FEED ALL FROM SAME SPOON. Ii Railroad men cannot be per :1 itte l to lix railroad rates, why nc tiro insurance menavowed 10 iix fire insurance rates? Are nun engaged, in fire insurance s0 much better than men engag 0lj in railroad business? Are they not all merely, men subject to like weaknesses arid passions? The lire insurance companies are loltvtim? from the people of this state nearly $3,500,000 a year 0I about as much as the State t e lects from taxes and . all, other sources for all purposes and there is no check on them as to what they shair collect. They have organized, their .business; into a trust and arbitrarily fix J rates, which the citizens must pay or else go uninsured. They not only collect too much, but they grossly discriminate against the people of this State in favor of the people of other states. Railroad, telegraph, telephone and express companies are sub ject to state control in the mat ter of rates, why should this business not be fed out of the same spoon? It is alright to make the railroads charge fair rates, but it will be unjust and all wrong if insurance companies are not also made to charge fair rates. Say the Merchants Jour nal and Commerce: "Of all de- testable combinations permitted by the South, the combination of the Fire Insurance , Companies heads the list. They are eritren- L-nea witn a lorceiui ioddv oi m- fluential men in each Southern State.' State -Journal. Two Killed By Auto. Mr. W. N. Arnheim and Mrs. Edna Morris of Tarboro, were killed Sunday in an automobile m reck about three miles from that town. In the car were Mi. and Mrs. Arnheim, Mr. and Mrs. Morris, and a Mr. Matthews. The car plunged into a ditch half filled with water, killing Mr. Arnheim and Mrs. Morris and injuring Mrs. Arnheim. Mr. Arn heim was driving the car. It. is supposed that he Jmt his foot on the accelerator instead of the brake lever, as the car came down a hill. We can furnish the tobacco planters. " Long Bradsher & Co. REMEMBER Long, Bradsher IS HEADQUARTERS for Screen Doors, Screen windows, Screen wire, &c. . Cream Freezers, Water Coolers. For Real Values in HARDWARE Come Long, Bradi Rural Carriers Meeting. The -Rural Letter Carriers of Person and Caswell 'Counties held .their annual meeting in Roxboro, May 30th, and, had a very good meeting.. All present seemed to enjoy the day. The old officers -were re-elected and the following delegates were el ect 3d to the State' Association w h ch meets in Wiimingjorij July dra ana 4th.' Delegates, N. H. Street T. J. Montague. Alter natives, D. E. Featherstori and R. H. Malone, and J. W; Brooks was elected delegate at ' large. Several members joined the as sociation. Last year our Coun ties were allowed only one vote in the State Association, ; this year we like only two members of having two votes in the state association; and we expect f to have these before July 3rd; We nope as many carriers and sub stitutes as can will go to- Wil mington. We hope to get more of. the substitute carriers to join the association. It will be a great help to them if they expect to remain in the service. Any carrier or substitutes who wishes to join the association can do so by sending me8i name and one dollar 'and fie cents ($1.05) to pay his rdaea for one year, which includes National State and County dues for the year. I will be glad to send receipt for same. s All Carriers will try to get Itheir -dues to me before June 15th, as I wjli lave to make my final report to the State secre- .tary byv this date; : r?i'; - - " ' ' J. Tf Montague, ; '" Sec'y and . Treas. Dr. Alexander to Speak. , Dr. H; Q; Alexander, State President of the Farmers Union,, will speak to the public at Alli ance Hall on Saturday June 7th. A 'public meeting will be held in the morning and the executive session in the afternoon. The Public Is cordially invited. C. T. Woods, Pres., ' Alliance Hall Order. Cow For Sale. I have for sale 2 milk cows, fresh to the pail. They are good ones and1 wifl be sold at a reason able price. Call or address, E. J. Robertson, Woodsdale, N." C. Refrigerators and r to us. Co. A UNIQUE TARIFF-BILL..- The ' Underwoods arif::biU which-is now , before the Senate havinT'rccet y pais?d the Hcu'e una mer d sd cy more than ; a two toone vote. will jiaye; the most uni;u3 hittory of a ay tariff bill :or i4ore than half a century, by reason, of having been passed run amended; Those who are - well nformed as to the situation in !he Senatear3. of the opinion that .the bill will pass the Senate practically' unamended. Here to pre, when a bill i3 introduced a repub.ican Congress few of the: items at least are in - the interest of. the publie, but when the cll gets before a republican House it, is amended until it is In the interest ;of the Capitalists nnd manufacturer, " and against the interest of the consumer or public. Then when the. Republi can; Senate gets through amend ing1 it, it is indeed a full fledged robber tariff divested of. every patriotic virtue. , The present Tariff Bill is largely the " work i '.,'" of 'Hon; Oscar. W. Underwood, of Ala , the eha-rman of the Ways and Means Committee and Presi dent Woodrow Wilson. Under wool is uhdoubtedly the ablest end one of the most patriotic men that has ever, shaped a tar i f bill in the History of this Country and his matchless lead erhip and statesmanship are ha v . n-j a telling effect all , over 1h3 country, as no industry has bsen disturbed by this bill which will substantially reduce ; the cost- qf- liv:nf.:It :wi 1. give. the people a "free basket" by which every American citizen who goes to the market and makes his purchases will do ,sd without paying one cent of revenue for tariff. The bill is drawn abso lutely and unqualifiedly in the interest of the whole American people, and outside of the Louisi ana Senators who are opposed to free sugar it is probabb that every Democratic Senator (and many of the progrssive republi can Senators will --.vote for it. Indeed it w5uld expose him as a target for the American peo ple as he would thereby be op posing their interests. Democratic Senators Get Warn ing From Home. According to the reports com ing into Washington, any Demo cratic Senator who opposes this bill digs his own political grave from which there will be no res urrection, the two Louisiana Senators pessibly accepted on account of the large sugar in terests of that State. The bill requires 49 Senatorial votes to pass, and there are 51 Democra tic. Senators so if two Louisiana Senators desert their party on account of "sugar" they will still have 49 and if .one more de sert s on account of free wool, the Senate would then be a tie, and Vice-President Marshall would give the deciding vote in favor of the bill. However, the progressive repuoiicans can hard ly refuse to support the bill as a decided improvement over the existing ; tariff which they have all bitterly denounced. . There is LaFollette of Wis., Cummings of Iowa Bristow of Kansas,5 Nor ris ot Nebraska ; Work of Cali fornia 1 and Poindexter , of Wash.; making ; six i radical progressives of whom at. least. 3 will have . - to vote for the .bill, : or . brand themselves as ranting 4 , political demagogues. ; : , ; ; : 'v CHERRIE3 WANTED. . ( ' ' I r want xone -bushel of cherries. ,J. .WsNoell,-atr tJourier Office. mm Off To Chapel HiD. - : v ''Oa next Wednesday thi Sum- in'erf School "for.teachers opens. itaSTnoped that 'every teacher in -Perh County. -Also all other cSintiea vf hq expect to ' teach iiti -ear-. will go . to" t hi 3 school fhe-iiay- has come when' we can up tifrd.rtd-. to miss sush oppor u'nL,i& as are - given thsre for heceiulpm3nt of teachers. As t each'ar tdi v Person County we owk bur best to our, people. The.tcfm is short xnly six weeks, yet iiongwnen .tne cost, aa van tageT and :bies3ings ire, consid 'ered::-1 ;;1 " " (Ootr v Twenty. - six;-! dollars wiilover. all ' expenses except P.allroad f fare.-; This is - for the full Wfeeks. ,It Vmean that we liyeln one of the dormitories. Eoard arii room will be all right. Eighty ot " ten. expect to go from Bethel "Hill, and we will ; live in the doVmUory;' We are anxious to haT&-just .as many others of bur C bun tj as possible to go with us. Wejican have a :fine crowd anl :Hgool time as well as a p:ofiable trip.- . ' Pleask drop mi a card say ins yUare going and lets meet on thDair ham bound train next Tuesday morning and go in a band, to Chapel Hill. It will be a grea delight to me to do all in my power to-make it pleasant ' o all whD gO; ' ' - vV Sincerely, ' ' v . " Mrs. J. A- Beam, . -V 4 Woodsdale, N. C. June Is, 1913 . . r We people of Shake Rag have had the rionar of having poor Richard and- wife pass through this . section of he country lately. Now Mr Richard is a great observer of things and says he saw many wonderous sights, yes even a wo man plowing. An awful sight I will agree, especially to such a man as he who lives in luxury and knows no want. Why ha can just look out and . see the eat Kimberly South Africa l iamoni mines at his feet. He is a successful merchant. Rais es pigeons for profit and is the sole proprietor of a great api ary, also raises standard bred hogs for sale and is a scientific farmer. . - The writer was passing that way some time ago and. noticed a most beautiful piece of corn known as the peanut variety, (couni to thave been) for if it is ever any corn at all it . wil-1 gro win the ground instead of on the stalk. Good for his hogs 1 should suppose. - Now if all we fanners had smart and intelligent wives, yes too smart for the plow handles, but rather instead work for Mr. en Duke, would not our country be a progressive one also? Hoping it will not be necessary i'or Mr. Richard to take a dose of disposition . regulator after reading this, I will close with good wishes to all. ' Pecks Bad Boy. Editor' Floyd Beam Killed. On Friday, Floyd Beam, editor of ths Lincoln. Times,' of .LincoUi t on, was shot and -killed by Lew is Lee, a job printer , of the same town; It is reported ' that the two men had a "dispute over, some fcusines3 early in the day and they, met on jthe, street later Lee ihot at Beam five times, one bulr let taking effect and ; causing death: Lee was arrested and is arrested and is being heldan ' prison ; awaitingj irisnn - awaitine? trial for,' murder. v - They Are Bull-Headedt r The, railroads , will, never, sur- render their ;"graft": of several mi 1 on do lar3 a ryeari'Over:' and above just -freight VrateV T-that they, "pull: down" in North Card- I na until they are prized .loose. People;- don't surrender; ; that amount of 'unearned increment" -that amount of purse "velvet? 'jntii-they, are forced to do;m Ualeigh News and Observer,1 Certatniy they will; not.; The railroads 'in thisfxase are ex- v - " actly.on all fours with the. bene liciaries of, the protective tariff. They both t have a good thing Vor. themand' they do not . pur pose to-surrender-it if they can help Mean: imel they i i:put up a 'poor mouth" ' and try to make ihe people believe .they will ' be rumed and tiat their ruin 'will . , tf it " , -( - of course mean the ruin of the people, if. any change is, made. The lpeVople ought to get wise to To-'-Oup- Mends "v . "... v j .';..-,,:'... -a . ? ? ' " . .. -, ' ' Ac WIS Kaye heard some comment on the facrthat we do. not ; deliver ice in. less than' 5 lb. guantities and we take this opportunity to ;cx- lLour customers will kindly give this mattera-second thought, . we- . fel sure tbey will see tfiat we cannot possibly afford to make small- deliveries We are selling ice at. the rate of 3 5 of ; one cent per . C; pound, It requites the same amount pf time, walking! and trouble to deliver one.pound as5it doeV.-ififty' ; 'ust for uexampleh suppose " that amon&tvnuf customers, there were fifteen ; who .wished vL one V pound ofacetwicevdaily.-Dn tbe averaged it takes'at least S minutes ' : io make one delivery- Y u can .see, that tb'S u-ou'd meaiv time .,- amounting to 4 5. minutes twice daitv, or 1.1-2 hours per da j ;Jn re-, ( m'ns for Oft timV, VouhT only r havevsoia; 30 "pounds-;bl; ice amounting td 18 eentf; - You-can see just the position this, puts us in. ; Yf& nw iinA KAnloii6r''irt tslf.iro in ' We.Mvti rjut the price of ourice.3tftheJowest possible. figure; the present :ronisUmption u lit juftify. Just as soon asttheconsumpUon .y,l irict eases sufficiently -to.allow,usfvto. operate our plan t. on a 'mere Jec onomical basis, we shall make this price proportionately lowerv ; L Itiis our endeavor-to jzivc ine best. or service ana in every case, give c extra izood weight. ;lf for any reason you have cause for complaint oie will consider it a favor if you will noury us promptly so tnat we 4 may adjust same to your entire satisfaction. v Respectfully, - , ' , - . k ; y oxboro light - EYERY - BUSY DAY. It has been iust that way with us all t?, t ' the Spring.. And theire are reasons for it; : ; ) t The reasons are; that the goods the peo- t- t pie want are here, the quality is depend- able, the paices are ngnt ana our. service is best. -; The most capable and- obliging-sales-people to be ; found- are here vand ' , , tHey deserve much of .the, credit . for. our :. fine business.. ; v . . ; . . -;.V; We are . daily receiving; nev? " , goods: ." This week we 'are- expecting, two," good; .. t sh nments ot the very newest novelties m ; t '. summer dress goods. new Snapes in Liie. ummiy wpartuiwu Biff shbment of last week. 25c to $1.00. ; . Come to see us . often, we will show, every xime liwe na v e tunc. , ; ; - We .are always pleased5 to .serve you. - .t ' - - v 4 rt j J. 4 . ; ftlt .o ; e - v ' that i game ; somek timeStates- ( Villi, Xandmarkl r, . - t . 4. .save The Bby&? . " I7.1t a;man had -a.fifty.dollarpup, he, would look after ,it carefully and not' let" ?t . have the run of v, ;, .the town . daj- and ; night? ' But ; : if ha-has a" child it ' is different. x , They: are turned looserat a ten-., , der.age to go .where they -v, will v -and, do what they please. Peo- : , pie- wonder where the : great - army; of trampdeadbeats; gam- . biers and disreputable women v come lrom They are germmat ed - f rom the i seed gathered;, in 1 r ftnn tlocn- Vinmesi nnrl enwTi 'broad-"-' s: casti upon :' the streets of four oi-'f . tips1 onrl c nwn9 r-fPhoPA v'ftftrft ' t - thousands of children who are C heading in thatidirectionA vfhot ; as far. as care Is concerned are ' not given equal showing-' with valuable piip. Far mviller Enter it. Ii prise. .;;vV 1,V-,tV jni nnanfit-.v at t.ho IPO 1xit.OCn Sfower Co. DM i Also another lot of 1 ' Onyx hosiery came in you something new , ; . , ,. r . . ;...."... 4 ,u A , y

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