- . - -v I : 1 LM$t . ' y w , ri . , Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home -First: Abroad Next. VOL. XXX ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, , May 21, 1813. No. 2i; f The feopie Are not fro testing , Koxboro IS the Best Town. Against Tariff Revision. When it comes to lowering the every beneficiary of pro- t:lM '0 1 From Allensville. Honestly, we believe that Rox- j Poor Richard and Mrs. RicWd boro is the best town for its size ! has been on a visit. We started in the country. The cash re-! on May 6 to see the family of piuteaia as a nmtxer i ceipiS at tne Office Of the Nhc ; Mr. r.hxrKe OSTplms t.hP.v nnw Iivp llU:-sc. Nobody expects them folk & Western Railway ; shows'. on the Governor Bell' place near - present instance, to ap-'that this town doe3 more" busi- Oxford. As we seldom get out ui the Democratic party and . nesj than any town on its line ' from home it was quite a treat leaders an4 to cry out, en- from Lynchburg to Durham. The to goon a visit so far. We went Human nature nas not me cnants hre are wide-a-wake by Surl, and from Surl to Berea, ,,ot t.. that point yet and it is as shown by the columns of The ' and from Berea some 12 or 15 !U,;h;u- new that what has been Courier. I miles to our destination. Surl MtM as a special privilege. With our streets improved and ' has. about gone down as a place ,luill be claimed as a right. beautified they present an ap-'of business and also has Berea. The anti-provision protest means pearance equal to the city of im-, The store houses, shops etc.,' at nothing but that some favored portance, and on last Friday j Berea which ome years ago interest hates like the mischief night the citizens of the town J were so flourishing are now fall to pive up a fat thing. j petitioned the Board of Aldermen J ing in at the top, and nearly 'all Hut there is one feature about . for sidewalks in almost all parts of the people seem to be gone tl1P situation that is significant of the town. When granolithic j from there. I am told that all -has anybody heard the. people walks are laid over the principal j the older heads are dead and protesting against revision? If , walks-there will be few towns the tariff is not lowered, there ' that can make such a showing ttiii be a thunder of protest from as Roxboro. Destructive Hail Storm in Ca- -Qesooooooeoeoooofeoeeoooooa ooooeooooocooosQOOOoaoQOCa tawba. i 9 them later. Baltimore Sun. Yes, Roxboro is the BEST town and we all should be glad that Profsnr Rr.hauK tn Leave. we are permitted to live in such a goodly place. orth Carolina and Raleigh too regret to know that Prof. I. J . . , . ,nnn c,0 , Kural Carriers Annual Meeting. 0. Sehaub is to leave this state. ; & - iii Jit ' ml Tk t . j t Ho tleparts aoout tne miaaie oi ; ne iturai uarriers oi tnis lune and wil have charge of ; county will hold their annual! ! on demonstration work on all meeting in the court house on ' the 8.009 miles- of line of the ; Friday May 30th. All carriers ! Frisco railway with headquar-' are earnestly requested to attend I tei'S at SprillgMeiU, iviu. riuies- , mi mcenug. ivii caiiicro, buu- ,o' Schaub is a nativve of Forsy- j stitute carriers and patrons of the county in this State and in ; thei routes are expected and will 1U00 graduated at the A. anV be given a glad welcome. M. College. Four years ago he ! These meetings are of -vital was assigned by the United Stat-' interest and we have often won- the younger ones have moved to Oxford and other places. On our way through Shakerag Mrs. Richard called my attention to a young white woman plow ing. Well, this is one of the worst sights I have ever seen. I don't believe jn women working in the field no how, thej were not made for that, and I felt sure we would not find any wo men plowing outside of Shakerag, but we did find two others plow ing before we reached our destin ation. However, they were , still farther off than Shakerag. Any girl, I don't care how intelligent and smart in other respects, is a fool to marry a man that will put her in the field to work like any otnei common laborer, yio Newton, May 15. Reports from the southwestern part of 4- V s-i - rii -w 4- -r-r ntrvi-? Vtrt n t" r t r r me juuu.il i, j aiiu cuo uppoi of Eincoln tell of a terrific hail, g storms that visited that section one day last week. Much dam age! was done to growing Crops, wheat and oats being partially destroyed in some places. The hail on level ground was two or three inches deep, while in many places it drif tedN to the depth of 12 inches. Many farmers are planting corn and cotton over. The 'trees in places were totally stripped of their leaves. Many years ago a storm of similar nature-passed through this same section during wheat harvest, completely destroying the crdp. J . e o o 9 9 9 9. O o 9 O o o o o o i i i T -i 4- ! T.y-vrl r iv l!4- lo iirfonrto oV es Agricultural eparciiiciii j . -- . I matter Low smart she may be and ' is a legal holiday and the carri- - i i 1 1 1 - J . T.'i.lJTk.u. m I . . . the WorK OI orgauamg-me uuj,DCn iu t" ,a uWB. iu h h nlpntv tn rln indnnr-fi. eoni clubs in this state, and is a legal holiday and the carri-j Ul, -g one reason we see these are now in 93 counties, j ers can not jpend it better than . gQ vmny care.worn listiesH? with a total -or 2,250 boys. Hejby attending themeeting. j nearly dead women on farm has done a great and most sue- ; ! thov-nrp Rimniv work-nd to dfiath. w i' v t,' v . ! After leaving Berea and going ,eful work and leaves it in fine ; Meeting of Days. shape for his successor, whose name has not. yet been announe--. -Raleigh Times. Annual Reunion of Confederate Veterans. The annual Reunion of Con e ierate Veterans. Camp Jones, . 120G. will be held in Roxboro Rev. Mr. Pruitt, of Charlotte. ! South for about four or five miles will begin a meeting of days at j we found the people apparently much, more mnsriprrms houses are seen on every White side. the Baptist Church on next Sun day morning. He is one of the ablest of the Baptist preachers the corn is tfp ready for work, and all will be benefitted by and also the cotton, and a good hearing him during these servic- portion of the tobacco planted. e. The public i scordially in-Old Brother Aired has a nice vited ,to attend. ;,s esual on June 3rd. Every Ye j Wednesday May tian togetner wiui uiys nr, n widows of Veterans, are cor so 28th. j j rrv, T1 ii-Y.h-APC- r I i III" 11. 111. lii.lV ,,, TT- l, ITT. J TT ooro, ax tne iioxei, vveu. ivxaj S. Rapport will be at Rox- Confederacy will prepare a 28th, for the purpose of examin- -. '.inner. They have aiso beuuitu f t glasses. If i speaker for the occasion, 'Gen. your "eyesight is defective have r. W. Biekett. , ; it rectified with suitable glass- T ' Lone 1 es as your health and comfort Commander. ' demand it. REMEMBER u VJ IS HEADQUARTERS for Screen Doors, Screen windows, Screen wire, &c. Cream Freezers, Refrigerators and Water Coolers. For Real Values in - - HARDWARE Come to us.- Out of The Fire. 1 '--J ' : ' WANTED One thousand daily new subscribers to the old reli able. The News and Observer plant was destroyed by fire on April 24. But it did not miss a single issue. It appeared the morning after the fire, fresh and resolved to give the news to North Caro lina folks. Work begins at once to rebuild new machinery has been ordered, and the News and Observer will be better than ever, and try more than ever - to serve the peo ple oi North Carolina. The News and Observer needs Qneithousand new subscribers. Tire price is six. dollars a, year Will you not help that paper to rise from its ashes superior to the flames by enrolling yourself tas a subscriber? ? Addre&s News and Observer Raleigh, N. C. 100,000 Shingles, all grades.;, 33,000 feet .cheap ceiling. f i - 20,000 feet cheap flooring and boxing. 300 Screen doors and screen windows.- Wfe have also added a full line of paints, oils, varnishes, wall finishes, paint and wairbrushes, glass and putty to our stocks Everything to Paint With." Iffi Roxboro, N. G, Phone 94. 9 9 O o o 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 O o 0)n'n m LAMAR STREER, Phone 94. 1 P o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o. o Our Friends and Fatrohs home place down there, adjoin ing the Bell farm did not know he was so well off ; he is not bound to preach unless he wants to, and that may account for his saying just what he thinks regardless of who it hurts. There has been quite a mad dog scare in this section. A lit tle lap dog belonging to Miss Laura Edwards went mad and bit one son for Mr. Ven Allen, one for Mr. Jim Burch and 'x two of Mr. W. J. Edwards sons. Three, of the boys are applying Mrs. N. Lunsford's mad stone, while one of Mr. Edwards' sons is us ing Mrs. Bradly Brooks'. Better be careful boys .when you go courting or you may get bit as well as kicked. Mr. Tom Boone Davis claims to have the prettiest baby in the township, and it is a most .beau tiful baby to have to- call Tom daddy. But when you take the mother in consideration it is not such an extra baby at all, for she is a mbst handsome wo-. man, ana men must nave oeen mighty , scarce in her section when she met Tom. : Yesterday, - May 9th, ' was tax listing at Allensville with Mr. Jno. L. Gentry as list taker, and his charming daughter Miss Ad die May, assistant. I think all of the young men looked on Miss Addle may as being a much 'bet ter list taker than her father, and especially Mr. Sol. O'Briaht. He had to have his list taken twice! ' " : Poor Richard. We willTommence on the 15oh to sell our dry goods, shoes, nos tions, clothing and furnhure at and around cost. This sale will only last a short while, and noth ing but spot cash will get these prices. The first to come will get choice, Reade Bros. Co,, . Helena, N. C. 2 4tf . "1 . WE hay e heard some' com meat on the fact thatwe do not deli vet ice in less than 5 lb. quantittesand wft late this opportunity to ex plain this. " r : - ' ' If our customers will kindly givrthis matter a second thought, we feel sure they will see that wecannot possibly afford to make small er deliveries. We are selling ice at the rate of 3 5 of one cent per pound. It requires the same amount o time, walking, and trouble to deliver one pound as it doe fifty, ust for example, suppose- that among, our custOmers,Svthere;,w.ere hfteenr : wjiaisnejta pound of ice' twice daily. On the average, it takes at least 3 minutes to make one delivery. You can see that, this would mean time amounting to 45 minutes twice daily or 1 1-2 hours per day. In re turp for this time, we would only have sold 30 pounds of ice amounting to 18 cents. You can see just the position this puts us in. NX'e are glad, however, to sell ice in any quantity at the ice wagon. We have put the price of our ice at the lowest possible figure the present consumption will juftify. just as soon as the consumption increases sufficiently to allow us to operate our plant on a mere ec onomical basis, we shall make this price proportionately lower. It is our endeavor to give. the best of service and in every case give extra good weight.' If for any reason you have cause for complaint we will consider it a favor if you will notify us promptly so that we may adjust same to your entire satisfaction. Respectfully, ower Co. BANK OF ROXBORO, CAPITAL. $25,000.00 Undivided Profits $13,500.00 Resources a quarter of one mil lion dollars. White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers, tripple motion, at ' Long Bradsher & Co's. Stop and If you want to buy a nice , Buggy and Har- ness, a Wagon or any thing in our line, don-1 buy until you have seen what we have and- get our prices. X'e shrink tires and do all kind of repair .work on short notice! . Yours trulV ' - ' i EVERY DAY A BUSY DAY: v. ?. . ; ... It has been just that way with us 11 the Spring. ) And there ar,e reasons for it. The reasons are that the goods the peo- pie want are here; the quality is depend able, the p4ces are right and our service is best. The most capable and obliging sales-people to be :found. are here ;arid thftv deserve much of the credit for our tine" We are daily receiving . new goods; This week ?we are expecting -two good shipments of the very newest novelties in summer dress goods. Also another lot of new shapes in the millinery department, Big shipment of Onyx hosiery came4ri last week 25c to $1.00. Come to see us often, we will show you something riew every time i.vvv.e ijavc time. K.J We are always pleased to serve yoii - V- h "tl.. iny ii i.r ... 1 K-JLJI JLJLr r 1 ' 'X . 8 . 4- LotigBraidstoj' (We can furnish ' the tobacco ' - IF planters. 'j."f -r f r. m. r Long' Bradsher, ,& ' Co, ' s i -"I i & Co. ,