"-7 7 - f r J i , I , . " . . . V Noell Br6sv proprietors. v ; Home; tirst;-Abi oaci- ieMi.: , $K)0 ?erYear;in Advance : VOL. XXX' V 1. "'::V;;:-v-;:Cv0XB6Rb;,- :.-No.v22.;'' IT u -' rt . f v ? 'A " J ..- ,.!. i FILLlN? PI H5. CLA ! heid? ' A;- . At tho most By Clyde H. Taveimer. Washington, May . 27. The mail of nearly every membe of Congress is being; clogged with request for information relative : J conveni- .Closinfir; Exercises of Graded PRESIDENT WILSON : -f.u it COL. WM: H. ftSRORN HAi' Lh wa o n" t i, in"" . ' : School. .; - - V" . r KNOCKS LOBBYISTS. REGULAR -MrATIINin7?-ITAYSaUM-wniiom :to hi nH : noV . doeS.oiemaappU-VT-e examination? A. Af- . a- ; . ' They Try to Create Public Opin-j.; Parker R. Anderson." writes-the standing at thS door-to tn'ecom-. - How cation for ter an examina'tirSn i5 annminnof ih oro i r- - i eld. last, Thursday quest, at the local ; posioff ice, r form 1753, which is the -proper to the filng of fourth-class post f blank to be filled toutjand which oil ices, rifcuve is xne lniormatiQn uvaiiio iun . imui-inaiion - per nios st sought : s taining to the examination. q. What was the Taft order' pertaining to 4th, class post masters? A. It was an execu tive order made on Oct., 151912, placing all fourth-class posti masters under ' Civil Service with out examination. ;. ' , 0. What was the effects bi this order? A. It meant each ! ,Q., What is : the nature of the examination A; li covers elementary arithmetic, penman ship letter writing; copying tests together with statement ' as ' to lacilities for transacting the business of the off ice.' ; ,Q. -How.caii one jget morjecom plete information pertaining? to r.t-i 'wJ.'i -.- Kii.; Are raid for their Work.: th3 Greensboro News, from Wash- missioner's Office and, the, colon-- On.Thursdavfiveiiiriff'at :. W, : shin ,tOn;,Ma.T 6.-Lobbyist ."?" aa -WB-4 X jw "w,! . h-'rhlwWn Wil' -hfi; rt inierA?nVNnrtiar1vNhnA, president WoodroV Wilson (' fa I of letters -wJUch;; the commission- itabetq the children and ;"iheir opinion.- antagonistic ;tq some teachers. ' The ' piajs,Tom Thumb ' oftha phief items of the tariff -J mil"; were( scathlnsly;: announced . - . ' . , . 1 S . ". ' ,'..-.- - J , - ' ; ' : V. ii - 1 II K I. : IllKni.l ITS JW I 111 I 1 1 MM I 1 W AW I l H rtl , I O f IT'O . no I .H A MU " K I I "H i iiiiimii i j li riMi. trifuw" mi li i i : I'l'uii- " ;i nil r.w- 1 j-i I 11 ' . iii vTCiii I 1 1 I t 1 - .-. . - , .. -.r-. , . '.r u4,x, J'lii,::: . iJ,-' JL'fchis . several; fdepartmehts. , Col. must be a popular man;. Folks from down ; South all de ' time coming in h'eah. Dey doni knocks 4th class postmaster in the U.'8 matter? A. By writing to ift he 'CiviU Service Commission, Washington, D. C," asking - for opiesof form 1752 and 1759, which cbntaiu j rlinstruct tonsil to applicants, and rules and ! regu--lations goyeming'; appointments, or by writing your iiumber of pongress; , 'v Kern Was dured. Washington, May 6. The in troduction "of a resolution y by Senator Overman in the Senate today calling for investigation by the public health service of an , anti-tuberculosis serum,, re vealed the fact that Senator Kern, democratic leader of t)ie upper housed -was treated - with a serum m a906v . t ; Oil his, illness and cure Sena tor Kern said ' afterward : : "After, several physicians had diaenbsed , my case as 'tubercu- bss) .went .to a ganltorium con ducted '-ktrAstieVil Karl Von Buck and remained thre four and a half months, t was absolutely cured and I know many, others who were there with , me who' have since com pletely recovered.' Some 'cases were far advanced.'' I. Nine Workmen Killed: V S.. then in office would hold the office indefinitely regardless of his fitnessror (Malificatibus; vacancies of Vourse1 to'faefilled based on a . competitiveexami- jiation. - ."-t.- Q. Wherein was. . .this , order unfair? A. , It put postmasters under Civil Service who had re ceived their appointment L by virtue of political considerations and took no account of ... merit - f - - -. ----whatsoever.-. ' -y-.... Q. What is the "WikQn Way !" A. President Wilson, on May 7, 1913, issued an executive or der, amending the Taft order, which provides, that , in, , all 4th class p9stoffices where the com pensation is $18o fcjer year " or over, there shall be held an open competitive examination by the Civil Service Commission, there suit o( which shall be r certified by the commission to the- Post master General. The Post master General, shall appoint ii? of the three receiving the highest rating. rr ! Q. How are they appointed . when the compensation is under 10? A. By " the' . Postmaster Cnieral basadvupon a C report .Martihsburg W. -Va., May 26. Nine workmen were" killed and mad? by a.-postotfice inspector.,; ;our others badly in jured. today i.l Who ho'.ds these.. examina- when an eastbound passenger t ons? A. Local examining ! train raninto a.gang of laborers , T . a i'- Vi f empioA'ed bv contractors on the cuuls are appointed, bother , . . - . . , i j Magno.ia improvement work -of C m; erico Commission to. con- j th? Baltimore andi 0hiq Volley !iu t the examination. -; h railroad at Uoe Gully, 'W. Va. Q. J When will these examlna t (.as be held? A. It is'impos ibi? to telliat this -time r butJ they will be held as soon, as the Department can takecare of the work, and as the needs of the sfi vice reauire. . . , U. Where are exaininations i, The injured men were brought to the hospital here. -The cause of the accident hasnQ-been as certained but it is supposed that the 'contractors' men - failed to provide feufficient .protection ' Wre'can furnish the tobacco planters. .. c ' y . - ' ' , Long Bradsher & Co. REMEMBER ; ' " . 1 ' IS. HEADQJJARTRS -; for Screen -Doors, Screen iwindows ocreen wire, ,&c. ' -. Cream "feezers,-;R' Water Coolers.' - ;''' v ::;vvV -".'a For Real Valiiftt? 111 v w f . ,- , .t. . I , ; it , : o.jS-i. .. !.. . , i .. '-, . - ..' , . - . . . , , . . ; ... -At ' Co'me;to;us .yiS&l Welding and Cinderella' in. Flow er Land were ; greatly enjoyed by the .throng ; witnessingr themir The : Superintendent thought it ,wise to make a small charge-to to 'this entertainment - "to help defray Hhe expenses of the close, and of course, hope 3 for a good attendance, but when he arrlv ed on the scene just before time for opening the doors he was am azevd at the throng :who t was seeking admittance. -v After all seats, were soldiand alh standr ing ; room unti ized - there were hundreds turned: away. The jam was someth n? fierce, but with great "credit to" 'Sup V Stalvey, there wano accident aad every thing passed of f Wisely. 'x F; iday morning at 10:30 the' Class Day.Exereisas were held, and while tha attendance, was not "so large,, the' young ladies and gentlemen , were greeted with a gooi 'house, an! all .felt more than repaid for th3 time given to the exercises. -The, exercises Friday evening at S :15 brought tha Commence uent to ;a . close. A-The. .following ie;eivsd diplomis or cecti iates: Annie -Laurie. Barnett,"" Janie .Sidriey Bradsher, Mildred "Jose phine Biadsher. Ina May Brooks, M.Ured - Davis ix Brooks, Marj Cheek; Annie. Myrtle; lay ton Hezeklah Hamilton Hobgood, Luth New ten, Anni? Lewis Pleas ants and Layard Kenneth Wral-ker.- ' i ' vMiss Annie Lewis Pleasants was'the winner of the .Research Club Eniiish Medal and also the R. E. 'Long Scholarsh'p . Medal. - The literary, address was by Hen W.kA. Deviu oKoxford, and was pronounced by a i who heard it as being; a gem, me ver having been surpassed by anyof h's predecessors. His ' logic , was sound, his english beautiful, and sentiment ' beyond description.: If you failed to hear him y On miss ed" a rare treat. - ' vThe year just closed has been a most-successful one,,' and - the town is proud of Superintendent Stalvey, Assistant Supt. ..Henry and theirvery effisieht teachers. The entire cprp3 has 'been . fe elected, and'as ' each had' made application for, their same, work. .it' is supposed 'all -will-'return. - ' Business Not Alarmed.' ' , cy President ;Wilson in . af state meiit' Usued: after the; newspaper conference: today;'; ;M-;-m , "Washington hasV seldom i seen . so William Henry Qsborn, of Greens ooro the - newlyC: aijpoiptedconi inissioner ''of-f internal -revenue, hhisV; regular Vcablnet"' days. On Mondays knd Thursdays 6t each : week the colonel gathem about him each" of ;the ;heais ,r pf ident being rnents iV. 'a iu - V 1 " iK r ui. bussed" with, his subordinates at mi lead the judgment of publiq . r - J-i.... , w K1. v. . , these meetings, and the-commis- ;nt.' "The", .-newspapers , -are 1 v .r. r - rrf?, , . " ing billed .with 'pal- advertise-;"11. taStonErery .-..phrase 3rits":cireUlaed tb ' not V only' ih?: " fs.?ls- fctVdedoah,. but .rtheysay : ' 'Git away; from fheah, niggah. Where7 ' is Biufosborn.' And de coinniis- v; sloner Cher jest" sets , back ; and -laughs, and, tells ;"W all .to', come i in and -sit down. Yes, suh;i dat . sure js , a popu!ar white -.man ? .v,s , . -r- Tuesday June the 3rd. At Rtfxboro, aVthe Hotel Jones. . ; DrV N. - Bosenstein of v Durham .... T . -l I . - i . - . or the country itself. It js;of se- ' TTr, r." r " " -- , - . . .- ? - v s -'x - ''about the revenue business that 'lar First Tuesday call,, at - the rj. rw the. country. . . v . Hotei; Jones for the purpos'e . of , ; thatthe.peoplefttW-.shon v have no lobbj, andbe voiceless f;- ' v''-".:' wl-J . -.r - .''1, -V : . h-m", - ' Tit " -5' , . j. - v.1 -'A ' ' , ' . ' , - W in these, matters .while ; great ! lodi'es of astute nqen see'xtdcre- sta ?an arti!l:ial opinion anl to o.e.eoms .the" inlerest of the ) lYk public for thelr private. health. - . ; The government-' in all 'its t '- - - - . - . ' branches ought" to; be,;, relieved . s f .V.-., , H' ' from, thi3 ' intolerable- - burden J ? - , - :-;-vT;' v - r-'.v; v r BI11 vhia' Prt'nei-ftTif'. inrrnn'inn ' WE haVe heard some comment on the fact tnatwe do not deliveiv - f - v. am n AAiA Ice ,n Jes man riD; quantities ana we,taKe mis pporiunity to: cx to:the caim progress of debate. ,-yn this ;- .fS ; ,7 v, F - v v I knbV that in this r am speak-1 jf our customersw ill kind ly gi ye ih Is matter a second thought, 'Ve- ::;. !ng forthqrv members of thetwo feel sure the will t see that w cap nqt pbssiblyiaffbrd 1o' mak mall- houses' who" roujd ; rejoice "as er deliveries We are selling fee a'f the rateof "3 5 of oneictint, per T muchtai:.! would tb be released" t'Pdv:-It requires theme amount ufUmc w t,..'3' u, -'.j.- j . deliver, one pound os it does .fifty, .ust forvexauipl.c:,' suppose. rorr,thi3 . unbearal)l3 EUuatio , ' tB'm6n tlmsmy f :y-4HH:no pt ice iwice aaiiy.un tneaverage,. it aKesaueasL d minutes;, - - v if Tte'Qccial New .Mrs. J. S., Brad heme on Main StK was ,. oriSM can see-just the position thi with spJn.t f owers and hand-;;-AVe are' g!ad. howeverSo seU ice in anrouantity at the I . . v Ts 1 -w-r 5' . '.XTUrt kniiA nut tVin kpikanP Aviv inanr fVia Introor nfteClhlA:- fiflhf( tiA.'w :'"' i - 3 .hostess Present consumption lll juftify. Just as soon athe' consumption f r" , "lis ptit$ us in.. ;, -, -. " ' i' - ice wagon. some spring costumes on ULVy& uaa.. . . .w.. - v .. . , fY1, , j. t . . to the last-meeting of thesea.y . , , , nrooortionatelv lower.- ,';V ton of the Friday Afternoon Jjs 0ur endeavor o ?ive the bestbF service 'and in every case ive ' ' Club. - v extra ood weight." If for any reason, you have cause tor complaint ; Little Annie -'Thompson- BraU- we will consider it-a favor it you will notify its prOmptly'siir that :WpPf: " . her assisted her -mother in" rWi? ' foivinor' fh trupsts " andV" little "nv ' . t 'f? PQnprtfi'illi'f . - : . -. "' ' C' ' ' ' eiving the. guests and -'little j Misses Louise Thompson' and Egeltine" Merritt -.- served J)uncb"iW iii the hall.7 Rook was' played at iseyen taoi were present and Mrs highest was a. peas theyj the -two The '-hostess " - served. ; ?-v ' v block cream. and cake.-' 'X .'..Respectfully,' OWI V.'. bias sQvera'l visitors -v - ..-C V7--."';v:.v v '7 esent. Mrs.. Cheatham; y' '-'V- ' ' J." Wr. Noell tieti :for the' v -;V-i'.. 'V':; ' score ani as the prize : lovely bunh of I sweet y; v Cv; ,;:-';: .N v '4 -V eyv were , divide between - V ' : TJl T T TjlTj . TV A .x A - : '' v 4 i . - , Mrs. Cheatham ( was" at , home ; ,f 7 to a mfmber 0 ladies on'-,- last g - it? " -f BUSDAI t ? tractive home on Bain ij5t.-;ThS ..--, , ; V,'.-.' V, V-'--v .7 ley passed the score cards and -T A ,ff," y rjl - - -" cu i. . .iJooottw .' thft Snrmffjv And there are reasonsior it 1; : tflbies for.therever ' interesting,, f .The -reasons Jare that the goodsv the; peo-: ; pme ofookthere wefe-aWt, ple;want are:here, . quality: is 'depend-:; lr: 'Business. 1 iegtimate ,busi' ness is aiot ' alarmed.' 'it;can take care pK itself: " But ; -it! ; is the , trust and the - "monopolies 'that are.hbwlmgabout the tariff- th'atis" Joeing ''ihadeTUJames j:'-Hill spoke. ,trijrwfienl he said In; VVanington -the- other 7 -xiay : There is.tho threatening: cloud 6n thef business .atmosphere" 7 of thelnited states." y He ris lone of America's " most; - ibng-heade business men;'and ,'he isv observ-J ing ' conditipns; . Renewing rwhat he.'had 'to'sy;.thet Washington IPot' welf says r. "To our . f inanci- ;ers, our , manuf acturersrour mer- cnanxs, xo; uusiuess meUj 01 every class and Ho i the general public th" words vof Mr; Hill 'should rbe of inf initevaluevand afford hem much satisf actiohNews "and U(Jtservet of 'wit and i- Burglar Proof avSasjH6k'an J door -.holder, the Jbest ;on the . market, endorsed by int after whi and a W-iai1 hour ' ? sales-people 10 . oeiounu are . iiere-,nu r. , immor Wanduigect'l they .deseryd much pf the credit -for our ; : ; ' ; hiah th Vefti bid ; finebusiness; - s-i-': :sX rirJ--i-::''': sq.' A cMPirf" declaring: -"'f cC-' r- . V r 'v " t X'..-. surprising ..-:;: ;;;.;v sutnmer dress goods. - Also another lot of : r , it js reaiiy surpnmg i, new .grapes m ine -mmmeiyaeDarimeni;. thinking :thfat;vthey '-wifl-j:rust t ; ; gju. ' shipment of Onyhosiery camein17 hoir pvpsiht to itinerant . eye-; T . . -r & i 4,iu - . j. - - their eyesight: to; itinerant. eye: glass' pedl know-no w. . . V patronize; r;'N. Rolens tein special.st of l;Durhamv, wilL b8 at ;- w . , nlpnRPfl tnVRPrVA vnn' 3rd., for; ?t - f wiv f j-w r . y r t . i- v i i ' taa f ivhrt ta i i - .' fima Tr con net - . ... ers,.about whom fhcy i -Ulclbt weeri, w -"y' i " uo ,i thing: Is it not:sarer to. ;r0ften, We Will SHOW YQU SOmexpmg - neW; : a-man .ol repuxaxion. :j. v - rt zs: T1 Vioxm hmo V Tt. v-J . vsJ - - , ,-i ,(.,.. 1 ui ur i.iiiir- II. vr .. I If L V 111 I 1 11. - . ' ..-!- -:: ml .' RnTtbro Tuesday Jnne the purpose ot Examining . eyes - -. . ' - n and fitting glasses. ae ...uauH t t',.c?'-.r1x-n. W vi.a Bovioo-with an iinwaver- ' , X. l, . K-'vr4'!' J ,ng guarantee.,. ;; ,U ; V - - XJ.-all and see them at Long Freezers, tripple. motion, at .JtHX ' . :, . ; - r Bradsherv&.Cos.Vx-; r-;: : - Long Bradsherv& Co's.; v :; , - .; .; ' ;- : : - ' J

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