. - . i -' ' ' i ' ! .. . t ' , '; .,. t - N, Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home First: Abroad Next. $1.00 Per Year, iri Advance VOL. XXX ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, May 14, 1913. No. 20 SUIT AGAINST LOUISBURG. Brought By W. O. Joyner For $100 For Failure to Publish Reports. Lo'jisburg, May 5 W. O. Joy-uei-. through' his attorney, W. M. Person has brought suit against;. appreclatlye audienc In ti,e to-n commission, for the;ordor to secure a crowd in this slim of 8100 for their failure to neighborho0(j when he .g gQ we nnbish an annual financial statft-! , 1 inent oi me amounts received and now expended, as the state law requires all town commissi oners to do. It seems that not only has the present board of commissioners failed to do this for the past two years, but such a statement has not been made in ten years. If Mr. Joyner wins iu ou.v MC 10 ou - ing ior wm go xo nim as xne law directs. The case will come up before Justice J. A. Palmer Mon day. Fourth Class Postmasters Must Show Their Fitness. Washington, May 7. The four th class postmaster situation lias been finally disposed of. Post master General Burleson after a conference, with President Wil son today announced that an ex ecutive order has been issued re quiring all postmasters of that class to submit to a competitive examination whether already? in office or prospective candidates. Mr. Burleson also announced that it was the intention of President Wilson to take into the classified service, probably within a year all postmasters of the third and second class. Mr. Burleson discussing the or der indicated that it was the Presidents wish to take the four th class postmastership out of politics, but democrats as well as republicans will have an op portunity to compete. Annual Reunion of Confederate Veterans. The annual Reunion of Con lederato Veterans. Camp Jones, No. 1206, will be held in Roxboro as usual on June 3rd. Every Ve teran together with his wife, al so widows of Veterans, are cor dially invited. The Daughters of the Confederacy will prepare a dinner. They have also secured a speaker for the occasion, Gen. T. W. Bickett. J. A. Long, Commander. REMEMBER Bradsher LOHjL IS HEADQUARTERS for Screen Doors, Screen windows, Screen wire, &c. Cream Freezers, Water Coolers. For Real Come Long, Brasher & Co. Bethel Hill Commencement. On Sunday in . the church Kev. J. T. Riddick, the beloved and pre-eminently successful pastor of the second Baptist Church of Durham, preached the annual sermon to an exceedine-lv larp-A fuwu turn ioveaDy an, -it is only necessary to announce that Mr. Riddick will preach, his text was the 19th verse of the 26th chapter of Acts. "Whereupon, O, King Agrippa, I was not dis obedient unto the heavenly vis ion." This thrilling and smile stirring sermon was intensely practical as well as inspiring, and several were heard to say that it was the best sermon they ever listened to. N On Monday at 11 o'clock a. m. Prof. N. W. Walker, State Super intendent of High Schools, made a splendid address to a large as sembly of pupils, patrons and friends of the school. He show ed us the need of the High School, its duty to the commun ity and the duty of the commun ity to it. His plain, . common sense, practical speech made a splendid impression on all and it will be a great delight to have Prof. Walker visit 'tis again at any time. The entertainment Monday night given by the school was of high order and thoroughly enjoy ed by an immense crowd that could not find standing room in the auditorium. The program consisting of readings, music, plays, pantomimes etc., was well chosen by the experienced teach ers. It was splendidly carried out, and several remarked that they never saw pupils better trained where all did their part so well, it is bad to dis criminate, but we counted ielp mentioning the splendid acting of Mrs. Norman Long. The school has enjoyed a most prosperous session, and the indi cations are that this will become one of the most important High Schools of the Stat?. M. B. We can furnish the tobacco planters. Long Bradsher & Co. White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers, tripple motion, at Long Bradsher & Co's. Refrigerators and Values in to us. Co. PERSON COUNTY. By Mamie Ennis Pleasants. The history of Person Count; is very interesting, especially to tho:e who dve within her borders Originally a part of Orange and Caswell counties, it was formed into a separate county 1791 and was called in honor of General Thomas ..Person of Granville Co. Thomas Person is a name that stands out first .and foremost in the history of our County.. He hated tyranny above everything else, and was also strongly op posedd to the stamp act. vHe was appointed the first briga dier general by the State Con gress in April 1776, 'and for his patriotic services a county of North Carolina was named in his honor. His liber ality tow ards all schools and colleges was very marked ; but especially sq towards the Chapel Hill Univer sity ; a hall of that place also bears his name. It is bounded on the north by the northern part of the State, the Virginia line, east by Gran ville, south by Orange and west Caswell county. Person county has a mild cli- i mate, and it is very fertile. There fore it is very thickly populated, although itm ay not have as many largecities as some coun ties. Roxboro being the pprin cipal city, and also the County seat. It is fifty-four miles from Raleigh, and has a population of about three thousand. One of the best schools, for its size, in the State is at Roxboro. There, are two cotton mills, three warehouses and a large number of stores. During the month of January, 1913 Roxboro ranked third among the tobacco mar kets of the State. Some of the chief factors that have helped to build up this town and County was the building of a railroad in 3 890 through the County. Another great improvement va made in Roxboro last year, that was the paving of the aide, v-Tlks and macadamising of che .ft reels. Many other improve ments h-.e taken place in the last f cw yeai s For instance the improvement of the public schools Instead of the old log school house of former days we now have warm comfor table build ing?. Although there has been much improvement made in the schools we look forward to the day when there will be a s till greater improvement. The roads though not of the best, are very good, and we hope to have ma cadamised roads all over the County in the near future. An other great help to the people of this County is the telephone sys tem. ' There' are some very interest ing places in Person county. Take for instance, Payne's Tav ern. This place was at first se lected for the county seat ;but was later changed to its present site. Loch Eily a beautiful place to go for a summer outing, is one- of the chief attractions of ; person county. This pond is about two miles long and about one mile wide, a beautiful club house adds much to the beauty of the place. It is built upon a high bank overlooking the. pond.. Still another place that many people .visit in the summer is iliiKi Mountain. It is located about five miles north of Rox boro. The view from one of the peaks is :ery beautiful indeed! Farming is carried on on a lari?e;6calp,by;thei)eople;ot 'er- son County. T i bacco is the chief Product' but enough grain israis-; ed f 0 v then .wn use, and also I have some to sell. The tobacco i ,m thlrj county is' among the best of the State. One thing about Person is the. healtMul situation and good wa ter, although there is much sick ness .it is not nearly so much as there is in some' of the neighbor ing counties. The history of Person County shows that great improvements have been made since 1850, but we look forward to the time when still greater improvements will be made. The improvement that will . help the county more thanlany thing else is good roads, we hope to" see dn a few years Macadamized roads; that will rival the old Roman roads in structure and durability. They will not cost thev county very much" for there is an abundance of material that can be develop ed with very little effort. Another improvement that we are longing to see brought about is one that concerns the schools. We will all be glad when the number of schools will be doubled, the buildings much lar ger and better equipped, the term longer, and more teachers with better salaries will be em ployed for each school. One thing that will greatly help the boys of Person County will be the building of a farm school. In this he boys may gain a nedu- cation with very little expense, and also gain some practicable knowledge about farming. For the girls we wish to see a college built in Person with a special domestic course among its many other good qualities. Some other things we wish to see added to the long list of county improve ments, will be the continuation of the street building in Roxboro and also a new Union Station at that place. The bright hope of all the people of this county is that some one will donate the funds for building a hospital at Hagie's Mountain, which will be connected with the principal citi es by a street car line. Last but not least one of the sure features of the developement of Person j County will be the growth of her towns. Some of what are now merely country villages will de velope into the principal cities of North Carolina. Then here's to Person, Theland of my birth; Here's to Person, The grandest county on earth. Oxford College Commencement. The Courier begs to acknowled ge an invitation to the Oxford College, sent by our charming young friend Miss Carolyn Thomas Farthing. The ' date May 25 to 27, at Oxford. N. C. The graduating class this year is a very large one, num berine: 24. as follows. Breta Gay Noell, B. A. President ; Gen eva Powers, B. A., Vice-President; Eugenia Woody, B. A. Sec. and Treas. ; Florence Loonam, B. s Historian: Marirarett Jus tice, B. A., Prophet; Carolyn Thomas Farthing, B. A., Tvy-Or- ator ; Annie Long, B. S., Tresta tor ; Bessie Howard, B. S., Poet ; Elora Horrell, B. S., Presentor; Lena Jones, B. A., Salutatorian ; Fannie Scott Jeffress, B. A., Vale dictorian ; Amanda Cobb, B. S,, Decie Dark, B. S., Maggie Hood, B. S., Essie Johnson, B. S., Rassie Jones, B. A., "Marie Medford, B. S., Bernjce Olive, k S., Myrtle Pass, Br A., Maggie Richardson, B. S., -Grace Short, B. A., Ruth Taylor, ,B. A., Olice Wood, B. , &, Marie Woody, ,B. Auditors Annual report, showing Receipts and disbursements on account of salaries and fees f6r year-ending April 1st 1913 By amount received of Sheriff's ... Register of Deeds office Clerk's office - ? Treasurer's office, including com missions accrued, but not com puted (approximated) By By To amount of annual salaries. Sheriff Register of Deeds Treasurer Clerk Superior Court To amount paid Auditor Balance balance We are pleased to announce to our friends and patrons that we have purchased a new and better ice wagon for delivery service and we are putting same on the streets today. We will make d livery j.wice each day and we trust we may have the pleasure of serving you. . For convenience, we haveadopted a new plan. Each customer will be given an Ice Card. 1 On this card are figures representing different amounts. Av pointer is fastened jo the card and by moving this pointer to whatever quantity desired it can be seen at a glance from the street and customer will not be bothered. This card" may be hung in a convenient place on the porch. It is crnr endeavor to give the best service and we have instruct ed our Mr. Hobgood, who has charge ot the wagon, to give extra po'od weight with every purchase. If you have any cause whatever for complaint, we will consider it a favor if you . will kindly let us know. ' In every case, ice will be cheaper when tickets are purchased. Once more thanking you in anticipation of your future patronage. Respectfully,, - EVERY BUSY It has been just that way with us all the Spring. And there are reasons for it. The reasons are that the goods the irpeo- pie want are here, tne quality is qepena- s: able, the pJices are right and our service -' is best. The most capable and obliging sales-neoDle to be found are, here and Jt. i ' they deserve mucn una hnQinPSS We are daily receiving 'new -goods. This, week we are. expecting two. , good shipments of the very newest novelties in summer dress goods. new shapes m tne Riff shiomeht.of t . last week, 25c to $1.00". .Come to see us! -f i t often, we win snow every time it we nave time. , r ; We re always pleased to serve you. : ; Report. office $2,101.81 . 1,73720 rl!l36.32 850.00 $2,000. oa 1,200,00 500 00 1,000.00 261.00 864.33 " $5,825.33 $5,825.33 , $864.33 F. O. CARVER, Auditor. t oi tne creait riorr;pur: 41 A il .11 n -- ? - : ' i -. 4 Also another lot . of muimery aepartment Onyx hosiery came in t you sometrang new 4r rower DAY A DAY 1 - V, .. ,. ,