue uuuaw Lyceum numbers. band in Carroll county, and his sQn Qaue swanS0n Allen, will w ugCSt Magazlhe m the be executed in thb State peniten- World' tiary on March 28 for their part Today's Magazine is the lar- in the Hillsville court murder on cents per coDy at ail newsdealers, tonight having refused to comute Every lady who appreciates a the sentence to life imprisonment. good magazine should send for a The prisoners were to have died Tree sample copy ana premium catalog. Address, Today's Maga zine, Canton, Ohio. e Want Your Spring trade. We want our store to be your Head quarters for Hardware. WE .-AERY THE Oliver Chilled and Vulcan Plows The Genuine Farmers Friend Plows Boy Dixie Plows Cultivators York Weeders Peg Tooth Harrows Disc Harrows Smith Harper Hoes Globe Cultivators Pittsburg Perfect Fence rou ltry Netting Ijawn Fence Iron Fences to order Devoe s Paint Lewis Lead Oil Roof Paint tomorrow, although the Gover nor yesterday granted a respite of three weeks. The respite was accepted by the Aliens as an indi cation that the Governor would extend mercy. The rejection of the petition, however, means that the case is officially closed, as there is no way by which it can be again opened. 7 Free Lumber, Sugar, Farm Ma chinery are Certainties. Washington, March 10. -Free lumber, sugar, ' machinery and imnlements are tariff revision A. certainties according to informa tion received from the members of the House ways and means committee. Placing raw wool upon the free list is undetermin ed with .prospects of twenty per cent, advalorem tariff. Senator Simmons, of North Carolina, is opposing the free lumber pro proftramme. Representative Boussard, of Louisiana, is hght- , Sailors Perish. , Baltimore, March 7.-Three hundred tons of dynamite being loaded in the British tramp steamer Alum Chine in the lower harbor of Fort Howard, exploded about 10:80 o'clock this morning instantly killing from 40 to 50 men, : iwounding and maiming three siorgormBof whom may dretind dealing destrnction to half a million dollars worthot property. The Alum Chine and a loading scow alongside her were annihi lated, the tug Atlantic, which twice went to the rescue of the imperiled seamen, was set on fire and later sank; the United States collier Jason, just completed and ready for trial was raked to her deck and her armor riddled and buildings in Baltimore and towns many miles away were rocked by the force of the terrific explo sion. Special Session for Tariff Alone. Washington March 7. Presi dent Wilson had settled enough in office today to indicate pretty clearly some of the things, that may be expected of him in the fu ture. He made no public an nouncements of policy, but there were a few developments that seemed to show the trend of the first days of his Administration. The President told the visitors he was inclined to favor the plan of House leaders to confine the special session of Congress to ta riff revision. Good Kentucky Horse. I have just returned from Ken tuckv where I personally inspect ed and bought a lot of the best Kentucky horses which have ever been brought to this market. 1 bought them right and ,am in a position to sell you some clean, straight horses at the right prices. If you have any idea of buying a horse vou want to see this Duncn of mine. Every horse is thor oughly guaranteed, and you know my guarantee means something. Also a fine lot of mules, just as fine as you ever looked at. 5 Come around and take a look, you will be pleased. T. D. WINSTEAD. THE mm 1913 SERIES. The Masterpiece of Mr. R E. Olds? who, has had 26 years experience in building Motor Cars. We have just received a shipment of these cars. Come and see them. LONG MOTOR CAR CO. Distributors Hudson. Reo. Hupmobiles. 1 Job Work. O ing to place sugar on the free list. Trip. TV.mnr.rfttic nroerrammft ia tn Remember the Cole Corn rianters pla5La&to nse ,0 faraers -mm . , . 1 . "I f I " w and Fprbh-zpr distributors, ome to US for vnnr Hardware we want to' serveyou. WANTED, ASH TIMBER, i -. - . Standing, cut in logs, billets or lumber. Set us before selling as tre pay the highest cash prices, i Baldwin Tool Works, V f : :;;So; Richmond. Va. &19 ets - Bees! Bees! The winter having been so warm we have onJiand too many bees. These are Italian and hi bred bees in Roots patent hives. Bees areA strong and vigorous. The hives alone are worth about $3.00 without bees. We will sell the complete hives with bees and sections complete for $5.00 each. Bees in.-hives like these average 100 Der cent profit each season Send f us your (rdcrtvr coine Our buyers have returned from the Northern markets where they bought a splendid stock suited to . the needs and wishes of this community. Every freight and express is bringing 11s ship- ments of these new goods. They Are Here. Yes, lots of these goods are already here, ready for your inspection. We shall be glad to have you come to see them today, tomorrow or any day. They Are Talking. Not the goods but the ladies. They, are talking about what a pretty, stylish line we are getting in. They are saying mighty nice things, too. We wish you could hear what those who have seen our new arrivals have to say about them. It pleases us and would bring you to see them. V In just a few more days our spring stock will be complete in every line and and we hope to be favored with a visit from you and we assure you that we will show you the best line that you have seen here. Your special attention is called to our millinery department which you can rely upon to give you the correct styles at the ,most reasonable prices. Also : dress goods inTall grades from a 5 cent lawn to handsome broi3adesilksW to match all. . 5 : Give -us your business this year. It will pay you as well as us. , -.5- I 1 : -V. V ,1 , ana see unem. v . . v - ' Jobh Q, Yeibrotish & Soa; mm -1 -1-.' ',' Va : . - -t - j '