Mm. I t ! i i r.i! WW 1!' Noell Bros., Propri-stors. Home First :;-Abroad! Next ! SIlOO kei- YearVin 'Advance I Mi VOL. XXX ROXBORO, NORTH CAR0LINA7M!ednesday Evening April 2, 1913.; Nov; 14-: i t: v : i "m'. . iy.." J '-,1 ''"V .. :-.-, , .... --. . i . . . . . ..... . , . i - . I I I I I i . -Ill l 11-11 I I I ' I I I k : I f- J I r . ' t I I I r . 1 I i -i I-' " - A CALL TO THE SOUTH. To Give Out of its Abundance to the Suffering West. The appalling disaster in the V- calls for immediate help. It is difficult to estimate the suffer er and sickness which will fol low the wide sweep of rushing waters. Far greater, apparently, n the mj,!iiitude of the loss and Immensely greater in ihe extent o: liirluenoeis this disaster than the earthquake in San Francisco. It is apparently unparelled in the history of this 'coun try. At a time when so large a portion of the West has been swept by rain and storm, costing thousands of lives and hundreds of millions of dollars, with losses) which cannot be , counted to the full extent for months to come, it behooves the South, abundantly and marvelously blessed as it has been with abounding prosperity, to give freely and with largeness of spirit, and to give quickly. The Manufacturers Record would sti ongly urge that in every community throughout the South an active campaign be immediate ly inaugurated for raising contri butions for the sufferers in the West. Humanity demands it, and gratitude to the Giver of every good and perfect gift should make the South respond quickly and largely to the call for ' help which has been yc-iced by Presi dent Wilson in his appeal to the country. New Justice's for Person., The following Justices . of the Peace for Person County were appointed by the . last Legislature; Roxboro Township Jno. S. Clayton, J, M. O'Briant. J. W. Younger, W. F, Newton. Woodsdale, , W. H. Hall. Nat Jordan, L. P. Duncan. Flat River, J. S. Noell, W. F. Timberlake, J. C. Cates. Bushy Fork, A. W. Long, A. P. Daniels, W. C. Warren. Allensville, Jno. L, Gentry, J. W. Yancey, D. C. Moore. Mt. Tirzah, B, S. Glenn, J. W. Cash. Cunningham, L. B. Scott, Jno. M. Jones, W. A. .Clay. Holloways, Thos. H. Street, C. P. Sanford, S. S. Crutchfield. Olive Hill, T, C. Wagstaff, W. A. Winstead, F. H. Wagstaff. Subscribe for The Courier. 1 ant Your We We want our store to be your Head uarters for Hardware. l ! WE CARRY THE Oliver Chilled and Vulcan Plows The Genuine Farmers Friend' Plows Boy Dixie Plows Cultivators York Weeders Peg Tooth Harrows Disc Harrows Remember the Cole Corn Planters and Fertilizer distributors. Come to us for your 'Hardware we want to Society Events. Mrs. G. W. Thomas entertain -i ed the Friday afternoon club and j a number of other guests last i Tuesday in honor of her house guests, Miss Katie Glaytor, of Columbia, S. C. Progressive games were played at eight tables, Mrs. T. W. Henderson m. iking the highest average was given the prize. Easter cards were used as score cards and rabbits filled with mints were given as souvernlers. At the close of the games a delightfulfyears she had been an invalid and luncheon was served in courses. Mrs. A, M. Burns was hostess to the Research Club on Wednes day afternoon. Mrs. S. G. Win. stead was leader and the study topic was Britians Colonial Em pire.1 w The hostess served a delightful course of refreshments. Thursday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock Mrs. Lillian Foreman entertained a number of her friends at her home in honor of Mrs. Kendell Street. Eight tables were arranged for the games, and a delightful evening was spent. Mrs. John Winstead cut with two others for the prize and being the lucky one was given a lovely crochet center peice, Mrs. Street, the guest of honor, was given a beautiful fan. Tempting refreshments in courses were served.. Resolution by Teachers. The following resolutions were L . .. adopted by the teachers of the Public 5chools of Person CouV ty, which were in session last Saturday: v- We, the members of the Per son Count j Teachers Associa tion realizing the necessity for more regular attendance upon our schools, resolve, 1st. That we heartily approve the provisions of the Compulsory Attendance Act passed by the Legislature of 1913. 2nd. That we respectfully ask our County Board of -Education to make such rules and regula tions as will most effectually put into effect the provisions of aid act. For Sale. l 10 Horse Power Gasolene En gine. 1 No. 3 Geiser Threshing Machine, all in good repair. I have a bargain on these articles. Apply to G. T. Bowen, Helena N. C. Spring Trade. Smith Harper Hoes ' Globe Cultivators .Pittsburg Perfect Fence Poultry Netting Lawn Fence Iron Fences to order ; Devoe's Paint Lewis Lead Oil Roof Paint I Mrs. Mary Sergeant Mrs. Mav ' Newell Sergeant was born Sept. 28th, 1881 - andebntribution to our: journalistic died March 29th H13. ...; On April 4th 1906, she was married to W, A: Sergeant. To this union was born one child, Henry Jewell Sergeant who with his father ; survives. She professed faith in Christ and joined the Methodist church when about ten years old and re mained a faithful member of the church till death. For several at times suffered greatly. She bore it patiently however and was never heard to complain at her lot. In the midst of extreme suffering she was cheerful and seemed to be happy, x I have never s:en a more beautiful il lustration of calm resignation to the will of God than she sho wed throughout all her sickness. It was always an inspiration to see her; One could not be gloomy or despondent in her presence. Her life was a beautiful illustration of what God's grace can enable one to endure and suffer and still be happy. Her faith in God and His goodness enabled her to triumph through it all. Her life was one in which self was forgotton in her thought for others. She was devoted to her home and family and made the home a home of sunshine. She was a benediction to all who knew her and she will befine.funtry. Especially Nebras- missed by a host of friends and 9 It!1?01 loved ones: -,: -' :f '; ,WttihtA;tb ; bert VerFlhjahkful She was ponscious of- the fact Norttf Garoliua is not visited by that sh3 could not live but she such distinctive tempests, met the Grim monster unafraid, The lonS Period of rain is lnter-' for she was Dersuaded that God nr.1C! rt rKo r oh had r.nmmtti nnm Him "Servant of God well done. Thy glorious warfare's past The battle's fouirht. the race is t wnri ' And thnu art crowned at last, t q ' List of Jurors. The following is a list of the lurors for the next term of- Per- son Superior Court which will convene next Monday: U. G. Reade, A. M. Denny, J. W. Montague, P. S. Rogers, W. T. Davis, G. P. Allen, L. D. Vea- zey, N. D. Harris, W, E. Hinton, T.M. Bumpass, W. A, Woody, C. Moore, J. W, Yancey,, J. L. Bowling, J. W. Clayton J. R. Moore, G. B. William?, R. A, Williams, J. P. Williams, Sr., J S. Winstead. C. A. Whitfield. I. H. Whitt, Jno. T. Walker, S. 1 B. Moore. J. H. Newton, R.J.Gil- i- j -i rj -r ttt tr hspte John H Moore, W. rf. Hall, J. W. Gash, J, H. Garrett, L. G, Stanfield, A, Shotwell. N M. Jordan, R. 3. Holman, Y. U. Broach, J. D. Burch. Mules for Sale. I have a lot of good mules for Mim ur kuaduhu, sale, if you wanra bargain come ' CAPITAL $25,000.00 to see me, On account of my Undivided Profits $13,500.00 health I am going out of the Resources a quarter of one mil horse and mule business, and I r Hnllcrr am going to sell this lot of mules lion Qouars, as quick as possible and jo do so 1 am going 10 oiier mem ac prices that wili move them at' once, Every one will be guaranteed, and this means just what it says, they must be all right or there will be no sale. ) ; If you need a mule 'come to see me and get my prices, you will be surprised to know how cheap you can buy a good mule. ' J. H. Carver. BANK OF; ROXBORO, . . CAPITAL $25,00000 Undividedrofits $13,500,00 Resources quarter ot . ont. .mil- Cuhingham and W oodburn. ' J VvFhe best and most practical literature that 1 have read .iira decade, is that of Mr. Bryant the Washington correspondent of the Nejiws and Observer in his inter view with Vice President Mar shall and his splendid wife. They went into their family re lation and said that they had been married for 18 years and during all that time they had never been separated for one day. If Mr. Marshall had to go on a journey she always went wiuY him. If she was called to go from home: ub any time he was always her com panion. ISIow this is surely 4 something remarkable and greatly to be commended in married oeople. If all these restless dissatisfied couples could ta ke t nl s s plen di d example of the Marshalls and try to Jive up to it, wet would hear no more' of suites for divorce but they would be unknown in our land any more. The Vice-Presi-dentwas offered a mission last year by President Tift to one of our South American States for a few months and becausehe could not secure a birth for himself and wife on the vessel he refused the position. Our Western people are in the midstrpf great suffering and dis tress on account of the tornado which has lately devastated that ferin2 ver? much with tarming ooerattons in our section and 'it will cause a late crop I fear in our part of the state. 1 am more than glad to see that Mrs. Wilson has xabooed wine I p li ttl:i ty C . C.. rrom me vvnue riousc icui. :ur the next four years. Following the elimination of the Inaugural Ball at the Presidents request, this is greatly pleasing to all our people. We regret to say that Mrs. Mary Sydnor mother of Mrs. Robert Bass doesnjt seem to im- prove, but is still confined to her room and bed, she is a very old kdy. Mrs. Nelson one of our nearest best neighbors is also at present afflicted with chills and fevers, it is hoped she will soon be - up aain. .Measles and whooping cough have bee epidemic all through section this winter and spring. The second quarterly Confer- ence or uurnamaisirci ronviii ton charge will be held at Provi- denceong4th Saturday in April, Dr. Beaman the Presiding elder will preside and preach on Satur- day and Sunday. The .public is cordially invited. . Frank. . -vTTr An nrvtrn AT1A , . , . Announcemcm ui . Tne following announcement . ma n relatives of . the contracting par ties: . ' Mr.. and Mrs. J. P, Tingen wish to announce the - marriage ot tneir ' daughter' - Laura Thomas t- Mr. Thomas Clayton : Wednesday afternoon ; April the' Second j ,J: alnsteen hundred and tUrtiei., - ' - ; Timberlake, North Caroliia.' j , i Cortright shingles are the best, For sal ac n - i v ENTERTAINMENT. At the Auditorium on Tnure. evening ApruM 0th, Dana AVaiden, the master magician,' win give an entertainment, , consisting . of magic; mystic, . and 'legeidemain. ; one of ui-s . Lyceum' numbers.; ' Mr..Waldenisa past master' infTickets on sale- at .Ham brick & . art-and ncv;i m, pjeasU BEO THE 1913 The Maslerpiw of Mri R. E. ' J Usl who has M 26 years experience in buildkig Motor Cars.' L We have just received a shipment of these cars Conic and see them, LONG MOTOR CAR CO. Distributors Hudson. Rp. Hupriiobiles. 30E 30C Fill 1 E - J of everything for Spring and Summer. Our Spring purchases are now about all in and our stock is full in all the lines. We believe that we have; just the goods you want and will guarantee to sell s them to you as cheap as vyou can buy the same grade of goods anywhere; While we pay much attention to the ladies side of our store we do not fail to see that the men-and boys are provided with the very best dnd newest things that are out . GlGtHmg. Did you ever wear one of our 4'Higli Art" suits? If so then you know they are tip top. We have the ; new - styles . ready for you and have also added'a few. numbers of the famous Kuppenheimer ' line. You can't afford to buy that spring lyj suit until you see our 1 If there is any one thing on which : we ' have .them all beat is shirts. We sell the f-, best popular priced line in america, the :. EMERY; Try one and you will buy no ; other. , : J - Shoes. Same thing might be said about shoes. We sell WALK-OVERS and when WALK OVERS go on shoeitrdubles go off". The : new styles await your choosing. ; . -.- ' In fact you wilL find here the best-of M eyerj-thing to wear honie. j. ' 'i- ! . v - v- his audience: -His : appearance in Roxboro several seasons ago will ; be remembered .by Lyceum t?oers and will no doubt prove - a draw-" r ing card for ivanr. Vod house ' " j on Thursdav evening " This is riot Austin's Wed, and, Thurs. . ' "V FIFTH TT:. 3. offerings. . - : ' and furnish f thfe1 r r i ;i i. ii 1 i , i : V. 1 l f S 5 i .I ' I I i! 9 5. ft Pi AX u Si1: 2 1: 9 -A s lioa dollars.-

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